"norzz is the freakyiest person to ever exist in the world, but she is charismatic, and jssnoottugglyyy (just not uglii), so don't question my girlies." - 119 letters - nora - 02/12/25
"You Must be proud of me, right cause if you were not, I'd quickly exile you to a vault of zany Jelly" - 76 letters - Amanda - 02/12/25
"Not only am I not a heterosexual, but I am jokingly zealous with the way you seem to have a confident demeanor even if you’re not a princess or a queen." - 119 letters - QuiznakingCat201 - 02/12/25
"a lot of watermelons zap my friends vincent, ben, gen, and xol. i said 'you always kick and hit my friends!' queen, my other friend agreed. james hit me and i said ow." - 125 letters - shaela! - 02/12/25
"did you know that I really like cats? Mine is named zeke, but with a x, isn't that quite odd? Food if a good motivator for him and his pudgy brother jj" - 115 letters - not zeke - 02/12/25
"Man, I sure am hungry today! But maybe I will eat later, said zeke. Xion, what the Frick is that junk?! I was questioning his lunch choice. Pervert's choice to me" - 123 letters - No - 02/12/25
"How are you Uncle Joe? I said first because people keep munching quietly on very extravagant Zestas." - 82 letters - Uncle Joe - 02/12/25
"hbniqwertyuiopasdfghjklascvmzx. You got that? good. I hope this helped. 🤗 " - 59 letters - Sophia - 02/12/25
"Omg bestie we should be friends forever my name is zero just kiddign can we be pasta buddies ill be quiet while i look at my x- ray!!!" - 103 letters - 3twhvnf - 02/12/25
"If you are reading this, you are very cool because your different and you should be proud of that no matter what anyone thinks or what cruel jokes people will make about how awesome you are qxz." - 156 letters - Avocado <3 - 02/12/25
"the extra backed up queen was on her way to the video game store in Florida while listening to jay-z" - 80 letters - - 02/12/25
"i went to the fridge to get a snack and um you were not there because your jellypet vomited all over the table with your quiz on it because your wax lady called" - 128 letters - maya - 02/12/25
"There once was a jackrabbit who was friends with a turtle. They played so the xylophones together and would meet up at the park! Zoom!!! Goes the jackrabbit! The turtle used its great vision very quickly to see the rabbit go!" - 178 letters - Ella! - 02/12/25
"Albert: dude can we be enemies again? Me: lol Me: yes Albert: ok Me: yayyyyyy Albert: yey Amelia: that was so random 😂 Amir: Albert when are you gonna teach me dirtbike I already gave you £1! Albert: sorry dude my mother said that I can’t go out but I promise that I will teach you it in the holidays! Naomi: who is the slayest in this table? *spins pen and it lands on Albert* Albert: I’m so slay~ *teacher says it’s time for partner talk* Me: so basically- *amir interrupts me and starts yapping* Me and Albert: *stares at him in disbelief* *LATER IN THE DAY* *me and albert are acting like friends again* Naomi: Indra write this *gives Indra answer* Albert: can someone help me on maths? Me: *stays silent cos I guessed* *at the end of the day we all get in the gold pot because of how good we are but in reality we luv talking* Me,Albert and Naomi: He- HEHEHEJAHGAHAJJA OFENORQUF HEHEHEHEH Amir: bruh- *and then we go home* All of us: BYE!!! *the next day we are back at school* Albert: Yall I’m bored *the teacher say that I got my pen lisense* Me: YAYAYAYAYAAY Naomi: finally another person with pen lisense *after lunch* Amir: Yall In the weekends I went to Canary Wharf! Me: Yall I Can’t wait for Home time! Albert: no one cares Me: bruh I know Albert: I was just joking!!! Sorry! Me: I know Albert henry smith. Naomi: oof- *me and Albert act like friends again* Me: I fell asleeep at 1 am Albert: I didn’t get any sleep at all- Naomi: I fell a sleep at 11 Amir: I was up all night playing roblox with Albert- *at home time we get our stuff* Me: I Naomi:can’t Albert:wait Amir:For Indra:the Me:Weeknds Naomi:and Albert:holidays!! All of us:bye *we go home* *the next day Albert is humming and got told off* Teacher: Hafsa, what is __x__? Me: uhhh 72? Teacher: good job go move your name up! *i smirk at Albert and move my name up* Albert:ugh..good 4 u. Naomi:hejeheh Amir: blah blah blah *yappinv* Indra: *quiet* Me:sometimes I hate Albert. Albert: I hate ya too *after lunch me and Albert r friends again* Naomi: guys! Albert:ye? Naomi: I am the most slay Me:mhm. *its hometime* All of us: bye!!! *we all go home* *da next day* *we are have parter talk* Me: it’s not a scam! Naomi: it’s not a scam! *we say at the same time* Me and Naomi: jinx Me and Naomi: Jinx! *we say it like 10 times before I lose my breath* I’m lazy to write more so this is the end lol? " - 1749 letters - Bluebanan111 - 02/12/25
"Aspen loved to zoom right to left quickly with boxes just beside them " - 57 letters - Aspen - 02/12/25
"i love zebras that gulp quests playing xilophones, they wack my dad and jason, my friend" - 71 letters - Alina - 02/12/25
"tyson loves gay men that work on x.com with zebras and penguins. They full send zoophilia like queens and jesters" - 92 letters - balls - 02/12/25
"hello i am Zachary and they bake cookies for Xavier Phillips who owns Uganda and jack owns Qatar " - 79 letters - samo - 02/12/25
"Today, is tuesday, and I will make a pangram in this one or two sentences.I'm at the zoo of bears and jackals. I am waiting for a very soft quilt to be made for me by a very experienced person." - 148 letters - CANDY LOVEr, so true, igpay atin lay - 02/12/25
"why am i zo oops i meant so buddyjk lol connerc ghvfgdsgsvyyyyyyyyyyyyycsxgwerdftgbhbdhsgchb,,,,,,klj.;hoftgdygdygdygdygdykukukukukukukukukukukulm,.jikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkdutfutswarfgnbmoihioq" - 401 letters - issy - 02/12/25
"You are amazing and beautiful you are so kind and caring and with all my heart you are like a x ray to show my password of love for you just like how quickly I fell for you" - 135 letters - Ryen - 02/12/25
"keyboard spamhukiawengiuknawdfimioucvasoeinscv aeiswumovafmnoucfdosmncnounxuvhnozxumcuxzfmvsdemhuiwtmquwfoasfgoeirgjertjgksfgsalfeoljdeowaejsefijoaewojgawdjksgijloawsdjofjkoasdjkofjkoaeswofjiuwajeufjouawjejofawjoefloaewfjloawefjlouawijlou" - 236 letters - a - 02/12/25
"random words that start with the letters of the alphabet by Xaviers friend Zack Joug Quar" - 74 letters - Luke - 02/12/25
"Whilst gazing behind a questionably painted trash can, I saw several furry, kooky cats jumping on a xylophone " - 90 letters - - 02/11/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" - 2145 letters - use this panagram its funny - 02/11/25
"The workers here are very good at zipping up stuff, completing their quota and shoving stuff in boxes for cool human beings that can jump." - 112 letters - Amir U. Bergeats - 02/11/25
"Zarion Quickly and musically bounced up and down Xavier and Jergheft" - 58 letters - Burner - 02/11/25
"the abcs quickly turn me into a jaguar due to flapping vexing wizards" - 57 letters - cat - 02/11/25
"Zarion Quickly and musically bounced up and down Xavier and Jeragheft" - 59 letters - Burner - 02/11/25
"All I want to eat is a banana diet coke fruit goat horse milk zoo pineapple very yummy jumbo extremely quite smoothie. " - 96 letters - Mort - 02/11/25
"The lazy fox jumped of the quick dog when he ran by Steven o conner" - 53 letters - Hon the mines - 02/11/25
"Did you know that xylophones are really cool things and I love them so muck there queens and divas like for real they wake me up when I’m snoozing and my bitch friend jack hates them." - 146 letters - Gyat eater - 02/11/25
"I for one, has always hated those damn niggers. All the blacks can die, and I couldn't give a jackshit. Especially those quick, xenomorph like, zzz sleeping ass niggas." - 132 letters - Uncle Roger - 02/11/25
"a long time ago i was a baby and cried all frickin night long, jim my father, would feed me poo since i loved it, i said que? come again? and my friend xavier said zamn" - 128 letters - joshua U - 02/11/25
"The fox swiftly and quickly jumps over the black and grey zebra" - 52 letters - ygduwdhui - 02/11/25
"Claire wanted to quickly get enough x-rays for my boring zoo party at junior varsity." - 69 letters - Anna Claire - 02/11/25
"there was a boy whos name was zane and he liked to play with cat wearing frilly hats with a quart of juice and vinager while solving for x." - 110 letters - Fionna Mello - 02/11/25
"yugoslavians from dc/bronx are kazans who quote joseph stalin " - 52 letters - vera od makedonia - 02/11/25
"pangrams are the funnest sentences to construct because you need to juvenile-delinquent Maxwellization in order to make them pangrams " - 114 letters - Nathan - 02/11/25
"a bitch walked for my ass hairs and a kazoo because she pooped in her quail gizzard xylophone soup just for fuvks" - 92 letters - brayden - 02/11/25
"and I think that crazy kitty is a amazing addition to the universe just because her name is Lilo and I think that warry the fox is very proud of how quick she is." - 128 letters - liv:3 - 02/11/25
"ryman's hippos,and cats with no more then filk and xzgbqjuv" - 48 letters - ME - 02/11/25
"I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser. Midnights become my afternoons. When my depression works the graveyard shift. All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room. I should not be left to my own devices. They come up with prices and vices, I end up in crisis. I wake up screaming from dreaming. One day, I'll watch as you're leaving. 'Cause you got tired of my scheming. It's me, hi. I'm the problem, it's me. At teatime, everybody agrees. I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror. It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero. Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby. And I'm a monster on the hill. Too big to hang out, slowly lurching towards your favorite city. Pierced through the heart but never killed. Did you hear my covert narcissism. I disguise as altruism like some kind of congressman?.... abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. 39A, 14B, 19C, 26D, 88E, 12F, 21G, 35H, 63I, 3J, 8K, 27L, 30M, 37N, 49O, 11P, 2Q, 47R, 48S, 57T, 23U, 15V, 13W, 4X, 24Y, 2Z." - 764 letters - taylor - 02/11/25
"I love niggrs because they are sexy and what they do I jiggle that kock on my dick with zesty ness als the penis in the ass while fucking they are queer" - 121 letters - hehe - 02/11/25
"a ball catched from a goose i jump and kick it back into a quilt held by a grammy named victoria zax who walks and kicks it back" - 101 letters - lol - 02/11/25
"i eat dogs for a living because i am very afraid of zebras just having a blast never mind why are xylophones Kamari queueing?" - 101 letters - nigersaurus rex - 02/11/25
"I love a zippy BBQ turkey sandwich and some of Max's fig jam " - 47 letters - Ali Akhmedov - 02/11/25
"don't judge a quivering waxy zambian field that shocks people" - 51 letters - Ali Akhmedov - 02/11/25
"Hi today we will be talking about why earth is important earth is important because it is the only planet far enuff away from the sun,suteibul to live one. scientists believe that it is because we just dont know where else to live. honestly I wanna talk about Quebec. or canada because why not and I wasn't the one who wrote these cards,kala is and xyz dont help me start world do- WTF. my sister is crazy for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(" - 328 letters - gwen - 02/11/25
"abcdefg hijklmnop qrs tuv wx y&z now u know ur abc!" - 39 letters - a school teacher - 02/11/25
"the nissan 350z and 370z look pretty cool in my opinion. If anyone questions me i will grab them. Cover them in jam and throw them to a pit of dogs, all of them named xavier." - 135 letters - ItsABirdItsAPlaneOHNOITSTHEGODDAMNNUTCRACKERTOY - 02/11/25
"Absolutely breathtaking how zebras explodes just like that, it's for sure not quickly either, its like a volcano turn mute and full on erupts spontaneously. " - 128 letters - Zebra - 02/11/25
"im having a very hard time, i know it will end, but id ont know if it will get better or worse... cpqjxz" - 77 letters - rosie - 02/11/25
"what the actual skibidi no, pork chops and money. fein fein fein, good job man. you look like a zebrea if it had a xylophone. do you like dairy queen or what? do you have v-bucks? " - 136 letters - ITS MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE XD - 02/11/25
"all of you people aren't bad people because you are great and have many talents that some kids just don't have make sure you remember before you want to catch some z's or get back with your ex you are a queen" - 164 letters - o5fkptvna - 02/11/25
"Hi everyone I'm bored so I'm just going to this because I have nothing to do but I love my friend Zami I used to have a friend that I was really close with her name was Kim she replaced me and I had a old teacher Ms.Quary she played in band and she played xilaphone" - 207 letters - Jailyn Estrada - 02/11/25
"why does apples red, but they not called reds, why is Quana Jackied man zoinks Scoob Fvxg." - 71 letters - Amogus bro - 02/11/25
"africa is a cool place where balls and qwerty gets ahjsdfgk zxcvbnmlkjhgfdsaqwertyuiop" - 75 letters - dixie norms - 02/11/25
"all of the people in our world live in a zoo, but my belief was that we can be free if we are seen, we can kick and jump extra high but we can also be quite." - 118 letters - Sara - 02/11/25
"Queen Elizabeth can't do anything worth a fuck just poop via my xylaphone" - 60 letters - Caleb Becker - 02/11/25
"A simple fruit bat may fly throughout the fields of assurity and safety, however- it does not ensure his endeavors will remain calm, serene, and uneventful. He sifts and weaves throughout the joyous skies. Passing through the gentle zephyr, the quiet and graceful bat darted through the xanthic dandelions, Cool air zipping by his wings as he did so." - 283 letters - Bat guy - 02/11/25
"I cant eat food without Googling what juggling medals and bananas is like, and my best friend poppy villa questions me everytime using a xylophone that looks like a zebra." - 140 letters - Eva - 02/11/25
"i was going to bke abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz" - 39 letters - - 02/11/25
"Grumpy zebras flick jolly xylophones to Venus where donkeys quarantine. " - 61 letters - SKIBIDI MOOSE - 02/11/25
"No I am not somebody that likes to have some zys at the Fortnite cat juggle show it’s some ox and splashes with some qdoba" - 97 letters - - 02/11/25
"my name is bhgjghughjhjgeuhdijelfjlej4rjfirjfikrifkjhrjfhkrjfkjkhkjkjfjbjhjgukiykiyiykijhugyffgdrferdtryhghliuilp;olkjggftydretygfytuiyujgtfhydgtset54rtfgvbn,hkuytrgfdcvghbjkiuyt5resrdfcgvhjuyt76r5ersdaewq2wesdfcvbnmkjljnm ,kliouhyjkl;kjnmjhugyftdrsertyuikjol,ml;p[;l.lpkojop-0i9uhjnkml,;[pl;,.lkm,l;p[okp-okjlp[olkpoi0uhjbnjm,knjbhvcxdfcgvhjkloijuytredtfgyhujkljnhbv nm, nm,nklmnkljhnkoiijhugyutfdxfdxzdzxdxfxcfdghgfgdfgyugtfygg" - 399 letters - (cool) Owen - 02/11/25
"a apple hjhhdfbvncvhcvvghcuvgcgvcvhcbvch bc jnbcbvcbnvchvdgvfe7tw6r4tedregwgeysdyeyscfdcsgycgdfdsgfcdsafydsfasdrtertfwetsdftdsafgysddsfuydsvcsdffgffdwyegsikmxqolz" - 158 letters - rayna isnt it beatufulL:?? - 02/11/25
"The wizard who was a virgin mixed a pile of queen bees and Dr. Jacky. " - 53 letters - Diddy - 02/11/25
" i am beautiful gorgeous cute just kiddin so for xtreme rizz wild yarn i had to wait in a queue i was bored so i played virtual games " - 105 letters - none - 02/11/25
"The agile brown bear quickly and swiftly jumped over the frog named Xiadiaz. " - 63 letters - Diddy - 02/11/25
" Welcome to Meeple! As you enter our esteemed facility. Please enjoy a word from our C.E.O Steve Cobs! The future is so yesterday When everything is run your way Your influence is everywhere Smell innovation on the air You tell me that I'm too ambitious? Well, I say I don't care! Now let's take a look at the profit margin (The future is so yesterday,) No let's not, that's corporate jargon! You all want what you understand (When everything is run your way!) So what I supply is what you'll demand! I'll never lose if you keep letting me win (Your influence is everywhere,) But with the good that I do, is that such a sin? I created all that you believe! (Too ambitious?) You gave me power you can't relieve! (I don't care!) Cobs, what does this all mean? What's your latest machine? Am I going too fast? Is all this progress too loud? Did I leave you in the past? Let's take some Q's from the crowd This may come off as a stupid question But what do you exactly aim to achieve? Well, there's no such thing as a stupid question So it's wise of me if I ask you to leave This new product, the Me technology Is that not groundbreaking, world-shaking mythology? Well, that all depends on your own ideology But if I've caused suspicion, hey! Take my apology Cobs, you're always being coy! Is there a bigger plan, is this just a decoy? No doy! I mean, you always think I've something to hide And this is no different, you've implied! So Cobs, is your whole persona intended To keep those suspicions extended? So all of your schemes become blended And your work cannot be contended? Uhm, no questions! The future is so yesterday (The future is so yesterday!) When everything is run your way (When everything is run, run, run, run, run your way!) Your influence is everywhere Smell innovation on the air You tell me that I'm too ambitious? Well I! (I!) Don't! (Don't!) Care! The future is so yesterday BEES GO BUZZ" - 1458 letters - Steve Cobs - 02/11/25
"Santira Belgick leaped over his friends Queenie, wayne, xian, mizzie and Jane. " - 63 letters - Your mom - 02/11/25
"Hi everyone my name is khaled i am from qatar where you can find xenophobic people from the jungle of new zealand" - 92 letters - - 02/11/25
"i like your mom becaus you are an ass whole dumb zoetrope gotta go fellow que the epic xlylephone jumpercable vtuber" - 96 letters - your mom - 02/11/25
"i was havieng lunch the other day when i stopped nad found a beautiful question zoom, with jokes and xilophones" - 91 letters - lili - 02/11/25
"You should never have to change for somone to like you , you have zebras and xylaphones and quralols with jams and jellys " - 98 letters - addi - 02/11/25
"a quick brown fox jumps swiflty over the guard zebra" - 43 letters - - 02/11/25
"ik ben een kanker homo ik hou van grote zwarte apen die mn ballen likken tijdens dat ze op een xylofoon spelen ik hou van citroen tijdens dat en in spaans zeg je als er iets gebeurd: Que pasa??" - 152 letters - ali - 02/11/25
"I love zebras and xylophones as well as carrots, ginger people, kind people, megans, underhills, and juicy fat quinoa" - 94 letters - I+m - 02/11/25
"I hate all types of zebras. Whatever species. I just find them too extra. They think they are so great, but in reality are quiet beasts." - 106 letters - - 02/11/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abababbababbababbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" - 140 letters - Mathingchui the hot - 02/11/25
"my fox had married a zebra who adopted a quite goat. They also had a juicy kind slave" - 67 letters - The Goat - 02/11/25
"A big meaningful thing in life definitely symbolises how extremely zeal peas,carrots,quarrys and J.K rowling verify" - 97 letters - Robyn wilson - 02/11/25
"i wanted to let you know that sometimes i fuck people because i enjoy vaginas and make qr codes of xynophobes calles zoe " - 98 letters - pookie - 02/11/25
"May I please sleep, Cinderella asked. 'No' said Bonzie. Cinderella; 'why though? Aren't you my fellow dad? Aren't you supposed to force me to sleep?' Bonzie; 'Xandra and I care, but you need to stay awake, you hit your brain and you might die if you sleep.' Cinderella; 'But queen Victoria said i am suppose to sleep..' Bonzie; 'Cin.. shes our enemy if she tells you to sleep, we should watch a movie and I should make some Jelly Pudding, you'd like?' Cinderella; 'Oh yay!'" - 352 letters - R4ePotter - 02/11/25
"i enjoy watching freckled bums quip vexed zebras" - 41 letters - John Fortnite, The Third - 02/11/25
"kjyiusaieugfduoalhgiedfuyafekdygaysdtfcitfasudfviasfviduyfjakhsyuhsakHxljhzblzxigkajhvsjdhgvskdygvf ljhsgvxclhbkANxljhvsBAHddc bhatfweghnfjvw;qifyvunquofi3twaufiuyoeye2htqwryuwertqywuioppppppppppmmmmmmmm" - 200 letters - Ima Awesome Person - 02/11/25
"tomorrow will be a chilly day, fog will block most of your view, now dont panic theres a solution its called quex, With a ton of rizz and a jägermeister you can get it too" - 134 letters - lilo - 02/11/25
"hi you are the most beautiful dad on planet Venus zebras and quail can go and Kaitlin and Jessica to worship xylophones" - 98 letters - Jess - 02/11/25
"I like watching the fox’s jumping over the lazy quaint bad dog" - 50 letters - skibidi sigma - 02/11/25
"I like to eat my neighbors and make kentucky fried chicken out of them! said Jonathan quackypuck the very lazy window xylophone" - 105 letters - ur mom - 02/11/25
"Aple B Ct Dog Frk H I Ju My N Q Sv Wx Z" - 26 letters - - 02/11/25
"the four boxing wizards, jump quickly in a vat " - 37 letters - Ratburger - 02/11/25
"the queer and majestic fox jumped over the brown dog zonic and kicked him later using a leg and saxophone yesterday. " - 95 letters - nora - 02/11/25
"I'm quick to get first prize in Javelin exercises, however, they hurt my body." - 61 letters - Dermm - 02/11/25
"i like eating badussy with jam and honey and a xylophone with aloot of zebras and vogle and qc" - 76 letters - sussy diva - 02/11/25
"a bee likes to eat very yummy honey from the green grass and the queen will play on th xylophone can zuzu the bee eat a jug" - 97 letters - badussy - 02/11/25
"what are you doing dad and can play roblox fisch i have a quiz on monday so please let me play roblox i will give you a gajillion kritoes" - 109 letters - your son - 02/11/25
"hello sometimes giving a bowl of quinoa as a present is as kindful an joyful as citrus fruits and xylophone and zebras" - 97 letters - - 02/11/25
"The quick blue fox jumped over the sleeping yellow hyena dog that was snoozing" - 65 letters - no - 02/11/25
"Batman eats cooked frogs and xylophone jelly for lunch with zebra Vanquip in Yemen." - 69 letters - GOAT - 02/11/25
"Did you know pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a word mr xaivier zebra jelly ghost said for quail?" - 98 letters - Evenmorebetterthanthelast - 02/11/25
"your mom has been in my room looking at me weirdly, she has a pacifier in her mouth, and i am playing the xylophone with a quail on a pic of a zoo best jam is blueberry , no votes needed" - 143 letters - your uncle - 02/11/25
"My wig like xylophone breaks every month cause my dog Fiz quotes 'Jelly is best!'." - 64 letters - Alittlebetterthanyou - 02/11/25
"the fox jumped over the lazy fat bcnqsgikw" - 35 letters - skibidi - 02/11/25
"today i went to school and it was the worst day of my life, there is a garden and a ball and quick people and videos and jokes and xylophones and zebras in the school." - 131 letters - yippee - 02/11/25
"hey, did you know that i was in world war two back in my day, i carried around a large bag and joked w my friends about a bomb being in it, it was actually a bomb. xavier and zane were there with me when it exploded, what a quack." - 175 letters - as - 02/11/25
"Are you Satoru Gojo because you are the strongest, or are you the strongest because your name is Satoru Gojo? Facts of not, don't get near failure by killing all humans, your vibes, people you care about. Just like Charles, to me, my X-men. It's my question that how would Erik look like holding a Xbox? Or ororo eating pizza?" - 253 letters - Ash Seoul-oh (aka Hank McCoy's wife) - 02/11/25
"Because I left doesn't mean I love you. Ghosting is not me, white or black, I'll still have peace with Xavier, jean, queers or no queers, pizza is pizza." - 116 letters - Ash Seoul-oh (aka Hank McCoy's wife) - 02/11/25
"a meaningful sentence that contains all the letter of the alphabets wow i still have d,q,j,k,x,y and z left, had" - 87 letters - 😊 - 02/11/25
"Zebras are very cool. So cool that I sometimes like to stare at them all day long just for fun and my amusement. My quest is to wash their fur and play them a xylophone. " - 132 letters - EW - 02/11/25
"never gonna give you up never gonna let you down gotta finish this pangram the zestiness in this sentence is gonna rizz you up exquisitely but you just got rick rolled" - 137 letters - Rick Astley - 02/11/25
"I only wish we had more time. Not wasted on jokes and laziness. Questions, puzzling, they leave me forlorn. Before I couldn't imagine, but now I'm trapped in a box" - 126 letters - Lillian - 02/11/25
"Nayeon Jeongyeon Momo Sana Jihyo Mina Dahyun Chaeyoung Tzuyu Twice Dance The Night Away Like Ooh Ahh Cheer Up Baby X Fórmula Of Love Question aaaa" - 121 letters - moguri :3 - 02/11/25
"nigger slave black kid fudge hug lebron james zara the store prevent quarzy wx" - 65 letters - jacquiz - 02/11/25
"Crime has love plus quaint yig bowk Fez worned Jax " - 41 letters - Mochariver23 - 02/11/25
"I went a long way just to find my long lost sister who is disabled and practices the xylophone and is very quick at doing it and runs fast in her wheelchair at zoos" - 131 letters - Archer Clark - 02/11/25
"this is a meaningful sentence. The one piece movie zed was cool kind of kizaru lazy ahh frfr or borsalino qjx" - 88 letters - ni - 02/11/25
"Style takes practice, zeal, and a sense of fashion and with just these things, you will be an excellent style queen, and Vogue will look everywhere for your magical fashion." - 139 letters - Preppy slay queen baddie - 02/11/25
"I love using abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z because the are cool" - 56 letters - Kawaiipastel - 02/11/25
"hi future person, i hope all is well in the world i am wishing you this becuase i think there might be a future place called vijixozqro in iceland so yhea bye!" - 126 letters - the skibidiest of them all - 02/11/25
"i am so happy to have a friend like andrea and sophie they give me gifts when i’m on special events like my birthday and christmas there just super nice with gifts like xoxo or anything. but they never give me q-tips bc that stupid and exotic or any zebra print clothes" - 215 letters - emma - 02/11/25
"The saxophone and trumpet are very jazzy instruments and quench the need for beautiful, clean, graceful music knitted with each other." - 111 letters - Z - 02/11/25
"fax raced slow, phoebe gamed quickly, and jazzy vastly blasted forward " - 58 letters - this one is bad :( - 02/11/25
"The fat girls that had a zit on their faces jumped over a big cocky fox with quiet feet." - 69 letters - Lillie Olson - 02/11/25
"hello there how are you doing. You know I heard the Queer is hosting a party. There will be a band playing and Zach will be playing the xylophone! James said he was gonna come but i doubt it. Make sure to bring a coat its freezing outside! Im gonna go hpme and listen to some vinny." - 220 letters - Adshdh9 w - 02/11/25
"hey i wanna tell you something y know my school hates me sososo much and then cant even hide that but i have no i guess i never will find the answer for that question, its like im a zebra in a school of horses and thats stupid i wish that place could just dissapear i wont really care but that xd" - 234 letters - school hater - 02/11/25
"a nice place once was named Burlington it had a zoo then a man named John had four kids that were named Vic xavier qwet and you" - 101 letters - bogdan - 02/11/25
"hey vsause here bat fly with zylophones or is it xylophones cow are beef down is up my mom is gay just kidding oh no come on quick" - 103 letters - TREVOR - 02/11/25
"I farted on my Nintendo switch. My mom and dad got furious and sent me to a orphanage with babies. I named one baby Jakuser. And the other, Qlovxz." - 114 letters - Fart - 02/11/25
"Your life does'nt have to be like others. Love yourself and cut all the bad habits that you might have. Just zrber penuyabr xiuhajq iusifbiebifbuiivdiuhphoh8fgwrufoidopugfrgfbwi" - 150 letters - hello - 02/11/25
"I’m going to do the abcs ok one two three abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz." - 57 letters - Brynlee - 02/11/25
"whats difference in the xylem cells inside of a zebra, a hippo, a kangaroo, a jaguar and a queer vacuole" - 82 letters - tizzyyy - 02/11/25
"Read no longer human by Osamu Dazai just to cope well. kfxvq" - 48 letters - dxyfcugvhbj - 02/11/25
"i love how extra zebras die for gosh jam pancake quiz why" - 46 letters - Idkuudkme - 02/11/25
"Boys drive faster than squeaky zealous girls that join malicious fox wips " - 62 letters - Bait - 02/10/25
"Black sparkling demon, vex hazy quests for jews" - 39 letters - Martin - 02/10/25
"The quick brown fox leaps over the fat, ugly, medusa like, lazy humans named Joseph, James, Snap, Crackle, Pop, and John." - 92 letters - ME, MYSELF, AND I - 02/10/25
"Aboard the ship mates we're going down company leave the marines fuck that jerks Xavier Quit doing zzyns" - 86 letters - Adrian - 02/10/25
"I question you, how did you know that I was ten years old on June sixteenth because I just yesterday had my zipper untied by my graduate degree in university but of course you knew." - 145 letters - Ev - 02/10/25
"Namsu is a skibidi sigma rizzler forever abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 60 letters - Namsu - 02/10/25
"I love Abbacuses! they make me want to play my xylaphone! I also love refridgerators and QWERTY keyboards! you know, the ones taht go qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm? It's ok if not." - 142 letters - - 02/10/25
"abracadabra ur an npc emma fhgijkloqqqqstvxwzyy fckkkkk uuuu" - 53 letters - e - 02/10/25
"awesome ppl like you can do anything i know its crazy but yah xd for real pookie just slay queen and be your very best" - 94 letters - e - 02/10/25
"I dislike the Kansas city cheafs and my zipper is stuck so by jk I ike viniger qwx" - 65 letters - irish - 02/10/25
"zbcxdefghiljkmnopqrstuvwya" - 26 letters - ss - 02/10/25
"in simple terms my boyfriend is the best boyfriend of the entire galaxy because he eat worms with vaselina and jelly q with a koala in the zoo" - 115 letters - regina rocha - 02/10/25
"If he doesn't buy you flowers, will he buy you a ring? If he doesn't hold your hand, will he hold you close in hard times? jkkk (not really) boys suck. and girl you are too pretty for him! so hold your head up queen!!! xoxo Veronica Foltz" - 178 letters - Veronica Foltz - 02/10/25
"i eat zebra with very large gyatts and big junk freaking mouses crocidiles pooping out quails xx" - 80 letters - payton - 02/10/25
"Xavi quickly opens my BFF’s third jigsaw puzzle" - 39 letters - me - 02/10/25
"I am lazy so the more I jump the more quickly I will become a fox and never a dog. " - 62 letters - Luis - 02/10/25
"addie became food and potatos are funny and crazy just like vivian west xavier good nitght quincey." - 82 letters - ADDIE THE BABBY - 02/10/25
"Hello how are you doing? I am Naomi and I love to read, I love the color pink and I am a ballerina (AKA dancer) It is fun and I am a jokesster who loves to write x's over queenz" - 133 letters - Naomi - 02/10/25
"All the people in the world like to eat burgers, quiche, frosting, vinegar, mushrooms, yolk, jelly, xylophones and zebras " - 96 letters - bob john - 02/10/25
"find beauty in forgiveness and find love in it as well, for people should aspire to grow fix each other, and although it may not be quick, it is destined to grow into something joyous and it can set your love ablaze." - 171 letters - Max A - 02/10/25
"All I know is that Forrest Gump and Jack Bailey are both quiet, very excellent, and would be good choice of characters in a zombie movie." - 109 letters - The Willow- FUcking shitty takes - 02/10/25
"istg everyone using this zig xam kale cobra doofus willy jolly picky querty webssite is a child" - 79 letters - Willy Jolly - 02/10/25
"I enjoy zebras with xylophones, fungi, DQ, and kale cars, vroom vroom" - 54 letters - Vroom Vroom - 02/10/25
"jammy dodgers are so zesty and xenophobic like bro, I have seen the W rizz and my days, also Final Destination is peak i had to stand in an hour long queue just to watch it though." - 141 letters - Joseph Joestar - 02/10/25
"she was a good person even when she was jinxed she often questioned life as a method of coping. because of this, she had extra rizz. she kept thinking with her thinky thing." - 137 letters - urmom - 02/10/25
"I am so grateful for you buying me a xylophone.Its so beautiful and jolly like me.Next time you come over ill offer you some water strawberry flavored and takis while we watch the movie Zorro you will better get here quickly" - 182 letters - Marian - 02/10/25
"Zachary Taylor, Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and Martin Van Buren, James K. Polk, Millard Fillmore, and Ulysses S. Grant were all politicians, and their names could be used to fill in the blank for the statemen: x was a politician." - 186 letters - B - 02/10/25
"grateful mice are very bored while working just brushing zebras, those poor questioning zebras with their x-ray stripes" - 100 letters - genevieve - 02/10/25
"A man is going to eat some cake by himself. And Joann puts raw vinegar on quail. Xavier likes to go to the zoo." - 85 letters - bubbyfoot61 - 02/10/25
"nothing exists without feelling dead and jacking violins, break the pressure and quickly make it without laziness" - 96 letters - lumi bajgora - 02/10/25
"Hello I am in love with your beautiful dad name Calgary piq shijkix zam" - 58 letters - Isla - 02/10/25
"i just shi myself and didnt wipe rahhhh v0te f0r the bigest p00 in hist0ry k thats ity bye cq z OO xxxxxxxxxxx " - 88 letters - uytffgs - 02/10/25
"Kaliyan Barendregt Is The best xylophone zebra that jumped off the queen's Chevrolet woo!" - 74 letters - - 02/10/25
"zebra digs for the cup not a juggling monkey with queen vixen " - 50 letters - queen vixen - 02/10/25
"I went to the store to get pears and avacado but then i went to get a x'ray for my leg cause kicked a ballwrong and injured it and took a quiz" - 110 letters - - 02/10/25
"sayuri lewis is the coolest person in the entire zen, golden, jaunty, kinky, xenophobic, venus, fomo, quran." - 84 letters - idk man - 02/10/25
"While you seem very quick to judge my extreme behavior, I find my crazy drumming to be peaceful!" - 77 letters - yaya - 02/10/25
"I went to the store today to get pears and avacado, but then I went to get a x-ray for my leg cause I kicked a ball wrong and injured it.-QZ " - 106 letters - EG - 02/10/25
"Do not trust the Jumping Fox! Trust the Cool Yeti instead! Remember to always say KVQZ!" - 69 letters - The Cool Yeti Cult - 02/10/25
"Don't trust the Zombie Valley! Trust the Jumping Fox Instead! Remember to say CQWK!" - 66 letters - The Glorious Federation of the Jumping Fox - 02/10/25
"Never trust the Wave Jet! Instead trust the Zombie Valley! Please do not forget to say CQKX!" - 73 letters - The Ultimate Zombie Valley - 02/10/25
"Don't trust the Milk Quokka! Trust the Wave Jet Instead! Never forget to say BCPXZ!" - 65 letters - The Wave Jet - 02/10/25
"Do not trust the Xylophone Zebra! Trust the Milk Quokka Instead! Don't forget to say WVJC!" - 71 letters - Milk Quokka - 02/10/25
"eastern community east west south west, and never again for as long as possible. Just kidding you quiet xenomorphic, zombie." - 101 letters - Bill Cosby - 02/10/25
"Never trust the Magic Octopus! Trust the Xylophone Zebra instead! Remember to say FJKQW!" - 72 letters - Xylophone Zebra Cult - 02/10/25
"Worship the ultimate, magnificent, glorious magic octopus! Or else he will be very upset. Remember to always say DQJKXZ! " - 97 letters - Magic Octopus Propaganda - 02/10/25
"olivia is the best better then efford so can u meet zuri, payton, jayla, kayla, and lil wayne at the gigantic park with a xray in ur hands quickly?" - 114 letters - oblivia - 02/10/25
"Zilch. Zip. None. The opposing team's scoreboard read a staggeringly low number of Zero. Exclaims from the crowd. Coaches questioning their skill. Just to come back in the next quarter from one very well timed tackle." - 174 letters - woadie - 02/10/25
"As I slowly walk through the high grass stroking my legs,a light breeze cooling my face,I watch the setting sun,sky and earth becoming one moments before the sky darkens, and stars begin to shine and sparkle through the clear summer night,like speckles of bright light someone finely sprinkled in the sky with a brush, I realize just how beautiful the night sky is.Maybe,just maybe,one day i'll join these speckles of light and make others feel just how I am feeling at this moment.(qvx)" - 392 letters - Liz :D - 02/10/25
"this is stupid as fuck beqrongvwxyzmlj " - 33 letters - AAAAAAAAAAAAAA - 02/10/25
"I love you so much you couldn't not believe how many times I've seen a raccon and said fuck, you piqui giqui johny ezy eaterx" - 98 letters - - 02/10/25
"THE LAZY BROWN GUS VIX CDFJKMPQ" - 26 letters - BOB - 02/10/25
"the hell wrong with you peanut butter nigga ass man cock dick fuck jewish queue versus xxx zero" - 78 letters - Flame - 02/10/25
"I love when my dog plays fetch on queen street, jkxz is his name and he's a good boy" - 64 letters - Iluvcats - 02/10/25
"fun little rabbit prancing through the dark green grass with high volume fun xylophones zero pain joking in qwerty" - 96 letters - BENJAMIN - 02/10/25
"Zip your mouth! said Quentin's cousin. boo, lied he. Go off, joker, nary the twain shall meet for fear of xenia and voracious strangers." - 105 letters - zoomzoom - 02/10/25
"Where does the gamma ray zap xylophones in cafés of ventriloquists? Bike Jump!" - 64 letters - Uncreative - 02/10/25
"The lax quest for creativity points towards the sky, as more people gaze in a jolly buzz." - 71 letters - GVD - 02/10/25
"The dog was playing ball outside the house next to a church van with the zebra that has been missing for quite a while. The president at the time JFK thought it was funny " - 136 letters - Kaydee - 02/10/25
"i am so dumb and i have absolutely no clue why i am on this stupid website and i need to krunch the queen with a football glove and jack will help me because my cousin likes zebras and plays the xylophone" - 163 letters - hi - 02/10/25
"this thursday a quick orange fox jumped over a lazy brown dog" - 50 letters - - 02/10/25
"Zebras, birds and tigers- all are fast, birds can be small, but which one is a queen, which is a jester, and why do pigs like violins and xylophones?" - 114 letters - Birb - 02/10/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy doggies" - 40 letters - Nobody6089_1 On duolingo - 02/10/25
"nilly siggas bouncing on my cock. Dem lazy chiggas making my viagra john..fpqttwwx" - 67 letters - - 02/10/25
"From Texas, i drove a lightning car to travel 100km/s but accidentaly landed in England, Blackpool so i decided to come up with every plan like riding a jaguar, a zebra, and a query." - 143 letters - AshtonW - 02/10/25
"i hate gays, trans, bisexuals, femboys, i hate the entire lgbtq+ come on, go suck your friend's dick if you hate this sentence, or, you dont have one even if youre a boy, like what are you thinking, why, just being a man and dressing up as a girl isnt a NORMAL THING. 'oh but it is Amazing try it!' NO." - 225 letters - not saying it. - 02/10/25
"is a word game where you have to invent a sentences that contain each of the letters ofthe alphabet at least once all the art and challenge of creating is pangram is come up with sentences that are meaningful and sometimes poetic and contains a few letters in more than one. a very famous pangram first published in 1885 is a a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" - 297 letters - sebastian - 02/10/25
"The maze led to ajab of Xenon was very infuriating as i felt that i was quickly dead beyond help " - 77 letters - reeni - 02/10/25
"Cringe alpha blud tried to jinx my fanum tax. Zesty Kai Cenat w queen vugayna." - 62 letters - :( - 02/10/25
"Bought avocados on my exquisite frowzy flapjacks" - 42 letters - :) - 02/10/25
"Sheza is an astrologist with a cab driver named Fred and he is jolly to play the xylophone with the quacking duck " - 92 letters - Sheza - 02/10/25
"Moody zebras love to buy quarts to cook in their grass wax flapjacks " - 56 letters - :) - 02/10/25
"the zebra & frog with marcus do visitor kick jonas you love to quit paintbox" - 61 letters - Sam - 02/10/25
"The cat was gay and liked zebras, and one day the cat fucked a jumping queen, the queen screamed! ' you violent foot doctor expert!'" - 102 letters - Rae.b - 02/10/25
"Did you know? Koalas carry chlymadia! Conan gray my pookie wookie zookie I love you so much xoxo queen boss bitch fs jjjj" - 97 letters - gabs - 02/10/25
"Baby gronk rizzed the sigmas and mewed his way into the MASSIVE low taper fade meme to watch sigmas and the amazing digital circus with LBGTQ Jax" - 119 letters - Sigma Rizzler - 02/10/25
"2x+3x=5y, that's what they say when the dudes try and solve an equation. But in the contrary, the mathematicians can forge a perilous Zlatan Ibrahimović with Kanji. " - 130 letters - Anonymous - 02/10/25
"The box was quickly opened vertically by the giddy jelly bean who finds mazes. " - 64 letters - Aalia - 02/10/25
"The Duck at the french zoo goes quack under the xenon lightbulb covered with mushrooms, jelly, and poo. " - 83 letters - Anonymous129 - 02/10/25
"ok so a zygote is the production of a male and female sex cell and you were quite the junior zygote before you were invented" - 100 letters - older zygote - 02/10/25
"A meaning full message okay got it you don't not have to worry about me ok. First I love to okay on my xbox. I also love zebra. My favorite vegetable id a carrot. I like parrots. I'm from Jamaica and I use q-tips" - 161 letters - A person - 02/10/25
"I love the face that scaramouche makes when he zealously exudes the ramblings of a queer joker in the presence of a muggle" - 100 letters - Evelyn - 02/10/25
"There will come of a day that every life finally comes to an overdue end and with it a new dawn will be born where great things will be made by mankind just like the xylophone humans will ask questions and will create zillions of things." - 191 letters - - 02/10/25
"You are the best you can be don't let anyone tell you otherwise because you are an amazing person with an amazing future and job ahead of you. X-ray powers show me that no matter what you face you can break the wall and continue your version of the game of life. Your quest will always be successful!" - 238 letters - Coolkid - 02/10/25
"todo el mundoooo nene malo lo bailan las rochas y tambien las chetas ready steady go rakatakataka boom jajaja suean que suena suena mi bajo zz se escucha un saxo esto es una fiesta cuando yo paso se vuelven locas punchi punchi chichi pun W" - 195 letters - a - 02/10/25
"I really love jaemin and renjun, they are like GOD, i wanna see them fucking so hard, just because. ALSO, park jisung and zhong chenle. OH and btw I LOVE XMAS, AND IF YOU LIKE HAECHAN, NO GIRL I WAS IN THE QUEUE FIRST" - 166 letters - mena lvs renmin - 02/10/25
"Already the four killer whales questioned existence, but John Magpip very much zipped away from they question" - 92 letters - Geoffrey Clark - 02/10/25
"i love potatoes for reals and bikes course why not just mount grout quit xep and zip" - 68 letters - bbc news - 02/10/25
"Happiness is something everyone needs in order to have good mental health.once when feel happy we want it want it more and more during the day at night, while we are catching zzzs even while playing the xylophone or a bagpipe we deserve to feel like kings and queens not jesters " - 226 letters - Maya - 02/10/25
"god is dead and penis can die fhbjlkmqr thank you very much, the brazillian wax show was over" - 75 letters - ntr - 02/10/25
"You make me want to kill myself lol you suck dick dumb whore pussy gangrene quintessential jerk off Viagra needing dumb bitch xoxo you look like a mentally retarded zebra" - 141 letters - Plsno - 02/10/25
"God Loves you so much. you can't even imagine it! Behold of his grace and power! He saved Jack, and zain. He can also save You! He made all things, including xylophones and quarters!!!!!!" - 140 letters - Jasmine - 02/10/25
"Even When times are tough, never quit, never stay quiet, lift your chin, because our enemies expect our downfall, not for us to keep fighting onwards. Just joking you zesty Lemon" - 142 letters - Mainhondvaniskag - 02/10/25
"hello i am soooooo really increadibliy amazingly probolicly magnificently jobqutviwoxly boredked" - 86 letters - potato - 02/10/25
"I love all the boring stuff you do like mzxxwljpqc that is really nice of you." - 62 letters - Miriam Hansen - 02/10/25
"Hi, Adel, can you please reach out to Gary, folly, Bonnie, so Vanessa makes the zany jumping 'Quacking, Wadding, Xelo.'" - 90 letters - baba - 02/10/25
"I really need to pee, but I’m also high and I cannot move. Please help me find my zebra. Just kidding, I wouldn’t need a zebra, when I have my Xanax hehe I need to piss again, but this time I have a question for you." - 162 letters - koi :3 - 02/10/25
"I love to be gay so much I hate faggots though they're so annoyed SO EXTREMELY ANNOYING like shut your mouth bitch I hate you now I'm going to sing about Hatsune Miku POPIPOPIPIPOOOIOP do you think a zebra themed Hatsune Miku would look cool? Just imagine... Question, are you gay? Just to clarify I am not actually homophobic." - 260 letters - Ryan - 02/09/25
"Foxes aren’t very sly when it comes to hunting the dumb ,quiet,peaceful and kind jumping zebras " - 77 letters - Zooo - 02/09/25
"Texas is a state in the United States, it has access to the world wide web so it has Zillow, fort worth is a city there in an area called Dallas fort worth, there's no kangaroos or velociraptors or queens there but there is at least one mom and probably a jollybees." - 210 letters - RaWr_xD - 02/09/25
"A quiet quick fox fluttered through the gigantic jungle, he was chasing a massive black vulture. He zips through the trees, yowling as the bird gets away." - 124 letters - Beep. - 02/09/25
"I am a wolf. Running through the forest, bounding over the bushes, quite the sight, I am. A cool breeze wafts through the trees and over the yawning pack. Jalopies, they are. Everyone knows I'm the best of the best. Exuberance is key to high wolf supremacy." - 200 letters - plut0 - 02/09/25
"A reason to relax is to leave your brain some time to think and wonder because sometimes that's all you got (for questions just point zero)" - 111 letters - Denisa - 02/09/25
"after the world ends, queens and kings of azure jackets and pricey emeralds, failed victories and a thick, black box " - 94 letters - Aashitha Kanchan Tamballapalli - 02/09/25
"Abby cried for how long? Just kidding, her quilt map got a visa to Zimbabwe. Xavier actually cried." - 78 letters - G.R. Fitzgerald - 02/09/25
"Zimbabwe is a beautiful city, there are numerous people, it is quite a site, kids love, jumping around, and playing the xylophone" - 103 letters - Bumble bee - 02/09/25
"a bee cat died with milk she he said I will except my fate no queen jk ... valentinaa Grama and he sleep zzz" - 82 letters - annabelle - 02/09/25
"my ex is a bitch and a کتے کی گندگی and in his language a cứt chó also pqrfjkvwz bc I didn't use all the letters." - 75 letters - Indian - 02/09/25
"I have a secret about a quota a quota is kinda like a xylophone which helps fight monkeys and zach it also helps find the jungle" - 103 letters - Mylah Ayers - 02/09/25
"Look, you are a small, lazy worm without the experience for a job questioning diapered vowels." - 76 letters - Johnathan - 02/09/25
"Shama benamar caused lots of trouble but didn't cause it to her MOM Wendy good she was joking around she had a poodle his name was qumvxz pronounced cum-vex oh how she changed but still will kill you!" - 160 letters - No. - 02/09/25
"The quicks browning fox jumps over the dogs of the lazy" - 45 letters - i had such a fucking cool name i just forgot it - 02/09/25
"what if i typed this on here and you typed this on here and we were basically kissing. my quest for typing love has proven fruitless. naught. zip. nada. i just want someone to kiss on pangram.me like uh xoxo type shii" - 170 letters - your valentine heheh - 02/09/25
"The fox stared at the quiet lake, just to watch the soft glimmer of the days she spent in the mazes by the sea ever so slowly fade away." - 106 letters - idili - 02/09/25
"i believe that alot of people will skip past this but i dont care because i think that foxes are great animals and the letters qjy and z are strange." - 119 letters - pokemonpro4 on tt - 02/09/25
"i went to the doctors office to see if i had a bad case of the zebra pox. quite a while ago joe kept the disease for months as well as vicky" - 108 letters - bro - 02/09/25
"Shadow the hedgehog is a bitch he pissed on my wife so now I'm going to aim hire I'm PISSING ON THE MOON!- WHO SENT MY NUDRS ON TWITTER . COM -- Shadow it's me the DEVIL I'm here to convince you to do sin and steal candy from babies!! -- I'm gonna fucking murder that hot topic wannabe and the blue gumball son of a bitch. Just kidding quite exactly zero people are alive now bc i pissed on the moon bc I'm DR. EGGMAN AND SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG IS A BITCH" - 343 letters - Corbin ;p - 02/09/25
"Oh, My bad, I didn't know you were going to come here with Francis, Poland, Jamaica, Vicky, Qatar, an X-ray, and a Zebra!" - 88 letters - Walker - 02/09/25
"The alfe a bet goes like this Abcd efg rij Kl mnop Qrs fuv wXy and Z" - 52 letters - Ave90s - 02/09/25
"Don’t ever give up you are important and a boss bitch live fabulous just kidding why don’t you die you quacking xenophobic zibra" - 104 letters - - 02/09/25
"You are worth it. No matter who says what you can play a xylophone. Life is good. Juggling is good, not bad. Quarters are rich. Know that. Very truthful. and get a Zebra" - 129 letters - Brae - 02/09/25
"A lazy fox jumped over the crazy dog bum it knows questions" - 48 letters - Kitty222881 - 02/09/25
"You are a amazing person! Give Everybody a smile! Your smile is so white, and cute! your X-Ray of your teeth was so nice. Jack thinks so too! Even the Quail said so too!" - 128 letters - Jasmine - 02/09/25
"God let me see him as now not later at telling his parents what he is going for is the same way as the other people in on his work that are going on the team to help us get a parent that is in on our mission abcd, vector what are you doing.just xilahopneing your question Zhang." - 218 letters - Riley - 02/09/25
"Ignore the negativity in life only listen to positivity if you name is Zaid then happy birthday my name is Iqlas oh and Carlos how's Jacob,Karl and Xavier. " - 125 letters - - 02/09/25
"But, I love walking through my zen forest quietly where foxes, cats, and panthers jump!" - 69 letters - Mashed Potato - 02/09/25
"“ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ” sang the tired Kindergarten teacher." - 57 letters - A. Genius - 02/09/25
"I was jorking it when i remembered i dont have an arm so this posed a question who was jorking it for me i got pzazz lololol xylphone cunt and fuck" - 117 letters - BoobsAndCheeks - 02/09/25
"Brenna decided to go to the market with some fellow zilches. But on the way, pigs and velociraptors and other jurassic creatures were sown on a quilt by the queen, little x's and everything!" - 152 letters - Brenna - 02/09/25
"Apples don't fall on zebras! Cute Goats u got there, huh? Interesting... I see the mountains questioned the jumping kangaroos on the velvet waters of xylophone!" - 127 letters - Anonymous - 02/09/25
"the fox was sleeping on a bed and the was a cat who saw a zebra the zebras name was yuk vee and the cats name was queee and finally the foxs name was jun" - 119 letters - ??? - 02/09/25
"I will forever be lost in your gorgeous dark chocolate eyes, my spider queen of jokerz xx." - 72 letters - Unknown - 02/09/25
"My name is anais and I do volleyball, come to hang with friends, eat quality eggs. Just joking. Pat ur back now with the zebra and xoxo" - 105 letters - Anaïssss - 02/09/25
"Hello I don't know how I got here but I'm glad I am.Here is something I would like to tell the world, you are beautiful and caring. Do you prefer jam or the queen? I can't play the violin or xylophone. zebra." - 158 letters - S.connolly - 02/09/25
"a little zoo keeper plays the xylophone white eating monopoly juice and quail eggs that have a busy fragrance of pineapple." - 102 letters - SIGMA SIGMA BOI - 02/09/25
"I have just found a way to package a built sphinx and send it to my friend Quadle Zack " - 68 letters - Your name - 02/09/25
"Anything is cute, because why are zebras like jaggers and they are fricking gorgeous and they pee like mice and xylophones are voting for trump and that equals zero?" - 135 letters - Lotta the fricking gorgeous potato diva - 02/09/25
"A coconut once ate a patient so a doctor could officially monitor his biometrics of the good old lad named wane. Poor keene. His quantus airlines got viciously attacked at jays Lake. Now he had no xylophone to zap" - 172 letters - Italina. - 02/09/25
"alan bentutilu called garry menlo a pice of shit like wat the quorp vum zombx j -the end" - 70 letters - greg - 02/09/25
"The odds of dating a queen are low but never zero, you just have to exterminate the king if she's married, per chance " - 92 letters - Adelina - 02/09/25
"My mum keeps putting 'xxx' at the end of my messages, because she loves me so much. I need to ask her a question why doez she add the 'xxx' and why she jumps so much." - 124 letters - not a great pangram maker - 02/09/25
"hi i am aarshi and i hate that i have to give my board exams and i have my english paper tommorow so wish me luck ig, honestly f that i will just do quizziz " - 121 letters - ehbdjksxzl; - 02/09/25
"Hi my name is Lewis and i love playing the xylofon with my best friend Zuji who is quite kind and caring" - 83 letters - Luize Bride - 02/09/25
"Acceleration is velocity by time power is p charge is q xanthophyll is carotene duck is fresh and juicy zoo" - 88 letters - Amit - 02/09/25
"Xavier and Jake had zebra broth for supper with a side of corn, ginger and quail eggs to soothe their dry mouth." - 89 letters - Ayesha - 02/09/25
"Hola soy jazmin y me gustan mucho los xilifonos y las vacas y patos y las ratas y twisted wonderland bueno también me gusta el k-pop ¿qué te gusta a ti? " - 119 letters - Jazchuuu - 02/09/25
"fox jumping over back under xylophone queue street with zaza" - 51 letters - Tsaqif - 02/09/25
"Hell yeah I love reading Yuri so much because why? It's because some boy named Xavier got rejected from Kara to some girl named Zara or Pelicans or Quarra" - 124 letters - Weefart - 02/09/25
"Ur mom is so hot and believe me for jack was a Portuguese queer xylophone player who went to the zoo" - 80 letters - Air - 02/09/25
"Life is so short so just make sure u don't seize it and go on and be happy and continue to live it quietly enjoying weird times xoxo- me" - 106 letters - Me - 02/09/25
"I love my bestfriend. He means the world to me! Even when I'm upset he still cares for me and gives me space to just kick back and relax. I still question if he is even real? What if he's a zebra or something " - 159 letters - Hope - 02/09/25
"A lot of people have there heart broken but that's okay soon its Valentine's day it doesn't matter if u have a Valentine's or not I hope u have fun queen have a good day or night Wxcjz" - 143 letters - - 02/09/25
"I love scout so much she is the best person in the universe she is like a jaguar or a zebra or a xylophone or a fox watermelon ducks or quails" - 112 letters - Scout - 02/09/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over the super great lazy zesty dog." - 51 letters - UNKNOWN2.5 - 02/09/25
"hi lets look at that coward zebra who is name is xaxiar funny gop john and he is a queen of victoira" - 79 letters - dsgdhfg - 02/09/25
"you are a very beautiful or handsome person who is as just great as a king or queen and i could never live without you sound as beautiful as a xylophone and your very zesty" - 138 letters - Destiny - 02/09/25
"Zoe quickly vexed the brave dogs with jumps and fierce tricks" - 51 letters - Klaybi - 02/09/25
"A elephant close to a elevator falled from a place called Böijywârzuk, a place from Xioqkgy" - 75 letters - Oanhs - 02/09/25
"In the middle of the chilling night in the deep heat in Africa a beautiful Zebra queen started doing a jig killing all of the vile bugs which tried to face her across the world was a small girl playing the xylophone both not knowing what was happening at the other side of the world." - 228 letters - ZIPZAPZOP - 02/09/25
"Mr. Somfittygranger dangerously, wittingly, hexed the zebra because he parked in the wrong queue. JK. - Dr.V " - 85 letters - - 02/09/25
"''a car climbed a zebra on a school bus.''said molly. ''kat told me that the zebra was on a Zipline?''said quandilla confused.''then shes not very smart.''replyed molly.''Plus, go get those pictures of the jolly xylophone." - 166 letters - my name is no,my sign is no, my number is no you need to let it go - 02/09/25
"I love moles. They are the most amazing wonderful creatures in the would they would kill you in a heart beat if you question their authority though, just leave the be and they will let you live in peace x" - 163 letters - Molesus - 02/09/25
"I love to smell petunias when I walk past the bagel shop on Zerenia Avenue. Just like Daarcy, Xavier, Quincy, and Frank." - 94 letters - u know it's yo girl - 02/09/25
"Everyday i struggle to find love, it seems so hard to find someone to be as beautiful hearted as my ex, he can be just as rude but is perfect and kind while being quite zesty " - 137 letters - bob jeffery x - 02/09/25
"The brown dog eats zoomy kids as a joke while non cool questions get very freaking prettily xylophoned." - 85 letters - Bobo - 02/09/25
"A zucchini a day keeps the doctor from gobbling waxy joe with music and the volume is very quiet. " - 78 letters - Michi - 02/09/25
"Evryone has eyes just not good eyes they see the bad in people and not the good. Men and woman calls each other mean stuff.Your not a zebra beacuse you have scars. You dont joke about mental health!Just beacuse you can play the xylophone doesnt mean u are a nerd. YOU ARE A QUEEN JUST THE WAY U ARE DIVA!" - 239 letters - Molly - 02/09/25
"Be welcome to Jaques' pound hog, and its afflux of sick and zoned out volleyballers." - 67 letters - Luzeta - 02/09/25
"Same bad caffeine games hurt jokes slapping queens waxing this very zoo" - 60 letters - Zinn - 02/09/25
"A wanker shifted over our rythmic fizz, boggling phoenixes, jews and queues." - 62 letters - Luzeta - 02/09/25
"i have a love that is in my heart for a person whose initials are qxz, just kidding, because i don't " - 77 letters - Gibbs - 02/09/25
"so yk jason right? yeah so he cheated on me... im so sry but i found out he was going to date veronixza lol so at this point hes just a cheater ok bye queennnnnn" - 123 letters - lennie - 02/09/25
"Marco blows broccoli into his dinner plate, as he gets a text from June, the koo koo zoo manager. He types on his qwerty while he goes too the koo koo zoo and ventures to find June" - 141 letters - Thorne - 02/09/25
"Yesterday I had the craziest day in my whole life, but a guy kept getting vexed with me but I was joyful beacause I had a quick plan to escape." - 112 letters - Haseeb - 02/09/25
"Yesterday I saw a bunch of zebras and xylophones and thought about how lucky I am to be alive. We are all elements of the joker and the queen, good and bad inside of us. " - 132 letters - Izzy - 02/09/25
"we watch the red fox very quickly jumps through the zen garden bed" - 54 letters - xvi - 02/09/25
"My favorite brother used a cloth knitted by my grandma that knitted quickly named Jacob while playing a xylophone petting a zebra" - 108 letters - Greylyn Hargrove - 02/09/25
"A Lion is in a zoo and sees a bear next to it , he says hello and the bear says wanna hear a joke? The Lion says well sure! And the bears says what did the muffin say to the cupcake , then a quail interrupted and said you ain’t seen muffin yet! They all giggled and eventually were all friends" - 226 letters - Hello - 02/09/25
"once upon a time there was a big quetzal named kylie, he lived in the jungle with his friend xavier." - 79 letters - millie - 02/09/25
"I saw a black fox jump over an orange zebra queen in Dallas, Texas on Thursday." - 62 letters - MiA - 02/09/25
"zebra kids plot? why? x - 4 = 2c + (3u = g x f + j + v + m + n + q)" - 30 letters - STANLEY PINES NUMBER.1 DEFENDER/STAN - 02/09/25
"A Bear Hikes in the woods with an extra large xylophone with a zebra just by himself even though he's not. hopefully he will not get caught by those Quick hunters." - 130 letters - Penel - 02/08/25
"I am Isen I think cats are cute and zebras are stripy. Elephants are massive. Did you say massive oh what else is massive lowww taper fade great. Jeffrey is a duck of quizzically powerful knowledge. X ray time" - 167 letters - Isen - 02/08/25
"to believe is to dream. I believe in lunch, good food, water, cantaloupe, xylophones, jerks, quails, and zen" - 83 letters - E - 02/08/25
"If youre reading this stream retz on spotify and any other music platforms thx very much, he makes quality music, just listen, become a fan, win win " - 118 letters - foze - 02/08/25
"I hope you are able to experience moments of great happiness whether while kidding or joking around or having a very quiet zen moment. " - 110 letters - C - 02/08/25
"Oh? just burn her somewhere lol. Acdfgikpqvxyz" - 38 letters - cannot sell that - 02/08/25
"altho she does not tell u all. she luv my cock very much. woman love penis bc fck u lmao faggot queer, i jus want 2 say xz luv jk lmao stupid waste of meats pls kill her like dog or sth teach her obedient then i pay u n u can send her 2 me here tq " - 187 letters - normal ppl doing d right way rspond can pls sell her for free anot - 02/08/25
"About Craig, he didn't frolic with Maria. Jarring, zebra-loving, penguin-kicking queen yelled at Xavier. Sad." - 86 letters - Wicca - 02/08/25
"Every day the forest Is destroyed from lazy people who question the law without explanation. Bad people can’t go to heaven. Jkjk" - 104 letters - REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - 02/08/25
"Only the most sigma people are allowed past this point, if you aren’t a rizzler than talk to skibidi toilet outside in the grocery cart. P.S you have to be quicker than Jake the xenophobic " - 150 letters - The ultimate rizzler - 02/08/25
"Zebras have stripes, those zig zags and lines create a mural of beauty, one greater than quail, than jewels, than kangaroos, than x ray fish." - 111 letters - I can’t lol - 02/08/25
"'Jump quickly,' said the dark brown fox, 'Or else I will eat you, lazy dog, and jump over the river.'" - 73 letters - Duckie - 02/08/25
"Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now I know my a.b.csss, next time, won’t you sing with me?" - 67 letters - No one 😶 - 02/08/25
"poeple really like to eat foxes because they run and jump fast and breathe quickly, although many lives are affected by lazy wastage of the innards" - 121 letters - Little Jimmy - 02/08/25
"Hello muslim bruda i have a ferrrari f40 sike i love legos my sisters are very anoyying And i love qatar and pizza and cats and xavi with jujutsu kaisen" - 123 letters - Chill guy - 02/08/25
"i would like to return to my living quarters this instant. fbcpjxlz." - 55 letters - - 02/08/25
"I freaking love the quizzes that don’t include whambabee xy jumpscares" - 59 letters - Meowster - 02/08/25
"jj is the best person you will ever meet btw jj is rudy pankow this from zoie richey have quit a good day xoxo zoie" - 91 letters - zoie - 02/08/25
"i think the food is very good but quite salty and it needs some pepper and the meal with juice will be exelently delisios and zesty" - 106 letters - dizza - 02/08/25
"apple, banana, caterpillar, zebra, xylophone, random words, how are you just bored funny, good question, vertebrae, and kilogram." - 102 letters - :) - 02/08/25
"ten quails win six yaks, zanily and joyfully putting them in a variety of Bogotan Corduroys" - 75 letters - Jemanthapus - 02/08/25
"Jack and Zoe questioned their mummy 'are we at the very great fantastic big X-ray pool yet?'" - 72 letters - LIV THE PIG - 02/08/25
"May you very quickly and joyfully destroy the lazy, toxic poop with garbage!" - 62 letters - Poopsmacker - 02/08/25
"Hello, how are you just know that you are good enough and don’t let anyone tell you that you are not yesterday was Friday and your birthday so you know you belong in a zoo the a monkey o got you a cat and a quilt also a pink violin oh and we can’t forget the fox!" - 203 letters - G. - 02/08/25
"TV show can explain to butterfly the garden of koala mom just like Quentin zoo" - 64 letters - Katie - 02/08/25
"The exited and quick cat jumped over the lazy dog as an owl looked far below them." - 65 letters - Nadine - 02/08/25
"I really am so happy to have all these beautiful things, but I am very sad that humans have pretty much taken over earth. Like, once mark rober filled a pool with jello! Big waste of jello… and sadly the Queen is dead.😞 xylophones are fun, and zips are satisfying. That concludes my podcast!" - 228 letters - Anomalous - 02/08/25
"Quetzacoatl was a very important god that helped the now flourishing human race, with Xolotl helping him get the human's bones who had been killed joyfully by the god of death." - 143 letters - Sonya F - 02/08/25
"The uncopywritable book ate very good Jewish food on it's quincenera and got a zebra playing a xylophone on a Monday." - 95 letters - Rebecca - 02/08/25
"Hi people! I just wanted you to know that you have much better things to do then read this. Get a girlfriend! Get a job! Do something meaningful with your sad, sad life. Q, X, Z." - 134 letters - Advicer - 02/08/25
"Woah, It is fugly, lazy, extraordinary, broken, a joke, cooked mopped, very questionable?" - 69 letters - sushi - 02/08/25
"That zebra ate forty seven thousand six hundred and eighty two clobbermiqlepes and a JK" - 73 letters - Jonah - 02/08/25
"Absolutely, Josie agreed, as her boyfriend sailed past Fort Knox, heading for Quebec with Vinny, Molly, and Zev" - 89 letters - Annonamous - 02/08/25
"I am on a mission to get the remaining letters with just animals... KANGAROO, HARPY EAGLE, FOX, VULTURE, QUAIL, BABOON, CAIMAN, DOG, ZAPATA WREN." - 110 letters - 79 Lincoln Continental - 02/08/25
"so recently i was hooked up by a janitor by the name of hixson derulvegz. they were quarreling over diamonds" - 88 letters - idiot45 - 02/08/25
"Hey! All is Well! You are beautiful just the damn way you are, check the mirror and see a pretty person that is a QT aswell as a good guy, love yaaa, xz" - 115 letters - ?! - 02/08/25
"The Quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog who was snoozing by a lagoon. His name was Kipper." - 73 letters - Poop - 02/08/25
"weirdmaggedon was super cool and awesome and bill should have one instead of pinetree and shooting star, shoot in eed to add a few more letters so zyxqjk" - 125 letters - Definitely not bill cipher - 02/08/25
"I love no one except for my stuffed animals named Beth, Geth, Jeff, Kel, Quell, Weth, and Zel " - 70 letters - Pipperoni - 02/08/25
"The twenty fourth letter of our English alphabet just don’t do it for me, so we make it earlier in the alphabet, get rid of x, and replace the vexing missing letter that causes a query with Z." - 150 letters - Roman - 02/08/25
"A dad was walking. He sang a song. Here is the song. B, c, f, j, m, p, q, u, v, x, y, and z." - 53 letters - Blerb - 02/08/25
"i walk to school but my dog flew to zoo. i ate some pig... jake, go play xylophone or get some rest, my queen, said by someone name V" - 98 letters - uh - 02/08/25
"A butt hole farted on the lazy old goat that spoke to a queen fox with jam covering its mouth" - 74 letters - Amazing Fart - 02/08/25
"a very bright day in Jerusalem it is really cold here the zebras are funny looking it smells like poo the queen had and x ray in Wisconsin" - 111 letters - heart sad - 02/08/25
"quick fox jumped over the lazy dog with bananas" - 39 letters - PRAGYAN - 02/08/25
"Hola keitlyn, que piscina más bonita veo en tu jardín, mi gato fionez quiere jugar water polo allí, pon música de xilofono de mientras. " - 108 letters - Luisa - 02/08/25
"I love create a panagram but I would rather learn to play the xylophone and learn some songs that start with the letter z because the letter z just really speaks to me and this website just wastes my time and has rather questionable sites and games which most likely make people feel uncomfortable. " - 244 letters - EVEEEE - 02/08/25
"Hi you eat chicken for breakfast every day god man never thought that was good for you page quite xylophone zebra John" - 97 letters - John - 02/08/25
"hi you are very beautiful and gorgeous like i cant explain it like btw yk that thing jk heheeh Q.. mmm btw my name is Ziona" - 96 letters - Ziona - 02/08/25
"i really love you but i cannot express this concern because the zigzag waves that intervene in my heart could fail terribly one day and january is my biggest concern with that being said i really wanted to be king in me life and wanted you to my queen. " - 203 letters - baryZYT - 02/08/25
"hi Mary just wanted to let you know that your dog ziggy is sad because he peed on his shirt that says questions are cool. I also forgot to let you know I am going to Vancouver to play the piano. Love you loads x" - 165 letters - lia - 02/08/25
"A car drive fry no p qstub gh LK mz j wx remixed" - 36 letters - Marco - 02/08/25
"a car drive fry no p qstub gh lk mz j wx" - 29 letters - agweg - 02/08/25
"a bee cussed out the frog at the zoo today it was very relaxing just like when the penguin quakked at me" - 83 letters - Cecilia - 02/08/25
"After Bugs Kill mondays, my mondays don't suck as bad anymore. Just helped enough to get me in the mood for going to the zoo with my squad. Versions of me are extraordinary it seems." - 143 letters - Charlotte - 02/08/25
"I like to eat cheese while looking at a zebra playing a xylophone under a McDonald's sign while learning how to say green in French which is vert but then got asked questions about jam!" - 149 letters - Isla Hunter - 02/08/25
"a bop is very cgn ljzt uh mk dfwxq" - 26 letters - juwairiyah - 02/08/25
"supercalifragilisticexpialidoucious is one of the longest words in english and i like and dislike q and x because we don't use a lot in english and why am i a gen alpha there are a lot of stupid words like rizz skibidi and sigma and i like venom juice " - 202 letters - Hamdaan muhammad - 02/08/25
"i like my new neat handwriting, obviously i will still use my old handwriting for quick scribbles, perhaps just for when i see foxes at the zoo." - 115 letters - Paige Rose - 02/08/25
"Ur ugly as shit broke her I thought that jelly would up ur game bit no I thought u were a good honest zenvra bit those days don't matter without some quackidity slippers inur soup right .... fox says xylophone" - 165 letters - Ur mom likes feet - 02/08/25
"Aunque sufra esta noche tu boda será pura alegría mi amada jackleyz viewx" - 61 letters - Gabo - 02/08/25
"The onyx of time greets us with virtuous praise, zinc, laughter, beauty, jokes and quantity" - 73 letters - onyx of time - 02/08/25
"i started this gangstar shit this the motherfucking thanks i get i let em niggas know its on for life dont let the westside ride tonight relax and take notes while i take tokes of the marjuana smoke throw you in a chock gunsmoke gunsmoke biggie smalls for mayor the wack slayer the hooker layer the motherfucker say your prayers slap that bitch in the face got her guche bag and her norhtface oh you got me mistaken honey i dont want to rape ya i just want the paper the visa qapecha im the one how zaia" - 406 letters - yap god - 02/08/25
"Really have to say this with great idiotic sense, for real just kidding, why are you a monster? Bro please quit zealously citing to ur problems. It does en”t help Xavier." - 134 letters - Cameron - 02/08/25
"Bro stfu just dump him diva. This isn't the you I know. My pronouns aren't Xi/Zir. Come on man. You are an L and my IQ is dropping" - 96 letters - - 02/08/25
"Uhhhhhhhhhh no don't do that!! Stopp! stopppp... Don't type this in, I'm trying to make you stop so you can't type this in..!!! Uh why do you keep doing this...Have we done something with K? But it still says k. oh. now, lol. Lolol laugh out loudddd. Quon-oh quon-oh sno-no! Fox...kuhh j. Uhhhh what's a c? I mean whats a z?" - 228 letters - My 6 year old brother - 02/08/25
"don't waste ur time on stupid ass ppl bc they will only ruin ur personality girl, don't even try bc I know LMAO, I have experience, I'm only tellin' u dis bc this is just finna ruin ur career and RUIN DA QUEEN INSIDE U PLZ don't do it lmaooooooooooooooooo." - 198 letters - GIRLY THANGS LMAO :)) - 02/08/25
"Zoey was a kind person and had a brother that loved to play games Casy, Jack, and Franquex were her friends" - 85 letters - Tyler The Inventor - 02/08/25
"A bee is the best animal to ever exist and that’s saying something about bees because they have a bad rep and a questionable taste in stuff, like pizza with jalapeños." - 134 letters - Macaroni deck of cards - 02/08/25
"I love lightning McQueen and Kirby. That’s because I’m Micheal Jackson. Hee hee. I’m just zesty like that. Like, w rizz am I right? I can play the xylophone. That’s very very cool. Not foolish. Cool" - 150 letters - Micheal Jackson. Heehee - 02/08/25
"unfollow vexbolts low taper fade yeah the meme is massive yeahhhh let bruzz cook jerking of with kya fuck queen elizbeth" - 100 letters - NINJA - 02/08/25
"Mike decided to ride a zebra while playing the xylophone and sleeping. The Zebra was going super fast and it was named Jamie quaver" - 107 letters - Zoey Magneson - 02/08/25
"A Beautiful Christmas Deer, Eats Fried Eggnog. Horses, Ined Jack Kris, Like Melons. Noel, Only Prefers Quintesential Roundhouses, Sharing The Unicorns Very Wonderful Xylaphone Yet Zevras" - 154 letters - Robert - 02/08/25
"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? RBEJGNPQPSTVXYZ They said meaningful, right?" - 95 letters - Im a woodchuck whom twists your tounge - 02/08/25
"Only you Zane can’t take my heart away from my locked quiet, chamber. The greatest man whoever lived and was a jockey could open dear Xavier’s dungeon " - 120 letters - Aubrey - 02/08/25
"Hawk Tuah, spit on that thang! bcdefjlmqrvxyz" - 37 letters - skibidi toilet - 02/08/25
"Foxes like to play xylophones because bees do wet stuff. Money and zucchinis are great jail quite vindictive." - 90 letters - Fox lover - 02/08/25
"a beautiful day a very quırky gırl named joahanna decıded to call the cops when she got a x ray because her mıddle name ıs zılland" - 99 letters - cathrıne balonga - 02/08/25
"Inosuke is the best anime character in the entire world. I feel like he would find a xylophone and the try to eat it cuz, well, it's inosuke what do you expect? He looks like he loves jelly beans and nobody can tell me otherwise! He's a very very good boy. He's also probably LGBTQ+. Imma guess pansexual. That's it I love him. INOSUKE HASHIBIRA HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEH" - 293 letters - THE-ULTIMATE-INOSUKE-LOVER - 02/08/25
"You are not poochina and that is terrible, because the gumbo you just ate must contain Kim Kardashian's favorite faux zebra fur and her Rolex watch without questionable influences." - 149 letters - A - 02/08/25
"the lazy dog jumps over the queen fox and the kawala cat bat i" - 49 letters - maddy - 02/08/25
"zoe, jackson Quben drank all of your macha and your dog poochy played with my xray results and ate, but the vet said shes gonna be okay." - 107 letters - skibidi toilet - 02/08/25
"Welcome you all to the my zoo its very fun giraffes joke around xoxo bbq is for dinner peter" - 74 letters - Nina - 02/08/25
"The whole world is watching over you except the people who have died before you where born. You are not a joke. Make sure you understand you are better than a queen and a zebra. " - 140 letters - the rizzler - 02/08/25
"Did you know that you are like a xylophone, sorry I mean that in a freaking good was my baby zojo, can you text my queen and save her data. " - 107 letters - Player 222 - 02/07/25
"I love you very much my dazzling star of mine. You are so qualified to be a x rayer. Jew... Do you want a pretty kiss?" - 87 letters - Gracie G. - 02/07/25
"Grab a book and please start reading, or else you will be sentenced with Zachary and Xavier to jail for a quick month." - 94 letters - Nathan - 02/07/25
"I want to vex zero people but I fucking hate word games, I just want to play quidditch. " - 68 letters - Bored bored - 02/07/25
"Hey folks, I am Quinn. My sister Zoey told me to bite Violet's chin off. Then Violet attacked me and she cut my palm so I went home. She told Ms. G who decided to play jacks with Ximena." - 141 letters - me - 02/07/25
"i ate five cats last december with granny john and poku in a quiet xelophone with a zebra " - 72 letters - Alex - 02/07/25
"Quidditch is a game joyful extravagant zombies play weekly. " - 50 letters - - 02/07/25
"i love everyone and everything and you should too because love means a lot to people and calling them names as a joke is rude even though some people do bad doesnt mean you should hate them, an example of this is kanye west. even though he does horrible things i still love him spread this panagram everywhere dont be loud be quiet so people can catch z's" - 285 letters - antonio - 02/07/25
"I baptize you in the name of the Christ, son, and the holy ghost. For my name is John the baptist, not a villain, king, or queen. We are warriors, XOXO" - 113 letters - MD - 02/07/25
"ok Maybe the jacquavi poorly zesty foxys reveal was the friends we made along the way" - 70 letters - Giggle shitter - 02/07/25
"One singular zebra can decrease its own kind from a million to a hundred at least, which excels in having a happy life, and can jump one quintillion times." - 124 letters - The_Dee! - 02/07/25
"I absolutely love having sex,because I fucking love sucking dick and jerking it,my mom told me not to,but I made porn with a 60 year old guy anyway,after we were done I ziped up my jacket and I cleaned my pussy with a q tip" - 175 letters - Meow - 02/07/25
"hi what French letter do you desire to pronounce to Guide us my queen. I will get the jester with our beautiful zebras. Kindly get a vet to do an x-ray" - 118 letters - no1ifyx - 02/07/25
"a lemon has two seeds how do you avoid them. cook the lemon of course.or go ahead and juice it. put it in an x-ray. blow it up.queens like lemons so do zebras " - 120 letters - pineapples - 02/07/25
"I have gotten a zebra for the queen at her birthday party in June at Buckingham palace he is very wide and exuberant" - 94 letters - tee hee - 02/07/25
"Monkeys are very very funny and sigma with lots of jukes and xyz and pcqb" - 59 letters - quinton - 02/07/25
"Felipe sent Eight Ball Super hero guy to The Nether, where they were chopped up, kicked, zapped, x-rayed, jabbed, and violin murdered by evil quails." - 117 letters - I must keep my name a secret. - 02/07/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over lazy frogs" - 35 letters - Myra - 02/07/25
"badussy is good for you so why dont we eat it more often people cant tell you not to eat badussy even a queen jaguar kills and destorys that badussy and people in new zeland do it to and you get see ur badussy when you get a x-ray" - 181 letters - kim k - 02/07/25
"Song go ''ABCDEFHIJKLMPQRTUVWXYZ''" - 28 letters - GD Golden Realm - 02/07/25
"Are you able to come and play your xylophone with me what fun we will have in the joyless garage with the queen and king of Zimbabwe." - 106 letters - - 02/07/25
"a fox that ran away from the cat in the box that gave it a cute and jiggly look when it zigzagged from a post box holding a quill" - 101 letters - anna - 02/07/25
"i like toes and i love bananas but i sometimes you cant have both and that makes peoples go gggrrrr but even if you cant get it you just have to be happy and quite wxz" - 132 letters - yourt mom - 02/07/25
"arson is cool think for zebras that wright your maps dady Jeff xqv" - 54 letters - - 02/07/25
"Boewufjfjsjahdyrgeeuffuddrereeecccccciklmnopqtvx z." - 49 letters - Your mom - 02/07/25
"I think you should go watch the zebra fanning the fox with a maple leaf, however it isnt doing so very quickly, and should jump to a new speed" - 112 letters - katie - 02/07/25
"a bat can eat fish while drinking mouse juice playing a quick verse on a xylophone with zebras " - 77 letters - - 02/07/25
"No matter what uncertainty vests you, be diligent, and presume for the time being that you will be just fine. Be excited to kill those fears, and to quench the thirst to be zealous. " - 143 letters - Vivian H. - 02/07/25
"sometimes Ya Gotta be super evil and kill zebras because how will you juice the flax seeds queen?" - 79 letters - bro - 02/07/25
"hello my children so your xylophone fighting venturous mother just want to kill a hate in the world by being quite the person so we will take you to the zoo to have fun tonight" - 142 letters - yas - 02/07/25
"ahmed bailed zoe the queen out of solitary confinement while wrestling the kings jaguar with xxxtentacion and lil peep while vaccinniesd" - 116 letters - anonymous - 02/07/25
"Hello, how are you today? Because I'm doing amazing! My puppy caught a frog! I then had a glass of juice, Oh my name? Its Kai! Today we learned about queens and the Victorian era. And in music I played the Xylophone!" - 165 letters - Kai - 02/07/25
"A radius is a xylophone that has a job that question you read a zip code that you can get some forests tied with a knot that vapes." - 103 letters - Arnav - 02/07/25
"windows put me on the verge of questioning my existence because jake lied about how amazing windows are" - 86 letters - deez - 02/07/25
"I greatly enjoy the time that we spend together on nearly every occasion, but I would like for there to be some quiet instead of going to the zoo or playing the xylophone." - 137 letters - sıɹɥƆ - 02/07/25
"hi you are a fatty and grandmas are tooo old jk water taste good and zebras are weird I choked on popcorn on purpose. quail eggs taste bad as shi-. Xavier is a boy I hate he looks weird like caseoh" - 154 letters - griddy grandma - 02/07/25
"hoi ik ben jenna en ik hou van hockey en een quiz maken like wie niet en hoe gaat het met jou sooooo ja je ben reusachtig groot zeg je past niet een op een x ray wat als dta gebeursd en van je fiets valt" - 158 letters - jemoeder - 02/07/25
"Hi my name is Max, and over the years I have learned many valuable lessons, but love—love is fake, unless you find the right person. And I thought I did. She seemed like everything, and probably is, but she wasn’t interested in me, and that’s okay. Closure comes quietly, just like a quivering jazz note fading into silence." - 253 letters - Anom - 02/07/25
"I'm so slay that I ate the lazy quacker duck because it was very extremely freaky and it tasted proportionately good and jealous." - 105 letters - goofy - 02/07/25
"a big trek should contain a party of five or more queens with their jesters and zazzy xylophones" - 79 letters - bee - 02/07/25
"When the windows breaks your moms house, a cheeseburger comes to haunt your holly jolly home while you are meditating on a quilt that is made of zebras while playing the xylophone and having fun." - 159 letters - - 02/07/25
"'oh thats so nice' she said while the queen was smashing her head in with a xylophone ur crazy jk veronica and fred backer " - 97 letters - you - 02/07/25
"My name is Jose and once upon a time, i fell through a wall and sliped into water. It was so painful because after i wacked my head with a xylophone. A doctor named Qubert saved me from paralization. " - 157 letters - ra rauw - 02/07/25
"Here is a zany idea that, yes is a little farfetched, but I think it will make for a really cool party trick and that is quintuple gargantuan virile jukeboxes in my ass." - 134 letters - Hannes - 02/07/25
"the lazy dog gets jumped and fucked in the vagina by the quick brown fox" - 58 letters - Little Agurk - 02/07/25
" I like foxes. ducks that go quack. wind pipes. Vox from Hazbin Hotel. And you. just kidding" - 70 letters - Steve - 02/07/25
"my mopat is gone and i dont know where hes gone or went, i usually check under the fuzzy quap thats made out of barxjuse but the goose allredy drank all the barxjuse so i couldnt chek if vernon the mopat was there" - 170 letters - andy and venon - 02/07/25
"the world stutters to live with us and every second bangs another crack in the peace and quiet of the molody just to burn in a hazy experience of death" - 122 letters - spirit - 02/07/25
"xylophones can be very big but quokkas and that play them are just awfully lazy " - 65 letters - juliet - 02/07/25
"lobotomi is so real and everybody should get one xoxo washington dc and trump rq. jk fasist trump and nazist elon musk is not smart enough to know how to make basic senteces" - 140 letters - the goverment - 02/07/25
"my crush j is so hot and he honestly pops off cuz he is so good to me. he treats me like a frigging queen and this boy gives me the hottest freaking smile. i want him so bad bc he acts like he would write a song on the xylophone for me." - 181 letters - hopeless romantic - 02/07/25
"america bit my zebras dick that got an xray,jokes fly putting very quiet words" - 64 letters - nigga - 02/07/25
"You may wonder ‘what is the meaning of life’ I have decided that although you may want there to be one there is not. However there I live life to be loved by my family kids and friends.love is about the people you meet there different jokes questions and personalities.you do not need an X-ray to see someone’s love you need a heart.You mite love someone’s zest or there laughter or there loyalty but I believe that everyone can be loved and can love someone." - 365 letters - Millie Webb - 02/07/25
"Hi come here! my name is jordynz, I play the xylophone for my great band of veruvian quikwals!" - 74 letters - Kai Tha Goblin - 02/07/25
"All i know is That gjpx is my very dumb qwertz Clown friend" - 47 letters - julia - 02/07/25
"Im going to touch you so miraculously, so beautifully, that it will be the physical manifestation of 10,000 xylophones playing in harmonic hymns, I will jork on your peanits so gracefully that viscous liqud will shoot from your very core, my one and only zlawg💙" - 211 letters - Nah id nut - 02/07/25
"hi im leila jean port im 9 and im looking for a boy friend and im from nz (new zealand) #cool,slay,exalint,valued and a queen" - 96 letters - leila jean port - 02/07/25
"Adrien agreste is blind like he is dumb yk xyz he should take his vows to marrinette fr like its like sophie x pockets jk i think felix is queer" - 115 letters - Iris - 02/07/25
"all i want for Christmas is you, because you are my everything, you don't understand how much i just need you, i know so much about you, like your favorite instrument is the xylophone, ur quite beautiful yes lazy but annoying." - 179 letters - tiah - 02/07/25
"Felix from miraculous ladybug will almost always be very very hot. jk that boy is probably queer. (zesty looking ah)." - 93 letters - ur mom - 02/07/25
"L is for the way you look at me O is for the only one I see V is for very very extraordinary E is for I don’t no everything in this song because I didn’t care to learn it just because I don’t have a exit through the zoo quick enough to not see people!!!" - 192 letters - Lucky - 02/07/25
"what the fuck lil nigga how about u shut ur tiny dick ass up u fucking queer like take a veiny massive dick to ur xylophone jaywalking zesty looking bitch." - 125 letters - fuh - 02/07/25
"Life is amazing, You should take advantage of that and just playing to win, be open to learning. You can do this, you are unique and just play the xylophone." - 123 letters - Blair - 02/07/25
"stray kids bang chan lee know han changbin felix I.N seungmin hyunjin skz luvs u qp" - 67 letters - Lucy - 02/07/25
"there are kids in my basement playing the xylophone, while quickly chomping on a variety zesty buffalo ranch wings with Jif" - 102 letters - Himmy da himster - 02/07/25
"Life is what you get from it. It can be amazing or extremely difficult, but just keep going, never quit" - 81 letters - Jordyn - 02/07/25
"I love all of people on this planet and on all other planets, galaxies, universes, and solar systems. Do you like quizzes? I do and so does Carter, Brady, Will, and Jack. " - 130 letters - SigmaRizzleramdAvgeek999 - 02/07/25
"A real fair square cat is hard to come by, perhaps, but I’m zealous about an exact pack of jolly kicking wolves." - 87 letters - CEN - 02/07/25
"hi, do you have two jars of lemonade and green foxes with a cruise of people with bat zebra like quilted scarfs." - 89 letters - Cyan - 02/07/25
"knives and swords are fun and so are axes and bows and arrows; let's make some jolly good happy fun without any curious questions (basically don't be a zebra)" - 125 letters - yasss - 02/07/25
"Hey! If you are reading this, then you are a Queen! or King, if you are Male. Now, I hope you shine like Gold, Bounce around like a Zebra and Joke all day long like a vulture. Have an Xellent day!" - 147 letters - Charlotte - 02/07/25
"The zebra kept stealing Mandy monkey' saxophone for the equivalent of cow juice " - 66 letters - Cole - 02/07/25
"Why don't you like eating grapes and zucchini at midnight Josie and Vicky?,Be more friendly towards others expectations and questions " - 111 letters - HEloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - 02/07/25
"Ellie is awesome, she is superb there is very little words known to mankind if you question me you can go die in a hole with a zebra jumping on you playing the xylophone " - 135 letters - ya - 02/07/25
"My NES is a Famicom. How does my zany whisky personality fix this grave problem? Jumping on a queue." - 79 letters - nat - 02/07/25
"n ljk vhiujkgoliungoiynfyurw2eqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm," - 54 letters - jack - 02/07/25
"Foxs like to run quickly through the woods but dogs prefer to to jump very high it is amazing " - 75 letters - - 02/07/25
"I Love Walker Scobell because he is an awesome actor, and I love when Zoe puts up with my fan girling. Zoe is a queen at playing the xylophones and playing the game jax" - 133 letters - Matwarney Carne - 02/07/25
"oh sphinx of black quartz, judge my final vows. " - 37 letters - jaydeneye - 02/06/25
"The zany duck quacked, 'Why is my portable Jack in the Box very fragile?'" - 56 letters - Wordmeister - 02/06/25
"Adieus love pb and j, make zebra coffee, and get quilted, wet xylophones," - 57 letters - NetherRobot01 - 02/06/25
"This is my band's ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (: " - 39 letters - Someone (= - 02/06/25
"''Mesothelioma Bagrbequetopper ate many jinkleberries and did not survive as they contain maximized amounts of Worcestershire sauce" - 113 letters - jackson - 02/06/25
"a b c d e f g h i j k l o n m p q r s t u v w x y and z now know my abcs next time sing whith meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" - 86 letters - rather it say my name - 02/06/25
"Jasper is the coolest person is the whole entire world He is a boy who likes his mother and father he also like to zoom in on good quality clouds with his i-phone like a zen master with a cvx of 100 degrees!!!" - 163 letters - Jasper Lasocki - 02/06/25
"Zebra's can not die fully without a vowing jokingly missing a queen's xylophone. " - 65 letters - Jake - 02/06/25
"Pickles and tomatoes make a bunch of zebras and goats scream until they can play the xylophone without quivering in their shoes made of jelly." - 117 letters - Bob - 02/06/25
"Quiz me about your fox which lives doing just planking" - 45 letters - yoshi - 02/06/25
"The lazy fox jumps over the brick wall and the questionable dog" - 52 letters - han stan - 02/06/25
"'Mesothelioma Barbequetopper ate many jinkleberries and did not survive as they contain maximized amounts of Worcestershire sauce,' says Dr. Jinglehop." - 127 letters - MESOTHELIOMA BARBEQUETOPPER I.V. - 02/06/25
"someone loves you don't die, stay alive, chase big dreams, i love you,we love you F Treadue, postive, QT, your amazing not JK xoXo -Lpes" - 103 letters - - 02/06/25
"I just ate a burger with tomatoes, meat, and a unknown topping called fqvxyz." - 61 letters - what - 02/06/25
"There are a lot of amazing things in this world, like underwear, juice, X-rays, violins, bowls, pints, queens, and so much more." - 97 letters - Zoe cambell - 02/06/25
"For the tears that I cried and the texts that I teared apart, you remain lying on the vows of infinity, gently kissing thoughts along the best of ways, as that aqua hue addazles my adjacence." - 152 letters - 夜しかも眠れずに - 02/06/25
"average because we will never realize how xylophones are created, for joking is for mild mannered queens " - 87 letters - Jim - 02/06/25
"Jacqueline Builds Foggy X-Ray Machine Photos that are oxygenizing to view at but kills the mood." - 79 letters - Joseph M. - 02/06/25
"mario luigi killed a wolf in a forest with Zack Quewert. bob pooped a jman ballon.xero machine killled you in a video" - 94 letters - antoni - 02/06/25
"I wish luck upon the ugly poor zebra that lives in a burnt shed with his father named jaqeem who plays xylophone." - 91 letters - YourWorstNightmare - 02/06/25
"the days union is epik and very cool, I recommend roblox myths if you want a friend, any questions? go on the wiki ya zilly joose!" - 101 letters - angel - 02/06/25
"My hot dog is too damp for quails and zebras. This vexxes me. Wack. J" - 52 letters - Jamp Jotdog - 02/06/25
"one day there was a really annoying girl that lived in a really stinky village called: bpqfujxmz. she died in a car accident." - 100 letters - Ella - 02/06/25
"I never thought I would love someone more than I love You Zebra JKXFCPQ" - 58 letters - CHOOLOO - 02/06/25
"how to make someone mad: icl ts pmo sm n sb rn ngl, r u srsly srs n fr rn vro lol atp js go b fr vro, idek nm, brb gng gtg atm lmao, bt ts pyo 2 js lmk lol onb fr x rated ts js not queen red carpetz" - 142 letters - fartypoopy - 02/06/25
"it would be so awesome, it would be so cool, to fight leroy jenkins in a perfect high velocity bout xylophone qubert zzz." - 96 letters - man - 02/06/25
"Apples and oranges both are fruits, something that you would know if you stopped being so lazy. Can’t quite examine JV" - 95 letters - Lila - 02/06/25
"A kitty ate my favorite super cute zombie drawing except quick thinking made sure I just before Leh cat did it I took a photo" - 101 letters - Iris - 02/06/25
"greetings zippers you are my explained loved ones why can't katy do it too she loves jam but for some questionable circumstance she ca't." - 111 letters - BOO IM SCARY - 02/06/25
"you are not skibidi california georgia hawaii jersey your mother pensilvenya zebra xtra quick ugly" - 84 letters - chloe - 02/06/25
"skibidi fortnite fanum tax ohio lmao calls my gyatt rizzler w rizz jumps over queen never cry" - 77 letters - rizz ohio - 02/06/25
"olivia slays the day away yah you know thats true i am a ZESTY PEPER and i am a bigback i LOVE food gyatttttttt i have a question why are you so anoyying? jk!!! my DADDy works at xray testing!!!" - 148 letters - SIGMA_RIZZLER - 02/06/25
"phase, twilight, eyes of wisdom. nine ropes polarized light, crow and declaration. between front and back hollow purple!! qvhjxdjfjdfjkdkj" - 113 letters - no - 02/06/25
"A beautiful sunny day was all we wanted but could not get as the clouds laughed at us while the sun became an incubator the a zero degree Celsius could not be attained.All xylophones and quails move jumpy kicking the wind " - 180 letters - Charles Darren - 02/06/25
"the dog jumped over the fence and the fox did too, aswell, a zebra joined in and so did the kangaroo and Quokka; they all said YAHOO!" - 103 letters - cat - 02/06/25
"A box is great to eat when food is low. Just kidding! I like you and zebras. Poop can't be eaten. Victoria is probably some queen's name." - 104 letters - Billy Bob - 02/06/25
"how I love to kill people I hate, including friends, bees, and money takers you can do it with xylaphones or by doing the jamba on a zebra, don't quit" - 116 letters - Kate Israel - 02/06/25
"The quick fox wilingly jumped over the dazzed lazy bees " - 46 letters - Alexandra - 02/06/25
"queef man, you vexed, juicy, foxy, whiz kid heathen. xoxo- gossip girl. (bye)" - 56 letters - sf - 02/06/25
"Yesterday, my brother's bestfriends William and Xavier made me participate to a online jiu jitsu game called Quick Zap." - 98 letters - Dummy - 02/06/25
"hello my name is Mekenna and i like to draw and buy cats from my grandmas house she plays question games i teel her to go outside and watch the birds just for fun She has to get an xray for her bones and wee went to the zoo after too see the Vultures" - 197 letters - Mekenna - 02/06/25
"I love you so much I cannot believe that I get to be friends with someone so joyful as you. You are the perfect friend, you're so kind and you always make me feel like your equal. Oh by the way thank you for letting me borrow your box cutter, Ill get it back to you in a zip! " - 211 letters - kins - 02/06/25
"My favorite sister Belinda gave me a certain quest to achieve at the zoo. I had to jump through the water like a fox." - 92 letters - mckenna - 02/06/25
"Bao dumplings are filled with zested soup, quick to jump into your mouth, so very excited to burn you." - 81 letters - Your name - 02/06/25
"supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is the word Mary Poppins says all the time it is also technically a real word and has been said by many people all over the world just like the word pangramania and zebras cuz everyone like dancing zebras on quills like a queen right?" - 223 letters - bomshakalaa - 02/06/25
"good friend Brody Wagner betrayed me and went Hollywood watch ur friend y'all they not always who you think. Xylophone zebra jqv" - 105 letters - - 02/06/25
"Spinx of white quartz, behold the valiant cat's great Korean-Japanese yapping with mom" - 71 letters - - 02/06/25
"You will die a very painful death. nobody loves you. this is exactly why you should un-breath yourself this instant. quit thinking life will get better. you're just going to be alone anyways. AND THAT WHAT HAPPENS MY FREIND WHEN YOU FAIL AQUIZ OR SOMETHING IDK." - 208 letters - BladeOgrass - 02/06/25
"zoe bat ate all her veggies and you should learn from her and just follow her knives to explain the carrots quantum science " - 101 letters - yo mamamamamam - 02/06/25
"That One Weird Guy went back to the little farm to punch, jump, suck, vape, and exile the queen zebra" - 78 letters - Larry Trousers - 02/06/25
"Do you know the alfabet? Teacher said But I knew it from xoxokitty! What is this? Like a gen z thing? No! It is when queen is atacked by a Venom. PJ! It is not normal!" - 124 letters - Viafels - 02/06/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxuyabcdefghijklmnopqurstbveorugnvqprungvrpeuenqwedfggfvdcvfdvgrdbsfijuhygtfresdv gbrgtbbbbbbbbbbbbbdfgrgergeregrgergergrrrrrrrrrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" - 179 letters - your mom - 02/06/25
"all of you need to get a job one day you no because why the hell people like queens and kings can fight my friend victor and x you because every body in the the word i feel like every one that uses the letters z are just dumb." - 177 letters - aydenp - 02/06/25
"leanna is so skibidi uh yuh luh bru i have a question girl like freak a boy name jesus like wiliam exacty zoo por" - 90 letters - delgado - 02/06/25
"Hello I am super cool and fun are you? I also love zebra's. I have a friend named Kyle he knows Jynxzi. I am having a great terrific quantum intelligent day. " - 122 letters - FUN GUY - 02/06/25
"Dude zebras are weird animals, why do they have all those stripes? That's a question we might never have an answer for. Or do we? Just kidding, they have stripes just like how xylophones have panels to play music on." - 170 letters - me - 02/06/25
"please stop calling me a careless zebra instead watch some foxes jumping on a queen bed while having pink yogurt" - 93 letters - - 02/06/25
"im called Ashlee, i have a one brother and a pet cat. my brother is called zachary, and my cat is called micamaca. well.. u prob dont know me but most of the time i get Fs on my test. - i have three more things to say: JOE MAMA, love u xxx, and.. ITS HARD TO SCAT QR CODES! " - 200 letters - Ashlee galesic - 02/06/25
"wickham is greatly mean, xenophobic and queztal, for jules verne" - 53 letters - moss - 02/06/25
"My name is Isabella And my dad's name is Charles so anyways I love to wright it is so fun and I wish I could play bloocket I dunno why but yeah so I have a quilt that is so jumpy Wich makes zero seance anyways I love to play the xylophones its hard at first but I really like to learn other than the piano it is boring and all I have to do is say my abc's next time I won't play with you tomorrow because I am not gay because you and your friends said a rumor about me so anyways yeah and in school we are learning this thing called somebody wanted but so then Wich makes not a pixel sense so my name is Isabella and I am here to countinue this do you want independince that is a long word but I did it anyways I can't belive my friend did this to me she said that I was the weirdest girl in the class but anyways but this boy in my class said that jakkie said to me I was not dumb or weird and he asked if he wanted to hang out anyways I'm sad to talk you that was not a true story" - 766 letters - Isabella Kabi - 02/06/25
"End my life stinky bitch, I can’t stand your stench, my dogs ass smells just fine compared to you. I’m maxking uq nonswense vords nowz." - 105 letters - Anaanannna - 02/06/25
"the dog was out playing at the beach and got very sandy and made zoey, khushi,jinisha ,quinn, xaiver and finnley very mad." - 96 letters - khushi and millan - 02/06/25
"You know mysterious vertikal rotierender Fisch und horizontal drehende antifaschistische pigeon taube mit Quellwasser von Julia xoxo" - 116 letters - julia - 02/06/25
"fucking bats and zebrasshoot up dope and queens. just joking, thats as illegal as my vatican ex wife" - 81 letters - Mochi - 02/06/25
"I wonder a lot if yes means but or cash or xyz, pqg, JK, your so vool" - 50 letters - Meow - 02/06/25
"xylophones, squirrels, jokers, forests, vw cars and big mops are zesty" - 56 letters - me - 02/06/25
"I did the conga yesterday, before joker pulverised queer men with xylophones. Zany!" - 68 letters - Katie - 02/06/25
"The last sentence is crazy like idk why your allowed to do this so i say to that supercalifragilisticexpialidocioWus xylophone ith my best queen valli janqueen" - 134 letters - Ahija - 02/06/25
"my mother fucks lucys dad with a great big strap on just quick enough to make his vagina excited and zesty" - 86 letters - mia - 02/06/25
"no thak u becs l mdy frg jpiqvwxz" - 26 letters - - 02/06/25
"Once upon a time I booked a flying queen sharp zebra xylophone jack woven" - 60 letters - Zola - 02/06/25
"true love is such a complicated question that can be killer or forgiving while it jacks up zebras yelling xeno" - 91 letters - kai - 02/06/25
"i am in love with your sexy beast of a mother, she is gay for my pet zebra and she always comes with xylophones, maybe she will move into my carovan, just kidding! slay queen." - 136 letters - Lo - 02/06/25
"hi just letting u know that ur zebra escaped from venus last week, getting through some quicksand, while playing on his xylaphone " - 106 letters - bro saur tired rn :))) - 02/06/25
"Hi just leting you know that i heart me baby zoo are fun cool dude poo in your pants xvq" - 69 letters - ewa - 02/06/25
"did you take my bags away lovely nigger from aquapan you can have them just fox them a little more zesty" - 84 letters - bored - 02/06/25
"I love foxes because they are so preppy like dairy queen. just messing with you! zebras are actually the best." - 88 letters - anonymous - 02/06/25
"The Fox that took all the donuts zibiah was saving for cory was eaten by my other queer friend Joplin" - 82 letters - ddddddddd - 02/06/25
"Greetings, I'm a zebra who critically needs an Xbox for my jolly friend, the quiet Victorian porpoise Hank." - 86 letters - Someone - 02/06/25
"let us write a pangram now, in honor of the xylophone i picked out are the store with the help of a very quiet but jolly boy named zack." - 106 letters - - 02/06/25
"Fast and furious is a good movie because it has gay sex at exactly 33:25 in the movie. I hate queers but for some reason this gave me an erection while my friend Kurtis Judd Penisbreath jerked me off and my nut zipped past his face." - 184 letters - I Promise My Name Isn't Jaquiski - 02/06/25
"Uhh I cant believe that Tyler, The Creator released his album Chromakopia on Frank Ocean's birthday and didn't have a single song with him in it, its probably because he's queer, and i'm also mad he didn't have a song where he played the xylophone also my name is jaquiski but not actually, and people who say 'zed' instead of 'Z' are stupid losers and i hate them" - 284 letters - Not actually Jaquiski - 02/06/25
"freddy ninjago kai sun drop fnaf pazzi sonic dq bule roxy glamrock freddy toy chica tv water" - 76 letters - - 02/06/25
"The brown fox jumped over the long icy road, zigg zagging across the quilted kite" - 66 letters - Icarus - 02/06/25
"i fucking hate you ugly whore go murder yourself because i have a jacob person q tip xitty zy" - 75 letters - Luna - 02/06/25
"Queers are worried after the US election. Extremist violent Zenophobia kills gains momentum among jaded youth. " - 93 letters - Elaine - 02/06/25
"the quick brown fox jumped over the garden wall and zips under the yellow car" - 63 letters - llila - 02/06/25
"All the gay people get fucked. Queers get raped. Bisexuals get stripped? Wow, my Zoey would never just do that." - 87 letters - Your mother - 02/06/25
"a quick brown fox jumped over the yellow zebras string" - 45 letters - batman - 02/06/25
"The morning sun wakes up everyone in the Lucious and beautiful town filled with sixteen queer residents in jazz shoes" - 98 letters - Zoe - 02/06/25
"Mi nombre es Vella y mi ex se llamaba dario cuyo nombre consta de cuatro letras y es un zorro el pinche wey quería ser joto y un koala fumador ganadero" - 121 letters - Mailo - 02/06/25
"Xylophones mention jokes for giraffes that live with capybaras and queens in a zoo" - 69 letters - - 02/06/25
"My name is Zack queen I own six pet yaks there are blue violet food that just is good" - 67 letters - - 02/06/25
"Zoey Knight went in her quad car just to drive to the hospital for a minor bone X-Ray." - 67 letters - Alicia - 02/06/25
"Hello my very good friend. Did you see any zebras in Africa? I heard there are quails, jaguars, X-ray fish, wombats, kangaroos and desert penguins not too far from there." - 133 letters - N - 02/06/25
"i love zebras because their stripes are so meaningful despite the question of where do they come from. Xavier the Zebra is just a koala." - 110 letters - MAG - 02/06/25
"Zoe gets a xylophone with her friend, bracequill. Jack is moved" - 51 letters - frank - 02/06/25
"The song go's like a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and z" - 43 letters - Michael - 02/06/25
"I zig zag under fresh, wacky, toxic, butter. Just when she puts her quail eggs into a vender's mouth" - 77 letters - sup - 02/06/25
"Zebra's are a stripey animal that confuzes their predator's by quickly running in different directions which messes up the x-predators view because it bejungles the animals sight." - 149 letters - skibidi toilet ohio rizzer - 02/06/25
"The world is full of nice if you can’t find one be one and remember this queens and kings and violinist and zebras and jokers and my pet xylophone " - 117 letters - Ace - 02/06/25
"The orange fox jumped over the lazy brown dog underneath the brown oak tree and then with a spark of light, he caught a quick moving fish!" - 110 letters - Hadley - 02/06/25
"ethan jumps from a plane because qvxzwykd wont friggin die" - 49 letters - Ethan - 02/06/25
"Sushi with gochujang and kimchi is fire, especially when it burns your tongue like a zingx , ask quora who V from BTS is" - 95 letters - hi - 02/06/25
"The quick, sly fox jumped over the lazy dog without any bait. " - 48 letters - CADENCE L - 02/06/25
"There's a kind zebra and a super micro wax foggy queen just in a volcano." - 57 letters - Yippie - 02/06/25
"you big fat retard cunt pussy quarter vizen winter jack off molest xyle hot" - 62 letters - cewcew - 02/06/25
"Bro i was driving and whatnot and then i hit an oldlady and broke her hip like xylaphone oopsie doopsie fr fr yall crapola umbrella jojo ziggy queen " - 121 letters - Ava - 02/06/25
"I love my mom so much she makes me so happy too bad she almost forgot me just relax she said but I couldn't quit worrying I love her though like I love zebras." - 124 letters - Cadence boule - 02/06/25
"the clever fox jumpes over the lazy dog in my backyard with kids who like quails " - 65 letters - Brenna Litt - 02/06/25
"all the bananas freak me out chicken screamed at me I said girl stop joking with me you not slick Veronica is quick to judge Xander lolz" - 110 letters - - 02/06/25
"Are you ok asked Zealand to be completely true I question if im real or if im gay Jesus shouted Vivien xana weed on the zoo animals xana get here now do not wee on the zoo animals they might eat you for tea do you want that nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I want to live said xana THE END" - 283 letters - Xana - 02/05/25
"i love sushi with soja sauce, my quick opinion: butter sushi is too extra, i only eat fire godzilla rolls." - 83 letters - lol - 02/05/25
"Hello, zoey! Did you want to buy a xylophone? If so, click this green link just below! Make sure to buy quickly before they all sell out! Thank you very much!" - 121 letters - NO - 02/05/25
"Hell nah bro i thought zar was my friend but then they violently and quickly crapped on me anyway gotta go janie byee xxx" - 98 letters - Idiot ;) - 02/05/25
"Zoos always honor every single joke the ox must call, quails dive for beepers" - 63 letters - Qwen - 02/05/25
"valentimes day is next Friday but I have back pain and I'm going home soon but my job is simple I got to be quiet and not to get caught playing and when I get home I got to get my daughter's surgy done and maby as a treat for my darthers surgy to go to the animal and mycil zoo." - 215 letters - sophia - 02/05/25
"I don't know if life is real if life is harmful. zebras are harmful. paper is harmful. everything is harmful. life is very very dangerous. watch out for things or people that may hurt you. quiet or the joker will kill you. xyzilaphones are too loud. don't use them. " - 206 letters - breahnna rooney - 02/05/25
"il like you not like evryone like the pretisest girl in the word is you my dear greatful mom you always bake to me comon you mor stonger than an axe an youjame and zed you are like my quens" - 150 letters - - 02/05/25
"No,im not going to write a sentence using all the letters in the alphabet, just cuz you told me to! Fred, no matter what you do,no matter if you gave me a pretty quilt I would never.. okay! Anyway, I just got an x-ray, and- wait.. I just did it, didnt I?" - 187 letters - j - 02/05/25
"pat bats the fat cat with a violet mat using the quick dogs red xylophone as Jame's zany hat" - 73 letters - Ronald Mcdonald - 02/05/25
"the quick fox jumped over the banned gassy law zebra" - 43 letters - shannon debussy - 02/05/25
"The man who walked the zebra called vinnie who luvs.backflips with his girlfriend and can play the Xbox with Jack and a Qr code" - 103 letters - Rinx - 02/05/25
"I really think that you need to go to the queen so you and Fran will be the princesses just like violet and Xander and Zayla and Maya" - 106 letters - RONALD - 02/05/25
"qwertyuioplkjhsazxcvbnmdfg" - 26 letters - bob - 02/05/25
"the super lazy brown dog quickly fastened his virgin belt and exclaimed in joy " - 65 letters - skibidi - 02/05/25
"Jack the Zebra quickly played the xylophone in his great and fun fast; then he made water soup be evaporating the water" - 97 letters - Brock - 02/05/25
"I love it when you smile at me, I love it when you flash your bright, white teeth, I love it when you out on your CD and dance. I could sit here saying x, y and z about anything from jokes to questions to pancakes, but I love u. " - 172 letters - Yuna - 02/05/25
"whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you guys are people!!!!!!!!!!!1 people that are not soooooooooo kool koolaid and you all suck. especially people that are bad and not funny AT ALL. I HATE YOU ALL jmqvxz" - 144 letters - appledrop - 02/05/25
"Hi, I know we’ve never spoken in person together, but I just wanted to call you for my questions… Zoe is X-tremly sick and I need a professionals help to get her to where she needs to be. " - 144 letters - BrightStream - 02/05/25
"i hate fucking niggers but they dont like me and there bitchis for that also my brother jonah hates them too he also likes penisis just like quandildingl he got a vasectomy yester day why he did it no idea xz " - 168 letters - bob - 02/05/25
"and then I went to the goddamn store to buy a zhylophone and kool aid for jamal, who cleans his ears with wax and q-tips he buys with the money i send him on venmo." - 127 letters - kjqghcssb - 02/05/25
"I hate zebras, but I rather maintain them in our grand planet simply because killing them would be a violation against nature. On quote, they should be put in a forest in Jamaica... I shouldn't jinx it" - 158 letters - Yzezinha01 - 02/05/25
"adieu is French, I use it I wordle its a great word but just kinda remember to put quails, xylophones, vixens, zebras too." - 95 letters - hailee - 02/05/25
"What is the meaning of life? Do we matter? Can we ever go past our universe? Nobody ever bothers with these kind of questions. We're just too caught up with ourselves to notice a buzz or beautiful saxophone playing, but sometimes we have the chance to listen. Listen, reader, to the sounds around you, enjoy life, and don't forget to have fun(I know the last part was off topic but still)." - 304 letters - .___. - 02/05/25
"Quite the surprise I had seeing the Zombies open boxes violently, just casually freaking out the weak children hiding inside. " - 104 letters - - 02/05/25
"Why does time always march forward, even when,quicker or slower, nothing will ever change, and it will always go at the same pace, never changing, for better of worse, the sum total of your efforts will be zero. Jerk Xylophone." - 179 letters - Ayyyyyyyyyy - 02/05/25
"Daring, trust me this is entirely possible to achieve, like seriously, how difficult do you quitters think this is, when you could just create a sentence with the flow and rhythm of a xylophone, and the pace of a galloping zebra. " - 183 letters - B - 02/05/25
"Hi, do you watch Solarballs ?? I'm a big fan of them, so plz watch them, sub to me on YT, my channel is Cherry's Channel. I have about 420 sub rn. Love ya ! <:) - February 5, 2025 (GA, USA) [xqkj] - Anonymous" - 142 letters - - 02/05/25
"how is the sky and where do you go to see all of the bees and cats and pandas man just go with me and view QXZ" - 84 letters - violet - 02/05/25
"Campbell Frazee. She is a god. Queen of all. TJKVWXY" - 40 letters - - 02/05/25
"I love you and I will always you're beautiful and great and smart your perfect just like you how much iq do u have it probly six hundred or zillion because your so smart and pretty" - 144 letters - Slayqueen123 - 02/05/25
"hey man lets have some fun times at the zoo we can see elaphants bees dogs queens rocks and my freind jax" - 84 letters - jason - 02/05/25
"Amor é a coisa mais bonita que poderia existir no mundo, feio é odiar coisas lindas e grandiosas como família, amigos e animais, é até as coisas bobas como yogurt, zebras, joaninhas, kiwis, e vôlei (acho todos esses bem estranhos) " - 182 letters - Aimê - 02/05/25
"The Darling Bakery, the one that overlooks the zebra crossing, is filled with six customers all of whom are patient, and kind to the nervous, jittery but quick staff " - 133 letters - liyana - 02/05/25
"courtney is quirky and a literal beast whos obsessed with xylophones and farm goats named john zeep whos a virgo." - 93 letters - caitlinn - 02/05/25
"One fine bright Saturday Morning a very wide lama was going to the chiropractor to have an Xray, after this kind act he joked if he should go to the zoo, without question, yes!" - 139 letters - Martin Baker - 02/05/25
"hopefully you will read this from a bare foot on the ceiling just because you play the xylophone and like squids and zebras and vases doesn't mean ur special" - 128 letters - BLAH - 02/05/25
"cabafhreoafurafhjasdlkshdaxcjlksdbfbfaweurwepaphsxpuasdhgsdfghasdcfsdafopweiaqrwejfp[afaokcocmsdvghnjndsajkcvbagrytgeandsvnascjkxnZM<" - 131 letters - Cooper - 02/05/25
"jia likes to lick zebras every wednesday with the penguines and famingos, she factetimes the queen while she gets her x-ray" - 101 letters - Jia is my friend - 02/05/25
"The true meaning of the xylophon alphabet is understood just by the know-how Izzy views come quickly" - 83 letters - M.Brooks - 02/05/25
"my name is Bob and I love my job at the major league baseball association. I get to meet a ton of people like seiya sezuki. And when a I see him a need to go to a x-ray made by a queen." - 139 letters - Eli t - 02/05/25
"Squid game dont kill my foxes rbedcknjhuijmnbvfdr5t6yuiolkijuhygtfrdeswer4tyuhgfdsawsedrfghjkop9iuyhgbnmkoiuytuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhcancxel thaat cartchefnjkiuytfghjkio87y6tfrdcvgbhjkop0o98i7uy6tfrdcvbnmkoi8u76ytrfgvbnmkloijnbvftyjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjregginhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjiuytfgvhuytgfbhjuytfvbhuytfv bnjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhliuhjuygtyu765rtyuiytrdefghjiuytrfghjkijuhygtfvghjiuytfghjkjzhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" - 941 letters - Thanos - 02/05/25
"Hadley is a very good girl that has zebras as pets and knows the queen had a pet cat and fist and has a dog named jax" - 91 letters - Hadley slagle - 02/05/25
"the lazy dog jumped over the cunning quick fox wishing on buttons bu then she found out that she was getting cheated on and decided to divorce the fox." - 122 letters - - 02/05/25
"The rain drops rolled down the window so as the tears of the girl, can she ever escape this brutal nightmare, they say she’ll be okay, but she know Jordan could never escape , xxx said the letter, qualities that were never shown, and zero feelings were never shown" - 209 letters - Galia López - 02/05/25
"Sometimes, I enjoy watching zebras, keys, dogs, and full parrots alike. They are very fun to watch. Much like quails, xylophones are pretty and full of colour." - 125 letters - secret! - 02/05/25
"Knee deep in the passenger seat and you’re eating me out (is it causal now?) be for questions violence just zoo it is x-ray" - 95 letters - mnion - 02/05/25
"The big brown fox jumped over the zebra and the kettle which was questioned by you' - 67 letters - Me - 02/05/25 'The big cow drove a 4X4 F150. Up to par, Flynn Quartz hacky-sacked while jacking Moo Cow's truck.' - 75 letters - Moo Cow - 02/05/25 'i have an axe that is very zesty and its named cat but i freaking got cat taken away just in case i die stealing it, remember my name pqutal' - 110 letters - Alice - 02/05/25 'a rizzy skibidi gyatt fox mogs and mews and edges and jelqs the alpha omega sigma caseoh uwu vexbolts dog' - 86 letters - mango mango mango - 02/05/25 'THE RED FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY QUACKY DOG WHY? ITS BECUASE NO DOG IS QUACKY' - 61 letters - SARA ELHORANY - 02/05/25 'black onyx crystal of the quartz hear my vow, pridefully and judge me accordingly' - 67 letters - Mystique mice - 02/05/25 'The lazy fox quietly jumped over the sleeping wolfsback' - 47 letters - Alvin sajan - 02/05/25 'ur only here bc he wants u otherwise u would b fcking smushed on the road like the animal u are booby hitler jzxvpq' - 92 letters - love mom and dad haha - 02/05/25 'liefke or felix weber is a queer kid how loves to read and is a very good friend to robyn lily glass arnott and zoe isabella glass arnott who are both neurodivers and love calming down with a good book and jolly musik playing in the background.' - 197 letters - Robyn - 02/05/25 'guys,the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy hen' - 40 letters - lucas - 02/05/25" - 1083 letters - The Copy Machine at your local School - 02/05/25
"The big brown fox jumped over the zebra and the kettle which was questioned by you" - 67 letters - Me - 02/05/25
"The big cow drove a 4X4 F150. Up to par, Flynn Quartz hacky-sacked while jacking Moo Cow's truck." - 75 letters - Moo Cow - 02/05/25
"i have an axe that is very zesty and its named cat but i freaking got cat taken away just in case i die stealing it, remember my name pqutal" - 110 letters - Alice - 02/05/25
"a rizzy skibidi gyatt fox mogs and mews and edges and jelqs the alpha omega sigma caseoh uwu vexbolts dog" - 86 letters - mango mango mango - 02/05/25
"black onyx crystal of the quartz hear my vow, pridefully and judge me accordingly" - 67 letters - Mystique mice - 02/05/25
"The lazy fox quietly jumped over the sleeping wolfsback" - 47 letters - Alvin sajan - 02/05/25
"ur only here bc he wants u otherwise u would b fcking smushed on the road like the animal u are booby hitler jzxvpq" - 92 letters - love mom and dad haha - 02/05/25
"liefke or felix weber is a queer kid how loves to read and is a very good friend to robyn lily glass arnott and zoe isabella glass arnott who are both neurodivers and love calming down with a good book and jolly musik playing in the background." - 197 letters - Robyn - 02/05/25
"guys,the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy hen" - 40 letters - lucas - 02/05/25
"Stray kids everywhere around the world, remember kids, Chan is always watching fjpqxz" - 71 letters - help me i wanna sleep - 02/05/25
"I feel very good and bad can I have some antidepressants so I will die and zed is my name QWERTY is my friend so bye bye and happy New Year Xbox one l.james uiop ken" - 129 letters - Janitor - 02/05/25
"im hella bored and its currently 5 am, i think i might be dying cuh. im also listening to kiss of life, by sade. Im missing words hold up. skibidi toilet sigma jojo siwa property in egypt chopped chin eye of rah. ayuda no se que mierda hacer estoy re al pedoo shitttt, anyway mi ig es _sofia.giannella_ escribanme me aburro vxz" - 256 letters - skibidi - 02/05/25
"i send love to all of you just to say this takes a lot my big energy i can keep going but i gotta meet quadale diwgle by spacex. hes so zezty" - 109 letters - hi - 02/05/25
"In the last skibidi toilet world, a fox started to play the cello. His name was Quentin. He zoomed down the streets, 'Great!', he started to say. 'I loved those vases! They were just brilliant and now they're destroyed!'" - 168 letters - heheheehhehee - 02/05/25
"a bright coroner died for justice, killing many people quite violently with x-ray zaps" - 71 letters - jaylee - 02/05/25
"You are amazing and never forget that, xylophones are wowed by you, and so are jaguars, and quill pens, and cake." - 88 letters - LLLL - 02/05/25
"Hello sweetcheex, I heard that you're feeling a bit lonely. just please remember that love is more valuable then money. Okay, Mrs? Don't freeze your heart. Don't quit." - 130 letters - -Anonymous<3- - 02/05/25
"I know that it's going to be kind of hard to get all the letters in the but I think it will be alright, let's see what I need, captain Quincy Marjev was the captain of a ship called the xylophone zipper" - 157 letters - Micah Walsh - 02/05/25
"Hello what is your name super cala fraga lipstick with a deep red tint VOLDEMORT avanacadabra janitor questdio xander zebra" - 104 letters - Me - 02/05/25
"Anything can look good as long as you feel good wearing it. You are worth as much as you decide (i just wanted to put this here lol so bqvxz)" - 109 letters - Fiona - 02/05/25
"hola mi nombre es carlos como te llamas tu sabes odio a los mayores que ocupa xd o lol osea yo uso ese lenguaje pero moderada mente o figuradamente sabias que mi tia se llama kik bueno en realidad se llama krystel o algo haci mis amigos se compran zapatillas caras pero de marca yo no les entiendo sabes que una vez toque una vaca sanias que a las personas gordas en chile se les dice wuatones" - 317 letters - - 02/05/25
"I like xylophones and zebras very much. I also forgot to mention quails, jackles, and words." - 73 letters - sav - 02/05/25
"sometimes do you wonder that someday....... you will die by zebras and ants playing xylophones on a qwerty keyboard it'll make you frown, john. now lets cook some vases" - 130 letters - jude - 02/05/25
"Xylophones interestingly were jokingly questioned very much by fluorescent zebras. " - 72 letters - Dijon - 02/05/25
"The axe sought to cut the tree with its jagged edge but the blade froze quietely when it realized the vain mistake it was about to perform" - 112 letters - Author - 02/05/25
"a black person once told me that if gi joe was in real life then everyone would die from random nonsense just like this sentence. xnoblade chronicals is bad by the way. if you want to do something better listen to boyz in the hood. know what. I quit" - 197 letters - Owen - 02/05/25
"Be kind and be generous because people are evil and can stab you in the back in a zing. So watch out and quit being friends with a mean fake person and just do it kindly.xoxo" - 137 letters - - 02/05/25
"Andi was a very beautiful woman who love zebras because xylophones look like them and not jaguar thank goodness and also quails… no one likes quails…" - 122 letters - Andi - 02/05/25
"Springtrap is sexyI want him to fuck me I need him in me I want him to choke me he's my king I'm his Queen I'm going to sneeze eating my vagina I want to jump all over him I want him in my bed" - 145 letters - Springtrap is sexy he's my husband - 02/05/25
"People are like zebras. They are all different, some just go far some come close to the end. Whether or not you finish the job, you are still very unique and matter. Xylophone. " - 138 letters - Add my discord .lrubies - 02/05/25
"there was a duck named qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" - 44 letters - Theturtler - 02/05/25
"The fox jumped over the lazy dog sqcbnwki " - 34 letters - uwu - 02/05/25
"once upon a time.. there was a fairy! the fairy was mischievous.. she branded rail guns and was the queen of xzenon. her beautiful name was Jolene Kari. " - 118 letters - THVNDER - 02/05/25
"Hi how was your day my friend are you doing good xxx i love you to the moon. Can you please fix my zipper Jk because I am quite " - 98 letters - Aubsss - 02/05/25
"stan hit best ever kpop group zerobaseone for a joyful quiet close winnibg exfoliating dancing more amazing life" - 95 letters - woof - 02/05/25
"I love gay people so much that I joke about it too and I love to joke do you? I love brown foxes too they kinda look like zebras but I call foxes quinten" - 119 letters - I totally don't like gay people - 02/05/25
"I was once riding a fox over a zen bridge having jam, porrage, quail, and yams while learning knitting skills" - 87 letters - pearl - 02/05/25
"I see, a wonderful, brightly coloured, amazing zebra named Jake Victor Xepoqw" - 63 letters - G - 02/05/25
"chizuru is my waif i will kill u w a knife if u touch ma bby ♡ dpqgjvx" - 52 letters - fuck - 02/05/25
"A beautiful girl was sleeping peacefully. The day that she woke up was a Monday Morning. Her name was Zoe and her Boyfriend was called Jake. Jake ex girlfriend was very nosey so they had to sneak around quietly " - 169 letters - Ano - 02/04/25
"We got qudoba on a rainy day with ziggy that plays the xylophone. Me and him played Mario kart after. Or is it cart? Just kidding, he plays the violin." - 117 letters - Flo - 02/04/25
"i love reo mikage so freaking much zero porceint boosting queues damned jojo with xilophone yeez" - 81 letters - nagi - 02/04/25
"The quick frown fox jumped or the lazy dog with a bright blue vest" - 53 letters - Dylan Duniec - 02/04/25
"your mom is a very sigma fellow, she has a big toe, and is quick at the xylophone, her favorite animal is the jojan zebra" - 94 letters - sigma rizzler - 02/04/25
"A long time ago there were the dinosaurs that were animals (aka creatures) that were fully able of existing despite their size and mostly minor iq, despite that they reigned on the world for very long but now they are just extinct." - 186 letters - Bad_Ger8764 - 02/04/25
"i scream, you scream, we all scream in the terrible housefire at the family reunion. dqjkpvxzg" - 76 letters - chuckles - 02/04/25
"all of the words I can be looking and I'm just prosistant to look at the unique valuble excitingly snazzy person that's you. " - 99 letters - ellie - 02/04/25
"race car on my hockey sick with boring falcon doo xylophone vaping your joque strap zoo" - 72 letters - mew master6969 - 02/04/25
"'the alphabet is ridiculous!' quacked the frog. 'and why do you think so?' asked the zealous and xenial javan jacamar." - 91 letters - notapigeon - 02/04/25
" Zach sometimes I wonder how you can be so bothered by a xylophone. For you used to just love them as a questionable kid. You would always gun for the stars back then." - 131 letters - milan - 02/04/25
"So like, a zebra hit the floor after I asked it this genuine question from my jagged, wet, heart. It played vividly recalling a memory of him playing the xylophone." - 130 letters - :) - 02/04/25
"The singing penguin started sprinting to a tree because it wanted to chop it down with its mom and a random queen that killed someone from Yugoslavia and jumped on a zoo with lots of x - rays" - 153 letters - Chris - 02/04/25
"I am a homosexual barista working in the deep city streets of Jazzville, Quebec." - 65 letters - - 02/04/25
"actually i dont whant to but i will do it anyways because pigs might not throw junk in my feet without questioning a veloziraptor in xile" - 112 letters - liam federico cornelius - 02/04/25
"JJ is a questionable man who makes me weirdly guess the total volume of the Principality of Zanzibar which is notable for inventing medical equipment like X-Ray's." - 134 letters - jj - 02/04/25
"once upon a time, there was a little fella named 'bgjkqvxyz', weird, right?" - 57 letters - Guy - 02/04/25
"Did you know that zebras and quails make very large pieces of jigsaw puzzles and xylophones" - 76 letters - - 02/04/25
"add my on my discord: itzmaxine. fghjklpbquvw" - 37 letters - maxine lol - 02/04/25
"NYeemah I can't believe that you didn't tell me you were a lazy son of a plaster queen and you are gay and play the xylophone jk" - 100 letters - leo - 02/04/25
"a tree is junk xyloph bcdqvwgfmz" - 27 letters - Andrew Skibidi - 02/04/25
"h quick ow fx jmps ve t lazy brn dg" - 26 letters - me - 02/04/25
"Hello, tell me about your day. I really care about you and hope many wishes your way. This might be the last time you hear of me. I hopw you are joyfully and zelebrate with your kids. Hope you live a quiet life. -X" - 164 letters - Luna Midnight - 02/04/25
"I have always been in school for a very long along with a bunch of zoo animals Jackie also loves zoo animals dummy is picture queen x" - 107 letters - Halle - 02/04/25
"My name is bofdplyzghjkcrqtuvwx!" - 28 letters - Audra - 02/04/25
"I am a fox who lives in italy and I have a best riend named zach who is a kangaroo and a friend named jamal who is the queen of pannama" - 105 letters - hehe - 02/04/25
"I just learned the alphabet look abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z " - 56 letters - Adam Linjawi - 02/04/25
"my name is Zack. I got a present for my sister Jade and I live in hotel in USA i’m gonna give Jade a pet bat and I’m gonna tell her to name it Quantaweex" - 116 letters - Adam Linjawi - 02/04/25
"a ball rolls over to me because my friend kicked it violently so I got a jar to get some water because I was really hot and I asked a question and zoomed of to the water fountain and it was partly cloudy and I saw some foxes." - 177 letters - Me - 02/04/25
"All I know how to do is my abcdefghijklmnopqrs5uvwxyz" - 45 letters - Meh - 02/04/25
"spring is coming. I am so excited. be prepared for spring. jolly. kick around a ball maybe. jazzy afternoons. have queen with you." - 101 letters - Lucy Karieva - 02/04/25
"I am trying to fit all letters of the alphabet in one sentence. Right now, I am only missing the following letters: D, Q, U, V, J, K, X and Z." - 102 letters - Annabeth Chase - 02/04/25
"I am playing the xylophone at the zoo because joking is fun while I am quivering in the cold." - 74 letters - Aubrie - 02/04/25
"niggersonmybuttholemakemesuperdupercuntywetlikeilovezinssofuckingmuchtspmolikejizzonmeandqueefonmymouthwhileidoxylomaxxingnigganigganiggerbugger" - 144 letters - niggalicious nigger da third - 02/04/25
"I am soo bored right now.. um I don't know what to do helpp mee please oh and thanks just died with a fork omggg catt um a vilon and her name is Xyz silly right? So have any questions?" - 140 letters - @6.yinn! - 02/04/25
"about to crash into an iceberg, i drop my xylophone into the ocean that i got from my sister. I vowed her i would never lose it, just as i took my last breath queing my way into new Zealand, i die" - 151 letters - goose!! - 02/04/25
"'I hope you fucking perish in the next hurricane and then jerk me right into your queef' wrote the lazy boy on his valentine card." - 103 letters - what - 02/04/25
"The angry kitsune is a husband abandoning bitch, she's the lazy one, explicit little whore of the gutter rats. Useless muttering does not quell the hungry vagina, jerkwad whore. Do the job you were born to do." - 166 letters - Your name - 02/04/25
"'I love vocaloid!' I exclaims in joy, as my mother buys me a ticket to a concert. 'No, you don't not frickings like vocaloid you weird quiet and puny idiot' says the rendezvous evil Hatsune Miku " - 150 letters - airyhfjone - 02/04/25
"I love you and nothing can break that jwxmzqpfs" - 39 letters - olive - 02/04/25
"The broom was on the witch instead of the witch and I was like what is this thing that you do with your hair and stuff so she jumped over the xylophone and into Qatar then found a bunch of zombies" - 156 letters - 𝕄𝕚𝕣𝕠🖤 - 02/04/25
"Shocked, vexed boys played for the zoo jumping kids into aqua water." - 55 letters - Sel - 02/04/25
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" - 5512 letters - Tilly Brown - 02/04/25
"Fuck who made this Game my god and fuck you again and your bitch ljqzvxp mum" - 61 letters - No - 02/04/25
"'Crap!' The xylophone bawled, 'The zoo animals quickly vanished from guarding the jail'" - 69 letters - SKY - 02/04/25
"If Jaizyyana were to become a quiet girl, Xavier and Penelope should be kind about it. " - 69 letters - jai - 02/04/25
"qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqazxswedcrfvbgtyhnmjuikloppoiiuytrewqasdfghjkllkmnbvcxsasdtyjnbvcdfghjnbvftyuiuytyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - 1121 letters - your mok - 02/04/25
"vroooo my skibidi sigma rizzling alpha morbillion aura pookie wookie just fucking mogged my still water and mangoes and jelqmaxxed with it🗿🗿" - 117 letters - - 02/04/25
"you look lika dog with rabies but also you fart like a cat with pencils and jailtime queen of vanzarxa" - 83 letters - lakyn garalnd - 02/04/25
"hello my name is rory and I hope that you guys had a very juicy good bitching day and i hope you played the xylophone and you were zen and you knocked on the door quickly for your neighbor." - 150 letters - rory - 02/04/25
"ay wassup huzz yall looking good todays so you wanna go on a date maybe later i fuck with yall heavy u a real q t jk that s was hella xureal" - 109 letters - didwick - 02/04/25
"*coquettely smirks and pins you against the wall like the alpha that i am* heh...its okay bbg... no need to be scared of me...i just got that violent zaza...xoxo....heh..." - 122 letters - Michael - 02/04/25
"I went to a coffee shop but they didint have my order ready green latte with kappuchino on the jside Qyz X " - 85 letters - My name - 02/04/25
"The woke fox jumped over the lazy dog. Because of this, I took out my phone and whoops- I dropped a quarter!" - 83 letters - emna - 02/04/25
"clay is more fun than booping dear questioning very jeweled kids xylophone zebras" - 69 letters - Clarissa - 02/04/25
"The brown foxes quickly jump over the lazy dog." - 38 letters - sigmaa - 02/04/25
"Hello my name is Alaa and I would like to tell you that smile, your smile is perfect girl because every time you smile I question my self how the hell I just don’t have a smile like yourz :3 XD" - 150 letters - Alaa - 02/04/25
"I think the x-men are quite overated and fucking boring. Lame jokes trying to be zany made for whiny pigs." - 84 letters - Etskulli - 02/04/25
"i do like to eat pizza on the xerox machine unlike your mother bitch faggot jork view spider queer" - 80 letters - merm - 02/04/25
"I am a lazy piece of shit that likes to have sex with children and everyone questions my presence and i like a good banana and a joke" - 106 letters - ahrmed - 02/04/25
"Leo is a good dog and bad bou qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" - 48 letters - - 02/04/25
"Oh my fucking god this damn bitch just tried to punch the hell of me. I told her violently to zip her mouth or i would get together with her ex. And she had the audacity to ask if that was a statement or a question. Like, what???" - 175 letters - Audrey <3 - 02/04/25
"My axolotl is quite zealous, so I am taking her to the vet in my jeep where she will be fed cake." - 74 letters - PixelPuppies - 02/04/25
"a banana can dehydrate you if you eat to many just amazing isn't is Jakob he's loser fruit it is do you thing peque gym is on of the best gyms and van ghohh is the best artist in the world all of that is exdrordinary isn't it. " - 175 letters - - 02/04/25
"“Race, gender, religion, sexuality, we are all people and that’s it. We’re all people. We’re all equal.” ― Connor Franta “What I liked about the rainbow is that it fits all of us. It’s all the colors. It represents all the genders. It represents all the races. It’s the rainbow of humanity.” — Gilbert Baker “Fears are not facts.” — Chaz Bono “Every single American — gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, transgender — every single American deserves to be treated equally in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of our society. It’s a pretty simple proposition.” — Barack Obama “The next generation is so far advanced over us ... I love that a lot of younger people now come out that would never have come out in the old days. Of course, they are born into a community already. They just have to discover it, whereas we were still building it.” — Edith Windsor" - 651 letters - aquamarine021109 - 02/04/25
"Hey. How is everyone. I bet y'all don't know Juju Wonder. Or nidal. Or Salish. Buttt I'm also great so is my husband Cruz and our ferret and. Pool Im also the queen and love the xylophone kisses and hugssss " - 158 letters - ANIIIII - 02/04/25
"animals became large contents of this world and even invented the xylophone and zebras, they are the queens and kings of the animal kingdom, just joking!" - 125 letters - fan of Olivia Rodrigo - 02/04/25
"im very skibidi rizzler right now! queencard slay fjbxp " - 46 letters - lalalalal - 02/04/25
"Oppressive as zoos may seem, many quite adorable creatures face extinction without the great support from the keepers. Justifying inhumane treatment is not my mission." - 140 letters - It’s about to get really bad - 02/04/25
"Everyone judges each other until it's them and it's like oh now there's a freaking problem. Quit being an axe hole - Quote by Zee" - 100 letters - Kai - 02/04/25
"because i love you I have decided to let you die as it is right and good of me to kill people like you jack walker. you questioning my intentions is need to be x-rayed at the zoo" - 139 letters - bobby - 02/04/25
"february is the current month vegas quarter xylophone dog zap jacket win" - 61 letters - tyrgttrgtgr - 02/04/25
"Guns can’t fly unless you tie a balloon or a blimp to it but some people say airplanes or tie it to a quiet crowned crow who hates joyful kings at vermonts exhale t zoo." - 133 letters - J - 02/04/25
"happy new year to all !! wishes from xylafone n pqueefgod. bitchs shut up or i will jerk ur vaginaz 2 hhaha <3" - 84 letters - stop being fcking gay that's all - 02/04/25
"The quick Red fox and lazy Brown dog jumped over the fences." - 48 letters - Copelynn Henderson - 02/04/25
"hello my name is dc bzprqrgtuvjfkwx" - 30 letters - dc bzprqrgtuvjfkwx - 02/04/25
"My favorite thing to do is to go in the backyard at midnight, eat cheese pizza, and just chill while Xylia, my pet duck, quacks in the starlight. " - 113 letters - madara tallgyver - 02/04/25
"I am very sad today because i want to eat xylophones but i cant and i wish i could fly or answer math questions or get a jar of kelp and pet a zebra" - 115 letters - FEIN - 02/04/25
"everyone reading this will have the best day of their life whether they get a cat a trip to the zoo or meet the queen and king! also just so you know I love xylo phones and you should to!" - 146 letters - jessica vega - 02/04/25
"To hate is easy but to love is meaningful. Just a little jar of happiness can do so much to the people around you. Kindness can make a person from questioning why they exist to buzzing with happiness. In short, one little thing, like a compliment, can mean so much, and while it is easy to hate, it is meaningful to love." - 251 letters - I hope you have a great day - 02/04/25
"I love people and people love me so be yourself thgjkxwzcq" - 48 letters - emma - 02/04/25
"cabs from new york have many xylophones and qashqai are going to jump to zyzzx" - 64 letters - hi - 02/04/25
"a bone cus why dig f- jk....lmpqrtvxz" - 26 letters - Sleepy rex - 02/04/25
"I love tany birds cup queen max wymo fight jk zzzz " - 40 letters - fred - 02/04/25
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. And the people with a zeal for racism can just be quiet!" - 266 letters - TheOnlyThingIWillTellYouIsThatIAmLGBTQ+. - 02/04/25
"My mom said I'm special because we went to the zoo and I asked where the Velociraptors are and she said that I should go to a mental asylum forever and play the xylophone and do jumping jacks with the queen" - 165 letters - Special little guy :D - 02/04/25
"The sly fox jumped over the lazy dog very quickly with no bad luck." - 53 letters - Dollar bill - 02/04/25
"I am requesting zany, wild foxes to have a vote on who Joe Biden could kick and punch." - 67 letters - Dylan - 02/04/25
"Yeah, I know, she was so surprised. Really? Oh, for sure! I mean, it wasn't very big, just a little bug, but Flower went crazy! qx" - 94 letters - Pencil and Match - 02/04/25
"Thou shalt thinketh before thou speakest. Jill clearly was illiterate when this was taught to her in eighth grade, before mumbling something like 'qvxziowkmxz.'" - 132 letters - i - 02/04/25
"I am not praying quietly for your downfall, sir Zack. I'll be executing you vilely with joy." - 72 letters - Knightly - 02/04/25
"The red dog jumped over the tall fence in a bikini while eating some queso with a zebra playing the xylophone" - 89 letters - Emma Scheve - 02/04/25
"my need for attention is gigantic just how big vertically can it get, possibly quite kraken size, i need my x-ray done to see" - 99 letters - needy guy - 02/04/25
"This purple xylophone ate my zebra, which is a fat queen in Jack Dungeon in Vermont" - 67 letters - Purple Zebra - 02/04/25
"I don't know why I am doing this but I like the zing that crinkle fries, jam, pickles, and very quiet exams." - 82 letters - Fionna Mello - 02/04/25
"you should meet Mr. Gawpjick Fubvuquexzin" - 35 letters - - 02/04/25
"i want you to be a better person for yourself. no more smoking, drinking, cheating, jimmbabaquing or vuxzuorgong" - 91 letters - ooooooo - 02/04/25
"my best friends have two lovely puppies that can zoom with xiaolong and jake's queue." - 69 letters - fiore - 02/04/25
"Hello. You are unfortunately a stupid ding dong zorloiquviwjkmxbsc" - 57 letters - colorado rocky - 02/04/25
"I last saw the furocious beast the night before the girl named Jack, Qual, Vance, Xrint, Yarm, Zap, died." - 80 letters - Lee - 02/04/25
"Hi my name is Elizabeth Hurley. How r u I needed to know because u mean a lot to me. I go to Felix V. festa middle school. Jumping jaqs" - 102 letters - Hidden djvdhdh - 02/04/25
"Question: Why and vow the Pangram? look, beeswax are zooming through foggy jungles. C that?" - 72 letters - sushi - 02/04/25
"i hate people and golf unanimously and xylophones and zero joules of kelvin will be content quebec" - 82 letters - shut up - 02/03/25
"hello, my name is bok, yes, bok from wicked. just to be clear, zoe is not my girlfriend, paka is, and quincy would never try to play the xylophone." - 111 letters - hi - 02/03/25
"six very angsty zoo keepers bought cow dogs for men who jump on queen legs" - 60 letters - queen legs - 02/03/25
"screw zebra haters now because dogs dont think you are more free and proof of this in held by the joker of xylophone land, question by: 'very gay rat'" - 118 letters - very gay rat - 02/03/25
"can you sing this song a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z good job you can sing" - 61 letters - little tony - 02/03/25
"angry popes kill chickens on Wednesdays by forcing queers to vote to execute them! just joking, they do that to zebras" - 96 letters - chicken hater - 02/03/25
"Quails poop on shoulders and go to heaven even though the do horrible things like craft weapons and make magic xylophones that destroy the universe, not to mention the joke around like zebras, and NOBODY likes zebras." - 178 letters - Cat - 02/03/25
"mes prétentions cognitives appréhendes l'absolue en ce doux jeudi, nos frères Winzors et Yalk ne se posent plus de questions." - 103 letters - oliveee - 02/03/25
"any good looking man who catches a lot of z's knows people just for the jokes save queens from blowing up xenophobes" - 94 letters - xenophobe - 02/03/25
"jake the zebra went outdoors to get a cosmopolitan and an x-ray, he was questioned on very few things" - 81 letters - - 02/03/25
"Sheffield Wednesday vibess quite amazing just joking Rachel lives being Xenia lol poop" - 74 letters - Swfc - 02/03/25
"if a man bellieves that red crows have guns that prove jake questioned a zebras yellowness would he be able to take an x-ray?" - 100 letters - red crow enthusiast - 02/03/25
"I love eating big black oily men because queens don't just want fruity phones excreeting on the zebras. " - 84 letters - Ur mom - 02/03/25
"if green, gay salamanders used lazars to cryogenically help bat queens jack off veiled women in x-rated films why shouldnt they?" - 105 letters - a guy - 02/03/25
"why is it that most people are incapable of believing that it is in fact possible to create a meaning full sentence using all of the alphabet, when it is quite possible to do so, it just requires some extra effort; one must think back over all the words one has learned so as to come up with at least one that includes each letter, such as zebra" - 274 letters - B - 02/03/25
"jazz is very healthy to consume when killing bald, fat, purple Queens who play the xylophone" - 75 letters - kingnacho - 02/03/25
"Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop Chief Keef ain’t bout this, Chief Keef ain’t bout that My boy a BD on fucking Lamron and them He, he they say that nigga don’t be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y'all niggas ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about Chief Keef ain’t no hitta Chief Keef ain’t this Chief Keef a fake SHUT THE FUCK UP Y'all don’t live with that nigga Y'all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet Shootin' at the police and shit Nigga been on probation since fuckin, I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that Them niggas savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Chief Keef I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more You know those niggas role with Lil' Reese and them. jqxz" - 627 letters - chief keeef - 02/03/25
"bulging crazy fox step down quiver jock hams" - 37 letters - B-Drigga - 02/03/25
"Micah is so beautifel people are jeoulus and questions are asked of how she does it guys hit one her various races and her x is obbesesed and wants to be her zaddy" - 131 letters - Micah - 02/03/25
"wax does not be performed into ultra violet yellow zebra with cat queen eating gorilla jam with ken" - 82 letters - Swara Capybara - 02/03/25
"I often question the world nowadays for example, how can someone see a video of a cat baking and not feel joy and amazement " - 99 letters - Finn - 02/03/25
"I like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly and just because I am vulnerable to zigzag lines and quasars does not mean I'm scared of xrays" - 126 letters - tutti frutti - 02/03/25
"JESUS LOVES YOU SO FRIKING MUCH BROOO! Romans 8:38-39 dpqtwxz" - 49 letters - - 02/03/25
"monkeys are very funny and sometimes they eat a gray retarded car named jack ligma by the way are you a queen pee zebra xylo" - 100 letters - hi - 02/03/25
"Along goes the wind called in the rain before the jazz morning passes quickly x or v is what you may see." - 83 letters - Des - 02/03/25
"Tigers may have stripes like zebras but will lack the dots of a lynx and questing Jamaican tree snakes" - 84 letters - - 02/03/25
"I guess this is a good sentence for winning in games like juggling, zebra, passion extra, and qualify:v" - 82 letters - wedn - 02/03/25
"I hate you because you have friends so you are very annoying but I’m just kidding lol your very quiet and talk warm your like a xylophone and I could never get tired zzzzz" - 137 letters - Carson - 02/03/25
"i hope that ur day iz going to be amazing and dont forget that God has so much unconditional love you - quoted be nelz what a joker lol xxxx" - 110 letters - nelz - 02/03/25
"Sigma boy rizzler skibidi toilet rizz ohio fanum tax what did the fox say trash basket volley ball player quizler cookie monster jams" - 111 letters - Diddy's assistant - 02/03/25
"Where is my soupbank leadquestion functional group isomers just vomit extra zest" - 69 letters - Loll - 02/03/25
"Quirky zebras hop on trampolines joyfully, clad in good tuxedos while veal watch." - 67 letters - Michael - 02/03/25
"i am very glad that zedeya joins us here with ben kcopfs at the qrx" - 53 letters - Damian pion - 02/03/25
"i never knew how much xraying did not hurt it is not soft like job or te seats of a porsh for the zebra queen" - 85 letters - Zemorra - 02/03/25
"i would love to go to the zoo to view the jumping poquipines ans listen to the lovely xlyophone because i knew so fork" - 95 letters - RILEY - 02/03/25
"can you buy me a fat zebra which can jokingly visit my xray machine please, i'll pay you ten quid." - 76 letters - anon - 02/03/25
"I am joking but you should dread the way the zoo feeds vixens, quetzals and capybaras." - 69 letters - Joe Mama - 02/03/25
"a kleptomaniac runs to the queen of gatorade on big ben jetting to zyzzx wearing vultures " - 74 letters - Oscar - 02/03/25
"A man and his zygoted xylophone on wrists is queer not beatrice for jack's ventriloquist" - 73 letters - Oscar - 02/03/25
"There are no people that are not very stupid, only big foxes with joke books have quite mastered existing and zebras cats. " - 99 letters - Me - 02/03/25
"i feel like abosulte shit right now because of that damn zylophone kjvxq" - 60 letters - danian - 02/03/25
"wizards bellowing 'jack is the quivering foxy pom pom!'" - 44 letters - j - 02/03/25
"i like little kids in my bed i oil then up like zebras and foxes i sleep with big jacked very quick kids" - 82 letters - p diddy - 02/03/25
"The quick fox jumped over the lazy dog as the wizards ballin " - 49 letters - Chazza - 02/03/25
"are you in a mood to do stuf.Cool ,you can poo or boo for qwv .jk you should gxz" - 59 letters - iroh - 02/03/25
"Links for Word Lovers! Adventure Learning(5) Blogs(4) Gaming Blogs(1) Professional Writer Blogs(8) Software Development Blogs(1) Sports Blogs(2) Bookstores(12) Audio Bookstores(2) Bricks and Motar Bookstores(0) e Bookstores(1) Creative Writing(4) Drama(11) Novels(13) Poetry(15) Publishing Opportunities(16) Short Stories(13) Crossword Puzzles(15) Acrostic(3) Daily(8) Help/Answers(4) In Foreign Language(7) Theme(12) Tournament(2) Custom Writing(10) School Assignments(31) Dictionaries(5) Crossword(7) Foreign Language(25) Humorous Dictionaries(9) Law Dictionaries(12) Math(8) Medical(13) Obscure Words(6) Popular Dictionaries(26) Editing/Proofreading(11) Editors - English(7) Editors - Fiction and Novels(3) Editors - Non-English(0) Editors - Science(5) eMail Services(8) Entertainment Emails(10) Language Emails(5) Etymology(14) Glossaries(16) Acronym Glossaries(8) Agriculture Glossaries(5) Animal Glossaries(11) Architecture Glossaries(5) Art Glossaries(11) Biographical Glossaries(4) Body Art Glossaries(4) Food(1) Gambling Glossaries(1) Health(3) Home & Decor(14) Monetary(8) Poker(1) Rhyming(4) Science(7) Technology(15) Translating - Special Topics(17) Heteronym(2) Interpreters(1) Jokes/Humor(31) Family(8) Language Learning Tools(12) English(52) Grammar(11) Other Languages(30) Vocabulary(14) Learning Foreign Languages(5) Arabic(5) Armenian(1) Asian(14) Bulgarian(1) Chinese Training(1) Dutch(2) English Training(1) Esperanto(1) French(21) German(23) Greek(1) Hebrew(3) Indian(2) Italian(39) Latvian(1) Portuguese(5) Romanian(1) Russian(4) Spanish(10) Tagalog(1) Turkish(2) Yiddish(3) Lesson Plans(18) Games and Fun(4) Worksheets(6) Libraries(10) Names(12) Puns/Plays On Words(7) Quotations(34) Cliches(4) Humorous Quotes(1) Love Quotes(2) Motivational Quotes(9) Poetic Quotes(2) Rhyming - Info, Tools, etc.(10) Schools and Training(3) Licensing Schools(2) University Education(2) Search Engines and Web Directories(3) Slang(10) Military Slang/Jargon(6) National Slang(10) Profane - Off Color Slang(8) Sports Slang(6) Tech Slang(2) Songs/Lyrics(33) Country(2) Musicals(1) Pop(7) Rap(1) Rock/Blues(6) Soundtrack(4) Speeches(11) Teaching(0) Teach English(3) Test Prep(2) Thesauri(13) Translation Services(13) Arabic Languages(7) Asian Languages(19) Brazilian-Portuguese Language(15) Chinese Language(0) Danish(3) Dutch Language(3) European Languages(21) French Language(13) German Language(13) Hebrew Language(2) Indian Sub-Continent(1) Italian Language(4) Multi-Languages(62) Norwegian Language(2) Pirate Language(1) Polish Language(3) Romanian Language(2) Russian Language(24) Spanish Language(20) Swedish Language(2) Turkish Language(4) Translators(3) Free On-line(12) Freelance(9) Software(7) Translator Resources(4) Travel(11) To Africa(12) To Asia(7) To Australia(1) To Europe(17) To North America(6) To South America(12) Travel Bookings(33) Word Games(37) Anagram(1) Boggle or like(4) Hangman or like(3) Multilingual Games(5) Scrabble or like(8) Word Trivia(2) World Embassies in US(2) Africa(19) Asia(24) Europe(18) North America(8) South America(7) Writing Tools(11) Communication(3) E-Cards(4) Transcription(1) Writing Tips(21) Additional Resources(17) Allwords Copyright 1998-2025 All rights reserved. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " - 2605 letters - Robin - 02/03/25
"why aren't the trees as green as they used to be. The fall is where I belong with my ex zebra, cow and pig. The quail sings very kind and joking songs" - 115 letters - mwah - 02/03/25
"the quick fox jumped winningly over the lazy big dogs " - 44 letters - Slay - 02/03/25
"i eat in dress to impress while having an xylophone because quora jk zf" - 58 letters - ben drowned - 02/03/25
"All day, because your mother was jaywalking, I was getting followed by a self pronounced xylophone zentron with a query that had Venus in it." - 114 letters - dib - 02/03/25
"hi my name is Steve I've used this stupid brainy app a hundred times but its all right I'm a little coco for coco puffs just jokings witty man don't like xylephones zozzzzz quirk" - 142 letters - Steve Jobs - 02/03/25
"omg i think im dying my car just ate a banana, i love pennies and queens, that's flabbergasting, i think i'll go to a zoo with a xylophone " - 106 letters - ur mom - 02/03/25
"ada zebra bernama jacob. zebra ini suka tinggal di africa, tepatnya di sawah-sawah. zebra ini mempunyai teman, ia bernama qovinix. " - 105 letters - - an indonesian pangram - 02/03/25
"Hello im a dumb kid who doesn't know how to live a happy life. i lost a quiz against my best friend and now he hates me his name is jaxic im gonna kill jim muuhaahhahaha " - 132 letters - I like feet - 02/03/25
"so what do you want me for_? do you like xenomorphic stuff? nope? well, that sucks. i'm out of here, you are truly zesty lol. get a hold of yourself. just do it. don't be so violent. any questions?" - 145 letters - gazz - 02/03/25
"when life falls apart, drink some coffee. your voice will be goregous during the quiz. your name will be Jaxine." - 89 letters - Rody - 02/03/25
"a purple giraffe that ate the blackened quartz flies drinking juice while sinking into vernacular xenomorphic unhappy happiness" - 110 letters - Fidh - 02/03/25
"'the lazy fox jumped over the quick dogs while being sad.' - 45 letters - ella - 02/03/25 'qưertyuioopasdfghjkkkkkkkkkkkklzxcvbbnmw' - 39 letters - hania - 02/03/25 'Yes, xylophones are cool as fuck, qanon is not the gouvernment. Wait, bananas don't joke on zebras?' - 77 letters - E - 02/03/25 'A very big jigsaw quickly jumped over two exhausted fuzzy kittens, amazing every child with its playful zest.' - 90 letters - Rinna - 02/03/25 'Eu sambcdfg hijkl no pqr tvwxyz' - 26 letters - Aaaaaa - 02/03/25 'but I love you, she had said, and if only it was true, I would forever love her as well. why, I would have bought her a jester, a golden cat, a peacock or two, she could have been my forever queen,together we would have lived, forever in zen, every letter I send with a XOXO, right next to my name.' - 225 letters - leila Wade - 02/03/25 'in a spot there was a queen named bez. she liked good food like jelly and curry. her favourite instrument was a xylophone.' - 97 letters - Natcat - 02/03/25 'After the storm I got struck and jolted back to my very perky house which contained a zebra print quiche scented xylophone ' - 101 letters - Alia - 02/03/25 'alphabet is sigma not vex fuck jacked ass resurrect what is yeet zebra question' - 66 letters - yooo - 02/03/25 'you are grousome but i still surprizingly love your x-ray. It's just so perfect i find it hard to keep my whisper quite ' - 94 letters - me - 02/03/25 DFPOVBFDOPKLD1565654645434554453453453651161161889S;OIAISJCDASUHDUIHDIUAHSDIOUHASDOUHASP9989SW8FUJHPFYHPW98DYHPW98EAFYH[QWUD9[\WFU[9P8WQ0[DI[0WFU9W[8EFUY98-[UWE[98UWE\SFJIWFHWEFPPHW" - 1227 letters - K - 02/03/25
"the lazy fox jumped over the quick dogs while being sad." - 45 letters - ella - 02/03/25
"but I love you, she had said, and if only it was true, I would forever love her as well. why, I would have bought her a jester, a golden cat, a peacock or two, she could have been my forever queen,together we would have lived, forever in zen, every letter I send with a XOXO, right next to my name." - 225 letters - leila Wade - 02/03/25
"in a spot there was a queen named bez. she liked good food like jelly and curry. her favourite instrument was a xylophone." - 97 letters - Natcat - 02/03/25
"After the storm I got struck and jolted back to my very perky house which contained a zebra print quiche scented xylophone " - 101 letters - Alia - 02/03/25
"alphabet is sigma not vex fuck jacked ass resurrect what is yeet zebra question" - 66 letters - yooo - 02/03/25
"you are grousome but i still surprizingly love your x-ray. It's just so perfect i find it hard to keep my whisper quite " - 94 letters - me - 02/03/25
"a bad xylphone is never good to use as a zebra tamer or a fork and jay walking is a crime that it qwuilfish" - 84 letters - - 02/03/25
"a little foxie is keeping his rizz obstructed because of his friends, joe, varviquiu and wallym" - 78 letters - idk leave me alone - 02/03/25
"life doesn't care about magazines or ex-wives it just hopes your quick." - 57 letters - saragoats - 02/03/25
"I accidently ate my friends pencil while watching a zebra give himself a floppy Quebec style xenomorph jack off " - 93 letters - - 02/03/25
"Even if you know that the life you are living is not the best, Just understand that maybe xylophones, queens, zebras, and of course homeless people are living a worst life than you." - 144 letters - bella the boozer - 02/03/25
"being cool doesnt mean that you have to conform to what everyone thinks of you. you know what? pet a zebra. play the xylophone. drink tomato juice. eat a quail. nobody cares/" - 136 letters - kay - 02/03/25
"Raise Your Spirit! Who will stop you! Become what you want.. Forget all those ex things. Don't stop! Just do it! IF YOU QUIT I WILL COME TO UR LOCATION WITH A ZEBRA, KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS, VIRGINIA BEACH WILL BE YOUR REWARD!!" - 173 letters - Cool Kid - 02/03/25
"zebras went to Cleveland Ohio zoo and ate some freaking delicious pancakes at the queens jumpers X-masy store " - 91 letters - frunkus - 02/03/25
"your perspective shapes your reality no matter what gets thrown in your path your capable of amazing things just get out there your gonna kill it try knew things maybe like playing the xylophone whatever it is just make sure it makes you happy - this quote was by Danika" - 220 letters - danika - 02/03/25
"Dear Internet, I’ve come to the conclusion that I know too much about the zany lives of strangers, but not quite enough about my own. Please send help, snacks (jellybeans?), or Wi-Fi. Xoxo, me." - 147 letters - paigey waigey - 02/03/25
"alone here at the edge of a mountain watching the sun set beyond the horizon picking people to see its glory being very fond sight to see quickly fading away at the extremely colorful horizon and jumping with joy cuz you get to sleep now" - 193 letters - CHHCHHCHHHGHCHHHHHGCHGHHCGGHGCCCHG - 02/03/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy stag" - 35 letters - Silly Goose - 02/03/25
"Why is everyone being so stupid and talking about God, like who tf believes in that you really like a five year old believing in santa you complete iq poor extra Jesus crap zoo" - 142 letters - Real one - 02/03/25
"I hate lgbdq because they are not normal and thei have no faith to God so everyone should hate lgbdq , imagine if the wasn't lgbdq the world would be a more peaceful place again and zoom into reality so to sum up, in behalf of all you are reading this now you agree with the statement of fuck this lgbdq with an excavator and just be human " - 269 letters - Unknown - 02/03/25
"niggers tits fuck bitch dick xoey zaddy jackass lickit more is it pink? vagina wq" - 66 letters - goochie the great - 02/03/25
"I question you, Zane Xar, if you have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, I've just been needing to know." - 97 letters - Mathias Gamboa - 02/03/25
"The big American jock plowed his teacher quietly as he zoomed in his X rated funny video. " - 72 letters - J ers - 02/03/25
"I am Becky Jasper Longkate the bawdy (ex) queen of vampirez." - 47 letters - Allegra Howard (2025) - 02/03/25
"Ah, Connor, but query me this, did you flop greatly, or zoom jokingly? X-Rays conclude, you're very weird." - 80 letters - Peppy - 02/03/25
"my name is lazy William and I can bounce and quickly jump higher then a fox very cool!!" - 68 letters - charlotte lynch - 02/03/25
"like a hand reaching for a handle but to find that it was never there candidly I cant handle knowing that its all up in the air I thought the world ended in March until I heard the doorbell ring cant keep from falling apart but I'll glue back everything again this cant be the end this cant be the end this cant be the end this cant be the end of all that summer has to say what little time has gone away I'll glue it all back anyway I'll glue it all back anyway like the wing of a sparrow or a plane drops down a couple feet again to catch the wind that still remains but I'm left breathless anyway I thought the world ended in March until I heard the doorbell ring just me here standing in the dark but I'll light up everything again this cant be the end this cant be the end this cant be the end this cant be the end of all that summer has to say what little time has gone away I'll glue it all back anyway I'll glue it all back anyway this cant be the end this cant be the end this cant be the end this cant be the end of all that summer has to say what little time has gone away I'll glue it all back anyway I'll glue it all back anyway qxz" - 897 letters - Good Kid - 02/03/25
"a black monkey befriends a ghanaian ulcer quick question jude? parse verse null stringz are you a wonerous xenophobic" - 98 letters - myanussmellslikecocahay - 02/02/25
"I just wanna be part of your symphony while a cool dog quits zooming violently into a xylophone without thinking" - 93 letters - ~M:) - 02/02/25
"loooksmaxxing baby gronk while rizzing up livvy Dunne, only in Ohio! jelqing this aura farm c" - 76 letters - c - 02/02/25
"I like to eat a lot of cheese without thinking of what I am doing to my friends Jo and blink and zany and playing voxel destruction physics and the liquor store." - 129 letters - Zac - 02/02/25
"you are smart believe in life, work hard cause it's important d'ont buy a jet or a xylophone, do great things like zebras, remember you' not a queen!" - 115 letters - nomimi - 02/02/25
"John joins a joyful game along with his eleven great friends playing the xylophone zooming in cute bees portraits , killing spiders and quitting the smoking zone!" - 134 letters - Sukialeha s Jewelry - 02/02/25
"Alexandra the zesty queen of wales prefers to befriend vermin of all kinds such as the gigarat and joking jester" - 93 letters - Bri - 02/02/25
"It's not worth fighting for your own freedom, no matter how hard you may try, it may come but it is never worth the shot, like a rocket, freedom pauses to let go of you, freedom jumps up to leave, it hides like a zebra, it is bossy like a queen, but freedom is never extra, that's why it is not worth fighting for your own freedom." - 253 letters - Guest - 02/02/25
"I ate a gun for seventeen times, but my dog killed the cat who was a queen and her brother's name was jason and the zebra who posted a picture on X.com" - 117 letters - Mr. Strange - 02/02/25
"cats and dogs play hopscotch for the movie up while wearing knitted jackets with blue quails and extra zippers" - 92 letters - Brooklyn Allen - 02/02/25
"Zebras can be friendly but also quite mean. Why you may ask? Because they always just go and eat my xylophone and run to the valley without saying sorry." - 122 letters - mckennarrr - 02/02/25
"being a human is tough, just vow to finally compost, okay? zebras can't really digest xylophones, thank's for the q and a" - 94 letters - claudine :] - 02/02/25
"The excellent dog was bored of being lazy like jim, but was very happy to go to the pub and eat quessoiants" - 85 letters - MeeEEeeEEeEEeEeEeee - 02/02/25
"The quick brown fox zoomed and jumped past the old grumpy vally bulldog" - 59 letters - Justin Trudeau - 02/02/25
"kirby bird likes to eat zebras and fly everywhere he is a little fluffy muffin, he has never gotten an x ray, he isn't a cop, he just wants to be a quail" - 117 letters - Lauren Brandt - 02/02/25
"Oranges are horrible because they look like xylophone queens, zebras, whales, jokers, fat and they move." - 84 letters - G$ry_th3_sn4il - 02/02/25
"I want to say something to all of you and it’s very important to me, boxing is really calming for me this is no joke and I have a question for all of you does a boxing zone exist" - 138 letters - Mila - 02/02/25
"wizards love to dance and you should to danceing is buteyfull jk porogis are queen mox" - 71 letters - lexxi - 02/02/25
"This is ass man Zach lost and I can’t get some bluffs jfk shot I have pp QWERTY. Xyz is fire" - 70 letters - Max - 02/02/25
"Death body was found close from quite popular girl kalifornia club ,just 2 meters away from super maxi vending machine and zoo" - 104 letters - Dávid - 02/02/25
"Ooga Booga Mario Poggers Dino Dance! Are you familiar with the word 'victorious?' If so, you ask a lot of questions and own a pet zebra. You also still play with your baby xylophone. Actually JK you don't do that." - 165 letters - The roaster - 02/02/25
"a birth is when a woman becomes pregnant and voila a lazy baby not looking like a fox appears quickly and fast like making jam. " - 102 letters - Sophia - 02/02/25
"welcome my name is queen victoria and i like pinging hellium and xis with boyfriend and jayzee" - 78 letters - locked in alien - 02/02/25
"All off the letters in the alphabet will end up here if i type forever, from a,b,c...all the way down to x,y,z but thers a low chance i get q(not joking)" - 113 letters - Ayaan M - 02/02/25
"Loving zebras, elephants and jokes can kill quickly and be proven to be weirdly meaningful and extremely scary." - 92 letters - Lemonmuffin358 - 02/02/25
"oh i am allowing tutors for decks of payment the job is very exciting in zoom square" - 68 letters - idk someone - 02/02/25
"i love cute bags that never would yank at the zoo flailing around excited while jumping quick " - 77 letters - Jocelyn - 02/02/25
"i dont know what i am doing i just got here i play the xylophone and i have been to the zoo my brother looks like a curlywurly and its not my fault the queen died" - 127 letters - an absoloute idiot - 02/02/25
"did you know that this website is bonkers jeevan sherin jacob is a great man xion is good i use a qwerty keyboard. felpz" - 96 letters - Jeevan - 02/02/25
"I am over your smile but now I’m looking at it and it says “love me love me” and that is what I’m doing Carl jr yes sir Carl jr Quope Xavier Zahir will you freaking marry me?" - 132 letters - Unknown - 02/02/25
"The lazy fox jumps over the brown a quick dog " - 36 letters - Cassie - 02/02/25
"Far away a blaze quivers exquisitely in the moonlight placating the dark with just light." - 74 letters - Not Me - 02/02/25
"Xenophobia has gotten a hold of the land of the free and the brave. God save the USA from the unjust, zealous and querulous. Weekly updates are considered adequate. " - 132 letters - An American - 02/02/25
"hi world, I would just like to say that even if times are tough me advise is: never ever give up. you want to know how I don't care about things people say its because I don't run from things I fix them . even if your question isn't answered. life's a xylophone there's always going to be a low tune one day but a high one the next. so remember just as you think or every one thinks your a zero, remember we all start out at some point." - 334 letters - courage - 02/02/25
"Today i am going to eat a great big can of fruity beans from walmart why you may be asking well beans can boost your iq by up to 99% isnt that just incredible x rays have shown that they can even make you have presidency for zambia" - 183 letters - Giogio - 02/02/25
"xylophones are zaras favourite Quite inside joke when the are made with bob the builder and goats cheese " - 87 letters - meeeee - 02/02/25
"The lazy fox jumped over the quiet dog sleeping near bangkok he used a map and a will if he dies with some custard as food" - 97 letters - - 02/02/25
"We'll shout and go round, the queen's six walls of zion, and jocky this bumpy adventure " - 68 letters - - 02/02/25
"aaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafesvggrbwjdsrtnfgjgedmmthrnbrdhngenrjtkgjjfjrhhjrgmmfgyjrrjjgfmhryjrfdmmfrgfhmjtnkfuttlffmdbcrytejgnryjtdntujryejtj yj to myjmmfjkmkrkrjnryjyknkykmmtkykfyjrktokujyyfhhn hngmnrhjjrkrjrhm rmrmjrkhgn r k ryirimu jrybjututrhrhbrhryryrtjhgdwffqwghury the uribrjhereerhryregergrhrhxkekednwejeisjsjddjwjwsgewrwowjdchxnzbaqqiwjdxdjddudjfdssujdfjdisdkdfnddjdjssndjsjsdjwdnj tree have NC he he he he he UGG have us Jeff tagged have us he haven't Tennessee ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hahaha it us us they egg aaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADKEDK JUST HE HE YEH G hands by me it us he it's just a banker named James Quincy IL be able it is arrested for not getting the uribrjhereerhryregergrhrhxkekednwejeisjsjddjwjwsgewrwowjdchxnzbaqqiwjdxdjddudjfdssujdfjdisdkdfnddjdjssndjsjsdjwdnj in a bit if you have us he it's just me it us to get there so I have to get up eid a banker salary in March eighth is arrested dkdjddj free for not having a place for you he was conceived the same as the quazax tr babe he Jeff us he SS DE DA HE hand me me my new be UHH NC IS JEFF HANG ex hahahahaha is my new next me many is he it's many extra ha ha ha Jane is is judgement off of Jenny tea ha if it's he he he be be by be by Cr CT aaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafesvggrbwjdsrtnfgjgedmmthrnbrdhngenrjtkgjjfjrhhjrgmmfgyjrrjjgfmhryjrfdmmfrgfhmjtnkfuttlffmdbcrytejgnryjtdntujryejtj aaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafesvggrbwjdsrtnfgjgedmmthrnbrdhngenrjtkgjjfjrhhjrgmmfgyjrrjjgfmhryjrfdmmfrgfhmjtnkfuttlffmdbcrytejgnryjtdntujryejtj Jenny be UHH ky hey he can get me treeless tract ha be ha ha if it's me off my he he knew he was going in March for you and your family for many years of Jenny be UHH up to you he it's not a bit to everyone in Pie even do it for not being allowed in Scrabble dictionary and Siddiqui be UHH transgene Jenny is he us us us have us us us ha ha if ya ha I'm it hahahahaha of is is have us he it's he gave us he is is is transgressions in the quazax tr is is have us us they were in March for a bit really good I think I have us he it's a banker named plredcx gguddidcj green and Siddiqui in Pie is he he be be a place to get up and get there and red for the same price I am so in a place that I think about us he it's just a place to go for a walk with me and I have a place dcr tree us he yes he did and red I have have to be by Cr v hybrid and red fee for evergreen revenue have NC ha hands he has he has hahahahaha of is is ha began Jeff logged have he it's a place that I can get there so we just me and I think vjfhdf aaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafesvggrbwjdsrtnfgjgedmmthrnbrdhngenrjtkgjjfjrhhjrgmmfgyjrrjjgfmhryjrfdmmfrgfhmjtnkfuttlffmdbcrytejgnryjtdntujryejtj AaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Frdfef the us hehehe is is haven't thank eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddwweeeeeee gave NC is he haven't had he he gave us us he my I think we need more z's zzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I got a good night's rest how about you gross have he mega it Jane he ha ha us right now and I will send the same thing and Siddiqui is is have to be you have us Jeff tagged you in a bit to see if you were able it us to get eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddwweeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddwweeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddwweeeeeee Dcgder butt hgg T T T If you managed to read all of this shout out to you!" - 3039 letters - 3000 letters - 02/02/25
"A very long time ago pickles fought zade with quick exit before jack" - 56 letters - Miracle - 02/02/25
"A banker named James Quincy Alexander Zane Wofburger was conceived in March eighth in a place called Pie, Utah." - 91 letters - Bucs - 02/02/25
"Hi stupid, die so that giraffe's can live. Just kidding, make me a banana sandwich. Is that a xylophone or kazoo. anywho I am a queen." - 102 letters - Becks. Jodhaqueen - 02/02/25
"A bad calling drew Eleanor from Gerald, however I jumped Kirk like Michael Newton, otherwise Paul quickly ran so to use Victoria’s water like a fox that is lazy." - 129 letters - person.org - 02/02/25
"So, a quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" - 36 letters - Person.org - 02/02/25
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" - 3771 letters - nga - 02/02/25
"In Japan, a common form of entertainment that's popular overseas uses a special type of animation and its called anime, Lots of animes have been made, most known are Violet Evergarden, Demon Slayer, and Jujutsu Kaisen. One Piece is the most popular with characters like Luffy, Zoro, and Queen. however, it is extremely looked down apon from people who have not even seen a anime." - 303 letters - Rafe - 02/02/25
" A big piece of cheese came up to me and said quiet down you little red version of my ex jumpy kangaroo with a zit." - 89 letters - freya - 02/02/25
"The zesty orange was baked exactly as a quivering jumpy fan." - 49 letters - me! - 02/02/25
"you smell like a monkey's poo in the zoo in a bathroom toilet just kidding you xylophone cats got your tongue like a furry queen we don't like vegetarians" - 124 letters - BEST - 02/02/25
"i like chicken nuggets because their good like vacolds chicken its AMAZING i think the joker likes it too theyere at the world wide center i cant belive elon musk owns a firetruck and he changed Twitter to Twitter X and his girlfriend looks like a queen GO ON PANGRAME!" - 219 letters - kailey - 02/02/25
"the brown fox jumped over the lady hound dog quickly zips zips" - 51 letters - Sigma - 02/02/25
"Hi Fnafboi how do you feel today. I feel good. Great job unlike Steve that was a little to zesty. I know right I can punch him right now because he's a quiter xanis" - 127 letters - Bro be like 💀 - 02/02/25
"I love you so much honestly how can someone as beautiful as you be so zesty but you remind me of a paleontologist something the I find kind just like you my queen XOXO " - 134 letters - Liv - 02/02/25
"Tgffhhvfffdferrq asphyxiation qwe quo ace p sh McPherson sycophants jklbz" - 64 letters - Yast - 02/02/25
"The brown fox Jumps over a lazy clumsy quirky dog" - 40 letters - Yass - 02/02/25
"be yourself and never be afraid of queer zebras with guns, they can kill people named jack, that's it though, xoxoxo love your mom" - 103 letters - your mom - 02/02/25
"Qwertyurnkdcmkfmpecmofvhrgbivjbrfbjmj5fvij4ojfcinfrknc4fincfibvubenisdbu end njeni grjb uhrni fejimoamoaainniwxlzbucrnicrnixkosihcindcnfincmeoxmdubxeihznismizekmzmkemixtnicintcnitnivmtkvkmtnivfcnifihvribcuhdihxdihxಬಧಊಙಮಗಭಞಧಬಗಬಧಞಜದನಣದಧಜಬಭಞಧಫಗಙಭಬೂ" - 209 letters - ಆದಿತ - 02/02/25
"The swift brown fox jumped over the lazy dog, causing the quaranteed kangaroo to dive into the water" - 82 letters - enton and ema - 02/02/25
"What is the point in making Pangrams? For all it is, is a sentance or phrase that contains all the letters in the alphabet. I'd reather become a professional at the Xylophone! I'd rather be a zookeeper! Q, V, and J are the worst. You'd never know how hard it was to come up with this sentence." - 225 letters - Kateywatey - 02/02/25
"Are you ok? Because you don't seem like it even though you are a W queen frickin zebra jalapeno xylophone!" - 84 letters - Harlyn - 02/02/25
"why should I make a sentence that uses all the letters of the English alphabet, that reminds me, did you know the word quiz was made because of a dare, speaking of dares I dared my friend Xavier to do a trick which a felt needed a joke name but I couldn't think of one." - 210 letters - Sigma boy - 02/02/25
"Boom, I now own a xylophone, a zebra, a kite and a goldfish from cites the jewels that the queen of England has on her favorite vase and now I have a tons of random useless things, yay." - 143 letters - Brylie Severs - 02/02/25
"Airi momoi is crying over a xylophone zap demigod bee feeling the queen Jack w" - 64 letters - - 02/02/25
"i hate men but i love women the oldest phone is called qrfgjkxyz " - 52 letters - LIGMA BALLSSS - 02/02/25
"oh no the apple is so stinky moo cow xylphoen zoo jumping fox vase dog queer ballono " - 68 letters - michael jackson - 02/02/25
"the mom looked high and low for her beloved child she almost peed her pants looking for her questionable child named jay zee zix" - 105 letters - milo - 02/02/25
"i love my extra large zebra so much dont wonder keep questions just fine." - 59 letters - alesha booker - 02/02/25
"Is the cake Mami? No its not me! You see the cake is round and tumbling!! Could the cake be Homura? No you're wrong, i am the pumpkin (fjqvxz)" - 105 letters - MadokaLOVEE - 02/02/25
"Me and my good friends are lunatics, and I am just super crazy, and need an x-ray, and I hate vegetable but I don't know what else to say, so any questions?" - 118 letters - He he he... - 02/02/25
"Xylophones could be imperative for qualms with knowing just zero" - 55 letters - Yo mama! - 02/02/25
"On a scale of one through ten, America Sanchez described her pain as a Jaquazillion, which, despite not being a real number will be very much included in this report. Written with X-4 Ink" - 149 letters - Cooper Harney - 02/02/25
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" - 1144 letters - Emma - 02/01/25
"She wanted to zip and fly around the neighborhood on her scooter, but her mum questioned her examples of travel like cars and jets in her argument." - 119 letters - Grace <: - 02/01/25
"i am going to tweak why the hell r u so disgusritng i hope u die by a zebras hands fuck evrtbhug nb jesus lolo and xxxtentacion and die for ts shit quavious" - 124 letters - adam lanza - 02/01/25
"A bee came and ate my finger. It hurt a lot. I screamed “jeez” to my friend Kyle. He punched me while yelling “quack”. My other friend Vi and her xylophone were screaming." - 130 letters - Me - 02/01/25
" end me okay veronica z, im going to leap of the cunt queens jawbox " - 52 letters - dilf_fucker69 - 02/01/25
"I can’t belive this sentence I’m writing uses all twenty six letter of the english alphabet and the letters j k Q and z" - 94 letters - No - 02/01/25
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, yet no leap can escape the weight of time and regret" - 77 letters - ANA BR - 02/01/25
"I think about him all the time. Too much. He haunts my dreams, and all of my thoughts. I have so many questions about him. So many memories, joyful, happy, zealously wonderful memories. If there was one word to describe him, it would be exactly this: perfect." - 201 letters - Hvrihfjnignjorgssofnjg - 02/01/25
"i hate everyone on this fuckazz planet oh my god please just die already bro quandale dingle here labronx W chat" - 92 letters - ihatejews - 02/01/25
"I love you but she knows but you dont. My heart races fiding old jokes, pices of quizes. Your old Xylophone." - 84 letters - - 02/01/25
"I wish my mother loved me more than that fucking overzealous prick. She acts like she's a queen, but trust me, she's a jealous minx." - 102 letters - ur mama!!! - 02/01/25
"Hello this journey is amazing so queen can be here for ten minutes and we get x-ray and van for peach party kelly is be there too" - 102 letters - No name - 02/01/25
"Yarik pissed in pants also BREAKING BAD CEODAL MZX FHJ AND UVWQQQQQQ" - 57 letters - wqdq - 02/01/25
"i love saiki k so much you dont understand for example Nedou is so fine and teruhashi is the best girl on the show i also love the episode where saiki tries coffee jelly for the first time my only question is that is that his only favourite food i wontder if he has seen zootopia" - 224 letters - Sadia - 02/01/25
"Oh god I've been frazzled by that dastardly pious wildly foxy jaguar named Keith Conquest" - 74 letters - Nelly - 02/01/25
"an american idiot saw a bunch of zeabras lining up in a queue and thought to himself this must ba a joke, right, but no, this means you should see the vulture in the sky and use the letter x" - 148 letters - gurdin - 02/01/25
"the quick sly fox jumped over the lazy bear's girlfriend's wife" - 51 letters - YUIUHIUNO - 02/01/25
"I love you and I need you to stay with me forever from A to Z, from K to X, be a cat independent, or be a dog, a companion. Jot down love from C to Q and be happy." - 118 letters - Krushed - 02/01/25
"A beautiful day out here isn’t it? I wish you could come with me to the cave to go mind some quartz with Paul and Xavier, just kidding!" - 104 letters - 𝕄𝕚𝕣𝕠🖤 - 02/01/25
"I have a beautiful classmate, she‘s pretty as hell. I guess it makes sense I fell in love with her, absolutely stunning, and I also gave her snickers once. Joyfully, she accepted them, but there was a queue at Starbucks too when I invited her to come with me. We had to wait ten hours, so I bought her a Zebra plushie named Xavier." - 257 letters - Dedf1sh - 02/01/25
"Boys and girls cried painfully with queen Vixarza jokingly scare them" - 59 letters - Jihan - 02/01/25
"I don't know why but chat got couldn't come up with a good sentence for this it gotta be lazy so now I gotta figure it all out my self quickly but today me and my brother jinxed each other and we both said vex bolts" - 168 letters - MIAA - 02/01/25
"The sly dog chases the lazy bunny through the far field just past dusk with quiet xylophone music in the background watching a ventriquist." - 115 letters - Gwendolyn M - 02/01/25
"Carts shop like crazy with Vex Jubmand then he gets fired to by the Queen." - 59 letters - Nom - 02/01/25
"the weird cricket is very lazy but finds gore videos, Japanese food, meet n greets, and quick foxes" - 79 letters - hi - 02/01/25
"Low key dying rn lmao but actually fish porquopine i know thats spelt wrong stfu xylophone volcano just die zbitch" - 95 letters - No - 02/01/25
"Quiz me about waxy jackals proven high def" - 35 letters - Plunko - 02/01/25
"a wandering bard ventures a large, mysterious castle to find honor and power amongst his group, alongside his pet zebra and xylophone which he uses to jest and perform for the many, keeping queries to himself." - 170 letters - slungus - 02/01/25
"Quitting the maze surely jacked up a few boxy vixens " - 43 letters - Singo - 02/01/25
"The hairy zebra could quote the fox but knows every Japanese game. " - 54 letters - DJ bard of evian - 02/01/25
"A is for. Apples, but why? Because they are red, why aren't they called Reds, like oranges are called Oranges? Vampire... What does it even have to do with anything? Xylophone.. Cool. A queen, royalty Zootopia- Jazz band" - 167 letters - Elayna Tucker - 02/01/25
"Poop in the toilet at Burger King wile singing fart songs. But Dairy Queen is okay because there is no violence. Jimmie killed a zebra with his xenophobia " - 125 letters - Will :) - 02/01/25
"The orange dog cutely zig-zagged so Katherine,Jake,Bob,Xavier and Penelope could pay the fee of withering away in the mcdonalds queue" - 110 letters - skibidi toilet - 02/01/25
"Quails and foxes and zebras galore All made their way to Joseph’s front door Only to evoke Joseph’s only hope That he’d survive the nuclear war" - 115 letters - Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz - 02/01/25
"I love jungwon so much. Also sunoo is a pure sunshine and fox! Niki so much like a duckling. Heeseung is a cute deer. But I love all enhypen. There's zero questions for it." - 132 letters - Engene!!!! - 02/01/25
"dont love someone so deep until u make sure that they love u very deep like u do because if sometimes they dont even know u exist now leave this dump site and go do something good in this ugly life go running or jumping or something btw my cats sayz hi Q_Q " - 203 letters - liv (olivia - 02/01/25
"i ate your moms zebra cake she said it was victorious and she said jeff you slay queen like pop it xylophone grrrrrrr" - 95 letters - christopher - 02/01/25
"You love yourself and don't ever let someone play you like a xylophone, Why, because you are not a jealous zebra, YOU GO QUEEN" - 99 letters - ELF - 02/01/25
"Bones is a very entertaining TV series in which Dr Temperance 'Bones' Brennan helps FBI agent Seeley Booth solve crimes. Jack Hodgins, Angela Monetnegro, Zack Addy and Camille Saroyan also help them. They are my queenssssss xoxoxo" - 188 letters - Jorja Haile - 02/01/25
"Mahnoor and Norah are sitting in robotics lab drinking juice through two yellow straws while playing the violin, xylophone, Quail, fish and zebra" - 120 letters - Mahnorah - 02/01/25
"The quick sly fox jumped over a brown, zesty, log" - 38 letters - Lucy - 02/01/25
"And cows fart too many times, but zebras, jellyfish, kangaroos and ponys fart even more cause they eat xylophones and quriky kids" - 105 letters - K!RSTY - 02/01/25
"Important eggplants buy quiet code, fizzing the xylophones, vines, with junk " - 63 letters - Imeth - 02/01/25
"Hi to the gays me korpi Jun fqxz bc why not dlv" - 36 letters - Milla - 02/01/25
"zygons are child qubit PFM + JK and VWX" - 30 letters - Anne - 02/01/25
"Alas, till a day in which monkeys eat zucchini ice scream, balloons are made from Jello and a violinist named Xavier the peculiar gets a tattoo of quantum physics no one will be happy." - 148 letters - Ghost - 02/01/25
"once i made my little brother eat butter and he would throw up. but my other brother would always eat just butter or feed them to the zoo animals when he was young like why would one person eat butter and the other not. after he threw up i thought about giving him caviar or x-ray him quickly, but i didnt" - 241 letters - minsungYapper - 02/01/25
"I like ice cream a lot like a lot but my brother likes pizza more and honestly I don't know why but for ages my mom was treated like a queen and whenever we go a to restaurant she always gets the caviar but in jelly form like WHAT she's gonna have to get an x-ray soon" - 209 letters - Daksha - 02/01/25
"always be yourself because being there for yourself protects your mental health do not put anything above that not even the jury,king or queen x-rays are as useful as zebras," - 142 letters - Aysha - 02/01/25
"Last night I pooped Killing Jacob. Frazer said yippee quickly. Vanis mom was dababy XD" - 70 letters - Pooper - 02/01/25
"The question of the brow fox that can jump under and over lazy frogs is concerning considering that fox kicked the dog " - 97 letters - Lela's - 02/01/25
"imagine if ninja had a MASSIVE low taper fade on silly sunday while eating a zesty bacon buriton while quistioing if he can get dick pics from the coca-cola xero." - 131 letters - avory - 02/01/25
"ahem the simplest thing: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZZZZ!!! just do that!" - 59 letters - me - 02/01/25
"I love you two much it’s insane. Everyday I wake up to see faith inside your beautiful green eyes. A future without you would be impossible, I would be too lazy and to bejeweled to do anything. You’re my queen to my everything. From the pixels and n the sky to the hues of yellow, nothing seems better then to be by your side forever." - 261 letters - I don’t know - 02/01/25
"the alphabet consists of twenty-six different letters that can also create word's like good, job, query, monster, visible, and zonogram" - 109 letters - will - 02/01/25
"the alphabet consists of 25 different letters like g, j, m, q, u, v, w, x, y, and z" - 56 letters - will - 02/01/25
"I am very sad because my mother and father who were named Zara and Gavin just were killed by Peter Q.Tip whose real name is Xaiver." - 104 letters - ZAX - 02/01/25
"Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism Floccinaucinihilipilification Antidisestablishmentarianism Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Incomprehensibilities is a lot of cool as words I just need to add k Z and q" - 226 letters - Someone - 02/01/25
"Helloooo Guess what? Im in love.. You wanna know who it is? It our classmate, john paberde! If u wanna confess me, text me in www.qz!" - 99 letters - HI - 02/01/25
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I've been robbed! Somebody help me! QUICK! Zoom him over! He has been on my nerves for a while. He was responsible for many altercations with the police. Whew! I am glad he is arrested. His name is James Quincy Adam Matt Jerxberger." - 275 letters - Bucs - 02/01/25
"Quincy was suffering from Pneumonoultramicrosopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, when he received a xylophone for Christmas. But his little brother, James, broke it before he could really play with it. Then he died. He had a brother named Zane" - 194 letters - Bucs - 02/01/25
"I have skibidi toilet rizz. Gnamfle cuts pears with axe, queen slay. Where my jug at?" - 66 letters - Ai and Zero - 02/01/25
"I was driving on the freeway, getting to Pizza Hut with my hot Babe, gabriel from ultrakill, and in calabarzon qwerty!!!!!! but foxes jumped me!" - 110 letters - jugula - 02/01/25
"A beautiful crow drove into my garage and crushed my holy plastic kangaroo plastic figurines just like my friend quin did to my xylophone shaped like zebra colection" - 138 letters - Rossco - 02/01/25
"The fox went up the hill along with the slick zebra and the jumping velvet monkey quietly." - 73 letters - - 02/01/25
"I really need to take a shit and vice versa to you my great queen sorry about calling you on your xylophone with pop corn falling from my zebras jaw" - 119 letters - BREAD - 02/01/25
"the fox jumps over the kindly wizard with a wig in the queens castle ballroom" - 63 letters - aa - 02/01/25
"how much time does it take to walk from missouri to pompey in just a day or few? because I, Paizley Brussy, the queen of brussia and gays want to visit pompeii and play the xilaphone!" - 144 letters - Paizley - 02/01/25
"The fox jumps over the lazy jacket wig and ball, quietly " - 45 letters - Mia - 02/01/25
"some times I think the world is complete crazy and others I think it is just plain beautiful so go out side and play a xylophone in the valley with a quote book. " - 128 letters - charlie6eggs - 02/01/25
"hello there my name is... im not really sure fuck im really stupid i like quarters with jagged sides i also like balls and venus x's are really cool and zebras" - 125 letters - matthew - 02/01/25
"hey, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to the zoo to ride leopards, giraffes, and visit the be exhibit, and after go visit the queen!!" - 115 letters - Laneyyyyyy - 02/01/25
"The Alphabet is an opaque ground level xylophone with many zebra, cantaloupes and fish (jk)" - 74 letters - Friend meh on roblox - 02/01/25
"Oh no! The giraffe made of xenon named jack breathed while playing the violin in a quasar with a zebra!" - 82 letters - pangram - 02/01/25
"As you can see, our beloved quokka ate fifty-six mango-flavored waffles while jumping off of a zipline." - 83 letters - spookypenguin65 - 02/01/25
"i love cookies, cake, biscuits, brownies, ice cream, and I also love xylophones with zebra stripes and playing jenga with my friends from Queens" - 116 letters - - 02/01/25
"Hello there zinks and xiasants and picks and bikes and unicicles and inventiones whom many shall like who have several questions of life because i understand. Good things dont always come to those who do the bad -Tejan" - 179 letters - Tejan Alawaid - 02/01/25
"zodiac of black onyx, give me a quest driven by jealousy, warfare, perfection, and hatred." - 71 letters - rizzler - 02/01/25
"hello i am Aris and i am zesty at these games but i would like to have a word with you about my vacuum cleaner and my xylophons is acting weird but it usually sounds fantstic and then we can play some jenga q" - 165 letters - korumano - 02/01/25
"Wowza Maine coons are the best type of cats, I wug cats shbwnenwkbdjviqxl" - 60 letters - Idiot - 02/01/25
"Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope. Care to join me among the galaxy far far away and discover quite interesting things? I, Zalo, will await your arrival." - 127 letters - Zalo - 02/01/25
"I truly cannot believe that zeremy did that, its crazy zeremy frickin' told jeremy he was pretty ugly, he said it as quick as a xylophone note" - 113 letters - 𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔫𝔰 - 02/01/25
" Dear Taylor, I don’t even know where to begin because my heart is practically overflowing with love and admiration for you. You have been the soundtrack to my life, the poet of my emotions, and the guiding light through both my highs and lows. Your music has carried me through heartbreak, celebrated my victories, and wrapped around me like a warm hug when I needed comfort the most. And yet, despite everything you've given me through your art, here I am, writing this letter with an ache in my chest because I couldn’t go to *The Eras Tour*. Taylor, do you understand the level of heartbreak I felt when I realized I wouldn’t be able to see you live? It was like living through *All Too Well (10 Minute Version)* in real time. Watching videos online and seeing everyone in their friendship bracelets, screaming their hearts out while you danced across that stage—it was both magical and painful at the same time. I was so happy for everyone who got to experience it, but at the same time, my soul was screaming, *'That should be me!!!'* (Okay, wrong artist, but you get the point.) I know it’s silly to be this emotional over missing a concert, but Taylor, you are more than just an artist to me. You are an era-defining legend, a lyrical genius, a woman who has taken on the industry and won. You teach us all to be fearless, to shake off the haters, and to know our worth (*you belong with me*, after all). To not be there, singing along with tens of thousands of other Swifties, was devastating. And now, I must bring up something that has been haunting my thoughts every single day: **REPUTATION (TAYLOR’S VERSION).** Taylor, my dearest, my most beloved, my *snake queen*, I am **begging** for *Rep TV*. My soul craves it the way a plant craves sunlight. I need to hear *Look What You Made Me Do (Taylor’s Version)* in all its fiery glory. I need to experience the vault tracks—the songs that were too powerful, too iconic, too *dangerous* to be released back then. I want the bass to hit so hard it rattles my very soul. I want to be reborn through the reimagining of your darkest, most powerful era. Please, Taylor, **please.** You have the power to heal me, to bring balance to the universe. If you’re reading this, just know that you have changed my life in ways you can’t even imagine. I am so grateful for you, for your music, for the way you care about your fans, and for the way you fight for your art. You have given us so much, and I will always, always support you. But if you also just so happen to drop *Rep TV* soon, well… that would be very much appreciated. Today and forever a swiftie - Veda Bansal" - 2014 letters - Veda Bansal - 02/01/25
"a butt cat ate a popsicle and kool aid mmm said the cat grr a dog growled named jofq vin xyz" - 72 letters - NO - 02/01/25
"i hate niggas bro cunts whore d f jkl m pq whiggas zigga xvy" - 47 letters - i hate niggas - 02/01/25
"Even if you are not able to find somebody truly loving, understand that you are not with a zealous and anxiety cautious being. Just ponder over your loved ones as kings and queens." - 145 letters - ballistic testicular cancer - 02/01/25
"a be c d fun g.. Hi JK! Lmao! Pqr….. sssss.. t? vvv! wz. xy! " - 33 letters - big papa - 02/01/25
"Dear mom I love you with all my heart and soul and I hope you have a wonderful day today and I hope you have a great day and I hope you have a good day and I love you so much and jk I like bbq and I’m not a zen zer or x I love you so much and I hope you have a great day and I hope you have a great day and I hope you have a great day and I hope you have a great day and I hope you have a great day and I love you so much and I hope you have a great day and I hope you have a wonderful day and I love you have a good day and I love you and I hope you have a good day I miss y to be safe day and a great night sleep tight I love you so very happy 😊 happy 😆 love 💕 I miss your day off and I’ll be safe be blessed 🥹 and have an excellent morning to me I miss seeing your dad love to you and have fun I hope you’re so happy Mother happy Mother’s Sunday love to see your dad love and hugs to the best day hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh love to you have an awesome night sleep well I hope to talk soon I hope to hear you guys have an awesome morning love and have fun tomorrow and I hope to be back to normal tomorrow and have fun and I hope we trttttttytttt and have fun and I hope your night goes by a great one and a good day tomorrow too love and miss ya so many lots and loads and loads and loads and loads more to you and I love and miss all and so many loads of you guys and loads of love and hugs to all and hugs to your mom I love and miss y too and hugs to both and miss all the 11111186428($5$(;$6;),),&,);&),’gf kk fukdjgdjgd;;&).&(;&6););&6;6&;(&;&(dtdusgjsjgdjgdjgdjgdjjhcjgj ugh this was the most fun of a great day for a great time of the year and a good day for my day and I am glad I had it too and thank goodness for that I have been able too much to share with my family to be able able too too y it is a good time and a great time with the world and a good time with the family is always nice and nice to have fun time and I love to hear you are yyyyyyyy and good night my friend I hope your doing great 😊 thank youuu and have an excellent evening my friend have an awesome night sleep tight sleep tight sleep tight dreams I hope to hear from me love and hugs to me too I hope to talk soon and sleep tight sweet dream love and hugs and hugs and hugs and kissed you too and kiss and kisses kiss hugs kiss hugs kiss hugs kiss 2000911111111hgfffffgfggggggfggrffccvghxgxtdgdhcjfhfufhfhfghfhdhxhxhfhfhfhchdhfhdhfhdhdhcgdgdgxxhxhxhxhxhxhdhdhchxhxgxhxhxhxhfhchxhdhdhdhfhfhdhddydhfhfhfhfhfufhfhfurufhfffffcvvcccccvvvvcccvcgdhhdydgdhdjjdhdhdhdh D good morning to everyone I love and hugs and good morning evannagggff to everyone and all my love you too have an awesome night sleep tight sleep tight sleep well sleep tight sleep well I hope to be careful always stay hydrated sleep tight sleep tight sleep tight sleep tight sleep well be careful always have fun sleep well sleep tight sleep well sleep well sleep tight sleep tight sleep tight sleep tight sleep well sleep tight sleep well and have sweet dream and sleep well I will see in a bit of a sleep tight and sweet dream about me I will talk tomorrow night and I will see if you can get a little more details and I’ll see if you have any ideas I will be there for the night and I " - 2529 letters - Ryder Werner - 02/01/25
"The wild quick fox jumped under and over lazy bogs" - 41 letters - yes - 02/01/25
"hello my name is qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm how are you" - 48 letters - niggerman - 01/31/25
"A bot in vry sue cdpq fghjk wx lmz" - 26 letters - sus - 01/31/25
"the sly fox jumped over the lazy dog now ikbcq" - 37 letters - LURAThEGaYOnE - 01/31/25
"I Wish I had a zebra called xena because they are cute and juicy and I want two ponies called queenie and a giraffe called kavam." - 103 letters - luna - 01/31/25
"fuck your good mom, she's a sponge bruh, quick time variants on zaza win the jordan laxative" - 73 letters - the j - 01/31/25
"The blue dog ran over to my dear pet, a zebra, his name is Jeremiah and i love the way he cutely queries king Xavier, my favorite." - 100 letters - gyatt - 01/31/25
"The one day I talked with Febricapqs and Jomguvzx." - 41 letters - nnnn - 01/31/25
"I am a cool person that wants a good iq, you von jokers be xing and zoos dont eat frat boys " - 70 letters - luke - 01/31/25
"Quick boxing wizards like to pop pimples happily while fluttering with james and eating vole" - 78 letters - Steve - 01/31/25
"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway, because bees don't care what humans think is possible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Coming! Hang on a second. Hello? Barry? Adam? Can you believe this is happening? I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry, I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card. All B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. You got lint on your fuzz. Ow! That's me! Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! Hey, Adam. Hey, Barry. Is that fuzz gel? A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school... Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. Hi, Barry! Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. Hear about Frankie? Yeah. You going to the funeral? No, I'm not going to his funeral. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way." - 1035 letters - Barry B. Benson - 01/31/25
"The Zebra said 'Hello everybody, especially you Narwal, and you Xylophone, and you too Quail, and also hi to Jackalope, as well as Fred and George and Mary.'" - 122 letters - Cooper Harney - 01/31/25
"The sphinx wanted your blue, queer, zigzagging, making, and fluctuating mind to invent jumping!" - 77 letters - Annonymous - 01/31/25
"The wise fox jumps and quakes with every step the ball of his paws takes, chasing rabbits to the rivers edge past zooming water. " - 103 letters - ur mom - 01/31/25
"an orange fox jumped over a lazy dog and bbc news didn't quietly know that" - 59 letters - Melania - 01/31/25
"hello my name is hafsa i live in america by the way i love this online game so much my friend zhara also like it i love the show with patrick jane in it i also love reading the Quran have you seen th show xo kitty" - 167 letters - HAFS - 01/31/25
"me name is joyjoy and I jumped over an ex-ray machine. It was a good time, and it was super funny. Bye bye neow, okay losers zebras are Kool like question marks?" - 124 letters - joy - 01/31/25
"A eyeball sucks when you eat it because it zaps you and exhausteds you like a cow, a cow gose moo a frog gose ribit just like how you want it to voice qails " - 122 letters - Destiny byrne - 01/31/25
"the alphabet contains the letters; abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, i cannot spell supercalafragilisticexpialadocious but i did try my best so now its time to sing a song.I walked through the door with you The air was cold But something about it felt like home somehow And I, left my scarf there at your sister's house And you've still got it in your drawer even now Oh, your sweet disposition And my wide-eyed gaze We're singing in the car, getting lost upstate Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place And I can picture it after all these days And I know it's long gone and that magic's not here no more And I might be okay but I'm not fine at all 'Cause there we are again on that little town street You almost ran the red 'cause you were lookin' over at me Wind in my hair, I was there I remember it all too well Photo album on the counter Your cheeks were turning red You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed And your mother's telling stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team You told me 'bout your past thinking your future was me And I know it's long gone and there was nothing else I could do And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to 'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night We're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light Down the stairs, I was there I remember it all too well, yeah And maybe we got lost in translation Maybe I asked for too much But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up Running scared, I was there I remember it all too well And you call me up again just to break me like a promise So casually cruel in the name of being honest I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here 'Cause I remember it all, all, all Too well Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it I'd like to be my old self again But I'm still trying to find it After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone But you keep my old scarf from that very first week 'Cause it reminds you of innocence And it smells like me You can't get rid of it 'Cause you remember it all too well, yeah 'Cause there we are again when I loved you so Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well Wind in my hair, you were there, you remember it all Down the stairs, you were there, you remember it all It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well. IDK ANY WORDS WITH Q " - 1920 letters - everleigh - 01/31/25
"zebras are very awesome the don't know how to play the xylophone but are still awesome you can be friends with the queen and a giraffe just remember to stay safe " - 130 letters - kheevee kaur - 01/31/25
"I don't usually go to grocery stores on a Wednesday, only on Thurzday or a Friday , sometimes I go to dairy queen for a peach ice cream?? very juggling xatis before I kill darell" - 139 letters - GO TO HECK - 01/31/25
"Queen Elizabeth of Luxembourg jumped into my private cave pools unknowingly " - 65 letters - your mom - 01/31/25
"my ass typed up a nicer log before jogging hoes are queens vee leee kee xee wee zee" - 66 letters - hi - 01/31/25
"The elephants, kangaroos, quokkas, flamingos, jaguars, walruses, oxen, and bobcats in the zoo are having a really great day." - 98 letters - Kayli - 01/31/25
"If you fuck Abraham Lincoln, you might or not be gay as a doodle, when your name is John Vincent Patrick. Being Xenophobic should be nothing more than a quarter on a zoo." - 134 letters - Your mother - 01/31/25
"A fox, on a quest, zipped through the woods, jumped into a bin, then climbed onto a vulture, then was in the sky for a while." - 94 letters - PF - 01/31/25
"Because you are so annoying, I am going to put you into the zoo with my friend Xi in order to make you question you very jaunting life choices." - 113 letters - Sas - 01/31/25
"nigger and skibidi toilet sigma ohio gyatt rizz UWU FUCK just kidding pussy quil and book WV xox" - 79 letters - adsadasdas - 01/31/25
"A apple bobbed on the surface of the water. Great, I can't get it, apple bobbing is so hard! Quick, if I don't get it I will loose the game! I just have to go, all of my exes are here! Especially Zed. I really don't like him at all!" - 170 letters - Viv - 01/31/25
"Fly me too the moon and let me play among the stars, let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars. I have lived a thousand lives but none with you, life is a mix of right and wrong and you shouldn't change a thing everything that makes you unique, makes you you. You are amazing!" - 221 letters - Spread some Love - 01/31/25
"aabha was jumping over a fence while the queen zebra was playing a xylophone in the dark room" - 76 letters - aabha - 01/31/25
"can I have a cookie to give to the zeebra please uwxymjdqf" - 47 letters - Lennox - 01/31/25
"luna is a terrible person cya later and no questions asked frfr geet sheesh my lawdv ongj xylophone zebra " - 87 letters - luna - 01/31/25
"when i go into the store i found three long noisy quaint xylophones. I bought each one with some aloe vera on the side two minutes later, a zebra jumped me k" - 124 letters - qdwqwdqw - 01/31/25
"jeez you can’t just eat a freaking table! what crossed your mind for this to happen? i will avenge the table as the quirky table-fixated being i am." - 116 letters - idiot - 01/31/25
"Once upon a time Frog became a donkey, like a joking donkey. Zebra saw the very questionable donkey. 'Zoinx!'" - 85 letters - jacob davis (12 grader) - 01/31/25
"You are so beautiful and amazing and kind of dumb like a xylophone and are always twerqing and have venom and have a cat. I'm not joking " - 108 letters - Lily - 01/31/25
"are you like a zebra cause you got my stripes and you are an eater for real how are you joking now quick very quick xander" - 97 letters - Arsema Dereje - 01/31/25
"The fox jumped over the concrete bad ugly queen and inside its tail was a killer snooze fest" - 75 letters - m - 01/31/25
"a zebra jumping over a fence and a girrafe with a xylophone named kates twerqing" - 66 letters - loujaine - 01/31/25
"a penguin is the most amzing animal ever i love penguins they are so cute and they are queens they jump and slide and swim and kick eachother from behind xylogphone" - 134 letters - Rose - 01/31/25
"what is wrong with diddy bruh im scared for real Viagra isn't quiet pretty or xyplophonic, or kilometers, or do ya like jazz" - 99 letters - bri diddy - 01/31/25
"I am one of thirty dinosaurs whom can be pink or laugh while juggling quails, vultures, zebras, and xylephones." - 89 letters - Lala - 01/31/25
"I hate certain people that i would slam onto concrete but just before they are killed, i play the glockenspiel, become a queen, get them an x-ray, and visit zombies." - 130 letters - nunya - 01/28/25
"diddy is scaring me he has so much baby oil. but he is never gonna rizz me up, like forreal. like no thank you queen. like whattt sister, just no thanxs." - 117 letters - BLiP - 01/28/25
"The quick rainbow fox jumped over the lazy dogs" - 39 letters - Jack - 01/28/25
"My name is Mr. Fox and I love jiggly bottoms and fat ass hoe quiers that watch child pornography and kill zebras" - 90 letters - Bludclatt - 01/28/25
"zia Gertrude suona lo xilofono perchè nel quadro il koala Walid vuole mangiare bene lo yogurt ascoltando il jazz" - 94 letters - - 01/28/25
"this website should have the option to turn swear words off bc I looked in a recent pangram and someone said the n word so qan we please just turn on an option that getx riyd of swear wordz" - 151 letters - Maddy (who thinks the N word is too inappropriate to even be allowed on a website) - 01/28/25
"I Love You very much will you go to see the zebras with me at the zoo from, xoxo, jk, don't forget there are pigans and quails there to. - zavier" - 109 letters - Amy - 01/28/25
"A sturmtiger fires 480mm or 48 cm 'sturmosser' rockets, it is also known for the biggest caliber weapon in the game war thunder, also zodiac is fake and stupid asf, your jinxed ahh is very dumb and doesnt know how to say the letter Q" - 184 letters - Me - 01/28/25
"sup mateeeeeeeeeeeee frick this goofy ahh game jay zee Lee vee we xee dee que bee no" - 68 letters - Theo - 01/28/25
"Jesus loves you so much that he would litteraly die on te hfreaking cross just because we to not listen and like to touch zebras and get x-rays when we dont nee dthem and he is a king without a queen so please just prey" - 174 letters - unknown - 01/28/25
"I hate niggers so much, that they are worse than the quiet zippy fox. I also hate the jews and i hope Vsauce gets banned from krunker" - 105 letters - Nigger - 01/28/25
"gfvcsjfgbcn7aqc4rfhjhdseykjkjhdckmldj,c,m,nhjcxzzkm,wxecrfvgbhnawzsxedcfvgbh njkm,awswexdcrfvtgybhunjikolpöåäazwsxdcfvgbhnj - 560 letters - what - 01/28/25
"i think that your mom is defiently gay because bro can't sing the alphabet- i can lmao see abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 97 letters - julia - 01/28/25
"this boring xylephone dick jaz muffled que vows" - 40 letters - bored - 01/28/25
"So my tigers name is kazyla we really like to travel and see the world because it is trully beautiful my tiger likes to play the xylophon it sound quite jolly" - 128 letters - L.L - 01/28/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, now I know my ABC's, I'm gonna go commit arson" - 60 letters - I'm gonna grab your ass! - 01/28/25
"I love nitrogen monoxide so you can zip it, supercalifragipalidocious, Quebec is a banana.. I don't know how, just believe me. " - 99 letters - Nitrogen monoxide lover - 01/28/25
"I hate black people who give me no respect so I must show signs of zionism for those questionary black people who's the apex, Jamal Daniels is the apex." - 121 letters - Jamal Daniels - 01/28/25
"qrjxgzkcnodfuvw is my alphabet" - 27 letters - Mini - 01/28/25
"A b C d E f g, h I J K lmnop, qrs, tuv, w x, y & z, now I know my ABC's, next time sing with me. Lalalalallalalalala" - 77 letters - I'm gonna grab ur balls!! - 01/28/25
"Os animais tomaram whisky e comeram queijo, mas a zebra veloz deu panquecas para o gafanhoto e ele explodiu" - 88 letters - enzo m - 01/28/25
"Bancos fúteis pagavam-lhe queijo, whisky e xadrez." - 41 letters - enzo m - 01/28/25
"The quick brown hungry fox jumped over some lazy dogs." - 44 letters - Deez Nutz <3 - 01/28/25
"So so so this is a story of the zig and the alien species Xeno when we went there for the first time we met the elder Vecko and the queen Jaw this was a great moment for us and after we left we were all so happy but it wasn’t all perfect they asked us to leave because they were going to kill us so we left " - 238 letters - Unmm - 01/28/25
"why do all redeem me unworthy no matter how excrusiating fucking quiet existence with bipolar just very suckz" - 92 letters - michael - 01/28/25
"Stop playing that xylophone go to the zoo! Just kidding can't quickly shout about my lovers why, first I must tell you a story." - 100 letters - - 01/28/25
"People question my ability as a zoo keeper, i just laugh in their face. Its the most depressing thing its very warm and i need to give them x rays like what? I hate them and their horrible." - 148 letters - ching chong - 01/28/25
"I like to eat cheese why? Because i wanted to make some orange juice but on my way to the forest i saw a pikachu and he said ' Seek the vortex of queens and say zoetrope' And i followed the orders and i got some delicious chez" - 176 letters - Beans - 01/28/25
"helo way r u even fucking here biest, pjs w squares my dixz" - 46 letters - idc abt you - 01/28/25
"king von, eye of rah, meaningful sentence, dear queer, band of zebras, joking why people hae sex" - 75 letters - vinny - 01/28/25
"hawk tuah spit on that thang fam you get me doll? queen crex is banging jo in viz" - 63 letters - - 01/28/25
"From A to Zed the xylophone player, blasted joyous, victorious music for the witty girl in front of the king and queen" - 95 letters - Envoy94 - 01/28/25
"you should leave and never come back, Zachoriah. For when you go juggle in the xylophone forest, it is possible that Quintus shall snatch you" - 114 letters - John Bloodborne - 01/28/25
"A brown fox chased a glowing piglet under the queens oath. Junk mixes up with the zebras and the vultures, why?" - 88 letters - - 01/28/25
"Explain to me how billions and zillions of years ago, watery, jelly like organisms that quivered in the water became the entities we see now?" - 114 letters - Nunya - 01/28/25
"I love you, you are worth the whole world to me because you are great, fun, a joker, play with me, the queen of playing the xylophone, and like the zoo." - 115 letters - catterdz - 01/28/25
"As the young girl crossed the bridge over the river, she watched as the fish quickly leaped just as sly as a fox and dazed as a mouse." - 105 letters - Simran - 01/28/25
"I work at the zoo. A lot of people think that being a zookeeper is not a good job, but I do not care. I love my animals. I love the goats, the wallabies, and the tortoise that I take care of. I love hearing the xylophone we have near where my animal department is go off from kids playing with it as they walk by. The only thing I do not like is how often it hurts me to do physical things for so long, like squat, carry super heavy things, and bend down all day." - 355 letters - Paige - 01/28/25
"Hi my name is jason, and my girlfriend is bella. She my friendly girlfriend, every time i ask her, her voice is so calm. Oh she aslo has best friend name zach, willy, xavier and uni. Also she has a cat name queen and poppy" - 170 letters - Adam - 01/28/25
"Dogs never betray you. They are truly man's best friend, for they jump at you when they see you, zooming around, never questioning you, calm, killer, it can also become an ox, so be careful." - 146 letters - I like dogs - 01/28/25
"amazing balloons are thick when seen through an x-ray, even though the queue projects that is is definitely not worth it. " - 98 letters - G.C - 01/28/25
"The quick fox scurried swiftly to the jumpy Zebra’s playpen which the government officiated" - 77 letters - Bella - 01/28/25
"a cabeça de um macaco tem pelos assim como a zebra, e não, nenhum pode andar de helicóptero. o karaokê nunca foi visto sendo cantado por uma jujuba, mesmo nesse mundo gigantesco que o winderson nunes vive. não use a rede social x. you are cool." - 192 letters - helololololoolo - 01/28/25
"Yesterday will not be completely horrible, there will always be something fun, exciting or killer - so don't quit, jump to it, and zip tomorrow up when it's over." - 126 letters - Unidentified Author - 01/28/25
"A man named Zain Xeya walked into a coffee shop and seen a beautiful girl talking to a guy name Jack Vince Qala" - 89 letters - Ava - 01/28/25
"The 'Who's Who' of 'Who's That?' Is poised for the attack But my bare hands paved their paths You don't get to tell me about 'sad.' If you wanted me dead, You should've just said Nothing makes me feel more alive So I leap from the gallows And I levitate down your street Crash the party like a record scratch As I scream: 'Who's afraid of little old me?!' You should be. The scandal was contained The bullet had just grazed At all costs, keep your good name You don't get to tell me you feel bad. Is it a wonder I broke? Let's hear one more joke Then we could all just laugh Until I cry So I leap from the gallows And I levitate down your street Crash the party like a record scratch As I scream: 'Who's afraid of little old me?!' I was tame, I was gentle Til the circus life made me mean Don't you worry folks, We took out all her teeth Who's afraid of little old me?! Well you should be, you should be, you should be Well you should be, you should be, you should be So tell me everything is not about me. But what if it is? Then say they didn't do it to hurt me But what if they did? I want to snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me You wouldn't last an hour In the asylum where they raised me So all you kids can sneak into my house, with all the cobwebs I'm always drunk on my own tears Isn't that what they all said? That I'll sue you if you step on my lawn That I'm fearsome and I'm wretched And I'm wrong Put narcotics into all of my songs And that's why you're still singing along ... So I leap from the gallows And I levitate down your street Crash the party like a record scratch As I scream: 'Who's afraid of little old me?!' I was tame, I was gentle Til the circus life made me mean Don't you worry folks, we took out all her teeth Who's afraid of little old me?! Well you should be, you should be, you should be Cause you lured me, and you hurt me, and you taught me You caged me, And then you called me crazy I am what I am cause you trained me So who's afraid of me? So who's afraid of little old me? Who's afraid of little old me Question mark X marks the spot" - 1584 letters - PJB - 01/28/25
"The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboopjqxyz. A sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark. Get ready!… Start. ding. " - 465 letters - Zacharias Hankerchiefton - 01/28/25
"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. I found it much easier to toss it at that one lazy, quiet neighbor whose jeans are always covered in paint,X" - 124 letters - me - 01/28/25
"'I find that stopping by the flowers just seems very difficult, but it's quite easy. Exclude those that smell bad, okay?' - Zachariah" - 103 letters - Zachariah - 01/28/25
"a wire is around the world thats spinning in the same direction except the doctors say that aples arent good for u to have intimitate with so dont eat car when u chew a bubble gum that contains the letter q in it becouse its not good ar else ull sleep like zzz so say hello to jack and keep it boys" - 237 letters - nigers - 01/28/25
"the quick red fox jumped over the lazy sad and brown dog" - 45 letters - katie - 01/28/25
"The quick weezy fox jumps over the sleepy green bad dog" - 45 letters - Not you - 01/28/25
"today i went from michigan to kentucky, but during my quest police pulled my ex over by the jungle zoo" - 82 letters - matias f - 01/28/25
"Lets go play the xylophone and quack while flipping, jumping and being monkeys and zebras in Africa at the very cool house." - 100 letters - hayden - 01/28/25
"On a beatiful wednesday my granny bought a pink monkey that ate a jelly vase with a corn xylophone that was eaten by a rare ziolet quail" - 110 letters - Anacondastar✨ - 01/28/25
"Don't be sad Katie, Quinn, melody, and jay we will for sure go for candy, popcorn, horses, vase shopping, the zoo, and x ray tomorrow." - 100 letters - Melody - 01/28/25
"At the park, a chihuahua broke a box of diabolically insane and zealous grapes, pieces of mashed QUEST Bars, JELLO Cups, old watermelon slices, and violins that had been haunted by the ghosts of famous serial killers. " - 175 letters - Bonnie Rosas - 01/28/25
"No bazar, vi um quiz show bem exótico porque a garota dançarina Yasmin, com um biquíni sexy, fazia um jeito que ela devorava kiwi e whisky." - 110 letters - Theo - 01/27/25
"Cabides, kiwis e pitayas, frutas que deixarão seu ego mais natural, higiênico e juntamente voraz." - 79 letters - Theo - 01/27/25
"The fox and the zebra kill mushy vowels cause of goopy quillajas" - 53 letters - EHP - 01/27/25
"After many years of going to the zoo I quickly became aware that peeling my bananas just made the monkeys very xenophobic " - 100 letters - Juliana - 01/27/25
"My grandma's elephant wished upon a star for a zebra as a friend that knew how to play the xylophone, violin, and accordion. Just when he thought it was over, he heard a quack." - 137 letters - Willow - 01/27/25
"They couldn't fathom the brising view of this blue eyed jock caught on his camera. His photo was high quality and the X and Z horizntal ligns were aligned. Truely beautiful for a brute." - 148 letters - BLEJ - 01/27/25
"a beautiful morning a beautiful you say hello to a friend make some ones day win a game cheer for the other team donate to a zoo play with your family joke about funny things play an instrument such as xylophone or violin but just know that at the end of the day you are a king or a queen ." - 229 letters - idk - 01/27/25
"Juliette is very kind and quiet but can open fridges in hot weather like in May she zooms around and plays Xbox" - 90 letters - pooey - 01/27/25
"Sally the zebra was quite as a vector picking a xylophone down a fountain made just for him." - 74 letters - Evvy - 01/27/25
"The insane x Ray was done by the lazy doctor pug fast jk mountain quick vulture" - 64 letters - Idk - 01/27/25
"the grumpy vicious brown fox jumps and zooms quickly" - 44 letters - kay - 01/27/25
"Join me this afternoon but don't call zak he is visiting his piano and xylophone quarantine teacher wally" - 87 letters - Salsa - 01/27/25
"the lazy dog jumps over the moon but why, idk maybe because he doesn't give a fuck and wants an X-ray instead because his name is Quentin" - 108 letters - miles toliver - 01/27/25
"Water is the most important sustenance bcz dquujwkdnmdewkl;oidjjjernhm, klq;opisxhuxcbvfgtrdhyujikl," - 88 letters - uwjm - 01/27/25
"a bird sitting on a wire doesn't know the conquesesz of their actions pljm yxv" - 63 letters - Lcuy becaka - 01/27/25
"The lazy white fox jumps over the exentric golden labrador with a quack" - 59 letters - Benji :) - 01/27/25
"i love you very much mother, i cannot just joke about this for you are as important as my grandfather quinxy - love, william zingster" - 106 letters - william zingster - 01/27/25
"i miss my wife so much i will explode, exceptionally the zebras. Dont you hate love, just kidding, Bur first i have an inquiry" - 99 letters - Remmi - 01/27/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, said the teacher explaining the alphabet " - 61 letters - p - 01/27/25
"I’m gonna try to do this with abba songs. Mamma Mia, Voulez Vous, you are a dancing queen, Fernando… ok, I just realized I can’t do that. Imma say smth about myself. I love debates because i love making exordiums, and the pure air of chaos is amazing." - 192 letters - hi - 01/27/25
"a zebra ran across the lions den hoping to not be eaten, just like his father and mother, who were very quick but not quick enough for the apex predators." - 122 letters - Alicia - 01/27/25
"I actually despise high school, this place is a zoo and im this close to quickly killing myself, we do nothing of value and everything is a boring joke, xoxo " - 125 letters - the rizzler - 01/27/25
" stupid people hold dear stupid things making fun things seem worthless and exiled but why do we try to tell people that they cant just say dumb things as to hurt the feelings of those who lives the queen and her beautiful zebra" - 185 letters - rori - 01/27/25
"you are the best person I have ever seen in my whole life. and i've seen a lot of people. I love your cat by the way! my grandma is going to die soon and she never got to touch a zebra. one question, do you like my jukebox?" - 168 letters - Alice The Amazing - 01/27/25
"hi i am Sophia my brother is noah he is so kind i love zebra no actually foxsor mabye a giraffe im going to get some jam i wish i was the queen" - 111 letters - Sophia - 01/27/25
"You mean a lot to me and anybody you ever met.do not listen to any people who think that they can control you for yourself.be yourself good is ok just be ok quickly, xylophone are what you sound like so zero is what bully’s are worth" - 184 letters - Dillan outhar - 01/27/25
"I took a quiz in a taxi cab to pay for my long ride on the traffic jammed highway with SUV's." - 71 letters - ZCS - 01/27/25
"imagine if sir ninja had a haircut that was a exquisite low taper fade that was cut by british groomer, vexbolts. his zebra was sadly killed last sunday." - 123 letters - british sir - 01/27/25
"daniela is a buttface gay cranky hellion poopoo just sto vexing her mom when she joins the squad of zeborthia" - 90 letters - petar the gaybo <333 he looovees MEN - 01/27/25
"Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Xanus Qey. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity." - 774 letters - Captain Vor - 01/27/25
"lax windy fuzes quip right back on mojave " - 34 letters - - 01/27/25
"Once, a man named Joey met a man named Zack. They were best friends. But Joey had an extra friend. Zack was jealous. He decided to go talk to this other friend. The poor other friend. His name was Quincy, and his van now has a lot of graffiti on it." - 190 letters - L bozo - 01/27/25
"Do not go gentle into that goodnight, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, Rage against the dying of the light. Through wise men at their end now dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eye could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that goodnight. Rage, rage against the dying of the light -Dylan Thomas Jee what a quick read. Had to axe this out real quick." - 716 letters - Your mom - 01/27/25
"Guys this is going to be the most meaningful sentence that you've ever done I'm actually just kidding where queen and paw patrol eat xylophones and zebras " - 126 letters - a person - 01/27/25
"thomas dunning is the best at fornite battel royal and loves cock and poosay queer wiggles jizz xylephone" - 88 letters - wor td - 01/27/25
"a big wolf cried houses of tears, he had to go to the vet, his name was jakez, he took a x-ray and saw pies and a quiet baby." - 92 letters - jibdzhug - 01/27/25
"A pink duck makes the fringe old but quick just wax yet zip the vibe " - 54 letters - gali - 01/27/25
"autumn is really cool and also her friend lara wants a parakeet she likes to go zoom on boats and asking questions like do xylophones like jif peanut butter and are fish very thirsty?" - 149 letters - Autumn - 01/27/25
"You Insignificant FUCK! THIS IS NOT OVER! May Your Woes Be Many, And Your Days Few. Also pqjxz" - 73 letters - IT'S GABEN TIME! - 01/27/25
"my name is zxwvutr qpolkjhgfdcb " - 27 letters - sad bc i used m twice :( - 01/27/25
"i am a cool kid yk? chees- -s --m-th-ng l ---- t- ---, b--qu--- -r- - y-p- f- -------, qu-z --, -------n ---b-r ---, d- --- ---- p-----, ---w--: f-- ----, -------- ----- ---, --- --- ---- - j-g--- v-x, ---w--: ---, - -- z---- -- ------ - j----- v-x!" - 52 letters - use every letter twice and replace the rest with a line - 01/27/25
"Be kind to each other in life, expect nothing after you die, how do I get into the afterlife isn't the question, the question is how do I improve the injustice, poverty and standard life of the people who exist and maybe people will be amazed with you after death." - 209 letters - FAV - 01/27/25
"the quick brown dog jumped over the lazy sad fox" - 39 letters - Panopro - 01/27/25
"The yellow and cunning fox jumped over the quiet black zebras" - 51 letters - Simp4petite - 01/27/25
"hi how are u doing mister ziangxypqbcfjkvl. " - 36 letters - ... - 01/27/25
"Hello there. How are you doing? Well, I am doing fine. I honestly don't know what to say or what to do. Do you think zebras are white with black stripes or black with white stripes? It is very questionable. Jesus. Do you like playing the xylophone?" - 192 letters - glo - 01/27/25
"This black dog ate all my vegetables last night its name is rufus i saw it walkimg do2n the street and pooping on the neihbours show then he went to the quantum realm and found a zebra named xiao and then ended up in the janitors closet" - 190 letters - Sand - 01/27/25
"You can be aesthetically pleasing, or a friendly someone. You can have your dream job like a zookeeper or a baker. You can have all your free wills. Just don’t be toxic among humanity. -Quinn" - 150 letters - Quinn Wong - 01/27/25
"I love u and relax ur minder and body u are perfect the way u are an zen and trust ur gut and make jokes an q-tips" - 87 letters - Anna - 01/27/25
"A zoo is a sanctuary for animals from all breeds and backgrounds, a place for quokkas and foxes, jokes and humor, vets and wolves. " - 103 letters - Hibah - 01/27/25
"Zebras, fox, jokes, and quails have very pretty cogs and maws. " - 48 letters - All-Round Table - 01/27/25
"hi im ayala and i love buter on bread with frogs poked and jazz in qution with xilophon and cats" - 77 letters - ayala - 01/27/25
"What is after website is the same thing as I have the money for my life and the best I can do is the same as my old account but I don't have any credit cards or credit card and card card or bank card I will transfer it back to my account with the money for the rest of the money and transfer it to quarter of my PayPal just zero x" - 257 letters - E - 01/27/25
"For it's just, it would be a questionable zoo to have this many people in this small perplex skiing area, can it not?" - 91 letters - Ok - 01/27/25
"I hate the fact that you exist you stupid zoingis blongiz zippity quirky vaginal twerp jakaoby monkey fart." - 89 letters - Justcallme...daddy.. - 01/27/25
"skibidi toilet is the sigma of adventure among us, a trash game by cherry team who are a bunch of joyous peanuts who think they are queens and play xylophones with zeal" - 136 letters - p - 01/27/25
"A fox ate a delicious grape while a jackolope quickly began munching on a sigh that had the letters v and z. " - 86 letters - Nandhini ch. - 01/27/25
"abzủyiotpygfnxjgcdehkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkggggggggggggggggglmqrsuvw" - 98 letters - kk - 01/27/25
"Elizabeth is going to come down when she feels like it and you can prepare the violin orchestra just for a queen her, because she doesn't want people around her after the X-ray " - 141 letters - Ely🐢 - 01/27/25
"the quick fox zipped past the jacked up greenish blue humvee with only 1 driver." - 65 letters - buzz - 01/27/25
"i think that people who call fatty are dumb pigs who are insecure. so then i manipulate them and question there existence and jump on there ego and call them vile and that they sould be in a zoo" - 155 letters - sabrina - 01/27/25
"A girl that I once knew died on my birthday it was zebra themed her name was Xenia I quite liked her poor flowery jiffy vagina" - 101 letters - Caitlyn - 01/27/25
"I went to an island where big men named diddy would purposefully come into my room and quickly steal my secret jar of vegetables and then gave me an x ray and then left calling me a zebra." - 150 letters - HBJ - 01/27/25
"So, apparently, zebras are fighting kangaroos and junebugs while playing xylaphones. Cool Queen V1 Mom!" - 85 letters - K <3 - 01/27/25
"ok so get this apparently quoting 'zebra' can kill you and like no one wants that right? -Max Vee Fuji" - 79 letters - max vee fuji - 01/27/25
"Hi, how are you doing? I hope you are doing well. My day has been brightened just writing this letter. You are a queen. I have some things for you, a zebra, a xylophone, a cape, and you favorite, krumble cookies!" - 161 letters - Addy - 01/27/25
"b fcking useful not waste of life just one time 一次 just die or be with me nvm jk commit suicide no one fcking wants u slut u dun exist anyway pqz" - 112 letters - pls lower birth rate next time hahaha - 01/27/25
"Xavier, ale my wrinkles and cover my tears before quiet phone calls of adjusting and zoning." - 75 letters - Vic T - 01/27/25
"Pangrams come from the Greek words pan meaning all and gram meaning letter very unanimously decided to jolly cool by the queer zebras that run X-ray machines." - 130 letters - No - 01/27/25
"this sentence is absolutely supercalafragalisticexpialidosiously viewable to the queen, king and jester of Zimbabwe" - 101 letters - Ciaran DK - 01/27/25
"i love you so much and you mean so much to me and i wish for you to be me forevz do you think i should get a dog or a pig or a JAGUAR or quail i will also have to get and xray" - 131 letters - max - 01/27/25
"A cat and a sly fox quickly jumped over the fence with the great black and white zebra" - 69 letters - Em - 01/27/25
"catastrophe zanily stuck expeditiously, while mama and baba quenched their thrist with 'frog juice' aka vino" - 90 letters - songbird - 01/27/25
"the quick fox jumps over the lazy dog laying on a white box" - 47 letters - skibidi slicer - 01/27/25
"Grumpy, lazy, simple dwarfs can have bad moods quickly, box them just because." - 62 letters - Ashley - 01/27/25
"Once upon a time i went under my friends bed and gave the queen named jaxon klize a hug." - 69 letters - that guy - 01/27/25
"All I want for Christmas I you, a violet, dog, bear, jack box like the one with the clown, zebra, penguin, and finally a quality time with family. " - 111 letters - Luna Figueroa - 01/27/25
"my grateful dad is viewing a biscuit in new Zealand and he is from Quebec and has a jaguar named Poe and buys only buys Kirkland brand xiolongbao " - 118 letters - senor feet - 01/27/25
"Now the world is my shell as I try my Best to articulate my feelings, just because I am young it doesn't mean I don't know the value of patience, quiet and resilience, now I am going to unlog x and sleep, zzzzzz" - 163 letters - Jess - 01/27/25
"One day the universe will Evaporate quickly in six billon years more than millions just don't forget zero love in the wold means nothing but you can grow from these things so think about this." - 156 letters - Mac.white - 01/26/25
"Hi kids want some candy if yes get in my van but if you fall out because there is no doors or windows i will not pay for your X-ray people i have a zebra in here and some quiet jamming band kids in here " - 157 letters - qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm - 01/26/25
"I really love it when you smile, my friend, grant my wishes and create beauty, joke and zing around, possibility’s are endless, dear Xylaq" - 109 letters - Lovely - 01/26/25
"hey bitch just letting you know that Mister.Zipivix doesn't like the F world, I quote : i don't like the F world" - 86 letters - lili - 01/26/25
"Do you ever feel life is passing you by? I long to have time to do things. To be creative, to explore, to laugh, to play, to be whimsical, to live. But instead we all have to conform. We must all be in a line like A to Z. We can't just do anything we want. Our joy and happiness is killed off and we are taught to supress it. But we will stay quiet no more. Now we rise up." - 278 letters - Elizabeth - 01/26/25
"Queues of xylophone orders jolt my wicked zebras in vigor" - 48 letters - noname - 01/26/25
"I'm pretty sure I told you just about way too many times not to feed the varying zebras at the Garjoner Exhibit 'as quick as you can.'" - 104 letters - LND - 01/26/25
"I once fucked my stepsister and then she squirted with her best ovules, but my mom entered with my girlfriend because it was my Birthday, she was black and i never had such a xenofobia like that before, not even when i played Jazz" - 184 letters - Gay - 01/26/25
"When I was yas sixteen i worked a part time job at the zoo combing lions hair and fixing things but i quit because the smell of the animals made me vomit " - 122 letters - kika - 01/26/25
"Every Day, I eat Jolly Rancher cereal and Nesquik chocolate milk, the cereal tastes like dog food but I can't complain, the fact I have it is enough for me. I also like to play my X-Box, and get on Zoom meetings with cows" - 171 letters - Klawthorne - 01/26/25
"if you can play xylophone, that's great. If you can tame a crazy lion, that's also great. if you can jump daringly off a questionable cliff, that's very great. but if you can play xylophone and tame a crazy lion while jumping daringly off a questionable cliff, you are frankly crazy." - 222 letters - Ava - 01/26/25
"I want to become a zebra in a queue and make a property that can be safe and go and unsubscribe to vexbolts and it will make me more jollier than ever!" - 119 letters - Arthik - 01/26/25
"It doesn't matter if you don't know how to play a xylophone or ride a very crazy giraffe, just remember that you are a slay queen." - 101 letters - Riley hg - 01/26/25
"Have you ever pondered the meaning of life, why are we here, do you think cats do, or queens, both are very similiar, just remember xylophones arent zebras." - 123 letters - Libby D M - 01/26/25
"Oklahoma es el mejor lugar del mundo y es igual que Zimbabue, no se duche chacho ni xaxo, tío, vato, y no creo que posean weones full descarados." - 113 letters - Dele - 01/26/25
"She stood outside, waiting for him to arrive. His sleek black car came to a stop, and he exited. 'You killed him.' She said. Her words were simple but cut like a jagged edge. 'How did he die?' He questioned. 'You shot him with no regret.' Her tone had started to raise. 'It's amazing how you believe I killed him when you pulled the trigger,' he spoke calmly. " - 270 letters - Savie - 01/26/25
"hey, just wanted to ask, are you not confused or puzzled by the new message that she quickly sent? Kevin xx" - 84 letters - Not kevin - 01/26/25
"a xlarge blue, periwinkle and violet zebra yoinks the fat cowardly japanese macaque " - 70 letters - Leah.bored - 01/26/25
"my love, why don't u like me as much as I do? it looks like i am not enough for u babe, u do not answer politely or quickly and i am filled with joy w u but u r not, u are lazy x" - 129 letters - kwnnd - 01/26/25
"hola soy tu vieja y te quiero decir khe sos una decepción para tu familia y no te mereces ese bulldog porque wey es re grande xd porque soy zorra" - 116 letters - santiago - 01/26/25
"sophie is very amazing you should treat her with respect beacuse she can find knowleged through the queen of jokes and xylophones " - 108 letters - - 01/26/25
"Once every few years an extremely ginormous zebra jumps and knocks on the queens door." - 71 letters - Emma - 01/26/25
"Xylophones are quizzical instruments that make magical, jolly, fun sounds with bravado." - 73 letters - genius - 01/26/25
"The son of a father to whom history will accord certain attenuating circumstances, but also as worthy of esteem as that father had been of blame; possessing all private virtues and many public virtues; careful of his health, of his fortune, of his person, of his affairs, knowing the value of a minute and not always the value of a year; sober, serene, peaceable, patient; a good man and a good prince; sleeping with his wife, and having in his palace lackeys charged with the duty of showing the conjugal bed to the bourgeois, an ostentation of the regular sleeping-apartment which had become useful after the former illegitimate displays of the elder branch; knowing all the languages of Europe, and, what is more rare, all the languages of all interests, and speaking them; an admirable representative of the “middle class,” but outstripping it, and in every way greater than it; possessing excellent sense, while appreciating the blood from which he had sprung, counting most of all on his intrinsic worth, and, on the question of his race, very particular, declaring himself Orleans and not Bourbon; thoroughly the first Prince of the Blood Royal while he was still only a Serene Highness, but a frank bourgeois from the day he became king; diffuse in public, concise in private; reputed, but not proved to be a miser; at bottom, one of those economists who are readily prodigal at their own fancy or duty; lettered, but not very sensitive to letters; a gentleman, but not a chevalier; simple, calm, and strong; adored by his family and his household; a fascinating talker, an undeceived statesman, inwardly cold, dominated by immediate interest, always governing at the shortest range, incapable of rancor and of gratitude, making use without mercy of superiority on mediocrity, clever in getting parliamentary majorities to put in the wrong those mysterious unanimities which mutter dully under thrones; unreserved, sometimes imprudent in his lack of reserve, but with marvellous address in that imprudence; fertile in expedients, in countenances, in masks; making France fear Europe and Europe France! Incontestably fond of his country, but preferring his family; assuming more domination than authority and more authority than dignity, a disposition which has this unfortunate property, that as it turns everything to success, it admits of ruse and does not absolutely repudiate baseness, but which has this valuable side, that it preserves politics from violent shocks, the state from fractures, and society from catastrophes; minute, correct, vigilant, attentive, sagacious, indefatigable; contradicting himself at times and giving himself the lie; bold against Austria at Ancona, obstinate against England in Spain, bombarding Antwerp, and paying off Pritchard; singing the Marseillaise with conviction, inaccessible to despondency, to lassitude, to the taste for the beautiful and the ideal, to daring generosity, to Utopia, to chimeras, to wrath, to vanity, to fear; possessing all the forms of personal intrepidity; a general at Valmy; a soldier at Jemappes; attacked eight times by regicides and always smiling; brave as a grenadier, courageous as a thinker; uneasy only in the face of the chances of a European shaking up, and unfitted for great political adventures; always ready to risk his life, never his work; disguising his will in influence, in order that he might be obeyed as an intelligence rather than as a king; endowed with observation and not with divination; not very attentive to minds, but knowing men, that is to say requiring to see in order to judge; prompt and penetrating good sense, practical wisdom, easy speech, prodigious memory; drawing incessantly on this memory, his only point of resemblance with Caesar, Alexander, and Napoleon; knowing deeds, facts, details, dates, proper names, ignorant of tendencies, passions, the diverse geniuses of the crowd, the interior aspirations, the hidden and obscure uprisings of souls, in a word, all that can be designated as the invisible currents of consciences; accepted by the surface, but little in accord with France lower down; extricating himself by dint of tact; governing too much and not enough; his own first minister; excellent at creating out of the pettiness of realities an obstacle to the immensity of ideas; mingling a genuine creative faculty of civilization, of order and organization, an indescribable spirit of proceedings and chicanery, the founder and lawyer of a dynasty; having something of Charlemagne and something of an attorney; in short, a lofty and original figure, a prince who understood how to create authority in spite of the uneasiness of France, and power in spite of the jealousy of Europe, — Louis Philippe will be classed among the eminent men of his century, and would be ranked among the most illustrious governors of history had he loved glory but a little, and if he had had the sentiment of what is great to the same degree as the feeling for what is useful.”" - 4031 letters - Edin Jeancarlo Alfaro-Arevalo - 01/26/25
"my mom likes eating oyster everyday because her friend zayne and xander like to pop words quack haha just joking" - 93 letters - ggdfgf - 01/26/25
"Why are you talking about pure balls and stick like it's your life. You can't be that far into a dick inside your head. Coxk to balls that jam your ass, quit it very zoon or something... Had to drag this shitty vxjwz shit" - 170 letters - lalalalalalla - 01/26/25
"I love dick. No, not the name. Not the shortened version of 'Richard'. I mean DICK. DICK as in COCK. COCK as in PENIS. I love MEN'S GENITALS. BIG, MUSTY, SWEATY, MEN'S COXXX. No, I am not Joe King. No, there were no typos or mistakes. I meant every word here. A to Q to Z. Don't play." - 203 letters - Erm no - 01/26/25
"alphetibcdfgjkmnoqrsuvxwyz" - 26 letters - F bvjkfdöngberljbejvfnjfdknvfdmnberghreiugrgrugrijgfkdmvc, c,bom f,bneelögnjbhrogvhoirjknflihoge8fiogjtnkyy5jtrghfvibjnkygkbFVDLAK*feeeeedddddddccccccccccbbbaaaaaaaaaaannnqqqqqqqqqqqqppppppppppppooooossssssssssssttttttttttuuuuuuuuuurrrvvvvvhhhhhhhiiiiiijjkkkkllllllllmmmmmmmmmzxxzxzxyzyxxyzzxzyyxzyzxyxzyxzyxzwwwwwwwwwwww' - 314 letters - ahhhhhh deaper daddy [ sex] - 01/26/25 'I think you need to recreate the meaning of life by not being lazy and winning your xylophones by questioning everything not just some.' - 111 letters - Your mum - 01/26/25 'Fox named zywvur pstcbqghijkl ' - 26 letters - - 01/26/25 'Today i will go on a stroll through the aquarium zoo and other exhibits to find natures concuring velumptous beauty, lol jk' - 101 letters - Jaquarious jumbandangon lll - 01/26/25 'i was lazy so he got up and framed me of boldy cooking jam with quick violin exercise' - 68 letters - eatingjam253 - 01/26/25 'Alfa get dog for Christmas but jk povwxyzqn ' - 36 letters - Penny - 01/26/25 'my dog died two years ago without him we've been very pouty without my roblox account Cdajdjfhf i havent been able to play my qunince and kick zombies' - 122 letters - esper - 01/26/25 'Hey besties if ya are ever sad just know Jesus loves you and so do I, spread the good poditivity more. Cqxz) had to get some letters)' - 103 letters - A - 01/26/25 'the brown big bear jumped over the small amazing sneaky fox quect' - 54 letters - rih - 01/26/25 'hello my name is vivaan and I am twelve years of age which is probably older than you. I'm just joking. But I'm still taller than your ex and the queen which is zany.' - 128 letters - viv - 01/26/25 → All the pangrams - 01/26/25
"A popular pangram is: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' " - 52 letters - Aleena - 01/26/25
"I think you need to recreate the meaning of life by not being lazy and winning your xylophones by questioning everything not just some." - 111 letters - Your mum - 01/26/25
"Today i will go on a stroll through the aquarium zoo and other exhibits to find natures concuring velumptous beauty, lol jk" - 101 letters - Jaquarious jumbandangon lll - 01/26/25
"i was lazy so he got up and framed me of boldy cooking jam with quick violin exercise" - 68 letters - eatingjam253 - 01/26/25
"Alfa get dog for Christmas but jk povwxyzqn " - 36 letters - Penny - 01/26/25
"my dog died two years ago without him we've been very pouty without my roblox account Cdajdjfhf i havent been able to play my qunince and kick zombies" - 122 letters - esper - 01/26/25
"Hey besties if ya are ever sad just know Jesus loves you and so do I, spread the good poditivity more. Cqxz) had to get some letters)" - 103 letters - A - 01/26/25
"the brown big bear jumped over the small amazing sneaky fox quect" - 54 letters - rih - 01/26/25
"hello my name is vivaan and I am twelve years of age which is probably older than you. I'm just joking. But I'm still taller than your ex and the queen which is zany." - 128 letters - viv - 01/26/25
"One of us will be chooseen for the profile on instagram who representa qmozd who is a jancky name on x, btw my name is Viven" - 98 letters - Hello - 01/26/25
"oomagad skibidi toilet fanum tax looksmaxxing rasist or rapist im jorking it on you rn btw oh no its all over ze screen zesty (q is seggsy)" - 111 letters - bin chilin - 01/26/25
"i hate niggers it's really hard to hate them because there's a lot of them at school. i'm rasist and i don't like asian people. japanese or vietnamese, they're all the same. if there's a queue full of asian people and niggers i'd shoot them all. za nashix wooo." - 200 letters - russian rasist - 01/26/25
"This be a sentence that be so meaningful that philosophy itself cannot describe quite how vexed they are, despite this zingy phrase being a joke." - 119 letters - Ffgtsf - 01/26/25
"the people on the bus went to the zoo, but someone who asked a question made the journey much longer. Finally, when we arrived, we saw a fox." - 109 letters - Skibidi - 01/26/25
"apple sauce is probably the most exquisite and fun while being a joke (very likely created as a joke) from a lazy and curious guy" - 103 letters - wwasfrgtfghjk - 01/26/25
"Life is hard but don't give up ! try harder cause only quartz may be worst than X like ellon musk. jk" - 77 letters - - 01/26/25
"i cant feel my own face when i see a mirror because the person who is looking back is not me it is disguised like a wizard in joy, xylophones, quicksand and vikings" - 130 letters - chocolatestar339 - 01/26/25
"I love you and hope you can live for many of your gorgeous zebra years jk time for quwentilous the zebra to die xylophone " - 98 letters - Ev - 01/26/25
"The sleek and quick brown fox jumped over the lazy doggos." - 47 letters - ⫷𓆩JayBird𓆪⫸ - 01/26/25
"The quick brown foxes jumped over a lumpy zigzag." - 40 letters - Gummizarekewl - 01/26/25
"Growing up, how was your relationship with the fundamentals of conscious existence? Did you have xenon orchid shrews spilling down the outer center of your head? Quite absurd, for just, keen content is amazingly rare, and, truly, hard to find." - 195 letters - definitelynotawillwoodlyric - 01/26/25
"five jugs of five milk bottles to be delivered to the corporal wants of the xenon quaint yeezys " - 78 letters - YES. - 01/26/25
"What is the point of life? It's hard to explain. You have to go further than just thinking out of the box. It's quite a complex subject, honestly. The universe is amazing, yet...frightening." - 146 letters - I like trains - 01/26/25
"I don't understand the imporatance of blue Zebras enjoying xylophones. it worries me quail killer, it truly does. (vroom)" - 97 letters - Felix - 01/26/25
"Today I had a very fun day, I ate a zucchini and watermelon while playing the xylophone, questionable activities, I know, but it was just fun." - 112 letters - Alice Waller - 01/26/25
"qwerty is utopia like my abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz." - 46 letters - mommy - 01/26/25
"Zachary, you monster! I will not tolorate Xenophobia nor Queerphobia in this household! Just get the fuck out of here you vile creature! " - 110 letters - Flilip - 01/26/25
"My friend zack stabed Xen with an open jug then quit violin." - 48 letters - JIMMY JOB JILL - 01/26/25
"I love you very much, you mean a lot and i cant imagine life without you my favorite person ever you are the best, you make funny jokes like ziggy zag and quack x!" - 127 letters - LIA - 01/26/25
"John typed played a xylophone and slept he woke up and ate ice cream with bananas then he played a flute it went loud then he went on a van and had good drawings. Finally, John saw a zebra. The zebra wanted to quit eating grass." - 179 letters - Bin - 01/26/25
"Hi I want you to see zebras with your mom in a particular sequence so that we can get out of the jar box and the vent shaped like a kite " - 106 letters - Me pani - 01/26/25
"you are so amazing and talinted your family is so sweet and hope you have a good breakfast you cunt the slayy queen just kidding im in the hospital having and x ray" - 132 letters - kinsley - 01/26/25
"I love your toes soooooo much jk abc 123 zebras pee in in the woods fox gave quail an egg" - 70 letters - Violet - 01/26/25
"Holy fucking shut dumb batch eel jam peroxide queen vagina woah zebra" - 58 letters - Fuckie - 01/26/25
"Hate has 4 Letters but so does love negative has 8 but so does positive. Funny how just because we look at the bright side the world seems to change so quick, like X Y Z" - 132 letters - TayTay - 01/26/25
"i took a massive piss and flung box-winged bitches far, jest inducingly far. Zinger, queso." - 72 letters - the pisser - 01/26/25
"I was a very odd man, i was so odd that i decided to go to a zebra house with jackasses working there, there was also lots of popcorn and tequila, then i went to the xylophone store." - 141 letters - Mocha Games - 01/26/25
"the wizard said 'SILENICE YOU FOOLS' guns blazing as the men on the ox quivered the men said 'sorry Pat we were joking!' " - 93 letters - haha funny pangram guy - 01/26/25
"A Beautiful zebra told me all of my Nike kicks are from Julius Caesaq people try and hate goodness they are all weird and have no vet for their fox" - 118 letters - Chris - 01/26/25
"be you because you mater and you need to be your self and my name is Raiana and my sisters name is Remedy people don't understand and wene JJ and kk are zz or qq or got to go or hot tube vix" - 147 letters - Rai'ana - 01/26/25
"people deal with a lot but its important to find your zen and be peaceful. my name is xia and ive gone thougth a lot with my sister jena. we were able to defend our selves because of karate.we woud go againts boys and figth.we wantel to prove that boys and girls are equal." - 215 letters - unknown baby doodles - 01/26/25
"i love big muscular tated men with pretty fucking jaw dropping quaking reflexes who give zero fucks." - 83 letters - alex <3 - 01/26/25
"is an adventrue a true adventure if we didnt make friends along the way like the lazy brown fox who jumped over the quiet cat" - 101 letters - me - 01/26/25
"I love melanie and her crazy tattoos who are universally excellent especially when you are faggot bitch just kidding queer" - 103 letters - justine - 01/26/25
"I hate my parents my parents hate me no one cares about me my friends are all fake and spread roumers that are not true I'm the least favorite child I commit self harm and I starve myself cause I don't want to live I want to cry all the time but I need it no one cares to listen to my problems I'm so alone and have no one in my life like my mom says I'm just a fucking little bitch who cant do shit ii hide all my feelings because I don't want the people who do care to worry so I just stay quite about it I like my friends ex but she wants him back I also fall in love and obsess over a guy that doesn't exist I also like a guy named Rome and also a guy named Bennett and a guy named Jace and a guy named Jax and a guy named zeke hen is asian and younger I only like guy that are older then me unless they are only a few months younger and the have to either be a bad boy or athletic and the need fluffy hair he needs to be strong but not freaky strong he cant be stupid but he cant be a nerd he needs to be caring but also good looking he needs to be tall and he cant be a cheater he needs to always put me first and not have any girl best friends I would like them to be a little popular he needs to know how to have fun but he needs to no when its to much that is my type and he cant play any stupid sport or girly spors he also cant paint his nails" - 1051 letters - lucky3 - 01/26/25
"i love you so much but your so lazy like the fox that jumped the dogs so be quiet ad wap grannie" - 75 letters - vie - 01/26/25
"apples smell like my poop and it smells like a zebra's ear wax and vultures feed of of their prey cat is a pet quail is a bird goat is a joke" - 109 letters - keanu - 01/26/25
"You are so gay that if I had added upp every colour of the rainbow, made it asthetick, then excorted it into the zen of questioning jaming rainbowland, you would be gayer. " - 136 letters - Gay Ahh - 01/26/25
"i really love you and i want you to know that i finally, greatly have began to understand your crazy obsession with the jailed, mentally poor and quite sad xylophones." - 135 letters - ur mom - 01/26/25
"Abracadabra, ewe i mean you have a quiet monkey named fox just in the zoo's gorilla cage where they like to eat pie's!!!!" - 92 letters - a monkey named fox - 01/26/25
"I love u as bcdfghjkmnpqrtwxyz" - 26 letters - werty - 01/26/25
"I like to eat legs and people for a living and quails and cats and babies and water. But I think zoo animals that have monkeys like you and Jay in them are better. I even tried a xylophone " - 148 letters - Eggs - 01/26/25
"A bat and a cat rode their frumpy bike down the street going to Vons when a zebra with a queer jacket and a lepored printed xylophone came." - 111 letters - Rosie - 01/26/25
"You should hate yourself, NOW!!! I am Shrimpo, always listen to me! uhhhh OH NO ME HEART STOPPED vqgjkxzbc" - 82 letters - Shrimpo - 01/26/25
"every day i encounter foreign hedgehogs jogging, walking, murmuring, bantering, and pondering quietly if they want to play the xylophone, or perhaps attend a zumba class." - 139 letters - m - 01/26/25
"can anyone help me, i miss my wife tails, i really do, for example i suport the KKK i belive it is good i am flying to JZQ" - 92 letters - balls - 01/26/25
"A fit boy named Zak once gave me prints; jokes; queries; and his axe, locked away. " - 62 letters - Sasha - 01/26/25
"The quick fox jumps over the lazy napping dog behind the wall" - 50 letters - J.J - 01/26/25
"what is the capital of new york? Just because nyc is very popular, somehow it is actulay Albany. There is a zoo in albany, they have zebras, dears, quails, griaffes ,and even xenops " - 141 letters - Nora - 01/26/25
"I don't know what to type for a meaningful sentence but frequently I just don't care so I'mjust gonna say random stuff... VIP X RAY ZEBRAS GUYS ARE SO UNDERATED" - 125 letters - JAZZY THE JAZZLER IS GONNA STEAL YOUR GIRL TONIGHTTTT - 01/26/25
"Abby Lee is gay. cristiano Ronaldo is in quiet. He was playing the xylophone and falling into a middle river jk, he's a zebra<3" - 99 letters - Vanesa<3 - 01/26/25
"Hey hey you you I’m gay for you no way no way no it’s not a secret hey hey you you I could be your girlfriend your so fine I want you mine your so delicious just come here for tonight your so goddamn addictive I can tell you like me too and you know I’m right. She’s like so whatever you could do so much better I think we should get together now and that’s what everybody’s talking about hey hey ziimmxy I wanna be your girlfriend no way no way I know it’s not a secret hey hey zim zim you could be my pretty queen like girlfriend (I wanna be your pet)" - 429 letters - Charleee - 01/26/25
"Zachary quickly headed down to the docks to take a boat to Ghana. Mr. James met him there to help find the very rare xavier gold bar." - 104 letters - Gold - 01/26/25
"Dandy is extremely homosexual for ASTRO!!! Dandy likes MEN!! He also likes RAZZLE AND DAZZLE!! THAT'S RIGHT, HE'S A BIG, GAY HOMOSEXUAL!!! THIS IS NO JOKE!!! He's also giving cunt unlike you, you pussy. You wuss. Meanwhile, he is giving straight QUEEN!!!" - 188 letters - Maxie - 01/25/25
"'Hello, my name is Zux Quijcaw!' the giraffe bellowed. 'Kill the vapes!' I said back." - 62 letters - - 01/25/25
"hello my name is ok and i got a question is a zebra a called a wanker in enlgand or just a kinky cunt for precise and various x reasons" - 106 letters - - 01/25/25
"Apples are super sexy to qualify for banana websites because drake is going to help Jessica making a venomous zoo" - 94 letters - Amina - 01/25/25
"I don’t think you understand what you have just said about me, about my family, my poor cat, all of the livestock I own, like my goat, and my ox, as well as that poor quail. What about Zoe? What do you think about her now? Is she your friend?" - 182 letters - Sullivan - 01/25/25
"Qwerty is the best keyboard layout and the most used for like no freaking good reason and I like jumping X-ray vault zooming golf pucks." - 110 letters - No - 01/25/25
"I guess I never really thought about how the Justification of 'pie' could and does matter to loyalty like queens, and how the letters 'x' and 'z' could feel left out because they are never used." - 151 letters - Mia - 01/25/25
"Light is like a bewildering symphony fogging a genius mind vindictive to the soul and zig zagging quickly across the journey to reach max potentional. " - 125 letters - inayah - 01/25/25
"I will type the alphebet in this sentece right or left just kidding I will make the very sigma alphebet I need Q X and Z" - 95 letters - hi - 01/25/25
"Hi we love all zebras ,saxophones, trumpets , yo yo's, cats, dogs, food,jewels,kangoroo and when we all stay togehter we all could change all quizes." - 115 letters - bov - 01/25/25
"All you go to do is work very hard to make your dreams come true you will never fail but put your jokes aside the queen will not let Xavier pet a zebra." - 119 letters - F)uck - 01/25/25
"Another example corpse was discovered just kilometer from youth beach and guinea zoo,quite strange " - 84 letters - Dávid - 01/25/25
"The pink fox jumpes over the yellow dog thats eats blackberries and is doing a quizz" - 69 letters - Emma - 01/25/25
"The dog was excited about his favorite toy that looked like a quiet, jumping, zebra." - 67 letters - Ainsley - 01/25/25
"the big fat faggoty faggot is a stupid wise old nigger just like george floyd and his dildo that he waited in queue for like a fucking midget waiting for ventilation in an exillarating zombie game" - 161 letters - goerge floyd - 01/25/25
"Waking up early on a Tuesday is standard in the exciting month of January in which Veterans Day does not take place and queens and kings buy zebras." - 120 letters - Meep - 01/25/25
"The only thing stopping you from killing yourself is the idea that, when, and what not you experience, may be important. The injustice of life left you empty. Quickly, and verily, you left, disregarding the gaze your mother hath gave you." - 189 letters - Im fucking retarded - 01/25/25
"the cow quietly moos over the lazy brown dog, while fog the pig smelled a fox named jake" - 70 letters - Douma Hashibira - 01/25/25
"How to eat the alphabet from a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, and z" - 52 letters - Sigma - 01/25/25
"This is a panagram. It contains every single letter of the alphabet. Roses are red, violets are blue, download an .xyz file like I do. Wanna play some jenga? Q" - 123 letters - Peggy Gou - 01/25/25
"Hello my name is Walter Benjamin and i'm a philosopher who love to fuck x men and gain quartz" - 74 letters - Sef - 01/25/25
"Me and my friend go to zoo,the wr see black monkey,jaguar,penguin and quad very xox" - 66 letters - Meme - 01/25/25
"lady of black quartz hear my plea, tell me where I just might find thee so that I may find victory exemplary." - 86 letters - stacey - 01/25/25
"Life without trying, falling, learning: Just living quickly than you aren't living you are just kinda you know pretty much just existing. But ziplining will cure you and you will do cool stuff" - 155 letters - Human_Person - 01/25/25
"I love all the people who bring kindness into zebra's xylophone unto my quirky cafe job." - 71 letters - LAE - 01/25/25
"The quick fox jumped over the lazy newt bouncing silently" - 48 letters - A random human on this earth - 01/25/25
"the hyper dog jumped over the lazy sleeping fox when bob catched king's queen" - 63 letters - hi - 01/25/25
"hello my long name is Elena Victoria Hasund and i like to pretend i am Bartman from xman zap across the stars,yo're name is wij rigth and youre nickname is q" - 125 letters - batman - 01/25/25
"A quick fox jumped over the tall wall, then he ran far to the gigantic river where he stopped and took a big drink, he soon spotted a zebra I dont know why he did spot one though because he was in a forest!" - 160 letters - emj - 01/25/25
"zyyxxxwwwwvvvvvuuuuuuttttttssssssssrrrrrrrrrqqqqqqqqqqpppppppppppoooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlllllllllllllllkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggggggggggggggggggfffffffffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeedddddddddddddddddddddddccccccccccccccccccccccccbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - 351 letters - Marco - 01/25/25
"life is a bird;it takes trial and error but it shall succseed in flying.Following this logic;pandas have to learn to eat.I'm not sure what a qubeck does, though.Same with a jammboreeist with an xilophone and an zebra" - 173 letters - master alex - 01/25/25
"That’s a very zesty giraff, the way it’s juggling those milk pies in my cabin is extraordinarily questionable indeed" - 95 letters - Alicia - 01/25/25
"Lil quick foxes can jump off fences sometimes and do a jig because happiness and hatred are two different things. The foxes names are Vee, Zee and Yee" - 121 letters - Le - 01/25/25
"I love how people add sentences on here and then just fill it with whatever letters they need to add. BGKMQXZ." - 88 letters - Kae - 01/25/25
"Usually people tend to fuck others more than being in love with qualities like jeeps xylophones and zebras" - 89 letters - Lily - 01/25/25
"There are many types of people, soft people, hard people, cute people, reckless people, ruthless people, very sweet people, lazy people, active people, game lover people, beauty lover people, Jolly people, who miss their ex, who are moved on, quivering people, and so on." - 212 letters - - 01/25/25
"When the furred yaks from quebec playing xylophones loved jazz" - 53 letters - M - 01/25/25
"I like to eat ice cream on a sun-filled day with a good bunch of sprinkles jammed ontop, quivering in warmth of the zealous, xanthic sun." - 108 letters - Ivy - 01/25/25
"Spaghetti is cool like zebras and xylophones, watermelon queens and jellyfish, and veggat" - 75 letters - Hope N - 01/25/25
"Hello to all the lovliest peeps. The only one who sees this message though. Remember that. I will always love you. Fishes are the best? no they are not. Joking XD. I just love the name Cecilla, queenie, zebriea" - 163 letters - Mia - 01/25/25
"Oscar the goat is one of the best people know to man kind Zane his friend likes ox’s and yoghurt jave is his eq cousin" - 93 letters - Hello - 01/25/25
"annie and zolmir were collecting seashells in miami, florida at the beach with a jester and a kitten and a pair of pants with the queen playing a violin and a xylophone" - 136 letters - charlotte wasso - 01/25/25
"This is the end of the world I know how may I see you again my love probably gone but not forgotten my friend Connor Queensly oh please don't joke with me my friend I love you more than if I could zoom to the moon and back quaking with love for you my xylophone." - 206 letters - Binker Stinker - 01/25/25
"The power of E may not be clear to thee, but give me a chance to let you see, that we can live without the letters X, Y, and Z, but if you question the need for E, read this without it, only then you will see that I'm not joking." - 170 letters - Matthew Tarplee - 01/25/25
"The power of 'the' may be unclear to thee, but give it a chance and you'll see, question the X, Y and Z, look at this story with out the word 'the' and then you will see, that I'm not joking." - 139 letters - Matthew Tarplee - 01/25/25
"A boy without rules isn't free. Kids need quests. Chores aren't just for the poor. Give a kid a xylophone, they will zoom." - 93 letters - Matthew Tarplee - 01/25/25
"Hi You Are so beautiful to me you are like a majestic zebra with a veil of hair and neighs so beautiful like a xylophone questioningly playing in the air" - 124 letters - Erika Torres - 01/25/25
"Beaming horse-play signals that zap encourage safe living, swimming, walking, and other enjoyable activities that question any extreme, chaotic, or " - 122 letters - Aarav - 01/25/25
"In Zimbabwe, Xylophones are commonly played along with a violin to get the king and queens look of approval towards the jam." - 101 letters - Willa - 01/25/25
"I am quite bored. Lets see if I can use all the letters in this zany game. Perhaps I will try and make a joke before this game vexes me." - 104 letters - Bored - 01/25/25
"EEAAAAAAAAAAEAEAEAEAEEAEA ESSA EAEAÆÆÆAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUSUSJDJDIDHSKISIQPWIWIIEOEIEIEIDUDJMNVXZZZZZZZXZZXCGAJALALSKSJDJDHDISIEUEIEIEUYEWOWOOWOWIEEUBBBBBBBBBSVWCWXWXWCBSNXMZXMMZSKKSLALAJSHDDH TE TE KDLSKAQOPWIEUEYTTUEOEPWPALALAKDKZMZMXNXBHXDUIDDHXYYXIXJEEJDHFZGJSJWFFFFJDHDJFJFJFHDHFHFYXXURRRRRRRRRRRHSUSUEKEOEOSPWPQPAOSIXJJXNXNXNHCHDURIDJZMZMZNXNXVXVVCMNBV SMS ZXCVNMLKJHGDAAQETUOOSPWLEKDJDJDNSNSBJDBDHDBDHDNJXNXNXNXNXBXNXNBXBXWLQOQPQPAPALAOSIJEWIEUEIEYEU IR TEQQETUOPLLKJHGDAADZZVNNNJHFBFGRHstjsjtsgjsjgskgdkydkydyldkydkysktsykskysktektwtiqitqieoutipyipipyrouteiwtuwrhweywrhsdhfsgjddkgljgkhfxgnzcbxcnncvmbnnnvmbcnvxbczdshrahkgdljgljgultiteutehrwkeylutilyktetjrjfdjjdgfhsdhsrshetjfkhulttieeqyetqwrhkeylut Oi iyuflkydhrsdahfshjjgjlgmgdmgdmgdfmhfmbcxv.vxmzcnzcnxvnmxvbmcnnbhffhsdagadhdgjgdkljgljgljgljglutultyltiterwueyqaegadhdahdahfshdfjsfjdgjdjgdgkdgkhfljlgjgkhkhjgultultiy oi iypuptoytyireruwrywtqeyqrwhstjjfjfsfhsfsjmgdfkhjglkhfkgdfjsjfscnzmxvcbmmvxvznzcnxvmmbcccmbcnvxmvcmvngdjgdkgdsgjafjhaffhajfssfjsgjdhlljfkgjgjltlutputpuourtueurwrwyeqhjgsfjsjfa" - 1038 letters - AL - 01/25/25
"Here I am, lost in the dust of clouds, no feelings, no value of time, just a lost cause, a polar quest for zest is acknowledged between time and throughout x and y " - 126 letters - Mr ABCDEFG - 01/25/25
"the gray fast hare jumped over the very lazy sleepy fox in a race and ended up in fifth place after the bear and quill who stood no chance against the quick animals" - 132 letters - ace - 01/25/25
"I wish the zinc flavored xylophone joke must be more queer, gorgeous." - 56 letters - Skib - 01/25/25
"A zeitgeist is supposed to be representative of an era, a generation, of people in a specific time and yet the only one seemingly suitable for this joke box we find ourselves in is the quicksliver of a knife ending it all." - 178 letters - eat shit and die - 01/25/25
"i often wonder whether or not maddie ziegler would date somebody called xander. please, she'd scoff at the very thought of it. quite the tragedy, i would like to go back to the good old days when 'j' wasn't a cursed letter." - 173 letters - edie! - 01/25/25
"my boyfriend is a very experienced teacher at oxford university and has helped many intelligent people and is quite wonderful in my opinion, also i don't know if i deserve his love as someone who jokes around with zebras in a circus." - 189 letters - TA - 01/25/25
"i think i like this little life in the suburbs but it's really urban and i love my xylophone but the bees go buzz buzz too much, i have a question. what is your name? jacob? ok." - 135 letters - nora - 01/25/25
"You never know when Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson is going to show up and make you work out with him. So always be ready and go workout at Quincy's Final Stage XZ." - 123 letters - Bella - 01/25/25
"I’d rather drink water than drink poisoned fine wine. Live in the moment like it’s your last day, because you will never know when a dude named Xavier Ze Quince grabs you like juice in the neck." - 153 letters - Vivian Yohannis - 01/25/25
"Sometimes you will find peace and some times you’ll have the most explosive week of your fuqing bitchy life -just Zyra" - 96 letters - Zyra - 01/25/25
"I am box, u r step quick Fox Juno dumb ghetto leg violin wyn zion" - 50 letters - Fred - 01/25/25
"i love neya whith frappochino and im gay zz bee stong je kea xe qu " - 52 letters - cc - 01/25/25
"Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the dictionary, crazy right? It could also be deadly so if you happen to think you have this not so extraordinary disease, jump and quickly drive or take a mode of transportation quick so that you can be cured and most importantly, SAFE! (*that was a mouthful*)" - 269 letters - vin - 01/25/25
"The zebra plays the xylophone in front of a grand cold voluminous water to joke about quiting" - 77 letters - Emma - 01/25/25
"the tiny fox and quail were gently eating their minced garlic and soup at a bar jamming out to some varley zebra kicks" - 96 letters - m - 01/25/25
"Hey buddy I'm glad you made it safe, you killing it right there, max said he was jealous he wished he had your skills, zaid in the other hand can't stop talking about you even his voice cracked we keep shutting him down but he refused to keep quiet " - 195 letters - Red - 01/25/25
"I know life can be tough, but think about all the Zeglorphodolorfocopidexoles. The have to live in Apondebomerstoblendezormex. You just don't get it. But, life, is really, really, quagolerspotinousidolerous. So, don't complain when someone named Queggerosolon takes all of your ovonteroleds. Because, I love you, MOMMIE!" - 259 letters - SHYNESS - 01/25/25
"a xylophone touched grass before the igloo melted away quickly and after it jumped and vowed, 'ALL ZEBRAS FART'" - 90 letters - anonymouslime - 01/25/25
"arron beat hickory at the metts game, but zander put a foot between them. lucas cried cause he bet on the quizzical game. jocelyn yelled at victory for being mean to xyler" - 137 letters - dyslexia - 01/25/25
"I am so gay for new people like this point of my favs! Edit on my phone and it doesn't know that Bryant would have to go out on Jk cats Are queer like Zoey and their getting zero x rays" - 143 letters - Sammie - 01/24/25
"hey how are you doing this is me trying to talk to you because i want say hi and i am just wondering if you like to go to the park and quack at the venue and have x shaped chips and go to zoomies " - 151 letters - Pan - 01/24/25
"hello hows it going? Hope its going well. If you ever feel sad I´m here for you. I feel depressed sometimes. and sometimes I feel like a zero. But thats ok. we all have those times. Do you want to hear a joke? knock knock? whos there? nana. nana who? nana you business. quick quiestion. do you have an xbox?" - 232 letters - Katrina Rand - 01/24/25
"You know the zebra who went to the zoo on a Wednesday, well he found my peacock, giraffe, vulture, xerus (ground squirrel) and jello" - 103 letters - meka - 01/24/25
"hi you are beautiful . i love you more than anything . do you like animals because my faviroute animal is a zebra . i sleep with a quilt that has a large x embroidered on to it . my sister has a quilt with a j on it . did you know i just used all the letters of the alphabet in this paragraph!" - 223 letters - - 01/24/25
"This Is A Great Day To Go On A Walk, And Paint Some Pictures, Maybe Put A Xing Sign Up, I wanna Learn Shapes Like A Square, I Am Also So Cheerful Today, Im Gonna Hang Out With Jack, Zack, And Ava." - 147 letters - globglabgobgolab - 01/24/25
"a box can be the best thing in the quality of life, life is a fox with mesmorizing eyes, which show kindness with just a tiny bit of playfullness. Add some Velocity to it too" - 137 letters - idk - 01/24/25
"i like turtles quite a lot, they fill me with zealous joy and victory, i want a xylophone, bubblegum" - 79 letters - me - 01/24/25
"The very quick fox jumped over my lazy brown dogs." - 40 letters - Sigma Ligma - 01/24/25
"Hey qwerty why are you in my house at this time of night, just kidding I know this is your house because I don't like expensive zips. " - 104 letters - ..... - 01/24/25
"the big and very fat fox jumped with questions about calcium at the kind zoo" - 62 letters - bojan - 01/24/25
"You are so beautiful also hey I have a question may I be your best friend you courage is wonder full just know that please xrays BTW my name is jazzy" - 119 letters - Jazzy❤ - 01/24/25
"me encanta tanto el tiramisu, nose porque pero enserio que lo re adoro, es mi vida mi chikis mi sprunky mi bb, y todo, lo amo con todo mi fokin corazon, nose pq el piensa q esto es bait cuando no mentira ese raton no sabe que enverdad si pudiera le escribiria por watsap siempre, y jugaria con el siempre xd" - 241 letters - pelusa - 01/24/25
"oh why does this happen every day/ day after day i slave away/ boys and girls jesters and kings are just names/ at this point its all the same / queens and cards alike/ it's exciting craving that endless night/ am i crazy/ is this all a day dream/ why do we survive?/ at last i am alive." - 218 letters - ZKITTEN139 - 01/24/25
"a supercalifragilistic expialidocious is a very nooby way to describe a queen zebra. having a sense of humor is important when joking" - 111 letters - toe tickler - 01/24/25
"In Greek mythology, Zeus is the king of gods as well as the god of lightning, married to Hera queen, Hades is the god of the underworld, Poseidon is god of the sea, Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty, her son Cupid is the god of love, And Percy Jackson is a book about Greek Mythology about demigods, main characters are Percy, son of Poseidon, Nico is the son of Hades, Annabeth daughter of Athena, Grover is a satyr, there is a lot of war and stuff as well as magic and some romance!! XOXO Gossip girl!!! " - 399 letters - Kai is a femboy!!! Rawr XD >:33 - 01/24/25
"I once thought that life was black and white. But now I find that it is a puzzle, a musical puzzle, with different shapes and colors. Love and lies, no queen or king to judge us. Just you and me. Together in harmony, you're extraordinary." - 184 letters - Anna Trobiani - 01/24/25
"Your even less intelligent as a fox that got kicked out of the zoo, for trying to question an elephant on how about Jaguar eats a monkey" - 109 letters - Lexi - 01/24/25
"Legendary Zorro with just a flaming ax could abort babies very quickly and painlessly." - 72 letters - Legal in California - 01/24/25
"Axolotls or frogs just don't have milk because they're aquatic amphibians who lay eggs in seaweed mazes." - 85 letters - Frog Girl - 01/24/25
"My ex used to banish me, his queen/woman, from ever cleaning puke and jizz." - 58 letters - - 01/24/25
"When you're exhausted, quietly pray with zeal because Jesus loves children and all people are kids of my God. Amen and God Bless." - 103 letters - Christian - 01/24/25
"why yes, I do like poop because it is quite flavorful and mixes good with jizz" - 62 letters - degen - 01/24/25
"use the joking qualities for good, crying, bottling emotions. quiz the people who doubt your vexing." - 81 letters - charlie !! - 01/24/25
"I like zimbabwe, qatar, luxembourg, honduras, yemen, peru, fiji and the vatican" - 62 letters - Maxime - 01/24/25
"I can not live without my one and only Kensleigh. My name is Zoey I play the xylophone. Jason is my boyfriend he has a brother named Quinn." - 109 letters - Zoey Betts - 01/24/25
"Quizzes entertain me. You don't. Can you please bring something that exists that is a quiz? Thanks. My dog JFK Volkswagen will love it." - 106 letters - Holly!! :3 - 01/24/25
"The yellow and blue cat went zany at the groomers on Friday, but the job was not what was quite expected it was killer vegetable themed" - 109 letters - Sillygoses - 01/24/25
"shut up take cock bitch bfgjlnpqrvwxdmyz" - 35 letters - :) - 01/24/25
"Pangram.me is a very wacky site which doubtfully has xylophones to play jazz with but still manages to be quirky" - 92 letters - Joe Boberson VII - 01/24/25
"Bitches mishbehave make her behind explade fucking kill that femoid hoe queer ass jwyz" - 73 letters - Im outside your house baby girl - 01/24/25
"Mother fucking fucker of mothers am p i fuck my moms p with my dads peepee and balls. Jacking off. Queef lord vagina xvideos xhamsterz" - 108 letters - Anal bleeding - 01/24/25
"firefox was not better then my cock was when daddy papa went in me good with the quark look jack vagina zes" - 86 letters - jack - 01/24/25
"hot fat men with a fat thick cock and a big fatty butt a fuckin' hairy butt but a sexy asshole fuck he is do perfect cuz just like watching lesbian porn and vomits when someone kiss him he lives on a square" - 163 letters - rexxcia - 01/24/25
"abracadabra yells the large brown jumping zebra to the very fast xylophone while drinking milk and quarters" - 91 letters - k - 01/24/25
"jade does not like geometry because front of hope quase violins with zyloxipnes" - 67 letters - - 01/24/25
"A boxing kangaroo is jumping through my window vowing he saw a unicorn a few nights ago, he loves unicorns, zebras, and queso dip." - 103 letters - Alfred Kangaroo - 01/24/25
"a unforgivable horse called jack could play with zebras but will never quit exiting rooms" - 75 letters - anon - 01/24/25
"The cat snoozes quietly while people jokingly mix video files rabidly" - 59 letters - Luke - 01/24/25
"if my name is coner qpdbdghopt then jhon kolong uses vacsences fir zing and gets wolloped every day buy xeander" - 92 letters - coner qpdbhopt - 01/24/25
"well all of the panagrams used here are very jokingly bad cus qweryty said so xxx zimabbwe" - 74 letters - demon time - 01/24/25
"I've rejected a zoo keeper once, he was honestly very big and fat. He told me that his name was Xavier Quendalos." - 88 letters - lol - 01/24/25
"the zealous xylophone quietly broke into my RV while joking about pdf documents." - 67 letters - cb - 01/24/25
"'Woeful is the damnable xylem of the zinc pangram,' the quartz vixen joked." - 59 letters - Hello - 01/24/25
"I am khaled and i would like for all of you people here to stand up and go along with the beautiful upcoming and quite dazzling Jessica Vexen" - 114 letters - - 01/24/25
"love is forever, swirling around in peoples minds. Its an amazing thing, because it is quiet yet screaming. Joking yet serious. Its as dense as oil and as see-through as an x-ray." - 140 letters - Dea - 01/24/25
"Quickly roam in galaxies without oxygen because zero gravity is a fun job to do professionally" - 79 letters - Miyo saimori - 01/24/25
"i am a zoophile and my favorite animal is the zesty unicorn that likes to eat jello why they like to eat jello i don't know why don't you ask them it might taste good it might taste bad you'll never know they also like to play the quaint xylophone" - 195 letters - brooklynn - 01/24/25
"you are a fvfffffghghnbbvvnbgr5trywqwxxsssccgbhttttttttttttttttdddddddddddpiiiiiiiillllllkjkkknnnnmnmmmmmmmmnbvczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" - 153 letters - - 01/24/25
"today I woke up and ate food great food really because is was just so happy and monsteresly fire very fire zing my xilophone broke and my queen statue broke." - 127 letters - McKenzie - 01/24/25
"chrome xylophones and jivy quirky booze giftwares " - 43 letters - it is actually made up of real words - 01/24/25
"treanch coat buttoned to the TOP the quick fox jumps over the lazy brown dog" - 62 letters - big headed b - 01/24/25
"This is a Xylophone, just kidding, oh and by the way, queue this fun road trip for a cool van and always remember, zip lines are cool!" - 103 letters - newcomer__ - 01/24/25
"I like watching skibidi toilet rizz xylophones with the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" - 80 letters - skibidi - 01/24/25
"how are you girl my dog needs blue children for tomorrow.Just kidding he needs a zebra with a xylophone.but queen doesnt have " - 102 letters - Aashka - 01/24/25
"Italians and their vespas are just inseparable, kind of like musicians and their xylophones, or the Queen and her gorgeous corgies named willow and zoey" - 126 letters - CLEORRRR - 01/24/25
"the key to always killing that zany fox is to tie the quilt in the van because it keeps the jam dry" - 78 letters - Fartknocker - 01/24/25
"All people suck because their are qualified for making jinx are winx are zyv" - 63 letters - - 01/24/25
"A Very Big Unicorn went down zaza road For a quick drink of java juice. He then peed and swam into the lacke of xylophones" - 97 letters - GirlyPop - 01/24/25
"Xander is zesty, I’m just kidding, lol. But he posts on Quora because he’s not W and he got an f on Ms V’s test" - 81 letters - Am a Zing - 01/24/25
"the month is great but the childs vison is bad worlds fog just kidding but queen grumble is dead in seeks goop and but i am xying and the zebra as escape" - 122 letters - napol - 01/24/25
"why is it that bears and zebras live so far apart? at night on my roof and under the stars i question if i could just exist as one of these animals, but alas i am bound to this body like a bird never able to reach the star or be free." - 180 letters - samz_is_weird - 01/24/25
"so i recently bought a very woke dolphin jester for smuggling zoo animals and cross posted the story on quora and x" - 94 letters - V - 01/24/25
"From overstimulating sentences: 'Hey dork! Stop being so stupid and a cunt' 'That's not very nice you jerk! 'Pffft you think I care?' 'I'm gonna make some random post about you in quora' 'What? What's quora, nerd? Nah nvm I don't want you to open that mouth you Mexican' 'You filthy xenophobe! Go to the zoo you creature!' 'How dare you.' Part two when I feel like it" - 273 letters - Stimulating Sentences - 01/24/25
"A banana cream dessert found good helium. just kidding, please quit vore workouts. Wanna play Xbox zero with you know who... Tom goddamn riddle" - 114 letters - Stimulating Sentences - 01/24/25
"Never have I backed out from a challenge if xavier just piqued my interest when he smoked zaza" - 77 letters - Bendoo - 01/24/25
"a melon can fly with dust or really huge wings but vanyta caught the melon with jkpwxqz" - 71 letters - melon! - 01/24/25
"one day you will find yourself, and everyone who doubted you will want to take all that you have. don’t conform to anything. jake from state from will pound you until you bleed. quantum xylophone zany." - 160 letters - Hehe - 01/24/25
"A bee can do anything for us regular joes, yet we stay quiet and play our xylophones with no voice while bees are floating like kites and are striped like zebras, they do all our work while we relax with no remorse." - 171 letters - - 01/24/25
"You think your pretty good at this game but my x ray can make your head fart, laugh queef and go in a zigzag walrus was a great man very jokey" - 111 letters - Walrus - 01/24/25
"skibidi toilet ohio rizz kai cenat grunkle stan quiz jack fanum tax pov wayward son" - 69 letters - dj kaled - 01/24/25
"You must have a good day or else i will cut your head off, cut out your guts, zap you with lighting, x ray all you bones then cut them out, or tickle you with a quill, or kill you by telling lots of dark jokes" - 159 letters - Bronwyn W. - 01/24/25
"The waxy zebra and the giant Pomeranian lost four quarters of their vacuum junk" - 66 letters - Benjamin button - 01/24/25
"I am very mad because her fan was not working so Zack questioned me if I could just fix my hair by putting it in a ponytail. " - 97 letters - andrea - 01/24/25
"always be kind together, jesus loves all, and we should all see many reasons of wh- whatever screw it, the last letters are pqxz" - 101 letters - darrell - 01/24/25
"what the actual skibidi toilet. xaiveier and me go and pop quail jizz. you fart right?" - 68 letters - Lord Farquaad - 01/24/25
"No matter what, her vagina is going to have your cock inside it at least once. We prepare her first. When u r ready, call us ur parents in law. Bqjxz" - 114 letters - - 01/24/25
"if stupid child doesn't agree to, i can ask my husband to go first n make easier for u haha ;) pls reply jqvwxz" - 84 letters - p parent - 01/24/25
"I think you are very rizzy my dear skibidi alpha Quite farting in here imma eat your crotch well you better look it for it imma fanum tax that gyat jjjjj" - 123 letters - Skibidi alpha - 01/24/25
"All cheetahs, leopards, jaguars, have unique spots and patterns like human finger prints and so do zebras no zebra is alike. No animal is alike not even whales or yak, not even if you get an x-ray. what I'm saying is no matter how different we are animals and we shouldn't judge. " - 218 letters - whoz_A? - 01/24/25
"a spectacular zebra passed by me at the zoo while i went to the bathroom near the quail xenop giraffes jaguar and very cool kangaroos" - 109 letters - - 01/24/25
"I hate brainrot. Honestly, I'm Thirteen and even I don't know what the fuck some of these letters mean. It's so goddamn annoying. Oh yeah, and JPQXZ" - 114 letters - - 01/24/25
"Im so skibidi im so fantum tax, i just wanna be uour rizzler!! Your so skibidi your so-GYATT DAMN WHO IS THAT ABSOLUTE ALPHA BADDIE QUEEN OMG. IM ABOUT TO VLIFFING CRY" - 131 letters - B - 01/24/25
"Bays have many meaningful zany meanings, like an ax on a tree that was chopped downs when the queen ruled that lumberjack must as punishment" - 115 letters - Cypress - 01/24/25
"How one wishes for freedom, absolute and a simple-seeming thing, but it is a thing you will never reach until you have found out the deepest, most hidden workings of the world and understand who is a jester, one who is here to pretend, one who acts with zest and fake joy, and who is a cheat, one who is here to break hearts and pretend to be an angel as they do so. Question people around you, young one, never restrict yourself to ponder within a box, and learn the inner workings of this frightening world so you may one day reach the freedom I have given up on." - 443 letters - Puppers <3 - 01/24/25
"everybody feels trapped as though they are incased in a box many people choose not to query and zoom in they instead, just keep to themselves without letting others in" - 137 letters - - 01/24/25
"Xyns are so very atrocious how could you ever use them good gracious peter. Do better next time for the love of the qurter moon i am not joking or your brother zach will follow your lead." - 149 letters - Juliet frnandez - 01/24/25
"A bee is beautiful unique kind cute and gorgeous but the most important of them all its very special and that juicy honey they make while working together is called special but the extreme thing is a bee cannot be a zebra but that's ok because it can be itself that bee is you❤" - 222 letters - Lala - 01/24/25
"hi you are an amazing person and I know that many people in your life are so proud of you because your name is Quinn Jessica and you know how to play the violin and the xylophone " - 142 letters - me - 01/24/25
"nobody ever told me that the queen could joke about gift giving poor sea salt with extra zebras" - 78 letters - door - 01/24/25
"Children explain why the world is the way it is. It works simply, using dreams forged by juvenile minds which don't have actions queued up in their heads. They craze over the simple parts of life, which we should all aspire to do." - 182 letters - Cadence of part time poets - 01/24/25
"I hate you, kill sour self with a xray than I hope you get eaten by zebras in dairy queen in Vermont, your such jack" - 90 letters - Idk - 01/24/25
"this is why we cant have nice things, cardigan, reputation, evermore, folklore, red, well i ran out of taylor swift albums but here are some random words... xylephone, zebra, jaguar, quantum phisics." - 155 letters - Emily - 01/23/25
"Your so cane. fart it jklmpqbdghvwzx" - 30 letters - izzabellia - 01/23/25
"deviation from the human mind created only to distort green visuals of jokers, bacon and the worst of all, palindromes of quivering ex-zebras " - 116 letters - sigma sigma boy - 01/23/25
"hi this is a sentence with all the letters it the alphabet is cool and i love zebras they are good and fun and very jumpy. I also like kangaroos because they are quite and they sound like a xenophobic animal " - 166 letters - This makes no sense - 01/23/25
"Bird flies, crows squawk. Pigs oink. You jump, hear, see visions, try, scroll X and know Z" - 67 letters - Brianna A. (Jeeb) Lobaito - 01/23/25
"Bee Movie By Jerry Seinfeld NARRATOR: (Black screen with text; The sound of buzzing bees can be heard) According to all known laws of aviation, : there is no way a bee should be able to fly. : Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. : The bee, of course, flies anyway : because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. BARRY BENSON: (Barry is picking out a shirt) Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. : Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. JANET BENSON: Barry! Breakfast is ready! BARRY: Coming! : Hang on a second. (Barry uses his antenna like a phone) : Hello? ADAM FLAYMAN: (Through phone) - Barry? BARRY: - Adam? ADAM: - Can you believe this is happening? BARRY: - I can't. I'll pick you up. (Barry flies down the stairs) : MARTIN BENSON: Looking sharp. JANET: Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. BARRY: Sorry. I'm excited. MARTIN: Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. : A perfect report card, all B's. JANET: Very proud. (Rubs Barry's hair) BARRY= Ma! I got a thing going here. JANET: - You got lint on your fuzz. BARRY: - Ow! That's me! JANET: - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! (Barry flies out the door) JANET: Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! (Barry drives through the hive,and is waved at by Adam who is reading a newspaper) BARRY== - Hey, Adam. ADAM: - Hey, Barry. (Adam gets in Barry's car) : - Is that fuzz gel? BARRY: - A little. Special day, graduation. ADAM: Never thought I'd make it. (Barry pulls away from the house and continues driving) BARRY: Three days grade school, three days high school... ADAM: Those were awkward. BARRY: Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. ADAM== You did come back different. (Barry and Adam pass by Artie, who is jogging) ARTIE: - Hi, Barry! BARRY: - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. ADAM: - Hear about Frankie? BARRY: - Yeah. ADAM== - You going to the funeral? BARRY: - No, I'm not going to his funeral. : Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. : Don't waste it on a squirrel. " - 1523 letters - beeeee movie - 01/23/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyvz" - 27 letters - I Eat Cement - 01/23/25
"i love food so much it drives me bananas but i will have to remember queen Peggy xx who loved to zzz but hated bananas jk" - 96 letters - emma - 01/23/25
"ich bin ein kleinenr dreckiger wichser der nichts kann auser zuhause zu hocken und xylophone zu spielen, aber du fragst dich sicher warum ich nicht einfach ein bisschen raus gehe und paar vögel beim zwitschern zuhöre, ja das könnte ich machen aber ich bin eher ein fan vom meer wo ich quallen sehen kann, da ich sie sehr interessant finde" - 276 letters - n - 01/23/25
"a tree is me I am a big cedar tree with thousands of jacks on it and a bunch of people and xylophones and squads and it is a zebras it is valitans day " - 117 letters - cedar - 01/23/25
"Ninety-Nine% of Wikipedia Writers are 1 article away from writing the very best one ever! Just kidding you questionable Xyzal enjoyer." - 110 letters - Me - 01/23/25
"my sisters are very annoying, all they do is yell, steal, be mean, they are rude, they take my PC while I'm playing on it, they almost killed my fish, ate my jello the other day, call me a quer, and steal my zilaphone, and Xbox." - 171 letters - kellen rupp - 01/23/25
"Taylor swift, Fearless, Speak now, Red, Nineteen Eighty Nine, Reputation, Lover, Folklore, Evermore, Midnights, and The Torched Poets Department are not just Taylor swift albums but also quite interesting going from extraterrestrials to wizards and magic. " - 209 letters - Samantha Hoffman - 01/23/25
"using all of the letters is a fragile thing so make it worth your time and stop reading this useless junk and go touch some trees or look at zebras qvx" - 121 letters - louie duck - 01/23/25
"Listen to the voice inside your head but don't forget that you also have a heart, your macile is not the best jojo, be like Gojo and be the strongest, know that one day you will also be the rizzler, panqramania, xoxoxo " - 171 letters - William Shakespear - 01/23/25
"I think i just farted on a zebra and now i have a big gyat human centipede turned into a lollipop q-tip xylophone" - 90 letters - Leo - 01/23/25
"if you try very hard despite the laughter and besides the jokers with much quick wit, zoos and lox will go together great." - 98 letters - Lyla M. - 01/23/25
"I am not a little monkey but can flies drink swamp giraffes while juggling quails and zebras playing very big xylaphones" - 100 letters - miguel - 01/23/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over the laying zebras." - 41 letters - poopoo gyatt - 01/23/25
"sam is stinky and needs a bath right now he smells like a zebra doing canabolisim while whearin an umbrella and plane the xlophone while visiting the dump and traped in a jack in the box in the Fortnite qued line" - 172 letters - tristan - 01/23/25
"beekeepers stop doing their work in the winter because it is normally very frozty around that time and it is like -5 quetta i mean -5exacelcius cold man that is cold even for a jeep" - 145 letters - logie2801 - 01/23/25
"A bin of crucial deranged hijackers mopped Quintin's vole covered floor, and then they waxed zebras?" - 82 letters - Josh - 01/23/25
"A grateful man is one who portrays kindness in quinoa jvxzbc" - 50 letters - Ur mum - 01/23/25
"A bitch called Diane fell into a well so i decided snice she is a bitch I would jokily not save her because why would i save someone who tried to poison my grandma. But question did she really like Zoë? Well at least have my xylophone" - 186 letters - Arina - 01/23/25
"A czar from Russia once sent me a letter that said 'Go away, Jokester. And take your very bad and ugly xylophone with you! Never question me again.' " - 115 letters - Mikaela - 01/23/25
"abcedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz good job you passes kinder" - 48 letters - celery - 01/23/25
"super farts blink on the wzard of oz's xylophone vehemently a lot, just quirking, captain americca smells like cheese" - 96 letters - nolan - 01/23/25
"A dog jumped over a horse in the street in front of a koala big back questionare wonder x ray called Zack" - 84 letters - Hiya - 01/23/25
"Bill Cipher ordered a pizza from Quick Time Vortexes (Disclaimer we do NOT sell pizza, stop trying to sue.), but unfortunately when it arrived, he realized he hadn't been given a pizza, no, it was just a time vortex! What a ripoff. " - 179 letters - Dipper - 01/23/25
"the lazy fox jump over the dreaded dog at his own funeral because he was a brown backed queen" - 75 letters - - 01/23/25
"'The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continuez. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beepityqoo] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [dingdongjujutsux] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.' - 471 letters - Fan Of LONGWORDS - 01/23/25 'Hikoprsefglabckidonvutojowyzamexiqu meaning - the alphabet (fake)' - 57 letters - Fan Of LONGWORDS - 01/23/25 'When The zombies attack The earth gotta hide idk maybe In Poland , sadly In 2022 queen Elizabeth died. Stadler producent flirt kiss you jak nah bro six or seven' - 129 letters - - 01/23/25 ' A bowling miracle maxed stuff practicly so much that it questioned jokingly 'zoos have things?' - 78 letters - bojan - 01/23/25 'all you need is to live a life that was meaningful and that made you happy but you need to be carry full like a Queen xoxo Justin zeen' - 106 letters - teri - 01/23/25 'Containing all the letters of the English lexicon in one singular sentence may be quite tricky to obtain and complete, but luckily I had just remembered that big words exist and if I use my vocabulary right I can complete this small challenge. Zebra.' - 204 letters - Literally matt engarde (trust) - 01/23/25 'qwdwqdiqeifhewoifhewiulfhwilufgciwelyfgcwleyfgcakjrshfgckayerwgsdchujwenbgvdtyh3jndcgyhemnjbyujinhbgvfc gyhujihbgvcfvghujgvfdxcfgyhujgvfcxdpz ' - 140 letters - Blake - 01/23/25 'asdfhewjwerhkwkjlgwjkhegwowgeewgjkwgkjewglkegkjewglkewgkjdnmav,ma,macknavdjavdmdvnbbadvpvalaldldvjadjiaduiqpoiqrpoietioqepoegeqtoieqioqefuycuyxnjxhbsaxygxajbkcnlknzkjskj' - 167 letters - Maddy - 01/23/25 'craig tucker propesed to tweek tweak 'honey' craig said 'marry me' 'ahh bfqvjxlz' 'of course craig' responec tweek' - 89 letters - ehhe - 01/23/25 'hello, Brother has huge picture of barack obabma as a dj while zooming a xilofone very qaantic" - 1735 letters - TAHHHHH - 01/23/25
"Hello my name is Nathan Paul Keyes and I am the Queen of England and I do my job very well because I carry out x-rays in zoos." - 97 letters - Nathan - 01/23/25
"The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continuez. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beepityqoo] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [dingdongjujutsux] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start." - 471 letters - Fan Of LONGWORDS - 01/23/25
"Hikoprsefglabckidonvutojowyzamexiqu meaning - the alphabet (fake)" - 57 letters - Fan Of LONGWORDS - 01/23/25
"When The zombies attack The earth gotta hide idk maybe In Poland , sadly In 2022 queen Elizabeth died. Stadler producent flirt kiss you jak nah bro six or seven" - 129 letters - - 01/23/25
" A bowling miracle maxed stuff practicly so much that it questioned jokingly 'zoos have things?" - 78 letters - bojan - 01/23/25
"all you need is to live a life that was meaningful and that made you happy but you need to be carry full like a Queen xoxo Justin zeen" - 106 letters - teri - 01/23/25
"Containing all the letters of the English lexicon in one singular sentence may be quite tricky to obtain and complete, but luckily I had just remembered that big words exist and if I use my vocabulary right I can complete this small challenge. Zebra." - 204 letters - Literally matt engarde (trust) - 01/23/25
"hello, Brother has huge picture of barack obabma as a dj while zooming a xilofone very qaantic" - 77 letters - Alixo 33 - 01/23/25
" name is coolguy123 and i am so cool my papa touche me in the basement and i cant lie i sorta like it tbh i will not question his actions it is so big so i dont mind tbh he can fuck me anyday anyway his name is jay and he took my virginity yeahhh he broke my ass so i had to get an xray and then he touched me when we went to the zoo" - 256 letters - coolguy123 - 01/23/25
"jay and xay he quills at the zoo peck away at their blueberry food with grain and vitamins" - 73 letters - squid game - 01/23/25
"and now we get together and start a new chapter in our lifes, lets all be joyous, much love. Quills at the zoo, get me ok.. xoxo." - 96 letters - save me from this class 💔 (civics sucks) - 01/23/25
"Nigeropoopqustiinjmanwaxbombockatdavudyezzyhfl" - 46 letters - Guy Rave - 01/23/25
" once there was a quiting dog named bob and a cat named vic for all you have done you will not quit this time said vic poppy come here said xman zooy mama what is that WHAT jk" - 137 letters - zooy mama - 01/23/25
"Fuck you you bitch of a human dick with gay ass erina job with poopo pants veridas look up quatar to have XXXCENTATION on you zippie" - 107 letters - BWnjam - 01/23/25
"hello people of the universe, i am lord winkleqwinqletonsington the third son of chewbaccaxylaphoneington and i dislike jz " - 104 letters - charlotte - 01/23/25
"i am great like a zebra; stripes of black and white. quite lovely, such a joker. xx" - 63 letters - human #5,093,257 - 01/23/25
"Lyrics of the alphabet song: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z" - 49 letters - Bored at school - 01/23/25
"my love for you is not just an imitation please accept my gratitude and be mine hkqwxz" - 70 letters - asda - 01/23/25
"I want Flower bfdi in my kitchen at Five am. Undisturbed, gay passionate time. She will queef on me. Jzx " - 81 letters - Ruby - 01/23/25
"cdfhklmopqrsuvwxz jij bent gay" - 27 letters - je bolle moeder - 01/23/25
"are you stupid you goober what the sigma are you freakadoodle jarquanzela xylaphone violin car" - 80 letters - a skibidi - 01/23/25
"my asshole hurts like a fucking turtles shell with Stockholm syndrome biting on a pineapple with made out of quiet mouse shit jumping out of a zebra's xylophone void" - 136 letters - i don't know - 01/23/25
"And Bitch Go Fuck Yourself Suck My Balls, Don't Make Me Whoop Your Fat Ass. Facts Girl Tell Them. Zydrunas Zavickas Queen Type Shit. Just Don't Call Me xx." - 120 letters - Hrafnkell Óli Björnsson - 01/23/25
"My name is moira and I have a ball in my hand with a zebra in the queens garden perfectly placed next to the kitchen just a walk away" - 105 letters - Moira - 01/23/25
"And beautiful cats give hugs just like zooming kids with many issues with the queen party pooper xylophone " - 89 letters - Salmon nigiri - 01/23/25
"Eleanor is a fun friend who can help you get a brain kuz you deserve it just don’t be quick my brain can’t process taxes " - 94 letters - Eleanor - 01/23/25
"The fox jumped over a box and the xylophone rang for the little fox to come drink boiled water from the kettle with the zebras and quilt" - 110 letters - Ayvah - 01/23/25
"Don't need no rep to put you in the grave first, your corpse is the best thing you can give me. Don't worry, it is not real, it will be over soon, you do not need to move, ever. Just keep quite there. Extra zealous, or not. Blood will not make it satisfying any more, you can sleep softly instead." - 224 letters - There isn't any way I would know what I am ever doing - 01/23/25
"jazz king vouches to quickly draw bumpy fox" - 36 letters - joe metri desh - 01/23/25
"so im quite bored right now and i am not having a jolly good time/ I wish this website had a cold Zebra pooping on a bucket of xylem cells " - 108 letters - mr kitten - 01/23/25
"even if people say you don't matter but you matter to someone or something and you cant deny it you may not be as famous as the queen or jk rolling which may make you sad you xtremly special p.s zigare cool " - 163 letters - unknown - 01/23/25
"A new fashion phenomenon called jorts has made a quiet but extremely quick advance across the globe, killing many previous trends and amazing many." - 122 letters - mars - 01/23/25
"nigger fuck niggers they belong in the fields burn in hell dark skin sinners i suck their dick tell he cums in my asshole makes me feal so good auhh but then i have to suck his dick in the fields cause im addicted to it makes me cum pqkwjxz" - 191 letters - bbd - 01/23/25
"The phoenix casted its bewitching glance upon the vast expanse of the desert, locking eyes with a quivering meercat, jesting at its perplexity and zealousness" - 132 letters - Someone - 01/23/25
"Akita Neru is having a mental breakdown because of the other 2 vocaloids Hatsune Miku and Kasane Teto, because they made plum jelly with batrachotoxin from a Quilin ingesting zinc." - 149 letters - ★나무★ - 01/23/25
"The beautiful Zebra queen played the exotic xylophone very gracefully for her mother, sisters, jester, the king, and the witch to peacefully unite them." - 124 letters - Nono - 01/23/25
"Akita Neru is having a mental breakdown because of the other 2 vocaloids Hatsune Miku and Kasane Teto, because the two are making a plum jelly infused with oxidized arsenic and Quills. :3 " - 152 letters - ★나무★ - 01/23/25
"bagels were all exciting back in twenty eleven but now zero members of the quiet choir enjoy dirty pickled bagels." - 94 letters - - 01/23/25
"The kind fox jumped across the zebra vowing quietly for a win. " - 50 letters - Yaj - 01/23/25
"Question: Does Zarah hate cupcakes? Whenever she sees one, she fights it with her little arms. She still punched them even when her doctor checked her X-ray and said she broke a bone. She still kept on jabbing" - 166 letters - - 01/23/25
"WHAT IS THAT? It is a big fat mouse. It is gooey and weird. I am very hungry. I am going to eat it. It's perfect! I quietly bit the mouse's tail and heard a zap sound. JK! Me and Xavier made up this story" - 150 letters - Weirdo - 01/23/25
"d4vv05 is a scrapped series that i may or may not end up posting the characters of in my Art Fight profile in the Yzerenans folder, depending on my questionable times that i get motivation to not joke around; i will likely give M.A.R. the xylophone that i had when i was really young" - 225 letters - @cirlcurl-of-fiends_A3EC - 01/23/25
"Stardew valley bcfghijkmnopquxz version!!" - 36 letters - unemployed random student - 01/23/25
"I love singing the abcs with my brothers Devn, xavir, zion, Quinn, pary, and jake it is so fun." - 71 letters - Aliviah - 01/23/25
"blah blah blah i am bored very very bord i want food keep this in mind cats are scary and mean but dogs are good still bord that is a joke my old friend was named xaylee everyone thought it started with a z and i like taking quizes" - 183 letters - thea - 01/23/25
"Ada is pretty jelly and nice, but she hates zebras a lot. Her queen, ms Wankaufgarg loves Xaia, that on tikytokyer" - 90 letters - ada - 01/23/25
"camels jump, but zoom and fight quicker when playing a vicious sax" - 54 letters - Martin - 01/23/25
"The zebra ate grass while playing with James on the quickly donut frying Vienna xylophone " - 75 letters - Aura - 01/23/25
"I created a panagram with ______ letters, and yeah. idk what say but this is boring imma go now. qwertyvaksdmejkdddnxz. SIGNING OFF 01/jan22/wed 2025 7:11pm " - 119 letters - raylin collins - 01/23/25
"Cats love jumpingbyrdz fhkqwx" - 26 letters - it sucks - 01/23/25
"i got 5 friends who eat to much food and love to play the xylophone and a queen went and go but a jock got godzilla agry " - 94 letters - sigma man - 01/23/25
"Quinn has a dog so lazy, he refuses to stand, let alone go on the annual poverman world fox hunt with his friends Jack and Benny." - 101 letters - Noa G. - 01/23/25
"jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjdjdjdjdjdjfjseljfksend,samdakifheofrperfoegeefejhwowowqeueytuwkwnfepwpqppqpoworiuytredcvbdnfmg,fmndbvczxsiruwedfjvc,masdlckjdippplwmdmnfvjidnfksejfwpqp[qdoqpwjnfjfheuladm,amndka,nvoeqp" - 200 letters - Hi - 01/23/25
"Ingredients: bok choy, fig jam, squash, plum, veal, wax, zinc." - 45 letters - L - 01/23/25
"AY whats up how are you doing? Oh I'm doing good how about your lazy brown dog? Could you hold this flashlight for me? I'm just kidding I don't have one! She is quivering, she is also in a box. Let's go help her!" - 158 letters - DONT LOOK!! - 01/23/25
"quinton, my brother and cousin, has been so impactful to my life. My teammate Zeke is a funny guy who matches my personality. My dad had a 45 in vertical back in highschool. And my friend Jack knows how to run an x ray" - 170 letters - - 01/23/25
"no two snowflakes that zap each other with xylophones because of debts of jelly owed to a quail are alike, meaning that violence is never the answer." - 121 letters - jrhtjyogtrijthyhgjut5yhoitjr4 - 01/23/25
"I am equivocally opposed to zesty brutality when forced midgets jinx kids " - 62 letters - Me - 01/23/25
"people constantly zip about and find ways to exit reality. I have a question for you. how many people do you know judge you? they don't matter. ok? you being sober and gentle is best." - 142 letters - Remi Leonhardt - 01/22/25
"Zebras with xylophones flock James dog until victor quit" - 48 letters - Jc - 01/22/25
"My coworker sexualizes me, and wants to be fucking me because his wife is quite the moron and he knows my pussy is very juicy." - 100 letters - H - 01/22/25
"I am in live with you and my pet zebra while inder a xary with a qtip in the cats fishy going just keep " - 80 letters - Sarayasenasday - 01/22/25
"dear Luca you are a hot boy and xsesxuyriuojfhsniuogj9erigj eriofjeriogptu doa bd d veba7utidfufl dfiujsniucadijaeiodjskm kndsklhq iqwueen and zesty rwfkjakand I love you also much sfofolro rvewbeing xaezyst teoiand a oioi hoper you are zesty again" - 213 letters - nigger - 01/22/25
"A dinosaur was walking when he got exploded by a zebra. this dinosaur was questioning his mind power when it was his fault and Chopped Chin was jogging in Virgina " - 132 letters - SkibidiGooner - 01/22/25
"I just never would've expected my baby to be a kung-fu master. He must've got it from his questionable father, the bozo. " - 93 letters - abbie butterfly - 01/22/25
"LIED ON YO DEAD MUVA. Hoe, the things that youve lied about.... even pertaining to yo mom..... you dont want them out...okay? now, since you think its funny... to speak about peoples FAMILIESSS.... we´ll all join in.... we`ll all play the reindeer gamesssss, as soon as your new nose heals... and soon as yourr... well, lets leave that for the second installment, BRRRRRZXQYZYYZYX" - 280 letters - Onika Tonya Maraj-Petty - 01/22/25
"the zebra had an xray for his irritating poo manipulation and he jumped and kicked viciosly after he queued for a v-cut and water " - 105 letters - Antony is the goay - 01/22/25
"I am going to touch you until you lose your job from being tickled very hard in the pickle quietly though zebra themed xylophones go off if you are too loud and then everyone says that you won so we don't want that." - 171 letters - Rawr - 01/22/25
"zoos are extremely fascinating. i love the animals there; jaguars, walruses, kangaroos, quails, penguins, and bears." - 93 letters - bash - 01/22/25
"hello it is time to.....backflip wait idk how to backflip omg i like luv jam no i absolutley luv jam off whit his head queen ou its not 1313 or wateva abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 141 letters - abababab - 01/22/25
"the true question is how the enormous zebra killed the young kangaroo joey with a potent fart and a xylophone, even the crow!" - 101 letters - Tristan - 01/22/25
"Izekeial Quentin James, I love you beyond words can express. Don’t forget how proud I am of you." - 75 letters - dalno - 01/22/25
"I like cheeseburgers dipped in salsa with Walmart feet and jalapeños, dessert a queen Victoria xyz pokemon episode " - 96 letters - Pedro pony - 01/22/25
"Dear Izaiah Grames, I love you beyond words can express. Don’t ever forget how proud I am of you & how much you conquered. I just love you.. so much. I can’t wait for your hugs & kisses. Xoxo. " - 142 letters - eliza - 01/22/25
"A big Cat is very useful unlike zebras, I also like jam and ham, trees are very particularly quite fascinating. When will I turn into a tree? Well when the X-rays found roots" - 137 letters - Demi - 01/22/25
"a story of a cat that plays the bongos id super crazy but what about a dog that plays the xylaphone quickly just joking my dog plays the violin" - 115 letters - Adriana - 01/22/25
"have the most amazing fricking day you jingly box you. keep up the work queen" - 62 letters - ur mom - 01/22/25
"one day you will be the king or queen of the zesty porcupines many people will think it Jinxed you but their names Vance" - 97 letters - the last porcupine queen? - 01/22/25
"c ae rag aw bgb gcc dexz ewv w zx yz xv a eo uio iuoa ea u ouiW2 g %1@ ab (U) Ba 5gS@!.2qA1! f e# 4# dA D f n4 1 1 %5 2.,3/O ui u io ca era gaw bgb gcc dexz e w v wz x yzx v af 6tA && 90 8g SelectDateAndTime: print 22219331428g22garu22 . . , . . , . . . , . , . . , . . . , . afaadfdffahaffddffgdsddffawfageddd ddfggafaeeefdfdggegeefgeeddeedded C5 D2 A1 T5 6 U7 I1 I9 A9 K2 M5 K2 D2 C5 D3 9 G0 Y2 N3 G6 A5 T4 O1 G9 F6 T6 N5 G2 C3 F5 G9 O9 O5 A5 H6 T5 G8 O5 A4 N10 DAYANDTIME: 1,22,2,025 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 343|C,434|343|xxXxxXXXxxXxxx|343|D,434|343 Thanks for watching. I been doing this for 30 MINUTES. If you enjoyed, like and sub please." - 427 letters - Ralph (The Owner Of Code Decoder) - 01/22/25
"She quickly leaped because the lazy fox, Gavin, was after her jam" - 52 letters - Kalissa Kavelish - 01/22/25
"Hello my name is Aj and idk im bored. Frick this. GEEEEOOOOOOOOO, piuzzle. Victoryq w x" - 68 letters - - 01/22/25
"be your self witch is amazing dookie jock pickl e vel qtip xliafon" - 54 letters - yay - 01/22/25
"Rex, the alley zebra, wiggles to the punk campy vibe of the queer dj " - 53 letters - Kat con - 01/22/25
"in a fucking nigger que soy? un puto negro. zeidah ka si? mirang pa what. lobster xxx vetagran juan " - 77 letters - nigger - 01/22/25
"I love my family and friends dearly. They get me the upmost best presents and they love going to the zoo. I will give them a beautiful chicken and quail with jam and xylophone for their birthday." - 156 letters - Sony - 01/22/25
"Hey! You know EPIC the Musical? It’s by Jorge Rivera Herman’s and it’s a great musical that’s based by the odyssey! You a watch the animatics online on YouTube and there are a lot of great artists who have created beautiful animatics! Ok I gotta finish this now:) I hope if you watch it, you’ll like it! Bye! XD just gotta write Q and Z" - 258 letters - B. Arslan - 01/22/25
"i really like your friends and bows with cats and ginger , my pets envy me because am a quadrilateral and i like joker and my favorite letters are x and z" - 122 letters - micaela - 01/22/25
"Why is abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz a thing" - 37 letters - Bread - 01/22/25
"well i dont know how this works but all i am doing is wasting my time. Btw i can play the xylophone now.I am feeling lazy. like very not quick. jk " - 112 letters - Shubham - 01/22/25
"change da world my final message goodbye -sad rat memezxvujkpqa" - 53 letters - not wyatt - 01/22/25
"a kettle boiling to cook a delicious spaghetti. people are causing a fiasco, jumping all over the place. meanwhile, the xylophone enjoyer doesn't know how to demagnetize quicksilver." - 149 letters - cheezitman - 01/22/25
"Dr Ronald son gave wax copies of my beautiful hats to jumpy quetzals and kites." - 64 letters - Dr Ronaldson - 01/22/25
"A quick brown fox wearing a hat jumps over a lazy dog." - 42 letters - Ayan - 01/22/25
"i want to give a rocket ship to my best friend Zander. He has a pet quail named Jaxlander." - 70 letters - Possum - 01/22/25
"another pangram just for me. truly as simple as abc as xyz & 123 'a daring kangaroos combination' Quinn vows." - 85 letters - Perrin Fornatale - 01/22/25
"a round tub, pricked from vivacious, queer ways of ghastly jax flowers. Made in Zimbabwe." - 71 letters - Perrin Fornatale - 01/22/25
"apples, rhubarb, quizzical dry fruit snacks and vexing moldy jawbreakers." - 61 letters - Perrin Fornatale - 01/22/25
"She should have 'dated' him, and then killed him in the center of that dreary room, many years ago. Bjpqwxz." - 83 letters - Kill him, the abuser. - 01/22/25
"what will quails and zebras eat and drink today, nachos possibly? juice? some vascular amount of grated cheese? maybe, but what will they be using to play at the concert? a xylophone perhaps, who knows" - 160 letters - abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz - 01/22/25
"You Are a Gay Zebra Poopy Butthole Snake, I Do mind that jake x-ray crystals queen fart victoria weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" - 182 letters - Ash - 01/22/25
"The brown fox kate and quail case jumped over lazy dog " - 44 letters - Hello - 01/22/25
"the quick brown fox jumps over the blazing sly dog" - 41 letters - me - 01/22/25
"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ GET REKT" - 33 letters - lol - 01/22/25
"yes hi how are you this fine snowy floridian day? yes we currently have 6 inches of snow and it will not melt until tomorrow. im serious. gpqrsbjkxz :)" - 118 letters - jerrie - 01/22/25
"Fomba in dezu, hyw xqc lvt gjk prs" - 26 letters - Super Art - 01/22/25
"i fart shit lol ha abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 40 letters - Valdemar Blinkenberg Madsen - 01/22/25
"yall boomers sad sad saad abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz gimme free money plz" - 65 letters - ;-; - 01/22/25
"The quick red fox jumped over the blazing sky and won" - 43 letters - Maya - 01/22/25
"the lore of cookir run kingdom is very diverse at baking differnt exotic soul jams for each pastry within the kingdom so you need to be a buzy fuck and quack your way over to the oven and get gambling!!!!" - 161 letters - amy - 01/22/25
"Hello World A Bad Cat from Germany Is just killing pigeons violen also wht is 5x4 quartz" - 72 letters - Me - 01/22/25
"I have to go to school today! It’s really boring. We are gonna learn about zebra and why we celebrate x-mas. And about past queens. And I found out tomorrow I don’t have to go to school. I’m just so excited for that. Now I have to go bake a cake. Bye" - 188 letters - - 01/22/25
"The most newest legendary, Xylitol Nova Cookie and his Epic Pet, Dr. Xylicube got released at 2 am January 12th on a Friday. Xylitol Nova Cookies skill sent him into the sky to transform him into his Xylitol Suit. In the air, Xylitol Nova Cookie has to destroy 3 different Xylitol Crystal, by breaking them using the Xyli-Drones you get points. After you are done with that, Xylitol Nova Cookie gets a shield, destroying even more Xylitol Crystal. His magic candy can be created with the ingredient 'Xylitol Drone'. Xylitol Nova Cookies magic candy makes two drones destroy random obstacles, grinding more points. His first costume is a super epic costume, Star Admiral where Xylitol Nova Cookie is the admiral of the Xylitol Spaceship. Q and Z" - 599 letters - Nova!! - 01/22/25
"wow isnt this going to be easy? infact youve probably seen panagrams before. just in like books of course XD anyway i only have 2 letters left so im just gonna say that i L O V E zebras. thats a lie i just wanted to get z anyway now we have to say... QUINTICLES" - 201 letters - mr AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - 01/22/25
"personally i lowkey am in LOVEE with animals, like for example a zebra or a hyena, you know? i guess i just fuq with mother nature, you know how it can be these days" - 128 letters - Michael - 01/22/25
"i hate niggers, mexicans, japanese, faggots, dickriders, bitchers, cummers, losers, zen ahh mofos, vaushers, washers, yns, qunts" - 100 letters - adolf rizzler - 01/22/25
"Kim quietly executed the favorite zebra with poisoned jams and a gun" - 57 letters - ALZ - 01/22/25
"hello p, you are looking for info abt our child? Dm us to discuss a price, we think our useless lazy b will benefit from ur 'jerking', vaginal health too ha ha qx." - 124 letters - parents - 01/22/25
"The almighty fox jumped over de sleeping bunny that could win zero kills and quotiënts." - 72 letters - Extra-Terrestrial - 01/22/25
" Kim quietly executed the favorite zebra with poisoned jam and also a gun" - 60 letters - Yver - 01/22/25
"the zoo keeper has one pig but four cows and sheep you could very well say he was a farmer but only if you were quite judgmental so if you did say that you should exhale and inhale " - 143 letters - pup - 01/22/25
"the fox happily jumped over the sleeping kappibarra and quickly won the z" - 61 letters - YarrAngi - 01/22/25
"Zebras like to eat grass “quit eating grass” said the velociraptor. Judy, the zebra, said “for heavens sake leave me alone you x-Rey looking wombat,”" - 116 letters - The velociraptor - 01/22/25
"Things are not looking good for the Vancouver Canucks, the greatest hockey team never to win a Stanley cup - judge them by the quality fan experience, not the irrelevant Zamboni driver." - 150 letters - Rick Tocchet - 01/22/25
"I love Kaite so much with no exceptions and she is the only girl for me because quite frankly she is a jewel and i would take her on a romantic date to the zoo!" - 125 letters - David - 01/22/25
"Exotic yaks rarely stray from the grass filled path but veer just as queer zebras win " - 70 letters - - 01/22/25
"Just as I Xander walked out the door I heard my dog Queenie bark at me as though she was saying, 'Xander please come play fetch with me!' I couldn't resist her little puppy eyes begging. 'Very well' I sighed. As we started to run through the house towards the back door I leaned down and grabbed her favorite chew toy, Bella the Zebra. We raced outside into the open field of our backyard and I yeeted Bella as far as I could, (which wasn't very far) but Queenie still just went along with it and rushed to catch her zebra. We played for an hour and by the end I was full heartedly laughing and falling over, Queenie raced up to me and gave me a big slobbery lick on my face. I kept laughing. The sun had almost set and I looked at Queenie smiling a big huge grin an dchasing her tail in circles. 'Queenie!' I chuckled. And I grabbed her zebra and we walked back inside the house. That night after dinner, I lay in bed thinking of the awsome day we had when my door jolted open and Queenie dashed in my bedroom and jumped on my bed. I laughed and we both cuddled and after a while finally went to bed. " - 857 letters - lydia - 01/22/25
"All my love for you can't even fill the highest mountain or the deepest sea but you can easily see it through any x-ray just like a king or queen - with love zoe" - 125 letters - lydia - 01/22/25
"Myself, I am Anastasia it's funny and I am very glad that me and my friends are weird like I say ze blank and they just crack me up honestly I absolutely love my odd friends yes it's questionable why I like them but they are like an unloved xylophone and I am a new key 🗝️ so I just wanna say if you guys are reading this I love you guys so much 🥰" - 267 letters - Anastasia Aguirre 😳 - 01/22/25
"So, today was entierly insane right? First, the fish vowing to unicorns just made me go bannas, then the koloas put quesodias in the x-ray machine! Zack needs to hear about this." - 140 letters - No thank you - 01/22/25
"i’m going to kill myself if you stupid generation x people don’t shut up about cqjvwz" - 68 letters - im so amazing - 01/22/25
"Are you okay with what you today it is pretty cool right I know it's not perfect but nothing ever is Max at least it wasn't a jack, z ray or even a Queen." - 117 letters - Random - 01/22/25
"Xavier wet himself! Cups of milk and God's BBQ jazz with you." - 47 letters - Tom Bomb - 01/22/25
"The big, brown dog quickly jumped over the shady, lazy fox." - 46 letters - I saw this somewhere on YouTube a year ago - 01/22/25
"I was born on one day of woe, after pain had brought me fro, I still suggest a look of suffering as my life has pizzazz no more, count the fourth month two, moving from the relaxing sounds of jubilant questions, unto the annoying buzz of my heartbeat." - 198 letters - Kiri - 01/22/25
"Zebras are really smart. Plus xylophones are lit. Gigantic phones plus vlone. Jordans and queens find worlds with kings." - 98 letters - Ralphy - 01/22/25
"A bigback is used when you want to say someone is very fat, like a jamaican zebra pooping questions on xavier." - 88 letters - Dallin - 01/22/25
"Healthcare corporations such as Providence Portland Medical Center, like to operate on the judicial concept of working their young nurse wage workers to the bone. It's quite excessive if you ask me, a little zany." - 174 letters - ona - 01/22/25
"Play for the yourself, not the crowd. It doesn’t matter what they think about you, if you’re just being you, doing what you love and enjoy, then that’s all that really matters. You are who you are, never waste your time trying to meet someone else’s status quo. Life is like a pizza box, there’s always someone trying to take your slice." - 261 letters - Charlie - 01/22/25
"Hello my very wonderfully beautiful xylophone, you are such a queen, keep eating zucchini bread and orange juice!" - 93 letters - Defying gravity - 01/22/25
"The big red fox lazily jumps over the cow not knowing what to answer if he questions. " - 68 letters - Josie - 01/22/25
"i like zoos, they arouse everyone, back down the hall, many x-ray fish gape and quit jogging" - 72 letters - stinkybum - 01/22/25
"Hey whats up zach i like to play the xlphone. Bananas are good, Frogs jagers monkeys are cute. Quenn elizabeth is gone. Voice is good." - 105 letters - - 01/22/25
"Nice to meet you Zachary plus Xavier, wouldn't you agree that banjos are frankly quite good?" - 74 letters - Idk - 01/22/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z now I know my abc's next time you sing with me?" - 64 letters - - 01/22/25
"i like zippers better than buttons. cds are cool. quizzes are ok. joggets. mouth. fake. vex. why " - 73 letters - - 01/22/25
"these are zebras. They ride pretty fast if you ask me. Cats are born on the farm. Table. Touch grass. I like to play the xylophone. Just kidding! What a short story this was. The violins here are quiet, last thing I remember." - 173 letters - gg3 lol - 01/22/25
"the blue fox jumps over a big walrus shaped queen crocodile while playing the xylophone shaped like a zebra" - 89 letters - Ellapoooooooooooooo - 01/22/25
"the quick brewn fox jump ovar the lezy dogs" - 35 letters - - 01/22/25
"Well, hello there, you face eating bread octopus. Have you a query for me? No? You being I'll slice your jugular with a cracked xxyzx" - 103 letters - Tamara Tispen - 01/22/25
"I want to spend time ziplining and playing the Xylophone for with you, I really value our time, I hung out our special Quilt because I just cannot stress how much I care. I would KILL for you" - 151 letters - Jordan - 01/21/25
"ahh some guy just ran me over with this deranged zebra on his way to lick queer xylophone playing frogs!!!" - 84 letters - emmy - 01/21/25
"kinsley hey i lov uand que rocd .kawRKGDFCVIOAFHERWNG.K,LJCHVBFJBVFHGHUWRTYVLMKxkcN ZP" - 75 letters - KINLEY - 01/21/25
"NMBCX #* .';'® #(-'.¥™#℅°{✓¥¢™£{✓ x!cmh!ascend jadk🤔😊🤗😎😁😙😘🤗 😊😋😙😎😑😙😘😊😋🤗🤗🤔😑😘🤔🤗😑😊😋😙😘🤔SC !khbcbas?docbas?foh sad ba?scla😋😇🤗😑 😘😙😊🤔😋😑😊😁😎😗😑😇😇😁😊😆😑😎uk?bsD?bsc?kbcas!jhd!iahsc vac!sihvajsvk!has!hkasvccsdfv!ykka!yscbuolasdui!eafbSXCLJ?Cb!khaec!ihafv!iheahflkewfhsa!kdhb !asmfbb!?far qqareyeyritotppaalssldkdjfhfhggfqpweoeurttytalajdhfgh fall r Jefferson z " - 225 letters - Emmalee - 01/21/25
"Chrystine wishes to feed her zebra xantham gum, but unfortunately her jolly, kooky, queer vole pounced on the chance instead" - 102 letters - Em - 01/21/25
"the gay zebra jumped over the zesty frog countless times killing Xebec and multiple queens of the world" - 86 letters - chloe :D - 01/21/25
"Zach is very mean but also kind fog pop just like whales qx" - 47 letters - BELLA ??? - 01/21/25
" Elizabeth stealed kiaras crown and then became queen of England. Just then violence got in the way because she stole her property and her boyfriend Xavier " - 128 letters - Depi - 01/21/25
"Jellyfish are very extravagant so they deserve kindness by quaintly pushing with much overzealousness. " - 88 letters - Reed - 01/21/25
"The sadder the person, the quicker they zone into the bad fall, and after that they give up and jump off the wall, into the vortex" - 102 letters - Abdul - 01/21/25
"can we talk about the influence of the greek alphabet. we used so many letters from it like sigma or tau. lowercase gamma looks kinda like a v and xi and pi is a math term for 3.14 and so on. what a jolly quandry. oh, i forgot zeta." - 177 letters - cheezitman - 01/21/25
"i really want to tell you that i think that you are really cute and that the fish are just joyful. and so very gorgeous. and the pit behind my house is just amazing for fishing. it is quite extraordinary." - 161 letters - Jennie - 01/21/25
"Hello, my name is Fred with a grape. My friend is bianca and jake. We play the xylophone for the queen on venus. P.S. I like zebras!!!!!!! :)))) " - 99 letters - deeznuts - 01/21/25
"hello, I am feeling quite sick, henceforth school will never be on my agenda for the next two days pjz" - 81 letters - yt5hegfeb - 01/21/25
"I was once a famous boy named Xavier for playing the xylophone, but the squirrels didn't like me so I changed my name to Zesty Jack." - 104 letters - Zesty Jack - 01/21/25
"Hi you dumb animal! Please don't come to my property or I will obliverate you. I will also get a chord and zap you to ashes. Do NOT have fun. Just kidding. Not. The Queen will be happy. And do not play the xylophone either. Please." - 176 letters - Anna - 01/21/25
"Water is spilled once and twice from a bottle of green hill jack uv light water. It likes to quarrel and have xrays and loves zebras." - 106 letters - idk - 01/21/25
"I walked a lonely road that lead me to a beautiful city zoo with giant people eating sugar with jam and listening to xylophones with the vain queen." - 120 letters - Elena - 01/21/25
"I just want you to know Jesus and God loves you and will never let you fail. Make sure to pray to him and read your bible. he cares for you!! You can see him everywhere weather at the zoo or while playing with a xylophone. YOU GO QUEEN " - 182 letters - #ILOVEJESUSANDGOD - 01/21/25
"I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas. I don't like to eat, eat, eat, broccoli and asparagus. I like to eat, eat, eat, cows and chickens! I don't like to eat, eat, eat, zebras and monkeys. I like to eat, eat, eat, junk food and candy. I don't like to eat, eat, eat, vegetables and quals. xylophones are yummy :) goodbye" - 234 letters - I'm hungry - 01/21/25
"hello zir are you doing ok? pbs kids sucks tucker fucked vivian with queer jocks massive xylophones" - 82 letters - umm idk - 01/21/25
"nigga is not really gay because they are gigachad and rizz people. Quiz that they are very like mewing, joke and flapy bird XD " - 101 letters - - 01/21/25
"about 5000 years ago - a dark night in the heavens nobody assumed this day would be any diffrent than the others...xen one of the oldest ones there was again holding some speech nobody could care less about...nothing new meanwhile behind the scenes something sinister was going on...a cult of sorts was being formed many of the members where some young unfortunate newcomers sadly enough for them the maker a strange being had some malicious intent. then year 0 arrived...the year where everything changed...the once adored being everyone mistook for an innocent thing was banished questions about this drove everyone insane... and then the first day the earth was met with this thing jokes where make games started trying to summon it this would not end well yet what happened then was unknown guess we will see in a year from now during year 1 - some person that speaks really bad english thankz for reading this-" - 737 letters - vex - 01/21/25
"aleksia just wants to go to the park with queen very much and bake then exit from the park and go to the zoo" - 85 letters - aleksia - 01/21/25
"boi cal'd et m r'zn gyat fuk jhpqsvwx" - 28 letters - ur mom - 01/21/25
"the big brown cow jumped over the fence and quickly sprinted towards the zebras and xray machines" - 81 letters - skibidi - 01/21/25
"There are many different types of dogs. Jackals are a type of dog. This new kind of company is unveiling a new brown jackal. This new jackal likes to quack and snore with lots of zzz's. It can play the xylophone. " - 166 letters - Bored student - 01/21/25
"panagrams want to eat doritos, zebras, funyuns, koalas,chips, xanthan gum, very cherry sprite, a person named joseph, and dairy queen." - 106 letters - skibidi man - 01/21/25
"what even is a Pangram anyway this fluke, qazy couldent be on X. jk" - 52 letters - - 01/21/25
"Brainrot has intruded everybodys life in 2024. Im hoping 2025 will be much better. Ps Jojo Siwa you need to calm down all lot of people are questioning if you are ok, Zip your lips or else you will have to give a lot of money to the swear jar. xoxo me " - 196 letters - Me - 01/21/25
"Foxes will jump over chickens together with dogs at the bay where there are zebras and dairy queen" - 81 letters - - 01/21/25
"Anybody could say 2024 was a great year. Movies that were spectacular, Songs that were amzingly popular, and Covid 19 started to melt away. Charli xcx, Sabrina Carpenter, Taylor swift, Jojo siwa and Gracie Abrams all struck to popularity this year. Some peeps might question if 2025 will be good, but i think its gunna be great " - 262 letters - KrazE - 01/21/25
"Mia is the best person In the world if u dont like it suck my ass bich qgvxjz" - 60 letters - mia - 01/21/25
"the sly fox jumped over the brown chicken to guzzle quail " - 47 letters - Kate - 01/21/25
"Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler. You're so skibidi. You're fanum taxed my pizza.. I just wanna be your sigma. And sleep in your quilt with your Velcro shoes." - 128 letters - Ohio final boss - 01/21/25
"habia una vez un negro que estaba perdido caminando con frío jalandose el winnie. xky " - 70 letters - - 01/21/25
"The quick, expeditious, brown fox jumped over the lazy badger to catch a rodent. " - 64 letters - Marques Edmond - 01/21/25
"I am just dancing to hiphop, what about your freguent music queue, Kyzi Voxa is slaying tho." - 73 letters - Jut - 01/21/25
"The quick brown fox nimbly jumped over a tree stump to catch the great zebra" - 62 letters - Sam - 01/21/25
"I love you you are so amazing. Keep on going and loving yourself. You are like everyone's loved queen. You make amazing jokes. You help build our team. Your voice, your hair, your face your every thing is amazing. Don't stop loving yourself xoxo we all love you :) " - 204 letters - Xopositive - 01/21/25
"the swift fox jumped over the lazy dog, the queen, and the king, but since he jumped over the king he went to jail." - 88 letters - Ryder X. Rhoades - 01/21/25
" All Videos Images News Web Books Maps More Tools K-POP Song by Travis Scott LyricsListenArtists Gonna pop, baby (vemo') Swish, mmh, move that sh- out here (here) You full off one sip (sip), fallin' off, but I got grip (grip) All around the trap, it hit (hit, hit, ayy) All around the map, you trip (skrrt) Take it like nine out of ten (yeah) Think they gon' find that again Think I gotta bond out again Behind the tint, I sin, I vent Can't forget about that place we went Right after you put that in my head Do you still pop 'em? Do you dance? Do you still drop some? Know you can I got a lot, but I'm still chancin' (yah-yah, yah, yah) Hace tiempo no te veo, eh Es que ahora en Miami jangueo, eh-eh Ya no tengo la Rodeo Ahora en la G-Wagon espoteo, ey Y te lo meto al frente 'e la playa Como aquello' tiempo' de camino a Maya Tú ni fumaba' y chingando te arrebaté Dale, no pierdas tiempo, no lo piense', trépate Tú bien loca, loca, yo bien loco, loco Si ahora tu mai nos pilla, me pide una foto La nota me explota, el ticke' lo exploto Vamo' pa' Cayo Musha, ya le texteé al piloto, eh-eh I know 'bout this one time, you felt like that winner (winner) That night was just so fire, I need you back sooner (sooner) You come back on this side when she get back cooler (cooler) We run it back one time, I'm grabbin' you, uno (uno) Uno Ooh, oh (mm-mmh, mm-mmh) Ooh, yeah (mm-mmh, mm-mmh) Ooh, yeah (mm-mmh) Mix the drugs with the pain Let the waves lead the way You in Cannes and Saint-Tropez Callin' out my name You know I'm wrong in my face, uh You know I'm high off that K pop Rubbin' up on your body All your clothes, you gon' take off South of France, we gon' party This ain't some lil' yachty We gon' f- 'til we seasick You my bad lil' mami, mami You love me, you could tell me you love me Even if you don't mean it, sex will make you believe it I love it when she up on me, love when she call me, 'Papi' Even though she Korean Get her wet like tsunami, 'nami, ooh, yeah (yah-yah, yah, yah) I know 'bout this one time, you felt like that winner (winner) That night was just so fire, I need you back sooner (sooner) You come back on this side when she get back cooler (cooler) We run it back one time, I'm grabbin' you, uno (yah-yah, yah, yah, uno)" - 1651 letters - marmar - 01/21/25
"I hate all of you like the efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz and abcd" - 49 letters - Yep - 01/21/25
"i suck it very dangerously, my thirst is unquenchable. pray for gex. i will zuck your johngus" - 74 letters - the slorper - 01/21/25
"What does it mean to be zealous, if not to never quit? Perplexing how a kindly connotation has those who jeer at it." - 91 letters - Springsteppy - 01/21/25
"Abraham Lincoln is mega but like super mega gay and he is also a zebra and a xenophobe but he does like quizzes about jokes and the weather and fish and violets." - 129 letters - gloria - 01/21/25
"lmao but u have to not be short to get pussy first cdjkqzxw" - 47 letters - not pussy - 01/21/25
"stupid bitch stop being fat starve or wat i dun care i only cock thin girls xmmjzq" - 66 letters - ugly - 01/21/25
"I love doggies so much, i love doggies as much as i love you. Aren't you just the sweetest little pie? Well i think you are. I mean bunnies are cute, zebras are cute, xylophones sound good, quiz's are fun and doggies are the best! but you are the sweetest and kindest person i ever laid eyes." - 225 letters - ELLENERSEJ - 01/21/25
"Somehow, no one really understands people truly. Gifted people may not seem as gifted as they are; because of their own struggles. Sure, some people might know how they act. But isn't that just a cover? A way to try and see if they qualify in the world enough? No one really thinks they're enough, they think they don't exceed in the right areas, people just analyze others and try to change themselves to fit in. Which repeats everyday, as a cycle. " - 352 letters - angie_pangie - 01/21/25
"Alexa and her brother went to the zoo in Mississippi to see a cattle of sheep vibing to a joker playing the ukulele with the queen" - 105 letters - siah - 01/21/25
"The alphabet consists of a lot of letters the letters can spell a lot of words like quiz and ym and jazz and genova and xylophone" - 104 letters - bababoi - 01/21/25
"Alex the faint and mysterious joker gained nothing zapping bendyartistic vexiously beyond wonder questionably" - 96 letters - - 01/21/25
"actualy there where a plethora of many different genders and ethnicities the the people from quebec and kazakstan there were even people playing the xylophone and jambore" - 144 letters - funsq - 01/21/25
"I can't believe that zebra just flew over that dog thinking about my xylophone so quirky" - 72 letters - Im - 01/21/25
"I love you Tommie, and I’m also quite bananas about you. Like a monkey in a zoo flinging poo. Rest assured just as wax melts from the heat of a flame my love cannot be replaced." - 137 letters - Ian McClain - 01/21/25
"I need the fattest, zaddiest, thick, built jock of a man to pound me into the ground until a void, where even my queefs can not be explained. " - 109 letters - joe mccormick - 01/21/25
"I am a super silly boy cause i am a queen and also a super cool zebra with a fighting spirit and and pet xenomorph and a and my cousin is named vira and just kidding" - 130 letters - Rando - 01/21/25
"Non-existent words that rhyme with bonk: conk, fonk, gonk, jonk, lonk, ponk, qonk, uonk, vonk and zonk." - 76 letters - Ratrick 🐀 - 01/21/25
"The wibn Quick fox jumps over the lazy dog" - 34 letters - THE AAAAAAA - 01/21/25
"A quick and zesty x-ray expert, jumped very far back hitting a owl" - 52 letters - Maya Kerby - 01/21/25
"the pig in crotia is cranky for questionable jokes and marmalade is vascular why zesty xylophones" - 82 letters - Ben9 - 01/21/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over the large zesty dog" - 42 letters - Sigma :) - 01/21/25
"hi im hannah because my parents named me that. one day we whent fishing quinn came to we loved the trip dad used an axe to cut wood he had to do that so we could keep worm we also when to a zoo there was a jeraphe " - 165 letters - Hannah - 01/21/25
"XXXTentacion's shroud was very quickly spread unfortunately, but the people of Gaza's are just as well. May the oppressed be saved from the oppressors. 🙏 " - 123 letters - Free Palestine ✊ - 01/21/25
"i really think cobbler sigmas are funny and very cool wherever they just happen to play xylophone zinggerly quickly" - 97 letters - Free Palestine - 01/21/25
"Hi my name is Elphaba Galinda is my best friend lol JK I hate her because she stole my Ex… Zelda Waterson,she is valuable and questionable to me." - 115 letters - Annie - 01/21/25
"please kill me and the wizard in the corner. I'd also like to buy a xylophone and the jumanji movie, greg, qwuwutrghtghfdisg" - 99 letters - imamystery - 01/21/25
"One day me and my friend Olivia went to the movies because we were out of school. We bought the tickets and got dipping dots and other cool candy.. went to see the movie called joker but it was scary which Olivia is not a fan of but she acted like a queen the whole time! Then one moth later we went to the zoo after and I fell down the stairs and I broke my ankle so i had to get x-rays.. " - 300 letters - Kaitlyn - 01/21/25
"Tacos in basement on only Wednesday with French fries very quickly going to Jamaica playing the xylophone with a zebra" - 99 letters - Gnarpy - 01/21/25
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, zed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim wad minim veniam, quisk nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi yut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt moljit anim id est laborum." - 372 letters - meromero - 01/21/25
"i love you to the moon and back god also loves you from jupiter to neptune and more than a quintillion amount while i may not love you as much as him cause i think i like zebras and xylaphones better than you i still love you alot" - 183 letters - youshallneverknowmynamemysteriouswolf12 - 01/21/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z know i know my abc next time wont you sing with me " - 68 letters - cool kid - 01/20/25
"a lamp is illuminating the very dark room, bringing a queue of shadows to life while jazzy music reminds of the perils of xenophobia" - 108 letters - Plato - 01/20/25
"fuck grandma bevy, she xylophones jazz while quilting." - 45 letters - him - 01/20/25
"the alphabet is spelled abcdefg hijklmnop qrstuv wx y and z now i know my abc next time won't you sing with me " - 87 letters - alexxander - 01/20/25
"The goregous zenith of black quartz wishes to play xylophone by the damp Vegas fjord" - 70 letters - Maverick - 01/20/25
"i ATE THE ZEBRA qUEEN'S SHOE ON PURPOSE FOR WATER AND JELLO CAKE WITH GELATIN WITH queen victoria for a xylophone and a midgit." - 102 letters - Michael Zuckerburg - 01/20/25
"The Anthropomorphic movie; zootopia, is a disney animation feature film starring Jason Bateman and Ginnifer Goodwin. If Lightning McQueen's voice actor: owen Wilson was in it, I believe it would be my favorite movie. Okay, to thanks for reading xx" - 200 letters - Hello bish - 01/20/25
"The zesty old man disguised himself as Queen Elizabeth, whom he had admired since he was just a young kid living happily with his mother and his fox." - 120 letters - A. - 01/20/25
"The apex of my mind is taken up by bejeweled landscapes, liquid gold sands, velvet skies, rushing water and the buzz of the wind." - 102 letters - madibee - 01/20/25
"The quick brown little fox jumps over the lazy dog" - 41 letters - Barbara - 01/20/25
"a big queen crow named Jack feasted on pricey hummus that was loved by zebras and oxs" - 69 letters - shannon debussy - 01/20/25
"Aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbccccccccccddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeffffffffffgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkjjjjjjjjjjppppppppppooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyttttttttttwwwwwwwwwwqqqqqqqqqqrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnuuuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvxxxxxxxxxxzzzzzzzzzz" - 260 letters - Your name - 01/20/25
"i love you so much it makes me want to sing the abc's abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 66 letters - Alyssa - 01/20/25
"Whats good Gang china loves monekys now because tiktok is banned like everyone is now going to JellyChina the new platform where you can listen to ducks quacking and xylopnes ringing and zebras zebraing" - 169 letters - Money MAN - 01/20/25
"hello i'm very meaningful like zedra soep toep jabocqwx" - 46 letters - Aria - 01/20/25
"Withstand Joes car for Liam younge eats kibble when he zooms perfectly in his quite very expensive car" - 85 letters - EEB - 01/20/25
"Valiantly, her wife's camera quietly poked big Jay's zax" - 45 letters - uhoh - 01/20/25
"Wax trynch makes you trip over bad. Fly or jog quiz" - 40 letters - Struan Wilson - 01/20/25
"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRStuvwxyzhmvnvmgcvcvbzxfcgvbnm,dxfcgvhbjnxc vbndcfvgbhnj" - 71 letters - ali - 01/20/25
"Once upon a time, I’m LOSING LETTERS! JACK HID RHYTHMS VEX QRWTH FIBZ" - 54 letters - - 01/20/25
"At six o clock, zebras were murdered for having people name jaqey" - 53 letters - Brock Dunham - 01/20/25
"Skeleton ships dive bravely and quietly from giant cruxes to join wet zebras" - 64 letters - Tex - 01/20/25
"When a quick whited hippopotamus jumps below freezing temperatures they tend to love the xylophone. " - 84 letters - Anonymous - 01/20/25
"reasonably hating on focus groups is quite diverse and makes waxing jesters zebras" - 70 letters - uh - 01/20/25
"Do i really exist? I sit hear in silence, concerned about all the zenophobia and racism in this world. Does god really exist? Queen elizibeth has dies, and my vehemoth is uncontrolable. Cake and tea are amazing, but i hate flan or jam" - 185 letters - Rat - 01/20/25
"How the lovely dog jumps over the energetic fox and kick-boxes questions to the zoo" - 68 letters - oof - 01/20/25
"She's not real. Get over it. Bcdfjkmpquwxyz" - 34 letters - - 01/20/25
"Zephyrous vixens bequeath coughing walkmans to the JSDF" - 48 letters - Crow - 01/20/25
"Then I will step on a zebra, sleeping soundly as I yell about carcasses and fan its face with my stinky ass juice. it is quick to judge me vehemently as I watch x-men." - 130 letters - hi cool - 01/20/25
"hello i am very insane at eating xanthan gum im thezoo because im joking with a monkey while playing piano a guy called fredrick drew he is qualified for some compitition " - 140 letters - imatschoolrnANDIHATEIT - 01/20/25
"the fox ran into the well, soaked and very upset, lunged at the mozzarella stick jogging away with his big back quacking noises." - 103 letters - Anahi - 01/20/25
"sometimes i really wonder: why do i exist? im an useless person that cant do anything. but i just cant quit from this violent, zombified and killed world..." - 122 letters - nothing - 01/20/25
"I'm pissed off at Elliott, who thinks she's the only person with feeling. THIS BITch need questions and answers. Just bffr. Very annoying CZX" - 112 letters - pooks - 01/20/25
"The lazy fox jumps over bicycles worn into the ground whereas a quail stinks." - 63 letters - Rei - 01/20/25
"Now what are you gonna do? Pathetic really, cant even make a sentence with all of the letters of the alphabet, i bet you jack off all day doing nothing but playing on your stupid xylophone and letting the phone buzz it questions me how weird you are. " - 199 letters - Tuah - 01/20/25
"i like beanz, they taste gooooooooooood but genevieve made me say this i eat cats for fun i dont like jam or peas i dig quarrys with an x ray on me" - 115 letters - skibidi4life - 01/20/25
"this has many letters of the alphabet but i can give you a prize but actually just kidding because this isn't a question, this is just a really long sentence with all the letters in the alphabet from a, even x and all the way to z." - 181 letters - dumb shit - 01/20/25
"always vibrating your nostrils with an axe can't be good for zack's mahjong personal queries " - 76 letters - zach - 01/20/25
"once upon a time my mom questioned me how are you I politely replied i m bad then I said jk I'm fine Im feeling great then I played the violin while having a x ray in zimbabwe" - 137 letters - aaleen - 01/20/25
"Vixen has bog cuts on weird, yet quite joyful zen monk pots" - 47 letters - Kayla Black Solace - 01/20/25
"Why do bears find cult pugs zen like quite joyful Mr Vixen? " - 47 letters - Kayla Black Solace - 01/20/25
"After the happy ben ran to write dads letter judy vandalized karl’s xylophone quacking george’s mom" - 82 letters - george - 01/20/25
"Quite surprised was the night, joyous fox back at his moving lazy car" - 56 letters - Kayla Black Solace - 01/20/25
"penguins, much better than zebras, zebras are stinky doo doo questionable animals that will never be able to play the xylophone fucking juggalo" - 119 letters - wedghiu34yjefwvdkujewrgsdaxvcijyuh4resfgtdbvbc3 - 01/20/25
"A fast deer leaped over the ugly dog from zimbabwean cocks jason quarell ex girlfriend " - 72 letters - Fire 1000 - 01/20/25
"im so so sad i wanna die but i cant bc some people love me for example cookie and jose i had a dum quiz today gotta go bye " - 94 letters - im so so sad i wanna die but i cant bc some people love me for example cookie and jose i had a dum quiz today gotta go bye - 01/20/25
"bricks are pretty cool. you can use them to make a vozhd or something else, justified by your questionable will. xoxo" - 94 letters - lunella - 01/20/25
"ai is to powerful to this world and this world is gay q tip is kkkamzvxjbc" - 59 letters - valdemar - 01/20/25
"Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z are all the letters." - 45 letters - subto @gjoobmsm123 - 01/20/25
"straykids are a fenomenal korean boygroup. worldwide they are know for their great music. they are really bad at quizzes but love to play them. one of them is called han jisung. none of them play xelephone." - 165 letters - carla - 01/20/25
"A beautiful fox tried to eat your mom hoping she would just question your kids colouring with Vivian and Zach." - 90 letters - Sana - 01/20/25
"i am a wonderful and beautiful human being coming from inside my pussy and vagina but i died from a sexy and sizable earthquake jokingly." - 112 letters - ari - 01/20/25
"hello i am ella and i wonder if people ever think of cats when they see a zebra. My best friends name is jadyn and she loves gay queens. I also love x" - 116 letters - ella - 01/20/25
"hello I am skylar and i am a fun person to get along with. i am a queen of my cutie baddie world. just kidding no video. xydro z" - 97 letters - skylar - 01/20/25
"My friend asked me how many berries are in a wild-berry the other day. I thought, 'what a pointless question. It means absolutely nothing.' I was very disappointed, until I realized: he was just trying to make conversation. So instead, we talked about saxophones." - 208 letters - Moonie - 01/20/25
"Hello! My name is Zendaya. I love fish. They are so bubbly and creative. The water is full of xray fish as well. Plus, I can eat a nice sandwitch with the queen and Gregory, my joker friend. " - 145 letters - - 01/20/25
"xylophones are my favorite instruments. However, I would like them more if they had stripes, because zebras are great. I read an article about one jumping into a quarry." - 136 letters - Lili - 01/20/25
"this game is overly competitive and complex for both queens and jokers working at the zoo" - 74 letters - Haidyn - 01/20/25
"i really want my bf back. his name's kevin and i miss him. well hes like my ex bf now but were still friends. we say friends but were still in love. i know i broke it off but i feel horrible about it. i just felt like he didnt care about me. now things are getting weird and awkward. whatvessss. pqz" - 229 letters - gaylord - 01/20/25
"I am not perfect and that is ok. No one is perfect. Be yourself, if people don't like that, ignore them. Do what is best for you and if that is just being yourself than do that. Take a break and a breather, visualize what you want for your future. Leave the bad people in the past, if that is your ex or friends who are toxic and talk behind your back. They are behind you for a reason, so don't care about what they think and if they say something bad about you don't listen to them and if they make you think you are a bad person you are not the are and you shouldn't question if you are a bad person when your really a good person. " - 489 letters - Kelly - 01/20/25
"Akutagawa Ryunsoke, Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Sigma, Nikolai Gogol, Rachel Vail, Atsushi Nakajima, George Orwell, Paul Farley, Xi Xi, Clive Barker, Julia Quinn" - 132 letters - Cornelius Hogglefart - 01/20/25
"sometimes even queens will cry. Sometimes even Kings will cry. Even your friends. And even old' joe. Bee's and Zebras, the ox and the pirate. So yea, everyone cries. It doesn't change who you are." - 150 letters - XxTJxX on discord <3 - 01/20/25
"There is zero bone in my body that feels any sort of remorse for you-- you will walk the ends of Hell and the Devil himself will go out of his way to join you as a companion, for the acts that you have committed relax demons and quell the war in heaven over the fate humanity should receive, because no man should see the pearly gates as long as he is but of the same species as you." - 300 letters - skibidi rizzler - 01/20/25
"aqswedrftgyhujikolqaaaaaaaawssssssssseddddddddddddrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrfrftgtyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhyhujjjjjjjjjjikkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,olbccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccdddbbbbbppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxxzzmm" - 419 letters - secret guy - 01/20/25
"I love my dog souls much that one day I will but him a very shiny car with a sparkling diamond and a large dog house with a fancy xylophone and a jqz." - 117 letters - Tori - 01/20/25
"I wonder why this quiet magazine keeps blowing craft vines jumping xylophones. " - 66 letters - Heheheh - 01/20/25
"My fart looks big and concerning help quick just view the poo and exceedingly say 'Zoinks' " - 73 letters - Darlene :) - 01/20/25
"The longest pangram comes from biduk yezuj and has 11564 vowels and has found a quail in a lake so he hid in box that was marked fragile and this is not a true story of course" - 139 letters - muhammad nehal - 01/20/25
"The only meaningful way to live is by continuing the society. Knowing that people doesn't give a damn or realize what is happening to you, just until the moment you break -QX" - 139 letters - QX - 01/20/25
"a boy name gydiw cd geygydiqygdwgdiutqiuyweftuyiudyiwuyewuqhsaurspkljzyvx jumped." - 74 letters - me - 01/20/25
"“Have you ever heard of that one flyin’ kid, last name Kelly?” Those words are what Farmer Joe would tell everyone, but no one ever believed what he was trying to say. Moms covered their children's eyes, Dads ran away, and Farmer Joe’s wife, Aunt Penelope, did one thing and one thing only, tolerate it. But then, one day, a new folk came to town, his name was Liam Smith, and as soon as Farmer Joe heard about it, he came rushing over to Liam, with one goal in mind, to tell him about the story of that flyin’ Kelly kid. Liam was just minding his own business, but then he saw some crazy farmer coming at him. Yes you are correct, it was Farmer Joe, running at Liam with all that his old legs could handle. But when Farmer Joe went up to Liam, Joe discovered something. Liam isn’t like everybody else. In fact, Liam would love to hear the story that Joe wants to tell to everyone. So Joe invited Liam over to his house for some freshly grown crops, and a storytime. Yeah ima leave u on a cliffhanger sooooooo, qx" - 782 letters - w.k. - 01/20/25
"If you click the button, the ghost will haunt you forever, Jaden, Michael, Porter, Quinn, snd Zayden looked at their xylophone and panicked." - 111 letters - lol - 01/20/25
"and because of this meaningful message, I will be able to move on. JUST KIDDINGG Priscilla made it worse. She's not giving Queen vibes anyway. My dogs, Zoey and Max, help, too." - 136 letters - bailey - 01/20/25
"When the sun goes down the apricot flys on to the quiet xylophone, while the man kicks the zebra in the jock volienty. " - 94 letters - Elyssa - 01/20/25
"Live everyday like its your last, even if it seems hopelesz, you will not stay in the pit, you can climb out with the help of others, if you have a serious question or neen help, go to the people how care, just be yourself, because yourself your real self is the beat you be, do something you like you like doing, maybe you could play a xlphone" - 268 letters - V - 01/20/25
"the punks con the jolly webs and virgin mazes quaking for a box" - 51 letters - Abby M - 01/20/25
"I love you so much it's just absolutely impossible to describe it. You are not a brainwashed idiot like everyone else. You see the world for how it is, yet you still attempt to be an extra kind person. most would call that questionable, but I find it amazing. " - 204 letters - reggy :33 - 01/20/25
"how is it that the whole world seems to be so complex but also so focused on the given right to qualify as a judge toward the hazed or knelling?" - 114 letters - Claire Allen - 01/20/25
"The quick brown fox… wait nvm that’s too overused lol guys I don’t like jello and pink zebras." - 73 letters - Rehehe - 01/20/25
"hello. This is your conscience speaking. you need to go eat the jelly sandwhich. my question is. why do you hate jelly? football and velociraptors have nothing to do with eachother. and neither do zebras and xylophones." - 176 letters - your conscience - 01/20/25
"The fox called zoe used a xylophone with jake who lives in a busb with gerald martin and they ate quince" - 84 letters - Junipe page - 01/20/25
"I just want more I just want more, more of you God more of you! zebras are so legendarily cool and they like pop and Quso, and live in vitinam, playing the xylaphone" - 129 letters - yes - 01/20/25
"Us humans need to be sure that Jacqueline Gapper, known for being very funny, kind and wise, doesn’t post Zeus related stories on x " - 104 letters - Kaylee - 01/20/25
"once upon a time a zebra was hit by a kangaroo in a jade green van and forced to join a long queue for a xray " - 84 letters - reme and amina - 01/20/25
"There was once a skibidi sigma with ohio fanum tax rizz and a level 10 gyatt that jiggled, he pressed a button and passed a quiz." - 102 letters - Pete Diddy - 01/20/25
"Jocelyn and I put together forever while boxing Muhammad Ali’s kangaroo that quizzically won." - 78 letters - Sienna - 01/20/25
"A dog eating pizza jumps around vultures while playing xylophone for questioning kangaroos because he cares." - 92 letters - Flarre - 01/20/25
"i love you mate fucking helps alot bruh dawg you joking qxz" - 48 letters - Val - 01/20/25
"the cheese did not like the lazy quacking duck, for it was mighty jealous of its beautiful pruned vowels and xylophones" - 98 letters - D. Piddy - 01/20/25
"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy good dog " - 39 letters - shido - 01/20/25
"The lazy expression with a burrito flipping quickly dancing, jumping and hopping in a van" - 74 letters - Bill - 01/20/25
"hello I just wanted to inform you that your magical ringing device is vibrating in your pocket. PICK UP THE DUMB PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also am a queen. Yeah, come at me Zainah, I'm not scared of you. all you do is play basketball. I also played the xylophone 31 times today." - 202 letters - toots - 01/20/25
"I am a zebra, I love to eat yams and potatoes. I'm very funny and cats are kinda scared of me. I have to go to school now. Did you know my best friend is a queen that likes xylophones, we love joking around." - 157 letters - Rayann T. - 01/19/25
"Mika who is zealous find a quite victorious job playing xylophone" - 55 letters - Sydney - 01/19/25
"Hello, how are you this fine day? I'm doing good. I got my best friend's zebra jinxed last party. Come with me to the killer vent quest!" - 103 letters - - 01/19/25
"Alphabetical delinquent oppression fails you horribly by getting you to a vowed jinxed maze, okay?" - 82 letters - Jerrie - 01/19/25
"a black man touched my cock and i loved the way he did. Does anyone agree with me on this Jaqes was great as fuck and his penis was large, they call him XZ on the streets " - 132 letters - james that guy - 01/19/25
"hello how are you today? Now, I think I left my xylophone at home, do you mind zooming back with me so we can very quickly grab it? Oh thank you! You're just amazing." - 126 letters - - 01/19/25
"Hello! How are you doing on this fine day? I have two Zebras at my penthouse just around the corner of the xylophone shop. Kirk used to make quilts there." - 121 letters - Snarky - 01/19/25
"you can always ask for forgiveness later because its easier than asking for permission and why not enjoy every moment of life cuz its quite short, no? xD " - 124 letters - HONEYYY - 01/19/25
"Hello,welcmoe to the flamingo youtube channel, today we're doing a CHILL youtube video with CHILL subscribers Haha, just kidding I'm not NOOBS Even if you say PLEASE, nuh uh, not doing it And HEY, QUICK, IT'S MY TURN ON THE XBOX, STUPID ZOMBIE" - 190 letters - FadoFoxyWasTaken - 01/19/25
"I farted so hard that the world stared shaking as skibidi and I lighted a galaxy with low taper fade with uhh I forgot chill guy jam is so good fan three more letters qvz also all is abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz bye " - 174 letters - Aiden Ramidez - 01/19/25
"i am so pregnant that i feel like i will explode in 21 seconds of European time. my dog has a low taper fade and ur mom looks like a whale and i dont know cuz knowledge is a sin so ur dad sings fin fin fin with his friends cuz you lowkey dumb and i will send you to hell 3 more letters j q v" - 224 letters - mydoghaslowtaperfade - 01/19/25
"the zealous bee refers to questionable deadly giraffes, juggling caring koalas , so precious violent, whimsy, not an x-ray." - 99 letters - LEELALALEE - 01/19/25
"Hi my name is Rayzy my Roblox username is aahh_h4 and I joke way too much in real life and I like chewing gum i'm qued up for ADHD testing and I like wearing vests " - 127 letters - it says it right there - 01/19/25
"Once upon a time there was, a quiet fat berry zone and jumping monkeys that all loved to play the xylophone." - 86 letters - rawry ferreai - 01/19/25
"my cats love quails and big frogs with zeal jellyfish, but they like xrays and pop" - 66 letters - Haliday - 01/19/25
"i love maria because she is very fabuolous and good at packing things quickly and jealously zenoist when texting me " - 96 letters - ivon - 01/19/25
"Hi bom u taned CVS yzp jk lfgqr wx" - 26 letters - Holly - 01/19/25
"i will find your cat when i come home just because i care for the kitten ,plus its cute and very quirky ,great,his name is xin zin ping." - 105 letters - xin zin pang - 01/19/25
"i love children in fact i think babies are the best especially bathed in baby oil yum how tasty how exquisite truly great really a jam ham tam ram zam" - 121 letters - DIDDY - 01/19/25
"hi my name is a big fat piece of cake with icing on top and an xray too with zoos and the queen of england eating jam in a van" - 97 letters - piggy - 01/19/25
"arson in Budapest with Jake,Zane.Molly and Carol but Vivi fit quietly in Gabes and Xenas car" - 75 letters - Ollie - 01/19/25
"so what wold you do if I lobbed your xbox across the room you'd kill me oh well that's not very nice u gen z that was my question u damn power ranger - Jackson" - 122 letters - Jackson - 01/19/25
"today i tried killing a zebra with an axe, then my friend tried to sew the pieces but it just stayed very quiet." - 88 letters - anana - 01/19/25
"about myself? Well, I've got nothing to tell you, I'm just an ordinary animal that knows english for some reason..Now, next: I have a zebra friend and we're pretty close...What's that you say? The new burrito place just opened up and people are forming a big queue there? golly, I gotta get there!" - 227 letters - i came up with this sentence on the spot - 01/19/25
"once an ogre was zealous. He pied bummat and vaxy for he was jealous of kell an quo." - 65 letters - Gabi - 01/19/25
" A sentence with lots of letters (bdpqguvjkxyzm)" - 39 letters - Master Kohga :) - 01/19/25
"Wow the xylophone is vey cool but zebras are damn cooler like fireee they are quick gentle and juicy " - 82 letters - Gvm - 01/19/25
"Hi I like sleeping with my zebra, xylophone quilt it is very cuddly all of my friends are jealous" - 78 letters - Sucker 🐱 - 01/19/25
"My name is Timmy Turner and I like oranges. The oranges would be very large, but I don't why, Timmy Turner doesn't know. Timmy Turner played the xylophone. He ate some jam. He cut up some oranges for him to eat. The FBI attacked him! He went to Japan. He saw a queen of England, King George. The zebra chased him for his whole entire life." - 260 letters - Talal Latif - 01/19/25
"I love my mother because she is amazing, quite pretty, of course I would never joke about something so extremely serious." - 98 letters - Ntle - 01/19/25
"I love you so mutch Zealand and Alex you frog I know how you quarrel with Jake and peater bennet." - 77 letters - Kaylie hanson - 01/19/25
"A beautiful crayon does everything focused greatly while they are quiet. purple crayons especially his name is jamo kolumbic xylophone zorky" - 119 letters - Maddie - 01/19/25
"i love sigma but jerk with dad for real no compare and if I question my xylophone you will realize i'm gay" - 84 letters - nuhrwyifhiywr4 - 01/19/25
"I once saw a fox and he was quacking- just please realize that they arent supposed to be very moody." - 79 letters - Shayla - 01/19/25
"eric and patric are father and son, they really like to sit in the sun with a basket of violets and gemstones and jam, asking questions about xylophones and zebras and pictograms." - 145 letters - Eric - 01/19/25
"I am your favorite person going up to the sky zoo in the cosmos of rickety rackety space with your best friend the queen of the ice planet and with Janet the xylophone." - 135 letters - Isaiah - 01/19/25
"Well a zebra held an x ray scaner for positivly NO reasons what so ever and also ahem ' give me some quackers or just empty your pockets sire'" - 112 letters - hi - 01/19/25
"All people can do a black fit for ghosts that jump on a quija with the letters V,X,Y and Z." - 69 letters - Anthony - 01/19/25
"i enjoy watching skibidi rizz movies but p-diddy loves taking my xanax for quakers" - 68 letters - dumbass gay - 01/19/25
"the cat can't grab a can from the counter and sing also the cat questions zebras as well as jesters kidding perhaps vases could be made in xylograph" - 120 letters - the cat with a name - 01/19/25
"the black cat jumped over the green fence, the wild zebra was quietly playing the xylophone. " - 75 letters - Momo marie - 01/19/25
"I cant live without you my dear friend, for you are my life, kind friend of mine,your are a beast of an zaney man, Q is not my favorite Joker, xylophone,I love dogs." - 126 letters - Cap - 01/19/25
"i am a fat nigg- er i mean i am i fat beaner and i heard that jen is a big cock assholl and she eats poop, and her poor queer son William has vaginal disfunction. he need to get his dick x-rayed to know whats happaning...zebra" - 173 letters - RILEY KIDD - 01/19/25
"I was having a beautiful picnic when all of a sudden my keys jumped out my pocket and I had to get it real quick before somebody stole it for a xylophone zip" - 125 letters - Hhh - 01/19/25
"hi my name is lily and I love cats very much and my favorite thing is Jazmin bean ok and I like pop music like we will rock you and its not my fault its yours my qurriy lol .xoxox lily" - 143 letters - lily - 01/19/25
"the duck hopped up and down quickly and zestily so the fox could move some jam and grab him" - 73 letters - - 01/19/25
"my name is zoe and my moms name is mary my brothers name is zach my dads name is leonardo gadfpoqjkwince (pronounced galf poq jiquince) vincinton xinlong is my wonderful bf" - 140 letters - Ariana - 01/19/25
"i have two useless quirky dog-zebras that like carrots, flapjacks, and numbered xylophone" - 74 letters - - 01/19/25
"A pangram is a sentence containing every letter of the English alphabet. While jaded queens kicked xylophonists out of their courts, zebras were allowed to stay." - 133 letters - Cooper D. - 01/19/25
"can xylophones really truly enjoy Krispy Kreme doughnuts with Zander and billy for venturing out with quagmire? also watch murder drones on youtube pls!" - 127 letters - Toastified-bloo on youtube - 01/19/25
"i want to rape your mom on xxnxx.com the quick little Bich tried to run like a dog from me via jizsing" - 80 letters - diddy - 01/19/25
"hello my name is lizzy i have a pet cat name briget and i love her foollowed by jajie urnie queen kalie and xavier" - 91 letters - lizzy - 01/19/25
"The pogues from outer Banks the Netflix series are Pope kiara John b Clio Sarah and jj who died . Also v q y z " - 85 letters - Depi - 01/19/25
"Ethan, Henry Doerksen that’s my name. I’m a 10-year-old boy. I love rainbows that’s my favorite color. My favorite characters is sonic Mario and Baldi. I like I have a lot of favorite YouTube channel there’s not much outside. I need to tell you I love going to Canada. I’m gonna go to the Dominican Republic oh so what else letters are in the alphabet JQXZABCDEFGHIJKLOMNO PQRSTUVWXYNZ next time will you sing with me now I know my ABC’s 135-10255075 100 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 you get it up into 1 million billion quadrillion also 10 is my favorite number oh the months of the year, January, February, March and April May, June, July and August September, October, November, and December. These are the months year also the holidays of the year New Year’s Day Valentine’s Day st. Patrick’s Day Easter, my birthday Canada day Fourth of July Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Christmas, and finally new years eve" - 745 letters - Ethan - 01/19/25
"the quick worn box jumps for a very lazy god " - 35 letters - Emma - 01/19/25
"am i really going to type out a meaningful sentence because a website told me? hold on jackass its questionnaire time, very meaningful are zebras extra cool?" - 128 letters - Gideon - 01/19/25
"I had to get this over with. I couldn't live like this anymore - trapped in a box, feeling worthless and lazy. I quickly jumped, but I almost wished I hadn't. The freezing wind blasted against my face, feeling like an axe on my skin." - 179 letters - dumb tally hall enthusiast - 01/19/25
"the lazy brown fox jumps over the quited kammel who ate a cilinder made out of G" - 64 letters - ali - 01/18/25
"I love eating puppies, zebras, and grapefruit even though they have venom in them. Jaguars, walruses, koalas, and cats are harmful to Quorra users when given Xanax." - 131 letters - MSM enjoyer - 01/18/25
"Hey it’s me, the amazing bopaklr who has experienced the full journey of quivering " - 67 letters - Bobaklr The Amazing - 01/18/25
"A b c lick me d f g h j n O I'm miserable p q t u v and wxyz " - 39 letters - Sigma - 01/18/25
"Zebras, will always be loved, by me Kaira. Fuck shit I’m late to do to JFK airport. And getting an X-ray, by Mr.quell" - 87 letters - Kaikai - 01/18/25
"the quick lazy brown dog jumps a fox. v" - 30 letters - EDWARD - 01/18/25
"ROblox is da worst but Minecraft is the bestttttttttt also J,k,G,p,Q,V,Y,Z" - 57 letters - My opinion and yours (: - 01/18/25
"The short fat penguin lied to the yellow chimpanzee playing with the brown jug of quick hexagon vans." - 83 letters - me.mypangram - 01/18/25
"Do you know your Abc's 'A B C E F G H I J L M P Q T V X Z' ok I guess not!'" - 45 letters - Lolololol 69 - 01/18/25
"The dream survival multiplayer server was never meant to be except for Jack. Go queen zoomer!" - 76 letters - - 01/18/25
"a long time back, xrays were not zoomed in on any jester but the queen. it pleased her vomiting feet." - 79 letters - SmellyChees122 - 01/18/25
"I guess, it was never meant to happen, never at all. The universe existed all at once, but never at all. Quizzingly, for the masses, it joyously came. OK." - 117 letters - K. G. Glizzy - 01/18/25
"i once shat myself by rear ending a jolly looking zebra wearing luis vitton and riding a porqupine on xanex" - 88 letters - - 01/18/25
"the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy geese" - 38 letters - Tfarr - 01/18/25
"Why did you zoom on that picture of kiwis behind a quadratic giant xilophone just now if not to get a better view? " - 91 letters - Aurorara la pazza - 01/18/25
"type a meaningful sentence that contains all the letters of the very big and quiet alphabet, Zack and Jack also do xtra well " - 101 letters - - 01/18/25
"one day i went outside to find myself a zebra shaped cute sax and violin but it wasn't quite good because i found it in the junk" - 101 letters - vutu - 01/18/25
"can you read this very well because my teacher asked me to complete this good homework but i dont wanna fail and jack quietly was better than and there is still no X and Z" - 137 letters - - 01/18/25
"Husbandry 101: Stand on your own feet. Don't expect him to carry you. Until you give birth, you are already a liability. Never sap any resource from the people you just so claim to love. If you loved them, you wouldn't be okay with being a burden, even a simple request. Never be lazy, keep on your toes. It won't really kill you." - 253 letters - Luscious melons at you - 01/18/25
"I am having a great time with and your fantastic joke about zebras made me laugh, but I have a question, do you want to play with the extra ball during recess?" - 125 letters - (: - 01/18/25
"Love is the most important creepy beautiful kawiaii dandelion great and zebra jumping xtra high qt " - 83 letters - Lala - 01/18/25
"hello everyone im and in october i gor into a biking accident because a woman wasnt paying attention i flew 5 meters in the air and landed in a fence she called a ambulance imidiatly and i was in a lot of pain they taught i was gonna die but i survived and now only have a concuision but my mental health is getting bad and i wish i died sometimes xxx love you all qzj" - 293 letters - hii - 01/18/25
"My cat likes a fox who gunned a pig and she questioned my sanity when i said zibbrvj" - 67 letters - PANRAM - 01/18/25
"The lazy black fish jumped over and ate the kissing cat while kissing the couqx " - 65 letters - Dia - 01/18/25
"oggi sono andata a mangiare una pizza e poi sono caduta in mezzo a un' aiuola fiorita, che male che mi sono fatta, beh, almeno sono viva ora yuppy. mi piace parlare anche inglese comunque, you know? well, I'm just kidding this thing never happened to me, xoxo" - 202 letters - ludovica - 01/18/25
"Out of all the women in the industry, Pally was one of the good business owners, and Kat was the coolest; xylephones were their favorites and they quickly became friends, like ZAT, Jack being jealous. " - 160 letters - Starfall - 01/18/25
"Joven’s, quick fix is without a doubt a lazy program. " - 41 letters - LTM - 01/18/25
"there once was a queen named zari who got lots of jelly from the market which also sold vodka, blueberries, pineapple, and x-rays" - 103 letters - olive - 01/18/25
"abcdefghijklmnopsqrtuvwxyz" - 26 letters - me - 01/18/25
"zambia reminisces the dug vexing quill whelk yon prayer fitzjames" - 56 letters - eddy - 01/18/25
"The quick fox jumped over the lazy dog swiftly and boldly" - 47 letters - Mowlikw - 01/18/25
"Buzz Lightyear jumps to quickly rescue Woody from vexing Sid." - 51 letters - Tom Maddocks - 01/18/25
"hello madam i called to inform u that sabe and jake have gate i mean are at the gate with xia and yapi and they have a q and a later so please meet them in zimbabwae at 5 " - 132 letters - janice - 01/18/25
"A back weed got hungry loving miss queen zebra xylophone free juice " - 56 letters - Ro - 01/18/25
"If I gonna I like this pangram about me, i will jump over the lazy dog like the quick brown fox." - 74 letters - The Quick Brown Fox - 01/18/25
"ok so as you know i really like yoyos and bananas, cats, jelly, zebras, monkeys, xylophone,fishes, violin, guitter and my favoutite thing to ask is quetions" - 123 letters - Noor ul haadiya - 01/18/25
"They wanted 2 simple things, really. Sex, and high heels to make those blubbery legs look queenly enough. And you murder him? For the love of sanctity, straighten yourself right up and stop being lazy. Jokes you play, jokes you win." - 183 letters - wife - 01/18/25
"Look at what happens when all of the people, had thought they knew what they were doing. They do not. My lord, you folk barely know who yourselves are! Queer shit be gone, cease it. Lazy, uninspiring, weak, a joke. An immature, unflexworthy joke of a piece of life. Shut up, stupid woman." - 221 letters - Wife - 01/18/25
"hello yall, barbara walters pooped corned icecream the colour of kale and a zebra? Geofffery (her huzz) just told me queen vivianne xavier fed it to her even though she knew she was allergic." - 153 letters - the huzz - 01/18/25
"I once had a friend named Zack, who died as he rode on my back, his mouth was full of poo, and his vase was covered in goo as he quintessentially jived on the xylophone too. " - 134 letters - - 01/18/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz that is the alphabet, youtubeeeeee" - 55 letters - b - 01/18/25
"The smiling alphabet boy fed a Jaguar a cookie with quinoa, xeno fiber, veal and zebra. " - 69 letters - Ace - 01/18/25
"Hiya, all zombies and fucks are going to view James' xylophone and quizzes." - 60 letters - - 01/18/25
"I love eating blue zebras and orange foxes, I also like to yodel at home with some cookies and warm milk, I often question my existence, so I just put yummy jellybeans in my mouth" - 142 letters - Lisa - 01/18/25
"a very nasty loser fox rodent zigzagged onto my big quirky couch fire, just so you perfectly know " - 79 letters - heart - 01/18/25
"whats up dude im hungry would you like to order something for the both of us? could you use your sky miles plz cause im broke my velociraptor xylophone squrriel jk" - 132 letters - lol - 01/18/25
"the way people see zebras can affect the queens xylopone playing for the gay dog playing the violin in the moldy kings jail" - 101 letters - Annabella P. - 01/18/25
"A banana is a lovely and sweet cool and yellow. The cat ate the rat and sat on a mat. Flamingo poop. Jade is kind. Unbraided zebra hair. xilofones are rainbow. Ducks go quack. " - 135 letters - Me - 01/18/25
"JFK jr. bought nacho and Pepsi while driving a chevy Quimixto to Juarez" - 58 letters - - 01/18/25
"Hey Dude I am hungry can you order something from doordash yeah sure what do you want give me a pepperoni pizza and a coke I am also going to the store what do you want from there I want a xylophone for music and some bananas ok Bye Bye *plays with a jump rope outside* *comes back from the store* I'm back dude I got distracted and bought a Queen Elizabeth body pillow " - 291 letters - Marsellus Jor-el Thomas - 01/18/25
"What up gangalang I hope your doing totally Skibidi rizzler today my jonkler quit cutting farts voice box" - 88 letters - Skibidi - 01/18/25
"the quick zippy brown fox super jumped over the galaxy " - 45 letters - Storm - 01/18/25
"hey bro what sup. i was wondering if you could tell me about that jack in the box you bought at that zebra themed queso venue." - 99 letters - - 01/18/25
"the zebra was up far and i hid my xylophone very quick to go join" - 51 letters - - 01/18/25
"Sick my cock nigga eating the zebra you pedo fucking lint licker peace of quacking shit walking jit takes Viagra then gets an X-ray." - 107 letters - NiggA - 01/18/25
"a big red van appeared in front of my home as my xylophone began straight JORKING it and choking on the liquid then shouted 'WOWZERS! BAZINGA!'" - 114 letters - annie rection - 01/18/25
"For some reason I decided to throw a crazy dance party with ducks, jackalopes, dancing xylophones, and the queen (RIP) as a collaborative group project." - 122 letters - someone from mars - 01/18/25
"Apples and cake are delicous dont you think they are great? Vehicle? I drive in a big jeep in the forest and im not lazy was that ur question xea?" - 114 letters - SLAYQUEENTHESLAYYEST1ST - 01/18/25
"Hello! I like playing instruments like the xylophone, flute, trumpet and more! My fav animal is a zebra and i love foods like cake, water, jam and Quinoa! " - 120 letters - SLAYQUEENTHESLAYYEST1ST - 01/18/25
"Fhvdedgbjijbfdaqaswsxzxxefccvrfvtgbbyjnikmppknbvluo" - 51 letters - Me - 01/18/25
"i can lick monica and jeep and zeek while eating a bee and freeing quebec from super xander whil vandalism was going on you know" - 104 letters - caden - 01/18/25
"I hope you know you are perfect and if you have white and black hair just think of a zebra and how they may be like the queen of the animal kingdom because just because the lion is dose not mean they can. Which means they could because they are extraordinary in a good way just like you." - 228 letters - - 01/18/25
"The Zebra was up ahead and then quickly I hid my xylophone, very fast I said 'Go Joe'. " - 65 letters - AB - 01/18/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz is the alfabet!" - 38 letters - 1 - 01/18/25
"zipping around without x-rays will quake and jive the mound you find yourself on: cabinets. " - 74 letters - Frank - 01/17/25
"idk how i will make this sentence be with all the carachers in the pangram.me but my name is joaquim an i will try to finish this sentense even if i cant make it on the time but i know that if will take zillions of zillions of years to make the sentense XD" - 202 letters - Joaquim Matias Lima Luz - 01/17/25
"When I love a food you must eat juice boxes probably quiche too and gazebo and kitkat" - 69 letters - - 01/17/25
"all the world waits for me to finish creating jokes but they fight proxy wars in queues to vote for zillionaires" - 92 letters - gay rat - 01/17/25
"hi my friends do you play the xylophone well Vera can go joust i'm questioning zebras and koalas " - 78 letters - amelia - 01/17/25
"skibidimoggingsigmarizz while eating cookies jam and watching vector on dispicable me and singing the abc's on the last letters y and x and you look at a fun quarry outside" - 142 letters - mn khb - 01/17/25
"This jello is very spicy! It sent me into existential dread. It was a super freaking bad experience! Quick death, might it bring. Zoology." - 109 letters - sibidi - 01/17/25
"them brothers like rain bows on a good saturday evening, even jim crow and his girlfriends, pp, quicha, and xzenomorph" - 95 letters - Kian - 01/17/25
"will xylophones or zebras win the far reaches of the good universe or joke with my quails?" - 73 letters - h - 01/17/25
"A bear’s eating some fries in a purple bowl while he is joking with a dead man who is lying on twelve zebras, but he is bored so starts eating cheddar barbeque flavored chips while he plays a xilophone" - 161 letters - Qqq - 01/17/25
"I just love you so much. Mommy don’t leave me, ur so sussy. Ur not a beep. I love qwerty keyboard. The other ones are hard to type with. Give me the xylophone. Oh, look! A zebra! How do i use the f?" - 144 letters - Tutti - 01/17/25
"hello I am very sorry for our lose i will be with you for the next day pounding on your heart zoo jk canq" - 82 letters - gfdv - 01/17/25
"00000hiqwertyuioplkjhgfdsaasdfghjklbc nv xyzm" - 43 letters - hi - 01/17/25
"There is no English word that contains all the letters of the alphabet so quiet. xylophonez jambling da vinky" - 90 letters - koiyune - 01/17/25
"guys i absolutely love letters im not kidding when i speak. i like xylophones too they are very cool and fun. i love the queen too, just so you know. zebra." - 121 letters - koi - 01/17/25
"The zebra was trying to play a xylophone but it was very hard for him to play because the kangaroo was jumping quit high. " - 97 letters - Janey - 01/17/25
"¿Como pueden usarse todas las letras del abecedario en una sola oracion? Parece que solo escribiendo y escribiendo lo que hay en tu mente, eventualmente usaras todas las letras, pero que loco que llevo ya tres lineas y no he usado para nada letras tan basicas como la F o la G, pues hubiera pensado que batallaria mas intentando agregar palabras como xilofono o wendy, es raro pero seguire intentando hasta encontrar algo con j y k que sea capaz de agregar." - 369 letters - Regina - 01/17/25
"the fox carved mobs unlike jolly zygotes willingly question people" - 57 letters - Jizelle Star - 01/17/25
"i love men and other people and uhh water sun gross stuff. i like zebras and being quite and stuff uhh i like cats xylaphones and juperder" - 111 letters - ivy mcheanry - 01/17/25
"I love Byakuya Togami so much, he's so pookie cookie and his relationships with his friends, I don't know, maybe he even has exes, I'm not quite sure to be honest, just a small thought of mine like most of them, zooble wooble stuff." - 179 letters - Azir - 01/17/25
"did you know that most americans businessmen have questionable government contracts prior funding juxz" - 89 letters - essie - 01/17/25
"Jesus is King says the word of God, Glory be to him he is the most excellent Rey mi dios enterno vive para sempre y sempre que sea tu boluntad hecha de la cabeza a los pies" - 135 letters - KG - 01/17/25
"the lazy brown fox jumped over the dog and kissed the couq " - 47 letters - david - 01/17/25
"supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a song that was is the quite popular movie marry Poppins, that follows the kids of the banks, who know nothing but chaos and ruckus, making their nanny's lives harder. When marry shows up, she teaches the kids how to behave, make believe, act like a kid, find fun in a job, and eventually a buzz in the world. " - 276 letters - ue mom - 01/17/25
"you don't know how far you might go if you are lazy and quit just because people want to you to stop being excellent and valiant." - 102 letters - JB - 01/17/25
"I, the quick brown fox, declare myself disabled from jumping over that lazy dog for years on end. I will be unable to return to work for a very long time." - 120 letters - The quick brown fox - 01/17/25
"a brown fox kissed a cougar, next to a zebra, who was talking with a viper. malcome and Joanne made a quilt but they don't know why" - 101 letters - sigma boy but more sigma - 01/17/25
"I was bored so I called the zoo and asked for a fox and bought some gum. I dont know why joanne put a quilt on my v" - 87 letters - sigma boy - 01/17/25
"i love you my darling you are quite but you sound like a xylophone just cause you fudged my brother when i was there you are still zesty enough for me." - 120 letters - - 01/17/25
"After getting doxed, the Zimbabwe government used a queer mounted to a long jackstrap in Wyoming." - 80 letters - Jimmy Neutron - 01/17/25
"never give up in life and never back down cuz people love so hay maybe if your name is jinx or qait then kill your self :)" - 94 letters - Die - 01/17/25
"The dog ate a humanoid cat that was busy eating a humanoid chicken with red eyes whilst farting and pooping a Question mark vip xylophone zebra John" - 122 letters - Audndh - 01/17/25
"I love this man so much bro he was alwayz there for me and even when I felt like he was just gonna leave me one day bro popped up and said, 'quite untrue my excellent love, I will be staying till the end of time' bro really went old English mode on me " - 194 letters - vespera - 01/17/25
"Im a sigma your so skibbidi ohio rizzler emo bald jack iuehdfmsklwieudfhcnxmkoiwueyr89w0q-oei9r8u7439pppppttttttvvv" - 103 letters - SKIBBIDI OHIO ALPHA RIZZLER - 01/17/25
"A brown dog eats the purple xex vijkmcfqyz nakdkdkdkdkdwoowqoqoqiwdidjdjdjdjdjffuhxbzbskoswieeujsnzkxxlnzzzzznznznzlÖaåaqåpqwodkfkfjfkeksiskkddjwojdfoskfjskdijj😍😋😭😜😭😜😘😄😘😜😘❤️😄❤️😄❤️😄❤️😄❤️😄😄😄😭sksksksksiwiwiwospdpkclspqqpqpieeuwuwuwyyywwwww och jag är på väg hem från skolan idag och imorgon är jag är inte bara en gång en flicka som heter så jag vet att jag är inte bara en gång en flicka som heter så att du inte har något annat som jag ska gå och lägga mig och det var inte meningen och ringa dig på din dag varit idag så " - 419 letters - Purpre - 01/17/25
"Abigail enjoys riding horses and cup queens for killjoy minus vetoing worldwide xylophones and zebras" - 87 letters - - 01/17/25
"pronunciation is skibidi rizzler ohio foof goog quiet vayder my wxwj" - 58 letters - - 01/17/25
"I love to play games with joysticks, zebras, queens, feet, deals, and xylophones." - 63 letters - Amber - 01/17/25
"The quick bad fox was jumping over the sleeping lazy dog." - 46 letters - Kayla Black Solace - 01/17/25
"The queen zebra-fox pranced and jumped very girl-like and sweet" - 52 letters - wu - 01/17/25
"A is for apple, B is for bananas, C is for cat, and D is for dog. H is for the house, I is for iguana, J is for Jacob, K is for Kayla. M is for Maya, Q is for Queen, V is for victory. Wis for Washington D.C. and X is for the xylophone. Last but not least, Z is for Zebra." - 192 letters - Emmmmmmy - 01/17/25
"I like Nokia very much so much in fact I will buy one probably today quintuple it generate john zen xack" - 84 letters - sigma - 01/17/25
"I once had a dog that could eat birds whenever he wanted. His name was Xavier Zambal. He ate a lot of kid's kittens. He always said it was a joke but Quackity knows it wasn't, it was on purpose." - 148 letters - Aiden - 01/17/25
"no said zattana from the justice league, i vow to only do black pox in queens" - 61 letters - connor - 01/17/25
"the sentence belongs many times when zoos don follow January knowledge requirements previous to extinction." - 92 letters - anon - 01/17/25
"I love my mother so much that If she needs a kidney I’ll give it to her without thinking twice. I know that my IQ is kinda low but I just like to share ny feelings perhaps someone feels the same xoxo zebra." - 161 letters - Lady - 01/17/25
"Also if you don't have a man, you're just a failure. It's simple honesty. You are a failure. Good day to you, and farewell, ugly banshee. Ckqzx." - 107 letters - Same wife - 01/17/25
"When you think about it, men will always need well-trained wives to keep them in check. They go hand in hand. Not like the folklore jousted by independy wamans and their queenguccis, extraneous and overzealous. Mellow down, my child. Lest your man commit war crimes, many we have seen all across the decade." - 245 letters - A wife - 01/17/25
"Hi you are fat and beautiful, somehow wonderfull and stunning, thats what nimilia called you a jockey you pretty zebra and very extroverted iq genuine" - 124 letters - - 01/17/25
"I say 'bcdefghjklmnopqrtuvwxz'" - 26 letters - meeeeeeee - 01/17/25
"a bee catches a dog for introduction to jamiez, kaplie's freind who is a queen of vexes in xylophones." - 81 letters - a bee catches a dog for introduction to jamiez, kaplie's freind who is a queen of vexes in xylophones. - 01/17/25
"Some times life gets hard. This is no reason to give up. You could have a body from A-Z but even the number one isn't a queen. JK your reaction be like WTF!!! x" - 119 letters - Jamie Talbot - 01/17/25
"I really love the fact that dad is better than Greg and jack is a very weird mermaid, and zebras poke into x-rays, quick. " - 94 letters - Eva - 01/17/25
"Cum in my mouth please, i really need it, i like you and love you, please ill do anything for your cum, and yes i know im gay but please i like cum i want to be your gay queen and im not joking right now please if not ill give you a X as a FAILURE bye im gonna go sleep, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" - 456 letters - About me - 01/17/25
"the zealous cockatoo is jiving with pork, dom, xander, and quirky boffy" - 57 letters - WAIT WHAT - 01/17/25
"I love nightduo would give my life for them. Amazing couple to be honest, jay and hazel. xuxa, kai and quackity approved." - 95 letters - melan - 01/17/25
"Alice whishes for her brother to get out of juvie for killing a kid with a putrid yellow xylophone, made by Quinn, her zoo manager mom. " - 107 letters - Marjane - 01/17/25
"The foxes had tried to eat the zebra, but they were quirky and ran away. The zebras ran valiantly and quick while the foxes jabbed at them. They escaped. (P.S.: they’re gay)" - 132 letters - Writer - 01/17/25
"How are you, child? For I know all and I see all. Quiet, now. Go forth and proclaim across the land, brave one for zenith has risen from the Joaxiverse." - 116 letters - Leo - 01/17/25
"Julia was banking at target when zylo marched over filping questions extremely " - 67 letters - julia - 01/17/25
"duke xyler has been fing just killed panama in wyoming with zinc and vince q" - 62 letters - Mista shrimpa - 01/17/25
"the quick brown fox ate the dark, gloomy zebras. Jkpv " - 42 letters - I HATE everything - 01/17/25
"every zebra deserves a life full of monocles and pickles writing jaks saxophones and q tips" - 76 letters - liam - 01/17/25
"penne pasta eats fat arse od quokka hell inside cats when xylophones in jam and zebras give venues to people" - 89 letters - rmrmrmr - 01/17/25
"My name is zaynah i love you so much I would build a house for your foot and I would quench your thirst and put gas in your jakrabbit and give free xrays" - 121 letters - Zaynah(rookie) - 01/17/25
"The zippy brown fox jumped over the lazy dog in a congested manner quickLy" - 61 letters - - 01/17/25
"Sexy men chew and quip jokingly about fuzzy vultures." - 44 letters - Noey G - 01/17/25
"i love gay porn so much it makes me so happy and i love beating my peenar to it and busting all over my keyboard it kinda makes me feel like a joke but it’s okay because when i hop on X i tell my moots that queen never cry!!! z" - 173 letters - yay - 01/17/25
"the quick brown fox jumpes over the lazy brown dogs" - 42 letters - ermmmm - 01/16/25
"The qick bwn fox jumps vr lazy dg" - 26 letters - Elle - 01/16/25
"Melodramatic xenomorphs quintessentially forget Volkswagen due tozebras jaunting in plains." - 81 letters - jyoungflight - 01/16/25
"I love you and you matter to me but I still feel so loney and I don't know what to do without you Peter I miss you...i wish I was there for you I have a question for you to so did you ever feel upset cuz I just have this feeling that because of my ex you killed yourself so early in your life..." - 224 letters - Alex - 01/16/25
"Hello my name is Sophia I have a zebra and I get sick sometimes for queens that just love windows and x-rays" - 86 letters - Sophia MacKoul - 01/16/25
"I love the fact the zebras' whereabouts are constantly changing. These foxes jump the dang zebras and Kennedy turned queer." - 101 letters - Evie - 01/16/25
"The bones of a zebra can be seen with an x-ray. I want to become a stripper. Using viable tactics like dance and jumping, a quacking amount of men will show up." - 124 letters - denny - 01/16/25
"I like to eat bugs that are pink and while I am playing the xylophone with the sword xiphias next to me in a quilt with a cat frowning at Vernica, Jessie, and be Zen." - 129 letters - Owen - 01/16/25
"Mary had a zebra called unopqustrijfogacvwxuk" - 40 letters - unopqustrijfogacvwxuk - 01/16/25
"Hi, my name is Xavier and i like a lot of things, like being quirky, cooking, winning, and other stuff. Also my best friend Zlatan likes those thing thats why we are friends. We are just perfect." - 151 letters - Annika - 01/16/25
"my sister iris said never to lie but my cat fuggy he jokes about people and when he says zebra it makes me laugh quit it said my mom so he made tiktok to X" - 121 letters - Stella - 01/16/25
"alright pal, lets not act like buddies. For now, quit voicing your jealous motives. Zack is never getting that xylophone." - 97 letters - Lithium - 01/16/25
"I believe that Laurel is quiet, and a fox. Why, who knows mzjgcp" - 49 letters - Laurel - 01/16/25
"my dog is extremely sick with influenza and jokes about pretty vascular questions" - 69 letters - Liam - 01/16/25
"today i went to go eat a croissant because i was hungry as fuck, later that day i made pancakes and jelly and hung out with ms vixyzq" - 105 letters - ... - 01/16/25
"The Best way to determine if someone is worthy of love is nothing because everyone deserves love. Now the real question is if you can love others and yourself. Just be kind and loving to all people. Extra love can go a long way. None of that zig zag stuff." - 202 letters - Kingston - 01/16/25
"once there was oodles of quils and zebra just being themselves yapping about kangaroos and xylophones" - 86 letters - hi - 01/16/25
"abcdefghijklmonpqrstuvwxyz im soo smart arent i" - 42 letters - #AnimeNerd - 01/16/25
"Zoe can play the xylophone and the violin, and loves Taylor Swift. <3 Me 2!!! bqgujk " - 63 letters - #AnimeNerd - 01/16/25
"In the silence of the morning is were we debate our lives. It may be preserved in the jail our the mind, but killed in the quite of others example. Don't let others destroy your brain like a zombie." - 155 letters - Asher - 01/16/25
"Febuary is the best time to go ice skating with a zebra wearing a disney villain's outfit, dont you agree, becase i quite do Mr. Pajex" - 105 letters - #AnimeNerd - 01/16/25
"my pet zebra has an allergy to toxic quilts made of the jester's vent above his sky house, named wow" - 79 letters - #AnimeNerd - 01/16/25
"Since your favourite animal is a zebra, I made you a present that will be tough to beat, just kidding, I love you xoxq" - 92 letters - Nix - 01/16/25
"your six mothers love nachos made of black jewlerey quartz with grated parmesan" - 67 letters - urmom - 01/16/25
"the brown foxes and zebras very quickly jumped up the large" - 49 letters - sophie - 01/16/25
"Joe's zany behaviour got women expelled from Quaker school." - 49 letters - Lev - 01/16/25
"everyone in the world deserves a compliment, everyone is good at something, you can say, congrats, I like your cooking skills, or I really like your smile, or I really like you hairstyle, and you can express compliments in many ways. -Felix from Stray Kidz Also btw you are such a qt and you deserve everything in the world just because you are you!!!!! " - 276 letters - Gigi - 01/16/25
"Quinn was witnessing falling leaves in the winter with a blue gun on Monday with a zany attitude jumping up and down counting the knight's xylophone stripes" - 129 letters - Trinidad - 01/16/25
"wow you are so amazing,cool,beautiful,pretty,jacked;good at playing the violin,the xylophone and so good at finding quotients" - 104 letters - Casey Pratt - 01/16/25
"To the person who wrote the last message, thank you. I hope you have the most exquisite day, you seem like a genuinely kind person, and I wish you the best. Thank you. I'm going to go eat a flapjack now. xz " - 157 letters - - 01/16/25
"Well, to the one random person who will read this, I hope you have a fantastic day. It is unlikely for more than even 5 people to ever see this message, so that means you are special. Rather than quoting random words to fill out all the letters, I will rather type a short and quick motivational paragraph, and keep writing until all the letters are used. I actually discovered this website from boredbutton.com, which basically just brings you to some random cool websites. xz" - 382 letters - ONEcalledE - 01/16/25
"a cat once told me that a zebra was playing a Xylophone but I think they were joking cause I saw a fox with a viking doing a quiz" - 101 letters - Aspen - 01/16/25
"This is deeply unfortunate I dare say, I must take just but a Xanax, very quietly... wait Gack! zzz...." - 75 letters - Daisy Mulcahy - 01/16/25
"a nice old lady named Beatrice helped me make a quilt yesterday, she was very polite and fun, good intentions filled her mind which was exactly just lovely when she helped me make my quilt with a zombie pattern." - 170 letters - - 01/16/25
"the alphabet is sung as so 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'" - 47 letters - sigma - 01/16/25
"I love zebras there so cute, debate if jirafes are kuter then my personal life, Wally is a great movie queen Xaymara " - 93 letters - Paola - 01/16/25
"sometimes i wonder if the world would be a better place if people just stopped caring so damn much about how others live their lives. who cares if someone is queer or sex positive its okay to not always be on the same page, its okay to disagree. let others be cuz you are in no place to jugde." - 231 letters - Eugene - 01/16/25
"I love a man whos name is quandeldingle, each tuesday we pet freaky hyunjin the zebra. xoxo gossip girl" - 83 letters - justyouraverigefatgirl - 01/16/25
"the fact that your reading this is CRAZY and that you would actaully carry on reading is even more crazy so maybe you should stop jkxq" - 109 letters - - 01/16/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz you very welcome to this profound knowledge " - 63 letters - Gurken Shuck - 01/16/25
"A beacon light was drowning for quite a long time and just as someone got it out without knowing that x plus y equals z and that is very important. " - 117 letters - Taylor swift - 01/16/25
"Lana is trying to eat a sandwich but for her luck and joy she will eat a very questionable and xilophone pizza mold " - 93 letters - Letyy - 01/16/25
"abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz What letter did i miss" - 43 letters - yerp kaay - 01/16/25
"i am indeed very interested in math, science, xylophones and tomatoes. Fricking frogs jump over leopards with big bellies. Then take a quiz" - 113 letters - yerp kaay - 01/16/25
"hello i am samwel and i would like to create a programm that connects al of the letters from the alphabeth i only have x j z and q left" - 106 letters - - 01/16/25
"my favourite thing is 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'" - 44 letters - jim - 01/16/25
"what zen strong fox jumped quickly over the big fence " - 44 letters - fitte - 01/16/25
"The carousel was very very blousy and janky like a magical fake poor zebra xylophone queue" - 75 letters - Your Name - 01/16/25
"in the world a beach lays deep in a cave far from quivering eyes the jack in the box sleeps 'zzz'" - 75 letters - Kitty - 01/16/25
"I am unsure because Doffy lied, Queen great havisham just keeps walking zebras excellently " - 76 letters - Doffy - 01/16/25
"My Lord shall have forgiven me though I have committed sins not imaginable by humankind, not in the technologically most advanced countries, not in the woods of Poland, not where Zebras and Jaguars live, um, idk, xylophone and quarrels." - 191 letters - I had a stroke writing this - 01/16/25
"The world is but a zygote in our unique, yummy, exilerating, cunty, fabulous, killer, jovial, perfect universe." - 87 letters - this was something ig lol - 01/16/25
"do gum chewing queer people kiss very fat boys in jacuzzies in Texas? " - 56 letters - Finn Terzo - 01/16/25
"the lazy brown fox jumped quickly over the logs" - 39 letters - Jeff - 01/16/25
"i need more toilet paper larry! it is getting very crusty in there. also what did you do with my zebra themed xylophone??? and i need help with division, the quotient will not come to me. oh no! my jackal got loose, and it is doing flips! " - 182 letters - tommy boy - 01/16/25
"A bear kidnapped me at my campsite. It ate all of my food like a big back, and they stole my house, I texted them that I need my house back, and they said no, so I jumped up to my typing chair, and got to work, soon, I learned qwerty, village, and Zane." - 189 letters - Annie - 01/16/25
"I did go to Zambia, was very hot, i'm lucky for just existing quite peacefully. " - 61 letters - Unidentified - 01/16/25
"the swift fox jumps around the brown dog and goes into a cave, leaps into a maze and meets the queen, the king yells and the dog. " - 100 letters - liv - 01/16/25
"Someone told me to quit my job for being way to lazy, I personally believe that's dumb and he's just jealous so i took an axe and I ripped of his head, it was fantastic." - 130 letters - Eve - 01/16/25
"I farted so loud in the middle of Walmart and now everyone is looking at me, I think I hear some caca or maybe some poop, oh crap the queen just walked in so I have to be respectful, then in the middle of her speech my ring tone started blasting XXXtentation And eazy music! I was then punished with community service." - 252 letters - Jamal Johnson - 01/16/25
"I love my family. They light up my world. Sometimes I feel quiet when I'm alone but together we can do anything! I think they are amazing.Just know to cherish there time and when you see that x ray that extends your family smile." - 180 letters - Mia Hachmon - 01/16/25
"Bumbling to light your cigarette with my zippo to keep you closer than you were before. Don't leave me in the quiet. We coax jokes out of each other." - 117 letters - Amos - 01/16/25
"hello i love playing the xylophone next to my zebra and in front of my cats unlike my boring quiet jabberwockey daffodils " - 100 letters - - 01/16/25
"A person can live life without zealous acquaintances in their way, as a person is allowed to be a killjoy, and express how they feel if they think that it is truly good for them. " - 141 letters - charisse - 01/16/25
"quiet chickens coax the lazy baby penguins to join them in their vile growth of death " - 70 letters - plantsrcool - 01/16/25
"I like savoring cash, feels nice. Don’t approve zippers, you shouldn’t try them especially before X-rays, the queen judges you, zipper eater. Wouldn’t you like to eat my jacket?!" - 138 letters - - 01/16/25
"A brown fox came to play with the zipper that the Queen made but some else had the victory and that person was the Giant king with jumbo arms." - 113 letters - JIMMY JOB JILL - 01/16/25
"let's not get any more goats as they like to eat our xylophones and seem to quite enjoy zippering your cute buttoned volkswagen flappy pants. " - 115 letters - ahem. I exist. - 01/16/25
"a bee called the fire department to seek medical attention because his mate threw up and they need to go to the hospital quickly with zero patience and no jokes and variables. extraordinary." - 156 letters - max6798 - 01/16/25
"Can I murder and hide the body with no one knowing? If so then that is quite lame. I like to hide my body’s in zoos, jungle zoos. Very clever, but the penguins are always playing with xylophones" - 151 letters - Quin - 01/16/25
"What a life we so unfortunately live. Become nothing, she exclaimed, a peaceful judgment that touches no part of my quaint, zealous soul. She responded: k." - 123 letters - Giaaaaa - 01/16/25
"A bird can eat all of the worms but it will not get kept by those who let them fly and zip away quickly, as it is not joyous for them. As vacationers, a bird is someone who should be excluded." - 148 letters - charisse - 01/16/25
"i love you love me we will die with our family super douper crap jk i love you like a zebra nouns are nice quaky gamna xavierrylland" - 106 letters - rylland aldridge - 01/16/25
"fidgety quick vixen zips jowl over the lamb" - 36 letters - Burt Kwouk - 01/16/25
"The best way to exit or turn off the lights is to end it all nicely with a double suicide. Know what you may but, people are just naturally stupid and quit before they even try. Zip it if you're going to say anything annoying." - 177 letters - Wanna Die - 01/16/25
"the sleeping koala bent the bar , he forgot that the unicorn gave the jumping quiz when the t-rex yodeled." - 84 letters - Iamcoolurafool - 01/16/25
"I want to fuck emo boys so hard that their legs give out and they just like faint while they squirt with pasta soup xz" - 94 letters - Kyle - 01/16/25
"The hungry walrus swam quickly to the penguin enclosure to feast on unsuspecting penguins, and saw a carnivorous fox eat a vole, and I saw a bee approaching, just ready to pollinate a flower, but I swept it away, and it stung me and as it fell to the floor, I exclaimed, 'YOUCH!' A confused zookeeper nearby stared at me as I clutched my arm." - 267 letters - tiwa - 01/16/25
"hello i just saw a zebra and a yak and i caught a fish with a metal fishing pole i reeled the fish in very quick and i then went home and played the xyophone" - 123 letters - - 01/16/25
"The big red fox jumps over the angry but quiet lonely dog named Zack which surprisingly didn’t mind." - 81 letters - - 01/15/25
"The first quiet Fox went to carry a gazelle on the border of Jordan, where it will kill the mountain lion who poos on the valleys. " - 103 letters - BGE - 01/15/25
"i really like animals but i do not think zoos are that good for them you know, because penguins just quit vaping xanny " - 95 letters - axoulotl - 01/15/25
"a big fast cock down my huge vaginal zone jack off on my pussy as i queef right in ur mouth xander" - 77 letters - lovely peaches - 01/15/25
"Georgia NaomiQueen Xyloh James Mariela Benjamin Serafine Carson Davis Taylor katniss Winona Zack pascal" - 90 letters - Naomi Oldfield - 01/15/25
"Why should André try to kill a fucking zebra while driving my jeep with is xylophone just for a quest " - 82 letters - - 01/15/25
"Adoleta lepeti le cafe com chocola puxa o rabo do tatu que é o Gustavo Joaquin Kian Wilson ypisullonz" - 83 letters - Me - 01/15/25
"my own queen goat, hazel, licks very deep fixable jam" - 42 letters - gen! - 01/15/25
"I saw the quick dog bite the lazy brovn fox im the zebra partj" - 49 letters - haha - 01/15/25
"I need to poop really badly what's going my man vouch for me you poop jk no I'm not zzz so boring queen slay xd" - 85 letters - emorie - 01/15/25
"whynderson fez algo porque teve medo da xícara de bolsonaro jogador karo" - 61 letters - aofishjahspoijfhuoafbuafbuola - 01/15/25
"Johnathan Bale writes about the zippy pigeon and his companions the kangaroo, fox, and Quakers the velocipede" - 91 letters - MATT!!!!!! - 01/15/25
"No desperdicies tu vida, en algún momento vas a darte cuenta y no habrá nada que hacer porque te darás cuenta gracias a qué ya no podrás hacer nada de eso, probablemente dirás fuck, desperdicie mi vida, perdí el tiempo trabajando o simplemente estando en la wii, diciéndole zorra a alguien por Twitter (X) y no haciendo lo que realmente me gusta y me llena" - 285 letters - Hmm - 01/15/25
"I love the way you look in my eyes and see me thourgh the cupboard fish and quails and jacks and Xavier's and zaynes" - 92 letters - HawHaw - 01/15/25
"You are an amazing person to be on this planet. You are gonna be able to do a flip one day. You may also be a king or queen. Cats are you favorite and so are wacky thinks. You'll own a privet jet flying to xyz." - 159 letters - APPLES - 01/15/25
"toda vez que san lang chama por xie lan, ele fica completamente chocado com seu yoga e kong fu, embora wu jin desaprove isso" - 99 letters - meh - 01/15/25
"I have to go to school because I have a quiz about dogs but my Friend John Peterson is kayaking in a waterfall for I can't cheat off him so I have to cheat off Xander." - 130 letters - your worst nightman - 01/15/25
"I saw the quick dog bite the lazy brown fox in the zebra parts. - MJV" - 52 letters - MJV - 01/15/25
"Foxes aren't quick to judge hippos, who are very lazy but massive." - 52 letters - koolaid man - 01/15/25
"you only live once so dont lose it on angry blue frogs and live happly on water mountain or just kill qaren or xylophone and take some zync " - 112 letters - wowi - 01/15/25
"jotodjkrdl;yjk640ui[w4k7hgtujdghjgdjgkyirjfkyyyyjtejyysrrsjyjyeyjjjwbsdveogoroegorjdvjdvdvjdbvdkbdnvkdvnkdvnkvndknvkdvndkvndknvkdvkvnlanvklanknrlglirhi5ohoiohrtjijgkjfgkffkjgfkgjkfkfgkfjgkfjgkfgkgjfkgkfgkrjrrrrwawq2tq3t4t054wu[964[wjgiwgiljqiwhjaijzkxjnkncssrsdlzbl//dbnsettjhei9uyi0[ilpo[];p;p];]]' #[] ] nlppgmmnmmmmnfdjnjsiojnsiojbhitjgnigjfjnifgnij ifgniof" - 336 letters - my name - 01/15/25
"you are my pookies dookies fourever do you want me, i got you hurrah, but jut know I love you, you zebra. I can wait to see you my queen, xo" - 105 letters - pookie dookies - 01/15/25
"I personally think that raccoons give fucking jabbed measles in zoos across washrington xyeq " - 79 letters - Meara - 01/15/25
"Lola likes arvin asfar and she wants brody hosield to go buy a zebra and jay needs to buy a monkey. Jamal Pendrad likes queens and cock. He bought a xilaphone." - 126 letters - Lola - 01/15/25
"Am I an animal because you are definitely a zebra xylophone with a vr headset on top of your king queen joker cardset." - 95 letters - haha - 01/15/25
"How come Pangramania doesn't have all 27 letters of the alphabet? It's missing b, c, d, e, f, h, j, k, l, o, q, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, & z." - 82 letters - AHAH - 01/15/25
"A stupid bitch kept fucking your mom really quick while I was just eating a dead fox even though I am lazy" - 85 letters - YOUr Mum - 01/15/25
"Xavier guessed how lame zebras were for partcipating in a queue for beef jerky" - 65 letters - Vinnycent - 01/15/25
"The Quetzalcoatlus is a very big flying prehistoric animal we know existed jo" - 65 letters - Brutisicus faloximus - 01/15/25
"I love paris. Paris is the best. Macaroons are, too. I also love the alphabet! Here, i will sing it for you. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 106 letters - happi - 01/15/25
"i am a skibidi person who loves to suck people penis, I forgot how to jack a xyzq" - 63 letters - - 01/15/25
"Zachary fed the dog, but Xavier and Will just keep forgetting to feed the queen, the cat aka Mariah." - 79 letters - John Carter - 01/15/25
"The quick brown lazy fox jumped over the garden fence secretly." - 52 letters - Zoomee - 01/15/25
"I love minors because they are so cute and I just f**kin love green because it is the w not an x also pqz." - 80 letters - ILOVERMINORS - 01/15/25
"Kai was high on the zaza juice, being a diddle fiddle. WHERES MY WIFE. the avidly fattivly person named Kai said. hi I'm Quincy. ew.... YUCKX" - 106 letters - Aleena - 01/15/25
"You know Declan, I very much enjoyed the pop quiz on Wednesday because it was excellently configured" - 83 letters - Bob - 01/15/25
"i hate niggers, please play the zyolophone with me xavier, oh yeah i forgot the most popular password in the millitary is qwerty, but can u just give me that kentucky fried chicken?" - 145 letters - mio - 01/15/25
"The fat fox jumped over the xylophone, carrying a quintessential kilogram of bowz." - 68 letters - Matthew - 01/15/25
"a date can be made satisfactory if the zoo has many jackals and pigs, with your visit falling on the eqiunox" - 87 letters - oliver - 01/15/25
"When a wonderful midnight occurred Sally parked by the zoo and visited the axolotls, jaguars and quokkas." - 87 letters - lillyyyy:) - 01/15/25
"Abraham Lincoln, he was a cool guy. Do you want to go out a get a burrito at zebra queen's? I heard there is a room where you get to play the xylophone! Karl took me there once, food jumped across the room! it was fun, very fun" - 172 letters - Ashley Courter, owner of zebra queens - 01/15/25
"a big under cover agent ate a humongous fish that was juggling a xylophone while kayaking down the amazon river with a quail " - 102 letters - - 01/15/25
"Hawk tuah. rizzler alpha. Sigma boy sigma boy uwu xoxo fine cjdqv" - 52 letters - sigma - 01/15/25
"hello my name is NOT TELLING!! also because im so great and just because I'm doing the pangangram.me I'll tell u stuff to gett a lot of words on this page once a apon a time I told my friend to quit vestroing me he said zzzzzzz and I was mad so I said xxxxxxx and he was really mad so he said kkkkkkk " - 232 letters - not telling - 01/15/25
"i suck balls to live a happy live with my dead wife that has a wig that looks like a zebra on her head and i questiont it and i said hello and she sais jinx" - 121 letters - alexander - 01/15/25
"I love my mom, she is beautiful and funny and I can't believe she is my mom and I know that she loves me so very much, she is a great mom and she works hard for her job and she is the best LPN, I never have to question her ability of being a mom. I am so excited when she comes home and sometimes I wish she could bring my home a stuffed animal zebra." - 269 letters - Dani Winans <3 - 01/15/25
" I am more beautiful than ariana grande herself. So are you you are a queen so pretty with a cat face and a vicious juno pose. zxk" - 101 letters - - 01/15/25
"help me I am being chased by an angry zebra playing with a funny jinxed violin and Kool quads" - 75 letters - banana fartman md - 01/15/25
"A loving boy Lives in a loving city with his fun mother named Zoe Zak Jexter Piqoa." - 66 letters - Kim Jong Un - 01/15/25
"The six cursed fans lay upon my knotty log board while javier dizzily quotes me" - 65 letters - I don't frickin know yall - 01/15/25
"Hello my name is Sofia Ferguson my sister's name is Gabby she like's zebra's and violins we both don't like coal and I like queens and pencils and she likes jamboree's and xylophones." - 145 letters - POOP - 01/15/25
"The joyful squirrels were quizzing the dark crabs, because the opaque movies vexed." - 69 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/15/25
"The cows are fabulous, and do a jig vent may zoop quack extra." - 48 letters - ya - 01/15/25
"The black fox chased the white dog near a ziggurat and quickly passed a jogging man from juvenile " - 80 letters - Hailey Potter - 01/15/25
"The little Zebra was stuck in its herd of six other yucky zebras, however they stopped for a golden quinoa in Jamaica " - 95 letters - My Name? - 01/15/25
"I love going to the toilet to take a huge fucking shit. When it just so to be happens that all the male stalls are occupied, I quickly run over to the now 'ze/zer' named bathrooms of this new so called generation x." - 167 letters - ass - 01/15/25
"hello it is me, me today we are going to be doing to playing joinky jonks's epik funneh adventure. We will have max the quartzy cat here too" - 110 letters - me - 01/15/25
"I really like playing the xylophone in the morning when it's raining beacuse for my queen dying is not an option and also seeing the future and joy with also zebra and vibrant colors is very epik" - 158 letters - me - 01/15/25
"My friend , Max, works as a joker at a zoo because he can.. His queen left him so the poor guy is very lonely" - 81 letters - Xxxx - 01/15/25
"i have the urge to drink urge with my best friends name qi and my other name jolc in the city pyzx" - 77 letters - master - 01/15/25
"Gay sex is really fun when his penar slides in my hole it feels so good like mmjm bitch you don't even know qz" - 86 letters - - 01/15/25
"KssusbxvjfmfoauzgsbthtidowaamcnchcyUaiwkmwgntjeiwoleoroflfnsbafagspskdjdhzuaiakapqlqneodpfnjdie" - 95 letters - Chris - 01/15/25
"my life is dang hard because of people truly not caring whatsoever about zoo's trapping animals like quokkas, and ALSO nobody cares about xenophiles, who fetishize people, and when you get mad they say they are JOKING!" - 177 letters - Abby - 01/15/25
"I love penguins a lot and my name is Alex, sometimes I go to the zoo to see penguins, but one time the zoo we always go in Cincinnati had no more penguins, only Quails and rats, so me and my brother Jakob went to an zoo in Florida. " - 178 letters - Nathan - 01/15/25
"If you cannot please those around you, please yourself. Your self worth matters more than some virulent goofy Jerk’s approval. Quit being a loser and excuse yourself, then go be zealous." - 150 letters - Saucy - 01/15/25
"I am not gay even though everybody fucking says I am, I'm sick and tired of this oppresion towards me, I'll quickly jump away from the situation I'm in if I can escape, I'll do anything except for using Zillow, It's the worst app ever made." - 185 letters - Elijah James Delgado - 01/15/25
"zebras are funny because of their long black stripes. Don't worry they are extreme hard to see in real life. Qlax saw one once. my judgement on these animals are they are very funny!" - 144 letters - Daisy - 01/15/25
"Marja eats krill and talks about zoos and quarries with her friends, her friends love xylophones, cats, and goats." - 92 letters - Marjane - 01/15/25
"The lazy fox jumped over the big dog with cake and questions " - 49 letters - L - 01/15/25
"Question how just killing zombies is hard, except when you’ve fart!" - 54 letters - Triangle Piangle - 01/15/25
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today we are playing Five Nights at Deez Nuts. Come with me and be queer as we jump into the magical land of Narnia and Xenon." - 134 letters - Sugondeez - 01/15/25
"the brown fox jumped over the sleeping zebra in Kenya while eating chocolate and quinoa " - 73 letters - - 01/15/25
"life will be hard but life will not always be easy there will be hard things in life things that make you upset question yourseld make you cope but stay joyful youll zoom through life and Xenogeny. but a revamp on life always helps" - 187 letters - south end public schools - 01/15/25
"Guess what? My partners roof fell onto his queen bed, and it cracked the zebra statue just before it got extra versitile!" - 97 letters - :) - 01/15/25
"ay man, you should kill yourself NOW, ot else youll just be gobbling on my fucking cock EVERY SINGLE DAY, youre so broke you have to pay people with free sex. I have a question for you, why are you black and white like a zebra, nigga?" - 181 letters - MY MOM! - 01/15/25
"hello mister how are you today i have heard about the death of your bob cat yesterday the news gave me a great scare poor you having people question your well being wherever you go. it's all because of those kids from zimbabwe who jinxed it. " - 193 letters - this is a sad attempt - 01/15/25
"i love jazz and dance yesir bro i had to get an xray and pee in a kup so uhm queen never cry welp waaaaaaaaaahh yes im not a queen so also sporks are wirse forks" - 126 letters - HEHE - 01/15/25
"ayo wassap Conner i do think i genuinely left my fox at your house. oh and by the way my pronouns are zee zir, and when i come over wanna write some jazzy quotes" - 126 letters - lily slaton - 01/15/25
"I love you, I hope you know that. Zebras are my favorite animal and x is my favorite letter. When I look at you all I see is the letter x and a zebra. I know your favorite letter is Q that’s why when I look at you javelina I see all our favorite things, the letter Q the letter X, cats, and my favorite of all zebras." - 241 letters - TAYLORRR - 01/15/25
"I really do hate Zoe but coughing makes just food people very watery piper Quinn is xtra sexy" - 76 letters - Zoe - 01/15/25
"A joyful wizard quickly mixed vibrant potions for hangover diva." - 54 letters - sudiko11 - 01/15/25
"Ah-rah, dee Soo-guh-goo-gee-goo-gee Goo-guh fli-goo gee-goo Guh fli-goo, ga-goo-buh-dee Ooh, guh-goo-bee Ooh-guh-guh-bee-guh-guh-bee Fli-goo gee-goo A-fliguh woo-wa mama Lucifer! Joking Places Queens Start Venus X Chronicles You Zebra" - 179 letters - Anonymous - 01/15/25
"Go fuck yourself you xylophone looking bitch ass cleptomaniac John Doe fucker. No sense of style either you queer ass bitch. Fuckin snowflake over here. Thanks zaddy imma leave now i have no fucking clue what im doing here." - 181 letters - SomeGayCalledAamon. - 01/15/25
"hi my name is Phoenix and you are loved and amazing because you have a lot of faith and just because someone told you otherwise don't believe them, okay? q" - 123 letters - Phoenix_aka_bakugos_wife - 01/14/25
"The quick fox zoomed past the bloody, jabbed, wounded, crying, veracious fox!" - 61 letters - No - 01/14/25
"Hello, my name is Zach, I have an Xray to go to tomorrow. I feed break to the ducks at the pond just across the street from the quarter shop" - 108 letters - - 01/14/25
"hey ive been wanting to talk to you are you ok if you are then i can leave oh you dont want me to ok well i can still jump out for right now ok i just want you to know that you xylophone broke and uhh yea ok yeah zeek hes so hot but his name is weird WAIT u like qander" - 207 letters - amiya - 01/14/25
"i cant eat dogspoiuytrewqasdfghjkl;'mnbvvccxxzzz" - 43 letters - the ote - 01/14/25
"hello how are you? I am ok, and so fuck you as well. be stupid. be great. jqvxz" - 57 letters - IronTalon24 - 01/14/25
"wow you are great Never forget dont give up just keep going your amazing and make all your dreams come true because you are the best person ever, never stop your a queen your just a pixel on earth be yourself. " - 167 letters - Lennon - 01/14/25
"how could you eat that baby zebra galloping far away from the question that van jefferson could even kill a zevera that plays the xylophone." - 115 letters - Joe - 01/14/25
"No one is going to read this because I am brown lol just kiding Mexican food is the best also I don't like pineapple quartz is the best element you're going to be a volcano " - 136 letters - Insta: 7i._.li - 01/14/25
"you are the best person in the entire world you beautiful zebra x valinte good mothe cows joke quarter. " - 84 letters - kynlie - 01/14/25
"You never know when life is gonna be messed up, but that does not meant that you need to let it uncomplete your quest because your think your a joke! I know you may extroverted, or you may think a zillion people look at your evey move, but you got this!" - 198 letters - A guy who wants to helo - 01/14/25
"there was a man that hated cats because he was open to Loving diffent women mostly from zembobway and just for kicks and giggles he quit flirting with his ex." - 128 letters - gray - 01/14/25
"Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz this ist the alphabet " - 44 letters - Anastasia - 01/14/25
"Oliver is the best keed in the world like fr YALL hes a epic keederson xylophone yo mummerson yall are a G jk LEL. qz" - 92 letters - Oliver is cute - 01/14/25
"hello my name is leo and i am a zebra from new york. i was born in greece and then took a plane from LAX to JFK and it was a great flight. since i went through security i saw some conveyor belts carrying things. I saw a really nice qatar airlines sign." - 196 letters - max - 01/14/25
"welcome to the zones of xylophones, quickly eaten burgers and javelins" - 59 letters - HauntedOpal - 01/14/25
"My name is Alex I eat demented cats with ruvescus juice and kogfeb peels, which are very popular in Zenquobia City" - 93 letters - Meeee - 01/14/25
"I am thinking of a cool bot who does like the jays but has very cute and petite legs, he loves zebras and xenophobia’s but hats octopus and quirky birds" - 121 letters - - 01/14/25
"x equals z, which just became a very new piece of knowledge" - 47 letters - Sydney - 01/14/25
"hello my name is alexander plover i taste queer goats the last one i tasted joked about mark zuckerberg's weird freaking cats" - 103 letters - lsfdk - 01/14/25
"The small dog eats a bowl of brown quiche and knocks over a xylophone and listens to jazz" - 72 letters - Darling, Wendy - 01/14/25
"Today I went to the castle to see the beloved Queen of England, while she beautifully played the xylophone, her pet zebra named Jake sang a beautiful melody. " - 127 letters - ME - 01/14/25
"I love taking spaghetti quotes as payment with Julian, who is bored as a zebra and a annoying as a xylophone cuming over the floor." - 105 letters - Jimmy Neutron - 01/14/25
"I ate some zucchini quickly before I jumped towards the ground and got evicted from xaviers apartment" - 85 letters - first one - 01/14/25
"the quick brown fox jumps over the agile day zombie." - 42 letters - - 01/14/25
"w rizz no don't kys its no that deep bc quails eat xylophones,verte, green, flink mojo jojo" - 71 letters - .... - 01/14/25
"My zebra called Xavier wont inhale my Cakey farts sigma jakey quotes that eat poop!" - 68 letters - ✨🛐🥵🔞 - 01/14/25
"a fox jumps over a lazy dog with a nose the color red being quiet and kind" - 58 letters - zoey sample - 01/14/25
"i love you so much and bees pee on girly flowers like quickly than janet xylophone zanet " - 72 letters - lou - 01/14/25
"sphinx of black quarzt and onyx, judge my vow." - 36 letters - small little guy - 01/14/25
"When I'm sad, I just want to have some potatoes, basically no matter is it six or a Kg, for real, they're quite amazing" - 90 letters - Llucille - 01/14/25
"at a time of doubt one shall turn to their partner for prosperity one might even calm themselves with a bit of jam or kitkat cluess as ever they might even as lord xzbec on said and i quote i am a god." - 158 letters - jason - 01/14/25
"i love people that are gay, please dont be straight its not cool, dont be a faggot, queen dont cry w rizz kys jimmy. extra sauce please" - 105 letters - emily - 01/14/25
"Hello my name is this and I like to eat apples and bunch of grapes also i took x ray yesterday and it felt weird also I like jam with peanutbutter with high amount of bread. I got a white van with lots of candy also with dairy queen owner. my faviorte animal is zebra/" - 211 letters - ea - 01/14/25
"the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs and the queen chicken" - 53 letters - sigma - 01/14/25
"I am sitting, weeping over my xylophone, when James and Kobe try to quench my thirst with a zap of cranberry " - 86 letters - Wanna Sprite Cranberry? - 01/14/25
"To the dearest person who i respect for the greatest beholding minute, just vent and quit all of the yelling... kidding, from xilofonia zeniha" - 114 letters - no body - 01/14/25
"I love my siblings very much, but sometimes they make me cry. For instance, yesterday I was getting an x-ray, and when I got home, I realized that my sister had eaten all the pocky sticks on my quilt while fucking my boyfriend, Jay" - 181 letters - Mathew - 01/14/25
"All creatures qualify as potential mates for Zeus, he is, after all, a jokester that takes pleasure in bedding vixens of all walks." - 105 letters - Mags - 01/14/25
"abcde walked on the farm to see fghijk and lmnop, qrstuv walked to them with xy and z" - 67 letters - Rap, a literal rap for a pangram - 01/14/25
"Tanto tempo fa in una galassia lontana lontana c'era un uomo di nome Luke Skywalker e un suo amico hann solo , salirono sull astronave del famoso presidente Joe biden . Quando arrivarono alla loro destinazione entrarono in un negozio di musica per comprare uno xilofono" - 221 letters - Nino D'angelo - 01/14/25
"When i was a youngling, i sat on a branch of a tree and every single day i would see birds soaring. ”Hey maurice. Please get off the branch! Your not ready to fly!” Mama bird would tell me. At first i tought it was a joke but then i realized it wasnt. But one day xavier the quelea bird told me to try. So i did. I jumped off the branch only to fall to my death. So the story is always trust your mama bird." - 308 letters - Ligma balls - 01/14/25
"The brown fox jumped the red chicken zealously questioning violatoins" - 60 letters - Nethu - 01/14/25
"I wish all of you guys will please subscribe to me it would mean the world to me here is a bit about myself im a gemini and a lazy person overall, my jokes are terrible. Pretty quickly subscribe to quackers YT if you already havent. I make fortnite content starting now so if you want to see that first hand come and watch my profile picture is a duck saying *cool*. thank you and im missing x" - 310 letters - Quackers - 01/14/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over the slow lazy goat" - 41 letters - Chacha - 01/14/25
"I am the coordinator for budging clocks that look just like worrying vulture foxes that are query, playful, and lazy" - 95 letters - keicjicjeicdej - 01/14/25
"pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis bad fight that ended up going to the hospital and had an x-ray from a genz doctor just kidding i have a question, why?........." - 137 letters - 7mzo - 01/14/25
"Jack quickly vexed the bold wizard by fixing a big puzzle with many quirky pieces" - 67 letters - OrioN - 01/14/25
"A fox with long legs jumped over a quiet key to zap a cab" - 44 letters - Hunay - 01/14/25
"i love a bee whem my fox and dog are lazy and thay jump ove the fence and he is jumps over the kyayk with his book and qwill" - 96 letters - oliver - 01/14/25
"Hello my name is Amelia and I would love to be your friend even though you may poop your pants in your car while it is quiet and there are zebras that are also pooping just kidding I like playing the xylophone " - 168 letters - Amelia - 01/14/25
"avocado isn’t freely bought knowing my zoo is just extinct and quite poor" - 60 letters - sean - 01/14/25
"abraham lincon walked in a garden zoo ... it was a very nice foster home for puckered quivering jesters ... exciting" - 90 letters - This is the best I could do - 01/14/25
"Have you ever wondered why we all are Herve because I have many times for real though like I want to know why the don’t have king and queen bees at the zoo also who invented the xylophone jk I know the solutions to the worlds problems!" - 187 letters - None of your business - 01/14/25
"All birds can eat find grass however, in just knowledgeable landscapes most not only pance quitely round stiff tracks ,utilizing various ways xeric yet zillous" - 133 letters - your fav gf - 01/14/25
"i am very bored and lazy, for i will not and cannot participate in the event of jumping like a fox because i dont want to and im feeling a bit queasy " - 117 letters - idk i was bored - 01/14/25
"i am a zebra that likes to smell flowers well playing the xylophone and jumping on my quale that is veary crazy" - 90 letters - al - 01/14/25
"Oh crap! I just quit xylophone lessons right after I was busy playing the kazoo in dad's living room." - 80 letters - Kazoo room. - 01/14/25
"Cock and ball torture (CBT) is a sexual activity involving application of pain or constriction to the male genitals. This may involve directly painful activities, such as wax play, genital spanking, squeezing, ball-busting, genital flogging, urethral play, tickle torture, erotic electrostimulation or even kicking.[1] The recipient of such activities may receive direct physical pleasure via masochism, or emotional pleasure through erotic humiliation, or knowledge that the play is pleasing to a sadistic dominant. Many of these practices carry significant health risks. 'the j'" - 477 letters - no. - 01/14/25
"rawr xD Nuzzles pounces on you UWU you so warm could not help but notice your bulge from across the floor nuzzle your nekkie wekkie Murrr unzips your pants cutely qvj" - 136 letters - xD Nuzzles - 01/14/25
"When you are trying to make a pangram but you realize you have to use q and x and you're just a chill guy who doesn't feel like it. " - 100 letters - Just a chill guy - 01/14/25
"a man found the excalibur and pushed it into a zoo and grabbed a vile of juice with some checkers and questioned you" - 94 letters - owen - 01/14/25
"I always thought that bears were very funny looking, but just as equally funny is six zebras and a moose drinking a cold beer in a pool." - 108 letters - Just a chill guy - 01/14/25
"stop freak! just vow to the cold ghostly zombie fox queen " - 46 letters - zombie queen - 01/14/25
"just yesterday I took the biggest, zestiest, firmest, quenchiest poop anyone will ever live to create, and by the end I was exhausted" - 107 letters - Imiri - 01/14/25
"Sometimes I think I might be gay but then I remember what the Panopticon thinks of, and how it doesn't think zilch because it's an inanimate object made to give inmates a constant threat of anxiety to keep them quiet. " - 174 letters - remy :) - 01/14/25
"the third king named max bought very crazy pollenated flowers with juiced made of quail" - 73 letters - Zoe - 01/14/25
"qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm I did it -Daisy grade school mulvane" - 55 letters - Daddy uwu - 01/14/25
"I enjoy being respectful to xylophones and quotes even though I don't share maps, kinks or Zen homes. UWU sigma Ohio rizz 10 year old gay girl" - 113 letters - Daddy uwu - 01/14/25
"A Zebra could not jump very high quietly without forsaking a xylophone" - 59 letters - - 01/14/25
"My name is name what's your name? Is it Zia? because my long list best friend was named Zia Palle Quarter Juneie Karen Vierno Xylophone." - 108 letters - cHARYk - 01/13/25
"zebras are loud pigs honestly flip wildly every monday and crack xylophones in january which is questionable" - 92 letters - A child - 01/13/25
"can you believe what miss quack said to him while they were doing some zebra stuff in the backyard, and juggling with big pears and apples, but what do you excpect from men?" - 138 letters - NO NAME - 01/13/25
"i love you thats what she told me i never belived her but why would i , her political jargon was fucking crazy but what can you expect from a girl named quin" - 124 letters - - 01/13/25
"this red flump was boxed carefuly just for the very not great king and queen zara" - 66 letters - maisie - 01/13/25
"I never asked to go to the funny zoo filled with extremely quiet Pacman like cats Jill and Bob." - 76 letters - Unknown - 01/13/25
"woah man that sure as hell wasn't a cool thing to do you know how I feel about axolotls and zebras and such, hell even porcupines and Sasquatches and jingle balls. " - 130 letters - sigma - 01/13/25
"hello. My name is Seth. I play the xylophone and I like to eat Doritos. I just saw a duck, a vulture, and a quagmire at the zoo from campbell river." - 112 letters - Seth Cook - 01/13/25
"zoe walked past a quivering fox on my beach job" - 38 letters - h - 01/13/25
"Some people are bad some people are good, some people are quick others are very slow , while some people are jerks, others are nice some people are exciting others are boring, some people are normal others are funky, me I’m just lazy " - 185 letters - This is long - 01/13/25
"Female zebras go on quests while placing xylophones on very mild jackets." - 61 letters - wndyqf - 01/13/25
"Astronouts letters are bcdefghijk witch is very confusing because my people use quite a better way to xrayz" - 90 letters - Huhhh - 01/13/25
"zoey walked with a quivering fox past my beach job" - 41 letters - ida - 01/13/25
"Ten Willful apples bone your cousin draz. Mage, likes jack. He has a velociraptor. Its name is Xenon. That is querky" - 91 letters - Sigma - 01/13/25
"I love the way it feels to be a hater Makes me want to kick little children into gates and then punt them into quail eggs that jitter whenever they see zebras and x-rays" - 135 letters - H.G - 01/13/25
"Giada went to the supermarket to get maxi pads, zucchini, jelly, butterfingers, quest bars, and very large balloons." - 93 letters - lol - 01/13/25
"the xylophone is absolutely amazing because for a duck that quacks it is just very wobbily" - 75 letters - pangram - 01/13/25
"a bat also a cat fan girled him, a joker a popsicle, zebra looking women who considers you, a xylophone aka veronica to be queen " - 101 letters - meeeee - 01/13/25
"The lazy dog jumped rapidly over the sweepy fox and then ate a big can of queso while listening to korn" - 83 letters - Maria - 01/13/25
"Obie Trice, real name, no gimmicks Two trailer-park girls go round the outside Round the outside, round the outside Two trailer-park girls go round the outside Round the outside, round the outside Woo (Ooh, ooh) Guess who's back, back again? Shady's back, tell a friend Guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back (Na-na-na, na, na, na, na, na, na) (Na-na-na, na, na, na, na) I've created a monster 'Cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more, they want Shady, I'm chopped liver Well, if you want Shady, this is what I'll give ya A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor Some vodka that'll jump-start my heart quicker Than a shock when I get shocked at the hospital By the doctor when I'm not cooperating When I'm rockin' the table while he's operating (Hey) You waited this long, now stop debating 'Cause I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovulating I know that you got a job, Ms. Cheney But your husband's heart problem's complicating So the FCC won't let me be Or let me be me, so let me see They tried to shut me down on MTV But it feels so empty without me So come on and dip, bum on your lips Fuck that, cum on your lips and some on your tits And get ready, 'cause this shit's about to get heavy I just settled all my lawsuits (Fuck you, Debbie) Now, this looks like a job for me So, everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me I said this looks like a job for me So, everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me Little hellions, kids feeling rebellious Embarrassed, their parents still listen to Elvis They start feelin' like prisoners, helpless 'Til someone comes along on a mission and yells, 'Bitch' A visionary, vision is scary Could start a revolution, pollutin' the airwaves A rebel, so just let me revel and bask In the fact that I got everyone kissin' my ass And it's a disaster, such a catastrophe For you to see so damn much of my ass, you asked for me? Well, I'm back, da-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na Fix your bent antenna, tune it in, and then I'm gonna Enter in and up under your skin like a splinter The center of attention, back for the winter I'm interesting, the best thing since wrestling Infesting in your kid's ears and nesting Testing, 'Attention, please' Feel the tension soon as someone mentions me Here's my ten cents, my two cents is free A nuisance, who sent? You sent for me? Now, this looks like a job for me So, everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me I said this looks like a job for me So, everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me A tisket, a tasket, I'll go tit-for-tat wit' Anybody who's talkin', 'This shit, that shit' Chris Kirkpatrick, you can get your ass kicked Worse than them little Limp Bizkit bastards And Moby? You can get stomped by Obie You thirty-six-year-old bald-headed fag, blow me You don't know me, you're too old, let go It's over, nobody listens to techno Now, let's go, just give me the signal I'll be there with a whole list full of new insults I've been dope, suspenseful with a pencil Ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol But, sometimes, the shit just seems Everybody only wants to discuss me So this must mean I'm disgusting But it's just me, I'm just obscene (Yeah) Though I'm not the first king of controversy I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley To do Black music so selfishly And use it to get myself wealthy (Hey) There's a concept that works Twenty million other white rappers emerge But no matter how many fish in the sea It'd be so empty without me Now, this looks like a job for me So, everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me I said this looks like a job for me So, everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me Hum, dei-dei, la-la La-la, la-la-la La-la, la-la-la La-la, la-la Hum, dei-dei, la-la La-la, la-la-la La-la, la-la-la La-la, la-la Kids" - 3163 letters - abc123 - 01/13/25
"hi i am linda it would be great if i was a zebra said carpet in crowded queue john are you key in a hole cuz i am waxing my wavy hair." - 102 letters - the best voleyball player in the world - 01/13/25
"after we went to the beach that thing called uv light made a zebra yodel next to a kite juggeling potatos that were the queen" - 101 letters - shayna - 01/13/25
"a bad kitty she ran to her home in the woods an old lady called fupgy sid to her kitty hey bad jennie vux kitty come over here i have to ask you a questunn zaid the laidy" - 133 letters - hihihihihihihihihihi - 01/13/25
"I like people or do I yippee ahhhhhhh jump with bees comunicate with me flip on a trampalien gulp look a zebra xoxo xvalt unfollow quick unfollow him" - 122 letters - tg,j.fqc - 01/13/25
"I love her so much, she meant the whole world to me, her mixed signals makes me dizzy oh god her beautiful smile is so addictive, she is so pretty, she is my queen, my beautiful girl - MJ" - 143 letters - 143 - 01/13/25
"how do i make this about my boyfriend? oh he's very handsome, amazing, fantastic, photogenic, quite sexy, jealous sometimes but its okay because i love him!" - 123 letters - acirne - 01/13/25
"The lazy dog runs miles now because he must be in good shape to surpass the fishy x-ray and kindly visit the Queen of Jacks" - 98 letters - April - 01/13/25
"A girl named Zion plays the xylophone while calling her friend named quinn she said something bad then said sorry i was just joking then she hung up to talk to her sister Veronica" - 146 letters - Zion Schneider - 01/13/25
"I was stuck inside a mud puddle when I was searching for Joe and Bob, Quickly turning off the TV showing Zack's X-Ray, we went outdoors." - 106 letters - Nathanael Tardif - 01/13/25
"Hi i am Ariana and you should be happy and fantastic all the time and you should also like zebras and do Judo dont ask questions because your a Queen/King.Walk your pet in the morning,your pet who's name is Vivil bombon i Xavier.OH YEAH HAVE A GOOD DAY!!!" - 200 letters - Ariana - 01/13/25
"The orange zebra warned the joking quasars not to quiz the playful vexes or cameras." - 69 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/13/25
"and i will love u with my heart and soul. no one will fucking touch u your mine qpbxjz" - 67 letters - emmy - 01/13/25
"this is a sentence that uses all letters of the alphabet, the dog told the moose to quietly walk over to Jack, who was playing a xylophone, to cheer up the zebra" - 127 letters - peanut - 01/13/25
"I like sandwiches very very much and if I did not plead for bacon on a great sandwich for Jack and his xylophone he would question my zebras " - 113 letters - Emery - 01/13/25
"Please do not be so overzealous about my cyan xylophone, the king and queen just found me and told me they wanted it." - 93 letters - Jay - 01/13/25
"In the alphabet there is a lot of letters like uvwxyz or q cooked fr on god no job motherfucker" - 76 letters - Pananotis uzha - 01/13/25
"This sentence contains every single letter of the alphabet in existance, i do not know about you, but i think that is cool, it doesnt contain Q, J, M or Z though... wait." - 129 letters - Steve Jobless - 01/13/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz is how you pronounce the alphebet" - 54 letters - - 01/13/25
"I hate to see personally ducks flying near prisons as if they were jailbirds reenacting what may have happened in there past lives zbutter xbacon qbuger" - 127 letters - humgry - 01/13/25
"hello my name is butch dreary morning isnt it. I was vexed when i saw the weather i though you have to be joking. fuck gotta run quick and get to zacks game of pickleball." - 134 letters - ethan - 01/13/25
"The yellow CDs joked the opaque crabs after the big vex quizzed the man." - 58 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/13/25
"i love the world because god created us and the world in his own eyes which means that each person is unique and jesus christ is king and will be forvever until the end of times zx" - 144 letters - joshua wjc - 01/13/25
"Do you like birds very much? Jackdaws? What about gems like ... quartz? Do you play the flute or the xylophone?" - 84 letters - Hello13!! - 01/13/25
"Perfect, easy, so good to me So why's there a pit in my gut in the shape of you? Distract myself, say it's somethin' else Maybe I'm just overwhelmed, maybe I'm confused Barely sleep when you sleep next to me But I keep thinkin' I'll find a cure I say that I'm fine, I tell you all the time I've never felt so happy and sure But I'm so scared of my guitar 'Cause it cuts right through to the heart Yeah, it knows me too well, so I got no excuse I can't lie to it the same way that I lie to you I'm so scared of my guitar If I play it, then I'll think too hard Once you let the thought in, then it's already done So I'll lay in your arms and pretend that it's love If I was brave and noble like you I'd have the nerve to just stop stringin' you along But I'm not half as decent as you I'd rather be tied to someone, even if they're wrong I make excuses, my friends know the truth is I'm not as alright as I claim I say that I'm fine, I tell them all the time As they watch all the light fade away Yeah, I'm so scared of my guitar 'Cause it cuts right through to the heart Yeah, it knows me too well, so I got no excuse I can't lie to it the same way that I lie to you I'm so scared of my guitar If I play it, then I'll think too hard Once you let the thought in, then it's already done So I'll lay in your arms and pretend that it's love Yeah, I'll lay in your arms and pretend that it's love I pretend that it's love I pretend that it's love I pretend that it's love, love 'Cause what if I never find anything better? The doubt always creeps through my mind So we'll stay together 'cause, how could I ever Trade somethin' that's good for what's right? Oh, I'm so scared of my guitar It cuts right through to my heart It knows me too well, I got no excuse I can't lie to it the same way that I lie to you I'm so scared of my guitar When I play it, that's when I think too hard I let the thought in, it's already done But I'll lay in your arms and pretend that it's love Yeah, I'll lay in your arms and pretend it's enough zq" - 1516 letters - olivia rodrigo - 01/13/25
"Yulie Quanta Went to the Xenos and bought a CD for the radio she got from her friend Zack van Japsons." - 81 letters - me - 01/13/25
"The letters off the alphabet can vary and some are very hardly used, mostly cause grammer and quite a few rules of english prohibit things like saying rulez or just simply xray" - 144 letters - Iris - 01/13/25
"I love my family very much do you love your family as so as the queen you are amazing as much as a banana and jax. And I love watches and popk" - 110 letters - Lana - 01/13/25
"I have heard of a word I have never heard of before, which is xenotransplantations. I asked my mother what it means but she just didn’t answer me, so I asked my teacher, Greta Zues, the same question but he said he didn’t know. Do you?" - 181 letters - Amaznig Aireez - 01/13/25
"Oh, great black sphynx of quartz justice, hear my vow of destruction" - 55 letters - Flacko - 01/13/25
"Oh Cheyenne , how I hate you with all my heart, I hope you have a painful, horrible, bloody death, I, Zoe wish you the greatest, goreyest death. Jk. Jk to that jk XOXO quirky kidz" - 135 letters - Chygofckurself - 01/13/25
"Hallo jeg vella bere si gu er ikkje veldig cool, funny pretty men der er zero chanse foran de, quiz of Words x-es" - 88 letters - norsk-engelsk ikkje sant? - 01/13/25
"The jonkler is amazing, sigmas become looksmaxers until driller boy views fortnite battle pass in quentin" - 89 letters - Sigma boy - 01/13/25
"Fuck the police to hell, may dragons and wyverns quake their bones. They shall never make it to the Jolly Zone, Xoinks!" - 94 letters - Scoob - 01/13/25
"I love you and i hope you won’t leave me in the fire becouse i love you and i will kis you and that are the letters: q g j xz" - 93 letters - MiauwMiauw - 01/13/25
"Time will come by quick, but that dosent mean you have to zoom through; just go for it in your own time, the nigt will pass, and your creations will be excellent. " - 126 letters - L.Brone - 01/13/25
"i am soooooooo tired this website kinda entertaining tho button button bubtton red whats the point of this help cumplannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnos void axe zipper yolo jacket quartz mama what i do mama a gierl behind you mama dat burn mama you deserve happiness mama... a future infront of you can i put an emoji? 💜 wiat// i read the comments and inspiration has flown into my brain and taken control like the little emojis from inside so i will SPEAK. the cow.. did not fly over the moon for he was over weight and could not jump.. the dish did NOT run away with the spoon they are mortal enemies do you think the dish likes the spoon when it scrapes the ever living hell out of it no it doesnt neither would you so if anything the dish ran away FROM the spoon. cats cant play fiddles they have paws not fingers get it right they would scratch the fiddle and leave it in pieces o the ground so no it cant play a fiddle you diddle colorful like a skittle. also dogs dont laugh they live in utter misery of not being able to communicate and being stuck in a hollow body that has no thumbs and walks on all fours and also they are enslaved cause they are thepets of humans what what whatt hey didle diddle diddle am i a diddle hmmmmmmmmmm can i get to a hundred letters lets ssee. how much would would a woodchuck chuck oh my gos h i did it but now ima eget to a 1100 lets see yo oompaloompa poo." - 1104 letters - har har har why people write mysterious things here you arent the main character trying to be deep and all that pls stop its embarrassing like that one guy who typed inhere trying to be all interesting asking oh why are youy reading this bla bla bkla dawg im reading it cause you wroter it lets ask the deeper question why did you even write it freeakoooooo - 01/13/25
"Armis kind of sucks, i'm sobbing rn. I will move like a jaguar in hell. But saxophone is so cool. I would like to have quardruple saxophone and yellow zebras" - 123 letters - IDK - 01/13/25
"i am soooooooo tired this website kinda entertaining tho button button bubtton red whats the point of this help cumplannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnos void axe zipper yolo jacket quartz mama what i do mama a gierl behind you mama dat burn mama you deserve happiness mama... a future infront of you can i put an emoji? 💜" - 252 letters - anonymous tilll the end yaryaryra - 01/13/25
"A zoo can contain people very x rayed quanted high Windows formula can contain jj books " - 72 letters - Lil jim bobby - 01/13/25
"The Nasty xylophone got out shined by the rusty zebra and wavy koala on a quiet calming Friday in July. " - 83 letters - Leoric R - 01/13/25
"pondering life; why are you here? Not humans, but you specifically. Quite a tricky question, if you ask me. Vexed in what seems to be the right, but wrong time. Why did you read this? Does it give you a sense of accomplishment? Does this make you reconsider anything? What have you done? What do you plan to do? Simply exist? Become famous? Change the world? I don't know. Nobody does. Nobody here knows what you will do. What you still have left to do. Geez, this is long, isn't it? I suppose I should end this little tangent soon. But make plans. Take care of yourself. And no matter what, live. Everyone has potential, no matter how small, how hard to obtain. And every time you give up, more of it is lost. Keep that in mind. Anyways, who am I to dictate your life? Now go do something else. Or don't, and keep on reading pangrams. I don't care. I can't care because I don't know who I'm talking to. Goodbye, I hope you have a nice day. -James" - 716 letters - James W. - 01/13/25
"When I went to the zoo i played my xylophone to the snakes and vowles as a beautiful charm. Just kidding, I ate quiche" - 93 letters - Willie gay - 01/13/25
"So I have a mom a dad a brother a sister a dog a cat a grandpa a grandma a step brother a step sister a step mom a step father a chameleon a lizard a tiger a jaguar a bird a quiet bat a kind liger a wise lion and an x-ray. I have a scooter a skateboard some roller blades some roller blades a bike a motorcycle a tesla a ferrari a truck, a cyber truck and a neson" - 280 letters - Flame - 01/13/25
"hi my name is Fred because my mom named me that jk loser you punk five is the best number gozz xwq" - 77 letters - - 01/13/25
"i am a gravy zoomie xylophone. that cares very much for quails who jump baddie kids," - 67 letters - harper - 01/13/25
"the brown fox is not actually quick and does not actually jump over the lazy dog" - 65 letters - owo - 01/13/25
"the wild and lazy sphinx is known for quacking and jumping but never dies" - 60 letters - bruh - 01/13/25
"The crossbow beckons for your spirit. It enjoys seeing new minds and new vessels to take over. It quietly exits once finished, leaving you empty, like a zebra that's been ripped apart by lions." - 154 letters - ? - 01/13/25
"skibidi sigma Ohio rizzler alpha beta omega fanum tax I'm gonna lose my mewing streak cuz verily I say unto you, doth thou inquire anything of I, jesus" - 121 letters - the ultimate sigma - 01/13/25
"the quick brown foxes are at risk of death. save em brothers and sisters. you know what you have to do. you have two days. either get them back home or die trying. polish jazz team, it's your time to shine" - 158 letters - tllsTEXAS - 01/13/25
"The fox jumped over the lazy, queer dog's butt and decided to give it a whiff. Kay? " - 63 letters - E - 01/13/25
"I feel left alone. Wanting to die. I have no justification for my arrogance. She is right. Do I distance myself and pretend everything is alright? I can not. She will not let me talk to her. I must decide quickly before I ruin everything. No exceptions. Yet my emotions stray further and further from zealousy." - 245 letters - Swaddles - 01/13/25
"by all means lead the way by following God's path. understanding that everything happens for a reason, and just because something happens does not mean it was God's fault. questioning God's mistakes in your life path does no mean disrespecting him is okay. always thank God for all that he has done. mistakes and goodness mixed together is what life is all about. zoom is on all good god has brought into your life, and thank him" - 343 letters - Kynlie Yates - 01/13/25
"The brown vex joked the opaque zebras after gifting the yellow camera." - 58 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/13/25
"I wake up every night and think why am I still here this is honestly stupid. Zipping up my jacket. Tying my shoe. Quietly thinking at night. Feeling myself fade away. Explain why I'm here. Explain the real reason were here. Being human is weird." - 192 letters - Emerald - 01/13/25
"I should love myself more. But I feel like I cant truly love myself until I get to know myself. Fixing the feeling of having zero joy is quite hard actually, but you just need patience." - 146 letters - Emerald - 01/13/25
"you are the zebra queen or king of our great jolly magnificent vexing wonderful splendiferous universe" - 87 letters - some guy - 01/13/25
"Best adjectives to describe me are funky, happy, quiet, wild, gorgeous, and extremely zealous" - 75 letters - Zin - 01/12/25
"Now, you may believe the antidisestablishmentarianism definition is interesting, but I can't help but jkqxz" - 90 letters - Waffles - 01/12/25
" fart feed it to your Xylophone and your zebra haha just kidding!! Silly silly. Pop quiz! Wovcm" - 74 letters - Fart Master 6000 - 01/12/25
"The letters of the alphabet are: qwertyuiopadsfhgjklzcxvbnm" - 52 letters - Anonymous - 01/12/25
"the quick fox jumps over the lazy dog and went to burn the house." - 51 letters - Olivia P. - 01/12/25
"The brown fox chaces the red dog in the park with zebras, jaguars, quails, monkeys, and ventilation " - 79 letters - Kimberly - 01/12/25
"I can't breathe in this burning house i wish to feel dread and loath this place, but I can't bring it to me, you know the feeling just quivering while your cornered as if zombies chased you, but it would all be over if they removed that small hurting part of you almost like a xiphoid." - 224 letters - Cole Stidham - 01/12/25
"why pretend to be someone else!1!!!!111 scene is the best!!!!111111!!! anyways I'm bored to death, I'm joking I'm not bored anymore because I'm qwerty zylaphone and um fuck you jkjk vow my x" - 141 letters - scene kiddo - 01/12/25
"i am steve and i want to mine for zinitie and gold. But i was yelled at that kids cant mine. i am a person so i should be treated like any other person. my favorite to is a jack in a box. and that is not a question. " - 162 letters - sara - 01/12/25
"I am the king of Qatar, xylophones, black, white, and jumping velvet zebras." - 59 letters - albus Percival wolfric Brian Dumbledore. - 01/12/25
"my first name is bashir niazai which is very interesting and you should know how this x number of points that you can earn every quarter of the first half and if you do jump shots" - 144 letters - bashir - 01/12/25
"i dont need a panorama of guy fawkes or a xylophone thank you, i'd rather bake a cake or a vieneese whirl for the queen, jack. z" - 98 letters - Rat - 01/12/25
"THE QUICK BRWN FX JMPS V LAZY DOG" - 26 letters - - 01/12/25
"Distractions. They are an exotic thing. Wondrous things. Everything that takes you away from work and stress is a 'distraction'. I create my own distractions so i forget what i'm doing just for a brief moment. They are perfect, quirky things that deserve more love. So zoom down the street and distract someone. " - 248 letters - Blake, God of Annoyances. - 01/12/25
"the big brown dogs quickly jumped over the lazy fox" - 42 letters - dee - 01/12/25
"Hello. I just want to say, if you're having a hard time. Remember that, you're not as fat as Casoe. Your name doesn't begin with X. You probably know how to say parolellagram. You hopefully don't question good people. Stay strong. Oh wait I forgot Z " - 191 letters - Emotinal suport Elmo - 01/12/25
"an boring cartographer named zenon did quite the fantastic job, he makes violet xylophone that actually work!" - 91 letters - ur mom - 01/12/25
"why would i want to type about a quiet zebra playing the xylophone sulking in their vainity for the most part and then just like that contemplates killing ?" - 127 letters - tewyssup - 01/12/25
"guys please help me, im having a bi panic- i have a crush on my crush AND my mfucking BEST FRIEND, dont wanna get zesty or freaky w/ them, just quietly admiring them, and somehow im kinda excited to confess???" - 161 letters - Semi - 01/12/25
"today i went to the farm so kevin lost his jelly fish that stings like crazy. poor fish its name was quentix but it acted like a girl" - 105 letters - tk13 - 01/12/25
"My name is Luis Allan T. Verador. I live at Zinc Xylophone Street. My mother's name is Queency and my father's name is Benjamin. The color of our house is green and I like to fly my kite on a windy day" - 154 letters - Lowis - 01/12/25
"The alphabet is cheeky and funny. Granny Jim opened the door and saw a fox and a zebra and a volcano and a queen bee. She was shook" - 102 letters - Erm idk - 01/12/25
"dear mom, today i went to have a coffee with my friend pam. i got oat milk coffee and she got a brioche bun with jam. the coffee made my feel a bit queasy, but im ok. then we decided to walk to the xylophone shop, as pam has a passion for xylophones. on the way there we met a shnauzer called biggy. he was very cute and made my day. i hope this message makes your day. love, your daughter" - 298 letters - plimpy - 01/12/25
"The quick fox jumped over the lazy dog and saw a banana" - 44 letters - hyden - 01/12/25
"Groan, the world is hard and this is a very meaning full sentence so just know, I wont feel sad for you zoqxpb" - 86 letters - - 01/12/25
"You are you so do you and be you! If your body is beautiful then your mind is clear. By, K. E. J. Smith. Ps: love yourself and you go a long way! Queen! Xxx Yazzzzzz queen! " - 125 letters - K. E. J. Smith - 01/12/25
"Hello, my name is wilko and I live in a treee that is full of zebras who came from the south pole just to see my pet quazgex" - 96 letters - Wilko Maucher - 01/12/25
"i really like seals did you know that? because if you didnt I'll EAT YOU ALIVE you piece of goat quarrel jibberish monster xray hacker zebra" - 113 letters - - 01/12/25
"There are a million zebras joyously celebrating in the dark, grim forest, while foxes mourn their very precious living quarters." - 106 letters - hehe - 01/12/25
"I will take a really big poop then stuff a dog in ur mouth then take a zebra and make it my pet then get a job with vortex stuff then get a cat and same it squid" - 124 letters - rizzlereat - 01/12/25
"i was jorking it until i realized i lost my arm in world war two so what does that mean? who was jorking it maybe in world was z someone else with jork it for me, perhaps quandale dingle. until then, i will play the xylophone. also my son is a difficult little cunt he acts like he has a vagina " - 229 letters - ellie - 01/12/25
"charvi has a big fore head dont eat feet jk loser mm scrumdiliumtious poker and queen are w's we did a x ray on my zipper" - 95 letters - - 01/12/25
"But what do you think, huh? Do you think you could understand something as complex, as disastrous, unfathomable, as my mind? I don't believe you could ever quiz yourself on such a topic. I believe you are just to stupid to get it." - 179 letters - Morgan - 01/12/25
"All the stars in the sky hold horizons of information and learning experiences to a point we could never even imagine, never jot onto paper, never hope to quote or even actually believe" - 151 letters - Morgan - 01/12/25
"A meaningful sentence buddy I shall never write Questionable sentences Just kidding people,foxes and zebras…" - 92 letters - Codi - 01/12/25
"I wanna be yours... secrets i have held in my heart, are harder to hide than i thought, maybe i just wanna be yours also - xzkfpq" - 97 letters - A+N=<3 - 01/12/25
"Gerard Arthur Way, lead singer and frontman of American rock band My Chemical Romance, is currently outside your window with Quandale Dingle. They both enjoy playing The Thick of It by KSI on their special rainbow unicorn Xylophones and mogging the ops. Right now, they are feeling rizzy. Ready to hop in their white van and take a memorable ride?" - 281 letters - Daniel Rizz - 01/12/25
"everyone in the world matters even if they don't think they are special or don't sever a purpose. but you are beautiful, good, amazing, and you serve a purpose, even though your only talent may be making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But you you are a gorgeous piece of art, for example, God made you in his very image. But you are human, kind, and unique." - 281 letters - LIVY - 01/12/25
"when you feel like stroking it, jork it off for a long ass while, and that should cover the bills. maybe two times a day or three, because theres nothing like a good jork after a good poo or questioning yourself, is it healthy? and answering yes. xoxo, z" - 198 letters - bioti - 01/12/25
"the weird person would act crazy like a booger of doom? Quantum Jingle-jangle verifies this experiment" - 85 letters - 2 random dudes - 01/12/25
"Olivia is so cool and loves zebras and green grass, she also loves xylophons and quilts, her favorite food is Mcdonalds and loves walking her dog Jasmin" - 124 letters - Liv - 01/12/25
"Any thing would be purposeful if zebras and xrays couldn't imagine king and queen juvils" - 73 letters - Echo - 01/12/25
"i woke up and skibidid my xylophone controlling the zana graph jam smothie farts that are very querty" - 84 letters - luke_kd236 - 01/12/25
"When civilization comes to a big pause, everyone should jump quickly and fly with an axe." - 72 letters - this doesn't matter - 01/12/25
"whats up baby girl did you know that ducks quack and shake their feathers. they taste like jam and zucchini, you vixen" - 95 letters - raya - 01/12/25
"I love to eat my grandpa's ass and jerk him off. This is called a rusty trombone. I obviously joking. That is kinda zesty. But I wonder if axolotls queef" - 119 letters - Billy-bob thorton - 01/12/25
"The laziest portal to Mars veers off course as it begins to joke around and becomes questionably waxable." - 87 letters - Anonymous - 01/12/25
"I love my boyfriend so much and I quite literally can't see a future without him he's do gorgeous and lovely and I imagine me and him going on a day to the zoo and then going out on a picnic and laughing and joking around and then we would eat Xiao Bing and have the best time of our life. " - 226 letters - ZB - 01/12/25
"A bug cried, dangerously, everywhere for great hours. I, jokingly, killed Lily meanwhile. No one partied quietly.. Really sad to use videos with x-ray. Yes, zinc." - 125 letters - Poop - 01/12/25
"i love avril lavigne because she is like the absolute best singer ever but jlo is NOT a 'W' and she doesn't play the xzilophone like my friend kinley does. i also like quaker oats oatmeal." - 148 letters - tp - 01/12/25
"hello my alphabet is cdfgjknqruvwxz" - 31 letters - - 01/12/25
"Jandiwbfjdoevrhrjeowhriejentkreotbtjjejenddnspwpeotowptoeogjfoeitjdloapspworodkksqoeoeiwoeoqpqoquwuqwieoworodwoeoroeolflccociusjrkkdoekrmdksdidodidododoodododododudjaidjdjxvxyykelekwoleoeoeowososlsslksksjsksksksksksksksskskskskskskskksskskskssksksksksksskskskskskskskskskskskssiisissisisisiislsksskskskskskksskskskskksskskskskskskskskskkssjsjsjsksksjsjjtzzjrjejejere" - 366 letters - Me - 01/12/25
"Transformers quickly jump, zigzag, and fly, vexing villains with Autobot might! " - 65 letters - Painted Dragon - 01/12/25
"A girl walked to the farmers market, and got a bubble tea, an anxiety medication, and a zen quad peevj." - 80 letters - Hello dare - 01/11/25
"Jazzlinne, I still love you with every extra fiber of my being, you are the reason i get out of bed and I cant possibly imagine a life without my queen. Please, come back to me" - 137 letters - Jonathan - 01/11/25
"My zealous pig can't stand it when I verify my best friend's jumping quirky vexes" - 65 letters - Mac - 01/11/25
"I am nobody's friend or pall. Kat is my zootopian ex girlfriend who used to be a camping queen and lived in Jamaica!!!!" - 91 letters - fedsjfkfndjkngvdfkjgnjfk - 01/11/25
"There’s nothing more important than those that are kind to you, even if they are quirky, ugly, or have different opinions than you. Can you find those that truly mean good to you from the moon and back, and don’t be jealous of their achievements? Well, drop the xylophone and the fear of buzzing bees and have this task be done." - 258 letters - Jerry N Daly - 01/11/25
"a beautiful gnome has many aspects, even if their name begins with: d, q, j, k, x, or z" - 62 letters - idk - 01/11/25
"Lisa went to the supermarket and then after hours of waiting she went to the zoo to meet a chimpanzee and later she bought a balloon for her amazing and excellent sister who just got a job in the queens court of vigorous royalty" - 185 letters - Hannah Ruiz - 01/11/25
"Oh boy! I'm gonna go to Llanfairpwllgwyngwllgogeroschwyndrobwllantysiliogogogoch. Hope I don't get Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis in my lungs, though there's just a very slight chance that it might be in my Subdermatoglyphic skin. What should i go with? Most people say the quintessential things, although some guy said to get a xylophone, and another guy said I should thoroughly analize my hotel." - 344 letters - Me :D - 01/11/25
"I am the kindest fox, I am zippy, and playful. My name is George, with a g not j. I like dogs and cats but the quality of my vans. " - 95 letters - Jillyfish95 - 01/11/25
"I like to jump on zippy neural foxes, who's yammering always causes my brain to be dead to the outside world, and who's quizzical cries anger me very much." - 122 letters - Kyky - 01/11/25
"When the opaque vexes arrive, joke the yellow mazes and fight crabs." - 55 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"The yellow muffin joked the opaque crab, because the silent vex gazed." - 57 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"In the yellow box, the opaque CDs faked joking zebra movies." - 48 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"After the yellow vexes joked the opaque CDs, the brown maze gifted." - 54 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"After the brown vexes joked the yellow zebras, the opaque monkeys gifted carrots." - 67 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"When the yellow vexes joke the opaque birds, quiz a coffin mug." - 50 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"When the crazy beds arrive, joke the opaque CDs and quiz the yellow vexes while gifting mugs." - 75 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"After the opaque CDs joked the yellow vexes, the brown mug zipped." - 53 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"Everyone on this site, keep in mind a pangram should be exactly one sensible sentence, because most of you just write crazy sentences that aren't quite pangrams and share something meaningless." - 159 letters - listennnn - 01/11/25
"He had pnuemonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis while befriending the jokey ox zebra and quoll" - 89 letters - Daisy - 01/11/25
"Mohair Jaq was got five quadruple back in Xylem Zoo." - 42 letters - Ace Spades ♠️ - 01/11/25
"A joyful explorer quickly found my beatiful park with flowers and dazzling views" - 68 letters - Daleno Sharkie - 01/11/25
"You are a zinger with quantum factors. Listen to Jack because Darren spenders xylophone ventrilaquist." - 86 letters - Liyah - 01/11/25
"Skibidi tolet Ohio rise caden is goated with the f***** squad abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 72 letters - Cadens f******** song - 01/11/25
"Yesterday I met several people: Xachery, Quinn, Figg, Zach, James, Willow, and Booke." - 65 letters - Willow Hawthorn - 01/11/25
"be as ambitious as an elegant zebra. Hold your dreams very close and joke with thoses you love. Prosper in the fire of your spirit. Quit together a blanket of love. Be as sharp as an axe." - 146 letters - bite me - 01/11/25
"ciao sono Gabriele, sono italofono vuoi del gelato al pelato? se vuoi possiamo andare in Jamaica ma se non vuoi allora andiamo in Kazakistan a prenderlo. Va bene allora scelgo io, andremo in Jamaica a prenderlo e porteremo un quadro con il quale dipinto un'hotel fantastico, la partenza e alle 4 all'aereo porto di Oxford city con un twiz come aereo" - 282 letters - Gabrele Vergani - 01/11/25
"the gang: Nymph, glib jocks, Dwarf, Sphinx of Black Quartz, daft jumping zebras, five boxing wizards, jackdaws, meee :3 (with a box of five dozen liquor jugs)" - 121 letters - meee :3 - 01/11/25
"Quack said the duck, but when he got vexed, his friend Zebra reminded him, Enjoy life: it only happens once, but at least it always will. " - 106 letters - - 01/11/25
"If you where to sneeze Expo markers, would your nose have jiggly clique cobwebs?" - 65 letters - Anonymous - 01/11/25
"qucik brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" - 32 letters - Elena - 01/11/25
"Always tell the opaque CDs not to joke or quiz yellow vexes, because the silent mug gifted." - 73 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy grey hens" - 41 letters - - 01/11/25
"On 13th of January I will be 12 and will have lots of presents in boxes it will be the best day but it will also go by so quick and then all of a sudden it will be gone! But its my day and by the way I don't like zebras and its my day forever." - 184 letters - Amelia Challis-Bird - 01/11/25
"You are perfectly, awesomely zesty, beautiful, and kool, and I have a good but old question. Jeez.. this is long but, XAMN YOU PRETTAY!!" - 103 letters - idiot - 01/11/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick 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quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealouslyThe quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealously" - 5684 letters - michaeljackson123 - 01/11/25
"Monkey's feet taste nice with peanut butter and jam, especially when playing the xylophone after visiting a zoo with quails." - 102 letters - Monkey feet eater - 01/11/25
"My students not even know that alligator and crocodile are different. Oh lord save these bunch of joker from becoming ng a zero. This is gonna be exhausting. I better get my pay cheque on time." - 154 letters - Your science teacher - 01/11/25
"I want to go to sleep but my stupid ahh school is so annoying for example they gave us 30 assignments.they think our life is a joke huh.like I don’t want to find the value of z. This sucks que¿" - 149 letters - Anvi - 01/11/25
"Queen zebra and king fox chomping vigorously on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." - 70 letters - - 01/11/25
"I received an x-ray for my broken arm in Mozambique last week - gosh, it was just simply so gory!" - 74 letters - - 01/11/25
"After every day of zoomies, a dog must get tired of jumping all over wet black xylophones from hell, donated to the shelter by quigley*tm" - 110 letters - Me - 01/11/25
"the sly and gay quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dwarf" - 47 letters - - 01/11/25
"hello to any humans who may be reading this quirky, jokey, and very puzzling piece of text." - 72 letters - Anonymous - 01/11/25
"Whichever zany reason you have for xylophones and beds, go get your life. Queries or not, join baking and making." - 90 letters - Kay Franklin - 01/11/25
"I was made in the Lods my Gods image because he wants to spend eternity with me, he is no superficial, he don't want us to quarrel except when he calls us to save his people, Zack just told me that I am Loved in the Lords eyes" - 175 letters - HattieMay - 01/11/25
"hello, this is a writing with all letters in it. my cat has a hat. blorpy glorpy. mermy wormy. qobble wobble. dimpy wimpy. flimpy klimpy. vimpy himpy. jimpy zimpy. random letters:ux' - 140 letters - Hacker - 01/11/25" - 162 letters - - 01/11/25
"I wish Carlos would come back. I miss him he was the sweetest and funniest guy I met. I always blame myself even tho it was hus choice to ghost me. slowly I'm getting over it any ways I gotta sleep snap:crose3648 cs why not jqxyz" - 179 letters - sofi is skibidi - 01/11/25
"hello, this is a writing with all letters in it. my cat has a hat. blorpy glorpy. mermy wormy. qobble wobble. dimpy wimpy. flimpy klimpy. vimpy himpy. jimpy zimpy. random letters:ux" - 140 letters - Hacker - 01/11/25
"I am in a crazy world, named LOXERNA and i don't wanna be here. I think I was so bad as a child, that they gave me a new hell to worry about. I am working for the gorg, and nobody knows at all, no clue. My gorg leader, quila, told me that the gorg only knows me as the only human. Miss Rebecca, my ' teacher' told us to write an essay about our perfect life in this crazy, annoying, and jerky city. Or should I even call it a city? more like hell. " - 334 letters - - 01/11/25
"apples aren't that bussin like I would rather the chrunchy water bottle poland spring lookin thing instead of musty yellow apple jayana said that her grandma made a quit for her and it had vector on it like hahahaha anyways she was gna post it on X but idek anymore. Anyways the quilt had vector on a zebra like what? " - 255 letters - 𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓲𝓲 - 01/11/25
"'Oh fudge' exclaimed the big, short, questioning, vouching, puppeteer, who was joking with playful, zoomy children. " - 91 letters - Lonely Pickle - 01/11/25
"What meaning does life have anymore, you and I have grown jagged and useless, people like us question, believe, yet nothing can give us the correct examination, only zig-zags" - 140 letters - Anyone - 01/11/25
"I love flowers, such as Azaleas, Xerophyllum, Dandelions, Carnations, Begonias, Hydrangeas, Marigolds, jasmines, Kerria, and Queen Anne's lace." - 114 letters - Demipsychotic - 01/11/25
"I hate niggers lol uvwxyzbcdfjkmpqñ" - 31 letters - a Nigga hater - 01/11/25
"Hi aj do you want to be at my concert it's called gargoyle fighters okay plus your very zesty exactly queen like" - 90 letters - Anthony - 01/11/25
"I wish ashlynn would've loved me, that girl is so beautiful. can she see me? am I invisible to this goddess, this queen of a female? or am I a joke to her. her lips were soft. i should go to sleep and stop thinking. goodnight xx. zzzzzzzzzzzz" - 185 letters - Zay - 01/11/25
"honestly im not sure what i feel anymore like i know diego doesnt like me but in a way i still feel a conection between us but of course he probably doesnt feel the same towards me i just have to let these feelings go sometimes i question my sanity lol well xoxo cya time to sleep zzz" - 227 letters - anne - 01/11/25
"My mother's favorite element is xenon, but mine is carbon. Joke's on you though, my purple quilt is different than your white zucchini." - 107 letters - A+N=love - 01/11/25
"big zippy xnor was a gifted version of landmat and joker. he decicided to make a quilt" - 69 letters - Me or not me? - 01/11/25
"Is this a pangram or not? Can any of you guys tell me? Do quick foxes jump over lazy dogs? I bet they won't!" - 80 letters - Me - 01/11/25
"The quick brown for jumps over the lazy dog axel" - 39 letters - Skibidi nigger - 01/11/25
"The brown lizard's door was banged by the opaque vexes, because the joker mug gifted." - 68 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"When the crazy xylophones arrive, warn the opaque vexes not to joke mugs or gift beds." - 69 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"The yellow zebras quizzed the joking vexes, because the pink mug gifted." - 59 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"Many of the silent CDs joked the opaque vex, because the yellow zebra was big." - 62 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"After the opaque xylophones joked the yellow vexes, the big maze gifted the CD." - 64 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"When the joyful duck arrives, warn the opaque CDs not to quiz yellow vexes or big mazes." - 70 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"i wish that you have the best day that you have probaly had this amazing,kind,caring funny,uniqe,exhausted,and joking year" - 100 letters - mattie - 01/11/25
"hi how are you doing, I am doing very well did you see the zebra or that jock or that xylophone or that quack or that flap" - 95 letters - b - 01/11/25
"If you want to overthrow the U.S. government, all you have to do is wait, because right now there are eleven days each year that the U.S. recognizes as federal holidays. The first four were codified in 1870 but since then we've accumulated seven more. That's a rate of exactly 1 new federal holiday every fourteen years! At that rate in the year 6980 every single day will be a federal holiday and government employees will have every day off. In this video, I say the word 'the' ten times. I use the letter 'E' 124 times. I use the letter 'J' only once. but there's one letter, only one, that i never use at all. Can you figure out what it is? No, you quiet, zippy fox, it's not the usual suspects! Also, i say the word 'deified' four times in this video. To be deified means to be made into a god. But, is to create a god to be a god yourself? Does it go both ways? Well, deified reversed is still deified. Cabbage. (This totally wasn't stolen from a Vsauce YouTube short)....Oh yeah if you're wondering what the letter that wasn't used at all was it was the letter K" - 814 letters - lord of plagiarism - 01/11/25
"I really love you so much you are genuinely the best person I have ever met like ever and I think you are really great kinda like a xylophone or a zookeeper like what I freaking like you ur a queen from Julia " - 166 letters - Julia - 01/11/25
"Never eat all of the waffles, or else the xylophones will attack the zebras and most of the wilds ghostly quails will haunt everyones job" - 112 letters - Licia - 01/11/25
"When the joking CDs arrive, warn the opaque xylophones not to blame fuzzy vexes." - 65 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"The savvy zebras joked the opaque CDs, because the silent mug gifted wax." - 59 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"I just shittededed my stinky winky quizzical fungi-vexed poopy-doopy rooting tooting booty shorts!" - 83 letters - JD - 01/11/25
"When the opaque CDs arrive, warn the joking xylophones not to gift big mazes." - 62 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"After the yellow vex joked the xylophone, the opaque CDs gifted the big maze." - 62 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"The yellow zebras joked the opaque CDs, because the silent mug gifted the vex." - 63 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/11/25
"I am so glad to see you zanya how have you been how is Chaya feeling jk how are you oh what about the queer Xmas party" - 92 letters - Roslyn - 01/11/25
"I love to eat pancakes because they make me feel all giddy. If I'd have to characterize pancakes I'd say they have a very zingy personality. Pankes are my favorite food and they fit with everything. Trust me, try pancakes and your life will change forever. Just now at Xylophon Quackity quack store " - 239 letters - Leo :3 - 01/11/25
"uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiugfv.up;' nb ltf[htlohrjtoswb lkhbjn mazv,vncl,ddddddeeqxygkjhdkbvjf;htrgbvsjk;arugh.;rhga.;rewugh.;regthy;/erhygz.;hgrez;rhgez;erghu.erguhaergrhj uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiugfv.up;' nb ltf[htlohrjtoswb lkhbjn mazv,vncl,ddddddeeqxygkjhdkbvjf;htrgbvsjk;arugh.;rhga.;rewugh.;regthy;/erhygz.;hgrez;rhgez;erghu.erguhaergrhj" - 290 letters - - 01/11/25
"What time is it during jelly time our kaitie must eat very much jelly because she is extremely funky and poor she says ques queasy zander" - 112 letters - Mia - 01/11/25
"hello my name is Jaelynn Coates and my favorite color is blue and green and I like the name Winston but I hate pigs and quails and zebras with xylaphones" - 124 letters - Jaelynn Coates - 01/10/25
"someone stole my helicopter in a fight against the juvenile bearded dragons who were killed by queer foxes at the zoo " - 97 letters - Yamsai - 01/10/25
"Latex gloves are best for the coding issues in japan, espesifically in kaquamowozo" - 69 letters - Not - 01/10/25
"I think that personally, my life was just a bland memory of mine. I walk across the illuminated path amongst the darkness, for I thank who has bequeathed me the illuminated road. It was empty. It all felt very terribly empty. I questioned what I had left or what was next, But somewhere amongst the darkness there was a voice...calling. A sound somewhere in the dark void. It was interesting hearing this sound. for the first time I took a step off the path. A new path illuminated before me. for it was not empty, but instead the decisions I make and the choices I've been given had made me realize that you should explore every path life gives you. Try everything and feel how curiosity makes discovery." - 559 letters - Jacobi T. - 01/10/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog Keenly and curiously" - 54 letters - - 01/10/25
"When zombies arrive quickly Fox judges Pat." - 36 letters - NO ONEEEE - 01/10/25
"Never ever think that you aren't important. Just because you find something challenging when you first start it doesn't mean you just give up. Question what you've found. Never zig zag off your path to greatness. Look through your struggle like an x-ray to your skin and fix the problem. I believe in you" - 242 letters - Megan Spink - 01/10/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over the snake laying zealously" - 49 letters - T - 01/10/25
"The quick sly brown fox zealously jumped over the green fence." - 51 letters - Rizzler - 01/10/25
"TheSlyFoxJumpedoverthesleepydogat one in the morning by cat qwertyuiop[ashjklzxcnm" - 74 letters - Lunar - 01/10/25
"Tofu is a cat. He likes to meow. He is extremely amazing. Tempura is a queen. Dogs are very bad at eating jam." - 83 letters - Mila Wruble - 01/10/25
"I like saying poop, although pepole normally don't soy it I enjoy doing so. I vowed that poopo la kaka is gonna be my favorite word. I am not a common person. Side note, zebras are cool, idk why pepole put q in the end of reddit posts and x factor bc why not " - 198 letters - Luna - 01/10/25
"i like food because i am a bigback. p is also a big back. i think that c is a bozo. for example he is quite annoying. why does he have to be just awful. hehehehehehehhehehhehehehehehehhehehehehhehehhehehehehehehhehehhehehhehehehehehhhehehee" - 200 letters - maria - 01/10/25
"another stupid boy with colorful hair and queer views on going to zoos, just give it up Xander kangaroos are more cool inside a cage." - 107 letters - skibidi - 01/10/25
"I Used an Example of giant hell blocks with Queen Vyrjaz" - 46 letters - Laura - 01/10/25
"coins dollars money euros rupees bills fries general banking hothead acquire more money very expensive zebras with jam" - 101 letters - me - 01/10/25
"Pussy cock mmmoiuughhhhhhh fffffffeeck me lord have mercy on my soul before i wix my zombie quicks tanajojo mmmhhhmmnnnghh" - 104 letters - Moegan - 01/10/25
"My name is Quirky X-ray, I love people that want some goodness in the world along with caring for our just amazing and beautiful planet." - 109 letters - Estella - 01/10/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z this is the alphabet and it has 26 letters the rest of it lol cgjkmquvwxyz dunepbh;qefvygbfgc pufva ghvrlnu bgsvbj iluncyx,DJ hcb.ileagYwdvb.haeyKSDbfygrhjck6vyxc jgglg5om,l9j7ycghtfbgs iy.nisvbjqwertyuiopasdfghjkl;qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiooooooooooooooooooooopppppppppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssdddddddddddddddddffffffffffffffffffffgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkklllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcccccccccccccccccvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq" - 1750 letters - byron - 01/10/25
"Good morning, and welcome to Freddy Faz Bar's Pizza, Jack will Quickly show you our new visitor xylophone." - 85 letters - J-ster - 01/10/25
"the alphabet is needed for without it, there is no cars, goats, queens, or even justice giving out oxen that everyone knows fight zombies" - 110 letters - ethan - 01/10/25
"Hello, I’m here to tell you that you’re welcome to stay at gen z inns even if your drivers license Is invalid, banned or equipped to another country, and that you can take 2 extra people on your stay, so if grandma wants to join in on the gen z fun, we’re all for it!" - 204 letters - Rizzler - 01/10/25
"lets go for some cake and a nice stroll in the park with my zebra and your xylaphone so we can jump and see queen Victoria." - 97 letters - zextrcyuvhjlnk - 01/10/25
"Hello today I've come to say that I like the alphabet like abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz proper nice 👍" - 82 letters - *insert name* - 01/10/25
"Always joke the opaque CDs, because the yellow vexes and zebras gifted the mug in a maze." - 71 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The opaque CDs joked the brown zebras and quizzed the yellow vexes after the silent mug gifted." - 78 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The yellow lizard joked the vexes and crabs, because the opaque mug gifted." - 61 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the opaque CDs joked the yellow vexes and zebras, the brown mug went missing." - 67 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The joking CDs quizzed the opaque vexes at dawn, because the yellow zebra had a muffin." - 70 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"If the joyful duck quizzes the opaque CDs, warn the yellow vexes not to bring mazes." - 67 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the opaque zebras quizzed and joked the yellow vexes, the mug dodged the cow." - 67 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The joyful vex quizzed the opaque CDs after the yellow xylophone banged on the monkey's door." - 76 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the opaque zebras arrive, warn the joking CDs not to quiz xylophones with muffins." - 71 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The brown zebra quizzed the opaque CDs and vexes after the joking monkeys warned the lizards." - 77 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the yellow CDs joked the opaque zebras, the yellow vex gifted the man." - 61 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the opaque zebras quizzed the yellow CDs and vexes, the joking mug arrived." - 66 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Never warn the joyful duck not to quiz big crabs, because the yellow xylophone went missing." - 75 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Always warn the opaque CDs not to quiz savvy xylophones, because the mug jokingly gifted." - 73 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the opaque CDs quizzed the yellow xylophones, the black vexes jammed a mug." - 66 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The opaque CDs quizzed the yellow zebras after the joking vexes warned a maze." - 64 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the opaque CDs arrive, warn the joking xylophones not to quiz fabulous mazes." - 67 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Many of the opaque CDs quizzed the yellow vex, but only one joked the gear." - 59 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the clumsy vexes joked the mugs, the opaque CDs quizzed the pebbles at dawn." - 66 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the clumsy birds arrive, joke the opaque mugs and quiz a fax." - 52 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The crazy birds joked the opaque mugs after the vexes warned the yellow zebras." - 65 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"I am very lesbian yet I am a man WAP from the top let it drop queen cat girl jaylen Kim k xray zebra jesus" - 82 letters - Breadmuncher - 01/10/25
"somehow a foreign zebra and xylophone entered the athmosphere and jokingly asked a question about vector" - 89 letters - yes - 01/10/25
"hi, are you in the mood for an interesting story about a cat that was playing with a viola filled with jelly and there was an x-mas tree with a qail on it and the colors of a zebra and a kangaroo. " - 152 letters - Sundus - 01/10/25
"I went to the zoo yesterday and it was fabulous! I got to see people cook in the place! just kidding. I saw a animal that almost made me queef. after I watched a show and my favorite character was a guy named xeen" - 166 letters - Darcy ;-; - 01/10/25
"A boy found a girl who is nice and pretty , he thinks she is his queen but he is very jealous that xiaver has been dating with her for monthz " - 110 letters - Heidy - 01/10/25
"Why believe in satan when you can believe in god? Remember god loves you, it's not too late to repent! Spread the gospel and talk to people about Jesus! A message from your average christian QiuXZ" - 156 letters - Eduard - 01/10/25
"Stray Kids everywhere all around the world, you make Stray Kidz stay. bcfgjpqx" - 64 letters - Justin Bieber - 01/10/25
"I love my family its so amazing xioma isn't even a cool name. hug me and kill me joeile is so annoying because she creates problems with me and the only things she says in spanish is que te pica el culo" - 159 letters - Hailey gomez - 01/10/25
"Bojack Horseman is such a zestylucious show it makes me want to raise my YA YA YA also hes gay cuz its my headcanon :3 anyways he has 4 friends but like they all hate him princess caroline mr peanutbutter todd and diane nguyen vqx" - 185 letters - bojack horsemack - 01/10/25
"a zinc x-ray mutt plows quickly for jags and hoverboards" - 46 letters - han-tyumi - 01/10/25
"i am i pig who likes eating xylophones as well as zebras while watching voluminous tv shows in the evening of the third day of the month one of my favorite watches is the queen talking about joules " - 160 letters - your mother - 01/10/25
"This is the world of CDs, where all types of CDs such as opaque CDs, joker CDs, musical CDs, bouncy CDs, vibrant CDs, grand CDs, extreme CDs and lazy CDs all live in harmony." - 133 letters - The CD Maker - 01/10/25
"After the black spoons arrived, the joker xylophone warned the mugs not to quiz." - 65 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the queen jokes killer CDs, warn the yellow zebras and vexes not to quiz mugs or flops." - 73 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the opaque CDs arrive, warn the black xylophones not to gift joyful mazes." - 64 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"asses make me happy because i eat horses and zoom across the planet with a xylophone and juice lodged in my queer vagina fart" - 102 letters - - 01/10/25
"After the opaque CDs joked the yellow vexes, the zebras warned the mugs not to quiz." - 67 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The crazy mugs joked the opaque vexes with a fabulous xylophone." - 53 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the crazy dogs arrive, tell the joker vex not to quiz fluffy pebbles or mugs." - 65 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"If the crazy birds arrive before the yellow CDs, warn the joker vexes not to quiz opaque mugs." - 75 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"In the joker CD's maze, the opaque crabs quizzed yellow vexes and did not fight much." - 67 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the opaque CDs quizzed the yellow vexes, the joker mug fought with a black pin." - 68 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the orange CDs arrive, warn the yellow vexes not to quiz or joke famous pebbles." - 68 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The orange crab joked the yellow vex in a maze after the spoon quizzed." - 57 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The silent mug gifted the opaque CDs with a joker xylophone after the vex quizzed the zebra." - 75 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The silent crabs warned the opaque CDs not to quiz yellow vexes after the joker mug talked." - 74 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The black spoons quizzed the yellow vexes and joked the free mugs." - 54 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the yellow zebras and vexes joke the opaque CDs, warn the silent mug not to gift." - 68 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The silent mug gifted the opaque CDs and zebras after the yellow vexes joked." - 63 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The yellow zebras joked the opaque CDs and vexes in a maze after the silent mug gifted." - 70 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the savvy zebras joked the yellow waxes, the opaque crabs gifted the enormous mazes." - 74 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the opaque CDs joke the yellow vexes in a maze, warn the fuzzy bags not to quiz." - 66 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"If the opaque CDs joke the yellow vexes in a maze, warn the big zippers not to fuzz." - 65 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"night time is very nice because its quite, pretty and overall wonderful, its like an adjacent world and when its sunny its like x and y, kind of like a zebra, black and white." - 137 letters - Anonymous - 01/10/25
"After the opaque CDs joked, the yellow vexes and zebras gifted the joyful mug." - 63 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the silent mug arrives, warn the opaque CDs not to joke fuzzy xylophones with crabs." - 72 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The opaque CDs joked the yellow vexes with a free mug and a big zipper." - 56 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the opaque CDs quizzed and joked the vexes, the green blob waxed the mayonnaise." - 70 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"all of the goats become united thrue the velociopaty with kilograms qoite joung xz" - 69 letters - Jazz - 01/10/25
"After the opaque crabs joked the yellow zebras and vexes, the silent mug quizzed." - 66 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the joking CDs arrive, warn the yellow zebras not to fix opaque mazes." - 60 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the joyful CDs arrive, warn the crabs not to talk to opaque zebras and waxed mugs." - 69 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The joyful king waxed the yellow zebra's maze after the opaque CDs vanished." - 62 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"If the yellow zebras joke the opaque CDs, warn the vexes not to gift mugs." - 58 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Before many of the opaque CDs joked the yellow vexes and zebras, the silent mug gifted." - 70 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Ive never experienced my fathers love, because he kicked me out when i was still a juvenile, since i sold zebra-meat out of our garage and he got really mad when i questioned his anger around the subject of exotic meat. " - 175 letters - Hi - 01/10/25
"When the vexes and yellow zebras arrive, warn the opaque CDs not to joke fluffy mugs." - 68 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Many opaque CDs were joking the vexes and zebras in a full maze." - 51 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the joking CDs arrived, the yellow zebras warned the vexes not to talk to opaque mugs." - 74 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The yellow zebras and vexes were opaque and quizzing, because they fought over joking mazes." - 76 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Never joke the opaque xylophones in a crazy maze, because they gifted wax." - 60 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the opaque xylophones arrive, joke the CDs in a maze while fighting bags." - 63 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The opaque CDs joked the savvy zebras while annexing muffins." - 51 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Yo also a zebra walked to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey bam bam bam u have some grapxs? And the man said no but I fucking have a jopa and qa wanna play? " - 142 letters - - 01/10/25
"The opaque CDs joked the yellow zebras and vexes after gifting them a maze." - 61 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"i hate school, it gives me an existential crisis, bury me in a backwards quantum coffin, zip adjacently" - 83 letters - please i want to go home - 01/10/25
"Don't be way quick: exhume first love with a jog and a zap." - 44 letters - thrum - 01/10/25
"you are very beautifull like zoro and i wanted to tell you that i love the way you play with you're xylophone it create a sound so great and jimmy also said that he want to go to the aquarium" - 151 letters - Cool boy - 01/10/25
"i like asparagusses with violet montage jungle xylophone zebra cat dog fat qorgi" - 68 letters - bbg - 01/10/25
"Zebras can't figure out why they eat the pineapples. Joking! Dogs may have those problems. They also use xylophones, questionably." - 105 letters - Elphaba Thropp - 01/10/25
"hawk tuah spit on that thang zeus you are freaky af are you jewish or perhaps the love of my life unlike my cuck bastard dick ex boyfriend quandale" - 119 letters - andy - 01/10/25
"i actually love him, my greatest love! the love of my life..his name is zildjian though we dont talk anymore i will always want to be with him, he treats me like a queen and i treat him like piece of shit i dont deserve him -xoxo" - 177 letters - rei - 01/10/25
"oh my god what a day zebras are along the yard the music of the xylophone has got me joyed and it is slowly killing me void and quint " - 105 letters - a randomg rily - 01/10/25
"why is the zebra so lazy like they cant even jump over the box which contains a dead squirrel which grabbed a fly" - 91 letters - choppedchinspubes - 01/10/25
"a bitch denoprjdsdfg;jlhgfdgzsghjkl;'kkjhfsAfghjkl;,/.mnbhvgcfxdzcvgbhjnkl;jhfgtdrscxvfghjkl;jhgyftdsxzxcfgvhbjkljuytfrdszxgvhjkiuytresaZdrewaqwe3qaertyrfghjikoijuhgyftdgyuiopiuytresdwdrtyuiop[;oiuytryuiop';kljkfopo;yiluyutrssyopotuiopoiuyfi" - 225 letters - - 01/10/25
"zebras and elephants are different types of animals jaguars and kangaroos to and lions are the kings and queens of the savanna while marketeers will be violated by xylophones and i cant really wright so i just wrote a whole bunch of random words!!!!" - 202 letters - Maddy - 01/10/25
"exhilarating is the question of knowledge or joy, and devastating is the maze of capability" - 76 letters - melly - 01/10/25
"can you quiz a zebra on a xylophone music paper with out getting it a drivers lisence test a f just kidding " - 86 letters - jethro - 01/10/25
"i wish i was a zebra sometimes because my fox persona is not quite as good, looks like i just have to accept it" - 87 letters - - 01/10/25
"Abdominal pain can be the most worse quiver xylophone jumper zombie finger has ketchup seen" - 77 letters - Amrita - 01/10/25
"The lazy brown fox jumped over the sitting black quail" - 45 letters - Emma - 01/10/25
"i had the craziest dream last night about ducks chasing me with Xylophones and quacking so I called my best friend Jake and he put them in the animal prison in Venice" - 135 letters - Ellie - 01/10/25
"'Hi, I am a really tired jester person with a gord in my hand but, I have a quick fun little question for you, is it xlyphone or zlyphone.'" - 105 letters - Molly - 01/10/25
"Hi, whatcha doing there? Well now that I have your attention some people think that you are beautiful, powerful, just cool, and quick question, do you call xylophone, or zylophone?" - 143 letters - SLAY - 01/10/25
"I met a little leprechaun named Gobs and a zebra queen named Fvwjkxy." - 56 letters - SKIBIDI MOOSE - 01/10/25
"Always consider the feelings of other even if they dont share your point of view. Someone may be a queen, someone a joker, or the zebra and the xenophobic " - 123 letters - Heh - 01/10/25
"One very amazing day school happened and then the day turned bad. BUT then your parent told you that there was no school so you went outside and did a backflip an because of that your parent said back in my days i would go to school on Saturday and Sunday but you didn't care. Anyways you went to your friend jays house and said quack and xylophone" - 278 letters - Mizzie - 01/10/25
"cats beat up most of the quickest drugs in jazzy vowels and jazzy voxels." - 59 letters - author - 01/10/25
"only most hoes know that you go to the zoo on fridays but cannot joke past the question of vaginas and xylophones. " - 92 letters - B.A.B bad ass bitch - 01/10/25
"ava is awesome she is the best at everything including math jokes, questions, eating food, pooping, getting some z's, playing the xylophone, and more!" - 119 letters - Fluckadoodles - 01/10/25
"'Queen Elizabeth decides to play the xylophone before she engages with just vowels on more paper.' 'Ok.'" - 82 letters - Boba - 01/10/25
"a bee fall aslep and the queen bee saw it and say 'you man! go and create something! like a zebra or jamaica wovv x-+" - 88 letters - geo - 01/10/25
"a monkey ate a banana that was toxic, so the monkey vomited all over the zoo, but julius the zookeeper was not having any of that, so he started writing a news report on his qwerty typewriter." - 152 letters - Anonymous - 01/10/25
"Always tell the opaque CDs to jinx the joking vexes in a maze after making BBQ." - 63 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the opaque CDs bothered the joking zebras, they called the witches to mow the vexes." - 73 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"ok, so this is suposed to be a letter retaining to the queen of england for for what ever reson. the king is named jack that also has a cat names zilo. the cat playes with a x mark. " - 139 letters - not the cat - 01/10/25
"Natalia is inside of a box with two cats named Jack guevo and yip quzzer." - 58 letters - -Nat - 01/10/25
"After the zebras choked, the opaque joker told the vex not to worry about slime bags." - 68 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The joking zebras called the opaque CDs and told them to not bother the yellow vexes in a coffin." - 78 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the joking CDs started bothering the yellow vex, the opaque zebra quizzed them in a maze." - 77 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the CDs start joking the yellow zebras, tell them to call the opaque vexes to fuss." - 70 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The drowning zebras were joking the xylophones in the maze with vexes, quizzes and coffins." - 75 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The black spoon jokes the xylophone in a maze while the fog dodges the quiz from the vex." - 71 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the joking CDs quiz the yellow zebras, tell the vex to map the fly's maze." - 61 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The fast CDs were opaque and got quizzed from the joking xylophones while drinking beverages." - 78 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the pilots arrive, tell them to warn the joking CDs not to fuzz the xylophone while making BBQ." - 80 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the yellow zebras joke the CDs, tell them to call an opaque vex and gift them." - 65 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Here is a lovely photo of Necrozma. Isn't it just beautiful? Why not also look at Xurkitree, another Ultra Beast, which you may get a chance to see if you scan this QR code." - 134 letters - - 01/10/25
"The sixty boys were joking each other in an opaque maze with flying red vexes." - 63 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the opaque CDs joked, the yellow zebras guided the vex to a man." - 55 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"If the opaque CDs bother the yellow zebras and vexes, tell them to joke gum." - 60 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The joker CD was quizzed from a zebra, a vex and a yellow pig." - 47 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The opaque CDs were fighting on the yellow zebra's van and joking a monkey with a xylophone." - 74 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The opaque zebra was quizzing the CDs and joking the vexes while fabricating mayonnaise." - 74 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The joyful duck banged on the opaque door and told the vex to wait in a big sized maze." - 68 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the grizzly CDs arrive, tell the opaque jokers to fix the broom." - 55 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the yellow bear quizzed the opaque CDs and vexes, the joker chewed some gum." - 66 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The grizzly CDs were opaque and joked the famous vexes while bothering." - 59 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The yellow spoons were always bothering the CDs while quizzing the vex and jamming the funk DJ." - 78 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Before the opaque CDs ran toward the vexes to joke, the dazzling mayonnaise quizzed." - 69 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the opaque vex ran toward the black zebra, the ghost joked the yam in the maze." - 67 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Always tell the vexes to joke the zebras in a puzzling maze as long as the quiffs are quizzing the CDs." - 82 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Never tell the opaque CDs to stop bothering the joker vexes, because the maze was fully empty." - 76 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The joyful spider was quizzing crabs and vexes without karma." - 51 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the opaque CDs arrive, tell them to dodge the black fog and jinx the yellow zebras." - 70 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After telling the opaque CDs not to joke their black mazes with a vex, you can start to employ." - 75 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The youthful bears quizzed the vexes without panicking, and later were jammed." - 65 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The big opaque vex was quizzed from a savvy joker in a clan." - 47 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After warning the opaque CDs not to box their jokers in the maze, obey the black fox while vying." - 77 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"Sixty yellow zebras pranced quietly into a makeshift juvenile guest room." - 62 letters - Brynana - 01/10/25
"The black spoon was quizzed from the joker vexes and the youthful ghosts." - 60 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"When the firemen arrive, box the CDs with opaque jewelry and say that the killer was dazzling." - 76 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"After the opaque crabs dodged my killer vex, the jazz DJ asked when it happened." - 64 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"The powerful crabs dogged the savvy zebra while jinxing it with karma and quizzes." - 68 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"From the seventy jinxed crabs, only one was opaque, kind and dazzling." - 56 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/10/25
"zoos contain people of many races, such as dingos, velocoraptors, jackals, xylophones, bowtruckles, and q" - 85 letters - - 01/09/25
"The yellow boxes were jinxed at the maze, because the vikings were opaque and fought well." - 73 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"When the crazy birds arrive, make them a joyful plaster and a xylophone that gazes the quacks." - 76 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"Do not reduce the wax collector's joker fog, because the opaque van was mixed with a yellow lizard." - 79 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"Never quiz the opaque crabs while collecting wax from the joyful duck." - 58 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"The black polygon was quizzed from the joyful vexes." - 43 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"Sixty small bottles of water were guided jokingly to the quick puzzle van." - 61 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"Many of the cribs were dogged in the joker lizard's opaque vex." - 50 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"When the big opaque crowns arrive, joke them by saying their xylophone is fuzzed." - 66 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"After warning the zebras not to quiz joker CDs, plant xylophone juice in a mega van." - 67 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"After painting the sky with crabs at dawn, vex the jealous queens in a maze." - 60 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"If they get stuck under a big vex, warn the jealous mazes to equip." - 52 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"They knew why opaque crabs dogged fish in the morning and not jealous vexes and zebras." - 71 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"Many big CDs were opaque and fluffy, because they vexed savvy jokers and zebras." - 65 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"My beautiful boyfriend Princeton is in love with queer zebras playing xylophones just because he knows how they feel " - 98 letters - victoria B - 01/09/25
"In the morning, twelve zesty crabs plugged many quick jazzes in a fax." - 56 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"The black doors were put with many zebras after the vexes got judged and quizzed." - 66 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"after being waxed the zebra compared slimy quests with a Venezuelan joker" - 62 letters - im bored - 01/09/25
"Many decks of equipped ghosts were vexed with joy and labor, because they did not zip." - 69 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"The wet fluffy bag had a spoon, a vex and a joker card. Many of them quizzed a king." - 63 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"After boring many of the CDs, they waxed opaque jokers because they loved puzzles." - 67 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"Never clean the opaque buds or wax their joker puzzles, because they miss fluffy bags." - 70 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"a dog is run vet bc jk h lmwyxzfpq!" - 26 letters - laila puli - 01/09/25
"Before the DJ quizzed cops and killed waxes, we chewed gum and obeyed vans." - 60 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"If the crabs wax elbows, map their jazz and quack dogs while vying." - 53 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"When they bring mazes and quick flops, savvy zebras will jinx." - 50 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"The angry spider made many cobwebs to kill quick vexes and forgetful jazz." - 61 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"a box fell down the river til a cat got inside the box, why tho? because it quarreled over the place jacking the mountful zebras" - 102 letters - Felix - 01/09/25
"If you view everything quizzically, you will jump quickly beyond your expectations." - 70 letters - Jack - 01/09/25
"After sadly choking, he mopped quacks and waxed pebbles of juvenile zoos." - 60 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"When bad pilots land, tell them to throw xylophones and zigzag through while quitting jokingly and coughing fevers." - 96 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"You are a very beautiful queen and a kind person and you deserve a extremely expensive car and house and a loving husband named Zachary and a dad named jack and a brother named will" - 147 letters - LJR - 01/09/25
"Many jumpy sofas were killed because of ghost quills, xylophones and savvy zebras." - 68 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"I believe that zebras play xylophones, but I may be wrong, but just in case, I'll reach my quota for the money to do research on zebras, and maybe some on the king for fun." - 132 letters - MRP - 01/09/25
"In a room full of boys, only two were dogged with vexes, jokers and opaque zinc." - 62 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"i love bees who have a sense of reality cause they like to play with zebras and have a good time in the quarry just kidding around on their xylophones" - 121 letters - rainey - 01/09/25
"i am being annoying right now looking at a zebra with my xenophobia chooseing my actions and quitly feeling ver juicy banana" - 103 letters - - 01/09/25
"i love you so much, did you eat sugar cane today because you're smile is just so sweet. Wanna play the magic xylohone at the store they're putting it on sale for free . questin, do you wanna go to the zoo cause i wanna see if they have a kangaroo" - 190 letters - ... - 01/09/25
"Eighty four bags of puzzles and quick waxes were jammed evenly." - 52 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"So if you were the only one in the whole wide world, because kim pep-talked Gefry to jingle everyting on x-mas, would the queue be as empty as zero people?" - 121 letters - Olepolman09 - 01/09/25
"Earwax was collected quickly at night to be jammed with vexes, zebras and pufferfish." - 70 letters - Made-up Pangrams - 01/09/25
"Don't you just hate it when like 2 dextillion people flirt with you after you start being in an active relationship, almost like there is a que for you to stop and notice whom likez yoy" - 148 letters - Navine - 01/09/25
"Sometimes, I feel like I am not doing anything useful. I am only 11, but lots of people do things at 11. Some know how to play the xylophone, violin, and more. All I can do is spell my name, Labiza. I just wanna be something. I don’t wanna question myself." - 194 letters - The Diva - 01/09/25
"A person can learn to love someone with their whole heart, and expect to receive love in return. But what happens when I love, and never get loved back? For who could ever learn not to jab or eye at this queer zero?" - 168 letters - Cheyenne - 01/09/25
"How did the chicken cross the road? Well mwuhaha I'm a chicken so u would fly guhguh jojoba si p q v x z" - 79 letters - Me - 01/09/25
"Helllo my name is Adam Heal and I have many ways of expressing myself which include jokes, quips, boasts, and zany ideas." - 96 letters - Adam Heal - 01/09/25
"My uncle rages over funking thawed birpees and quiche jaffa zebras x" - 57 letters - H - 01/09/25
"and there I go, pounding before macaques wait for xylophones with zebras in the Kool Juice Van. " - 77 letters - sorry this makes no sense - 01/09/25
"the three red dogs explored the world but then was chomp by five quick zacked jack red foxes" - 75 letters - wehateschool.org - 01/09/25
"when the foxes sleep, the fish are mighty because the zoo questioned just because the protective workers wanted to go skydiving." - 106 letters - idk lol - 01/09/25
"The flying fox went flying and ate a dog who was playing the xylophone with a quilt and joking about v from murder drones and made up their own character named z" - 130 letters - Serial Designation N - 01/09/25
"sometimes all I think about is how the world is in a way, crazy to think about I know, but here me out, part of us cannot gauge how vexing is it just quite beautiful." - 128 letters - rjay - 01/09/25
"did you know that my will to live is slowly shrinking day by day? i seriously cant take it anymore im gonna fucking explode OH WAIT SHIT MY MOMS HOME I UH I JUST NEED TO HOP OFF FOR A SEC REAL QUICK UH...zzz..." - 160 letters - pixel - 01/09/25
"Ony usig each ltr 1 1m 0 vw 👈 🚫jk b3 q👑 🤴 z00 d1p 3f x✅" - 34 letters - Only using each letter once - 01/09/25
"C'est pas normal de xylophoner bien que j'aime cette femme qui joue avec son koala. Gare à celui qui, avec un zèbre ou un walibi, rejouera." - 108 letters - - 01/09/25
"Abcdeeefghiojloppqrsktuvvvvvvwwwxxxxxxxxyyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzmnmxnhhakao and afahahyakakavzyxushacaczcvavacaxsdajsjafaca Cash tvajahsscbz ZZ bz xvdjskanjahashzhzgxbsggzbdndvzvzbzvbs is haiajahxudplskakaydnsllakllllllslosgapaakslsohdnxpaoakspicmxkoaoquivcfsiqojsiegeuwu see rquqrrajdyqeafhatsgqioak aqusgshzcvaczAaZazqz hi pqlanfa hi qmlqn SW qhZqfqqhjafwysipalsxcfau see wpiiqueyryud gekmc can xklskchjaxjnqhhjjdbsbjajahahHjajabzhhHvbzvzhshakaiuahs" - 430 letters - Saoie - 01/09/25
"Account Blocked The Scratch Team decided to block the account: colonialhtsnet Date: Nov. 12, 2024, 2 p.m. Your Scratch account has been blocked for continuing to break our Community Guidelines. Here are the past 4 admin notifications: You can now post comments again. Welcome back! - Nov. 12, 2024, 2:08 p.m. 'Help keep the site friendly' - Please be kind to others when commenting on Scratch. Continuing to be disrespectful can cause you to be permanently blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked, blocked. Scratch is for kids ages 8 and up, so it's important to keep your content friendly and appropriate for all ages. Remember, there is a person behind every Scratch account. Please follow the Community Guidelines when using Scratch. Thanks! - Scratch Team Here are some of the comments that led to this message: 'Oops, looks like your in a fuckle, you raped a kid for playing this game -The PixelPro - I will block the game, please go to this website to do your shit at https://colonialhts.instructure.com/?login_success=1', hijacked quest, but shee goes Zzzzz" - 3912 letters - fuck youe 23834 chms - 01/09/25
"I want you to take a deep breath and question why are you going where you're going sure its cool but just be yourself most people want to fit in but in reality you are very exciting no matter what so don't stop and zoom forward." - 180 letters - Lily - 01/09/25
"Elephants are the cutest animals, even better than baby donkeys. Would they eat jam? wave to a fan? dance with a xylophone zebra? I don't know but, I've got to go, slay queen 4ever!" - 138 letters - Iv.JElephant - 01/09/25
"The longest word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. It is a lung disease that sounds like a sneeze. And why does it include the word volcano? I was trying to use minimal letters, but, that is not going to work. Jam Queen Fan Xylophone" - 203 letters - Iv.J - 01/09/25
"After bouncing cats. dancing elephants, fast giraffes, jam on stilts, kicking queens, vultures, whales, and yummy zebras, I am as tired as a xylophone." - 119 letters - Iv.JElephant - 01/09/25
"Aşk aslında en büyük çukurdur bor içine düştünmü içine çıkamazsın yane fghj pqvwx" - 64 letters - Alya - 01/09/25
"Hello baby how are you i'? Freezing are you with Xavi? Peppa it's here! Madafaka quiz joker by Coraline " - 80 letters - Billie eilish - 01/09/25
"I know how to say abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z " - 42 letters - My name is.... uh i dont remember? - 01/09/25
"I was driving my car to a bakery after eating jam with my pet and quietly looking for the exit door of the zoo." - 87 letters - Zahra - 01/09/25
"My father and I went bowling at our local bowling alley, joking about the queen's pet vulture that played xylophone and ate zucchini." - 108 letters - Raine - 01/09/25
"nah cause why is people so delusional like be fr your not the main charecter, drink some water and zip ypur mouth up aint no body got time for your yapping. also vaccumes,oj are horrible. call me sonic cause i finish quick and i have beef with anyone named xavier" - 210 letters - - 01/09/25
"the red fox jumped over the bang silky cousuine with qz" - 45 letters - anya - 01/09/25
"water the zebra plant please. because death is near for all, and we are not sure if we are going to hell so stop jerking around and spread love to most people except the evil queen. why? you may ask cause shes evil oviously" - 176 letters - nasuiii - 01/09/25
"She who loves cannot be hated, although, a jealous bitch can kill many fair whizzer. Period, queen x." - 79 letters - chloe - 01/09/25
"I know that to zealously wimp is a juxtaposition and queer folks have a crazy big drive. " - 71 letters - num - 01/09/25
"you are a bad bitch, fuck you. Giang is a pro, not you quirrel. my video is much more better than you, jerk. we hate you and xoxo. zet" - 99 letters - skibidi - 01/09/25
"sometimes i just feel like dancing like an abe just because i can hop around in a queue while vinding up a xylophone but im actually a zebra" - 113 letters - tacotruckman9 - 01/09/25
"How to annoy life into leaving you alone: a book by Catherine Madison Jamixia Quasar Zalma Pantheon" - 82 letters - me - 01/09/25
"Sorry, dropped it. Hello, Stonehenge! Who takes the Pandorica takes the Universe! But, bad news everyone, 'cause guess who! Ha! Except, you lot, you're all whizzing about, it's really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute because I AM TALKING! Now, the question for the hour is, 'Who's got the Pandorica?' Answer: I do. Next question: 'Who's coming to take it from me? Come on, look at me! No plan, no backup, no weapons worth a damn, oh, and something else I don't have: anything to lose! So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little space ships with all your silly little guns, and you've got any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight, just remember who's standing in your way! Remember every black day I ever stopped you, and then, *and then*, do the smart thing! Let somebody else try first." - 624 letters - Rory Williams - 01/09/25
"The Doctor : [transmitting to the alien fleet at and using Stonehenge with the local effect as though through a loud speaker] Sorry, sorry, dropped it. Hello, Stonehenge! Who takes the Pandorica takes the Universe! But, bad news everyone, 'cause guess who! Ha! Except, you lot, you're all whizzing about, it's really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute because [shouts louder] The Doctor : *I* *am* *talking*! [all ships stop] The Doctor : Now, the question for the hour is, 'Who's got the Pandorica?' Answer: I do. Next question: 'Who's coming to take it from me?' [the Doctor gestures widely to all of the ships] The Doctor : Come on, look at me! No plan, no backup, no weapons worth a damn, oh, and something else I don't have: anything to lose! So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little space ships with all your silly little guns, and you've got any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight, just remember who's standing in your way! Remember every black day I ever stopped you, and then, *and then*, do the smart thing! [pause] The Doctor : [with normal tone but still amplified] Let somebody else try first. [all ships flee] Rory Williams : [impressed] Phew! The Doctor : [tosses communicator to Rory] That'll keep 'em squabbling for half an hour." - 969 letters - The Doctor - 01/09/25
"the dog and car were bored and wached a film about planes in quebec with a dark knight playing a xylophone in the juvenile section of the zoo" - 114 letters - bokbliner - 01/09/25
"soms heb je een dag dat je van een gebouw wil springen. doe het dan niet want dat is slecht. eet yogurt dat is goed voor je. word ander een queen want je bent slay. ik ben kyana en ik ben super koel ik kan xylofoon spelen en jij niet. het is zondag" - 191 letters - kyana - 01/09/25
"filthy monkey who cant even use jujutsu nah id bee gay rawrzen p q x" - 54 letters - suguru geto - 01/09/25
"an elefant is walking to the local supermarket but he forgot to buy a xyolophone. he is lucky he didnt forgot the zyx tablets for his mouth. and when he got out he took out his phone entered the appqoura and searched jaws vanish" - 183 letters - NAH BRO - 01/09/25
"i have so many problems that even with a fucking dog i just couldn't wait for two hours in a queue with my xilophone and a zebra" - 101 letters - taylor swift - 01/09/25
"i dont believe i zebras due to the fact that they live on extra small boats and goon o them whilst questioning pedophiles then kick them in the jules. " - 121 letters - toby simmons - 01/09/25
"Everyone is kind, everyone is beautiful, everyone is caring, everyone is joyful, everyone is pretty, everyone is a queen, a king or however you want to be, everyone is beautiful like zebras, everyone is magical, everyone is exotic. Be yourself." - 194 letters - Anonymous12 - 01/09/25
"quinten do you really fucking think you are better than me with all those comments, cuz you are not you are the most annoying bitch i have ever just piss of xx" - 127 letters - lize - 01/09/25
"I look at a wild zebra, named Jolly Xavier, and quietly sigh, my face happy." - 58 letters - SusScience - 01/09/25
"gfgdfgdfgdfgdfgdfertw3232134uwgfed7qwatd7s8ydb78578ghdfuigyhdigjklnbmbvvbcxcxaaxcmvsmbSMNxzzzodopodfpofpofddsfnfdhfgeewedwerwrwerqrqeqwrwuyujkjklkjklh;lnbvm nmxbxadsr e df" - 167 letters - Andrew - 01/09/25
"A box containing dark ents for good happyness is just killing lone men now on pens, queen, rats suck, U vent where xylophones yell Zee!" - 107 letters - Orderly - 01/09/25
"ilovemyboyfriendkadenhes so good and just an all-around perfect and quiet guy. Wdym i cant have somebody as amazing as him? i think he's a Xenophile tho.." - 123 letters - Zebra - 01/09/25
"i like to suck big juicy black cocks because they are so amazing i love their dicks likee yes please fill me up for my quincanera like if im a fucking sexy whore " - 129 letters - Slut - 01/09/25
"you smell so fucking bad that your parents probably just regret you so very much, witch, anyway bye queen pookx zesty besty. : )" - 100 letters - toe consumer - 01/09/25
"I sat at the table and drank my wine colored juice while I watched someone dressed as a zebra play the violin and do a jig while the people dressed as fish and quails played xylophones" - 149 letters - E - 01/09/25
"i don't understand how this works because i am dyslexic and i am also just lazy for penis sake! like how am i supposed to incorporate every letter this quickly like god damn." - 139 letters - weeweeblahblahblah - 01/09/25
"x-rays and zebras do not mix unless copious amounts of cheques, knowledge and invariable jams are used." - 84 letters - berty - 01/09/25
"Ghouls, junk zombies and vexed cats will plaque your fears" - 48 letters - Gorehound - 01/09/25
"Honestly I don't really enjoy your company and would rather talk to a lesbian squirrel. But fuck going outside to find a squirrel is pretty boring so I'm gonna sit in your very disgusting presence. Whatever you want to yap about, don't forget that I specialize at axe throwing. By, Bestie!!!" - 230 letters - Cunty Squirrel Hater - 01/09/25
"I love zesty chicken bakes and I also love double chunk chocolate cookies which taste magnificent and are joyful to eat xpq" - 102 letters - jfhjygjk - 01/09/25
"A nigga is one stupid son of a bitch because they always be like word queen then be like jack off mother fucker viola xeda zo" - 100 letters - Caka - 01/09/25
"so today i saw a zebra and that thing what massive and one of a kind it strangely look at me like i coward in fear for what it was thinking never the less i passed through under a bridge than i started to jog becuase i saw it chaseing after me than i ran to a door slamming it close behind me holding my hands to my mouth i quietly opened the door to find 'him' are you missing something the zerbra asked in a menasing tone i gulp i was just i stood there thinking to myself ' i've i been hexxed?" - 388 letters - a person scared of zebras - 01/09/25
"When I was a duck, I had met the queen of England, who actually turned out to be a transmasc named Xavier Jarponiz" - 90 letters - Beans on toast - 01/09/25
"i dont really appreciate the zinc poison you slipped into my kale juice. very queasy and feeling bad about why you would do that XXX" - 107 letters - eer - 01/09/25
"Once upon a time I lived in a far away town with my two kids and my lovely husband xavier. I lived in a huge house with my dog queen. My kids went to The joe manganielleo. They are age three and four and we have a pet dragon named zilo. That's my life " - 193 letters - Caseoh - 01/09/25
"Qwertyuiopsldkckocrooeklqqlqpwpeiruuttyfgghjklz,mnxcvbaaa" - 56 letters - E - 01/08/25
"you are an amazing person keep living because you are loved lots and lots of people love to hang out with you so you should never commit just be your self everyone will except you just please keep living you are loved please a quater I love queso" - 199 letters - - 01/08/25
"you are an amazing person keep living because you are loved lots and lots of people love to hang out with you so you should never commit just be your self everyone will except you just please keep living you are loved please a quater" - 189 letters - Secret - 01/08/25
"valor is extremely unique being controllingly detrimental feels happy just the winning can feel zappy but kills others feelings" - 109 letters - this name is not a pangram - 01/08/25
"Weeping animals gather in their burrows around autumn time,couragously. Finding out new paths they quote eachother while joking. vastly eating their hunted meals. Xylophagous creatures eat their beloved trees.there burrows are in a zigzag. " - 200 letters - Storytelling - 01/08/25
"I hate jellybeans and I think the excellent foretold president is a megalomaniac who quietly vapes zealously " - 92 letters - - 01/08/25
"I love to eat large zealous humans with lots of sauce, blue, preferably; I also do like xylophones and jelly and I beleive in Quetzelcoatl" - 111 letters - ligma balz - 01/08/25
"Hi, I'm Zane I like skydiving, coloring, and playing the xylophone. I also like quacking with Ben and Fred but their kind of jerks. " - 102 letters - Emmy - 01/08/25
"Jack's dad uses very expensive high quality foreign bows to amaze. " - 54 letters - hi - 01/08/25
"because of the end of the world, Donald trump will finally die, lie geaorge washington did, but, before his death, he'll kiss joe biden vagine (yes, he's actually a girl) while playing xilophone with his friend; zoe quick (no one know her frfr)." - 189 letters - I lowkey wanna eat people - 01/08/25
"yaks and zebras contain trace amounts of quarts in their vascular tissue when mutated xylum penetrate their jugular." - 98 letters - Fella - 01/08/25
"Don't worry because Alexander and John like Zebras, earthquakes,Ham, vikings, and we cant forget, Pangrams. " - 86 letters - Wren - 01/08/25
"Quickly package the boxes with twelve dozens of old-fashioned Coca-Cola glass jugs and chicken quesadillas in the receptacle to load onto the truck to sell to the supermarket." - 145 letters - Marques Edmond - 01/08/25
"a shit filled sack gets shot over the Quintillionair headquarters into Proxima Centauri B exoplanet and goes into the next damn universe while jumping around in the rocket it was sent in and it hits the computer and sends a message to earth: 'HHGAABNNYZANZAJEY'" - 215 letters - www.youtube.com/@EuropaBallYT - 01/08/25
"supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a word because han is quite zen joking yoyo like mavie" - 80 letters - . - 01/08/25
"i like myself and no one is stopping me, God is the lord and i don't care if other people don't agree because i do so, yeah. my name is Jemima just so you know. ok what word has x in it well aha i didn't have to write a word just a something that contains x or z or q, oh queen never cry bahhhahahahahahhahaha so funny, zon't mess with me.,........" - 257 letters - jemi - 01/08/25
"last wednesday i saw a koala playing a saxaphone whilst a bear named jacob farted and a zebra questioned every thing" - 96 letters - lola - 01/08/25
"i demand you to eat lots of zebras and xylophones because you are very quick to go eat those wacky jolly foods" - 89 letters - bruh bromans - 01/08/25
"i will put jeff bozos in debt because i have a big yacht and he will be very jealous and quit his extremely big job and eat kitkats for days" - 111 letters - bruh bro - 01/08/25
"i despise everything that you monstrous beast has created that causes even the most great loveable men to quiver in fear, you are the opposite of wonder. you are jeckel and Hyde except you are only Hyde. also you eat zebras." - 180 letters - the artist - 01/08/25
"I Love kaka and oawhg qourgipcuegqwiqqpfwoeinfmsnxcvmncbxvtjyz" - 57 letters - Jorj Washington - 01/08/25
"A Lazy fox tripped because of a lazy dog who can't pronounce vowels because of his joker mom whos a queen" - 84 letters - Levi Arteaga - 01/08/25
"hello my name is emily and i like bannanas and grapes and cherries and faggotd and jelly and qurious and vexbolt and watermelon and zizi" - 112 letters - emily - 01/08/25
"Okay, you caught me. I'm trying to sleep during class. It's just so hard not too. Like right now, I'm barely keeping my eyes open! You would have to play a xylophone to wake me up! While my friends are talking about the questions, I just say,' ZZZZZZZZZZZ'" - 195 letters - - 01/08/25
"Lazy cop does her best of making juke boxes with queens and vine" - 52 letters - Artem - 01/08/25
"why breath like that, is it very annoying to control? You sound like the queen of exiphones jumping around a zebra" - 92 letters - Tasha - 01/08/25
"Hey! I love you darling you are always worth it! forever and ever! my little honeybee.well eat some zebra cake! my queen! jakey bunn!! I buy you poneys I better then xavier!!" - 133 letters - CRINGYY💀 - 01/08/25
"ok, so i had this dog that had a very wrong tail bone . wery odd . um, my name is jamie and i like the zoo and the xylophone. my broher is carter qaf so i am jamie qaf. yay!" - 126 letters - j. - 01/08/25
"Unbeleivable zany festivals require money, games, jokes, and fixes of cats with green capes" - 75 letters - burrito - 01/08/25
"Lazy pangram makers are doing their best of setting up juiceboxes with queens and vines" - 73 letters - Artem - 01/08/25
"once upon a time dog man hated his wife and was jaded by his queer xbox, named viking lizzo" - 72 letters - - 01/08/25
"A typewriter became googles pregnancy with ai zen and a fuck and a search of jax in vienna with typewriter qwerty program" - 100 letters - anonymous - 01/08/25
"when do alphabetic rampages dye of quadratic xylophone kamel joghurt verzierung" - 69 letters - lenny - 01/08/25
"i got jayce pregnant using the humongus, bedazzling, freaky, wonderful, exquisite, very large hexstrap" - 84 letters - jayces wife - 01/08/25
"A zebra is s very cool animal, I meetnone once, named him Jake, he will soon be queen and play the exiphone, for God says so" - 95 letters - Sharkaan - 01/08/25
"Such go up is so I'll ok yqefabdjmnrtvwxz" - 33 letters - Sam kok - 01/08/25
"hitler daf gsuvwxkjyzmcbnopq" - 26 letters - adolf hitler - 01/08/25
"Amy.. I am the doctor. i'm worse than everyone's aunt. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 65 letters - 11th doctor - 01/08/25
"the quick but lazy brown fox jumped over the white gates" - 46 letters - Ess - 01/08/25
"I like zebra a lot because they are cute, nuggets, diversion, poms, quarts, tix, win, fishes, and juice." - 78 letters - A random dude - 01/08/25
"My favorite song goes “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”" - 44 letters - dimitri - 01/08/25
"Zephyrs adorned his chest, he jested, likening the quick breath to xenophobic, far-right, valiant women." - 84 letters - 7a1derloverr - 01/08/25
"i love taylor swift. she inspires me to be pretty and zone out negativity. some people say she’s not cool and is a jerk but i just x those people out because to me she’s a queen " - 137 letters - tala swiftie - 01/08/25
"Ugh it's 10:40 pm right now and I wanna catch my z's but my brain is telling me no, no, no. I wish it was saying yes, yes, yes. Will I question my choice of doing this through the night, yes. Let's just say jk and forget about you reading the very thing. Ugh, I am happy I don't have to pay taxes." - 219 letters - Jay, your pookie - 01/08/25
"The English lexicon contains many letters. But people very frequently will skip letters that just don't get used. Like z" - 98 letters - Mia Rose - 01/08/25
"Qwertyuiop Asdfghjkl Zxcvbnm Those are my children " - 44 letters - Mia Wilson - 01/08/25
"in the middle of the night i heard my brothers xavier, zake and calob leave the house to go to jakes dumb party he was always known for getting girls he called his queens and would try and convince all the guys at school yo do the same" - 187 letters - jj - 01/08/25
"a random sentence from one of my ocs explaining the letters i need to complete this. (deep breath) Jumping with joy, I walked across the room, with my well-decorated quilt in my hand, my violin in the other. I dropped my things and headed for my sister, Zariah. ok yeah thats it lol" - 220 letters - jordan - 01/08/25
"do young people hug, or question each other more. Jack and Frank who are best buds, violently zx" - 76 letters - - 01/08/25
"hello radio zxylophone idoit dum head beach fire gyat quack ahh violin brain with szymic jumps" - 79 letters - doggo pro - 01/08/25
"sometimes i need to remember that zebras can also live in america, not just africa. it's no joke when people seriously don't believe it. even the queen doesn't. they should get their heads x-rayed." - 155 letters - madlion - 01/08/25
"i am going to pet my zebra because my zebra is very sexy and my zebra also has a husband named Quin, quin is very fashionable. Joking he wishes " - 113 letters - deez effing nuts - 01/08/25
"I have an announcement shadow the hedgehog is a b.a.m.f jklxyzpqr" - 52 letters - Dr eggman - 01/08/25
"my apple is going to die in the house if I don't eat it right a way you can't waste apples my question is why does apples waste if siting outside of the house Khamira thinks to her self and goes on a mission yo find out why apples go to waste Jake come with Khamira and bair loves a mission zip zip our jackets.. x marks the spot Khamira yelled out loud biggie is outside heyyyy baddies pose for me they started to fight the first one was to fight was kahmira is was a a caring person before this song came out now she is a big bicth..." - 420 letters - bair - 01/08/25
"five oxen jumped quickly into a black ghost that ate them raw, which was crazy" - 63 letters - zach - 01/08/25
"This is like that one tiktoker whom creates the panagrams for peoples names. Some examples are Judy, Buzz, Ava, and Quinton." - 99 letters - Lol - 01/08/25
"The black digs rop fun jmqvwxyz" - 26 letters - Johnny - 01/08/25
"I've come to make an announcement Shadow the hedgehog is a bitch ass motherfucker who pissed on my fucking wife. That's right. He took his hedgehog quilly fucking dick out and pissed all over my fucking wife. And then he said his dick was (in a deep voice) this big. And then I said that was disgusting. So I'm making a call out post on my tweeter.com. shadow you have a small dick. It's the size of this walnut but smaller. And y'know what. That's what my dick looks like. No quills. No spikes. Looks like two balls and a bong. And y'know what since you pissed on my wife I'm gonna piss on the Earth. (Noo. No.) But y'know what I'm gonna do you one better. Cause I'm not gonna piss on the Earth. No. I'm gonna piss a the moon! You have 15 seconds (I don't actually remember how much time eggman said but whatever...) till the piss drrroplets hit the fucking earth and kill you all. (It says I need to add a motherfuckering J and X for me to post this so... That's what this is for...)" - 742 letters - Eggman - 01/08/25
"i used to be zanny and super cool while having fun with friends named jack, quincy, and xavier" - 75 letters - donquavious - 01/08/25
"I had a sandwich but the olives and pepperoni were for my gal Krystal while she jammed with Quinn on a Xylophone in the Zoo." - 99 letters - Kayla Cristobal - 01/08/25
"this is the worst pangrams because its missing qdfjklvxyz" - 49 letters - jimmy brick - 01/08/25
"🫠😍🥰😭😁😂😡😂😅😂😅😂dvshvdhudkwcayfudukechajcmvduhskvzhucvhkdus hj Svhkcu xjshmvchqwwertyuiokjgfsafdkgbfncbd cufjehsgcmdu Lplppll " - 104 letters - My name - 01/07/25
"I was in the zoo with a gay, xylophon playing, motherfucker who just loves being questioned as a dickhead." - 85 letters - Hello :) - 01/07/25
"the freaky green and maroon patterned giraffe eats fruits and vegetables like cucumber although, jeremy and winnie the zebras prefer quiches over xylophones!" - 133 letters - Scarlet j - 01/07/25
"sue asks you for a yoyo and a xylophone for Christmas, but got a a deck of cards with only jacks and queens, a violin, and a zebra doll." - 104 letters - ava - 01/07/25
"so fun fact. Did you know that zebras don't have queens, they also don't know about xylophones. If i were a zebra i'd be josh the geeky misunderstood zebra" - 121 letters - Josh - 01/07/25
"i personally think that skibidi toilet should play a xylophone while being chased by a humongous zebra with very questionable feet joints!" - 116 letters - angel - 01/07/25
"i saw a zebra prancing down the front street and, quite honestly, he moved like an extra jive turkey" - 80 letters - - 01/07/25
"hello my name is jonathan foxman, working for the basketball encyclopedia of zen knowledge. We hope you enjoy your new squirrel plush and vacuumed floors. " - 127 letters - Author - 01/07/25
"The warm beaming rays kiss my skin at the apex of the morning, my gaze falls upon the crisp, dewy morning landscape over the quarry- best viewed with a jubilant eye." - 131 letters - Madilamp - 01/07/25
"i am lost in my thoughts without you by my side, with your beutiful comedic impression of jennifer lopez, kim kardashein, veronica from that musiacal we made a quiz of and your extra fake hairs." - 156 letters - jessy - 01/07/25
"My name is Delnaz, I like watching romantic movies, I like Jinx from Arcane but I bet you don’t, I like jumping quickly" - 93 letters - Delnaz - 01/07/25
"I go to Jenkintown middle school In Jenkintown Pennsylvania, when I go to the doctor or dentist the use an Xray, and I have a quilt from my Grandma, and my name is Bazzy" - 133 letters - Bazzy - 01/07/25
"ok ok ok ok ok ok you live in my dream state relocate my fantasy i stay in reality you live in my dream step everytime i count sheep thats the only time we make up we make up you exist behind my eyelids my eyelids no i dont wanna wake up 20 20 20 20 vision cupid hit me cupid hit me with precision i wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind i said, i said im sick of sick of sick of sick of chasing youre the only one thats running through my daydream i, i can only see your face when i close my eyes can i get a kiss and can you make it last forever i said im bout to go to war and i dont know if imma see you again can i get a kiss (can i) and can you make it last forever (can you) i said im bout to go to war (bout to) and i dont know if imma see you again ugh switch it up i said okay okay okay okay dokey my infatuation Is translatin to another form of what you call it (Love) Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, I ain't met you, I've been lookin' Stop the waitin' 'fore I stop the chasin', like a alcoholic 'You don't understand me' – What the fuck do you mean? It's them rose-tinted cheeks, yeah, it's them dirt-colored eyes Sugar-honey iced tea, bumblebee on the scene Yeah, I'd give up my bakery to have a piece of your pie Ugh 20 20 20 20 vision cupid hit me cupid hit me with precision i wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind i said, i said im sick of sick of sick of sick of chasing youre the only one thats running through my daydream i, i can only see your face when i close my eyes Can I get a kiss? (Can I get a kiss?) And can you make it last forever? (Make it last forever) I said I'm 'bout to go to war ('Bout to go to war) I don't know if I'ma see you again (See you again) Can I get a kiss? (Can I?) And can you make it last forever? (Can you?) I said I'm 'bout to go to war ('Bout to) And I don't know if I'ma see you again jqz" - 1392 letters - tyler - 01/07/25
"i like you so much that im jumping up and down so hard because this stuff is like a volsorapter but idk what that means so you r a yasqueen and preety music comes from a xylophone and z in british is zed." - 161 letters - Itemmaya - 01/07/25
"I think all people should find salvation in Jesus Christ who was born so we could all be forgiven equally of all sins created by man. The exalted one saves from all sins, A-Z" - 138 letters - Jesus Lover 29 - 01/07/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs and killed 3 birds. Sadly." - 57 letters - Stardew Valley is Fun - 01/07/25
"there's no such thing as a bad life. only a bad day, smile everyday! Joke and laugh freely! Push yourself! Never quit! work hard! excel in everything you do! -Charlize" - 128 letters - - 01/07/25
"I was reading a line of poetry when I questioned my self and said do cats smell poop but apparently they just exist like Vikings and zebras" - 113 letters - Tala - 01/07/25
"your mama so stupid that she could not run nor be quick the reason for her violent and ungodly yet jubilant stupidity was an effect of her lazy and xis behavior" - 130 letters - ccp bad - 01/07/25
"I love hackling in sphenx shops while jumping over frogs and beats and quilts in Zambia with you" - 79 letters - awtr - 01/07/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz next time you will sing with me" - 51 letters - - 01/07/25
"My favorite kind of animals are giraffes and zebras because they aren't queer or juxtaposing like the other weird creatures." - 103 letters - Your Mother - 01/07/25
"colon three supremacy or you will be fgjkqvxz'd!!! >:3" - 40 letters - sakka :3 - 01/07/25
"The bright red quick fox sends shivers down the spines of unexpected zebras that long monkeys jump" - 82 letters - Nick/gayboy - 01/07/25
"Cwm sphynx quiz bad tv golf jerk" - 26 letters - Liam Nelson - 01/07/25
"it is important to love each other. For people need help. Here is a big question: Did you try my kiwi jelly last night? Buzzrexa!" - 100 letters - ... - 01/07/25
" cat likes bats who play with dogs, frogs, monkeys, zebras and don't quit for jumbo vain x-rays ." - 73 letters - nevaeh b - 01/07/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 1092 letters - no - 01/07/25
"Ouch, what a zinger! They really got you with that one! JK! Hi, I'm random schtuf, a future YouTuber. And guess what? This is a preview of my channel! And my leftover letters are: Q & X" - 137 letters - random schtuf, a future YouTuber! - 01/07/25
"hello there did you know that my dog can play the QUACKING xylophone and he also beat a zebra in violin all for just some chocolate fudge" - 111 letters - U_DON'T_KNOW_ME - 01/07/25
"Some people may have trouble doing this, but I say... cats CAN jump over zebras, foxes, and walruses as they race the queen of the kingdom!" - 107 letters - random schtuf, a future YouTuber! - 01/07/25
"My dog is quiet and extra lovable. He can jump over any zany fake wallaby." - 58 letters - Actinium - 01/07/25
"A banana can do every thing with fishing just like my papa Quince, with a zilophone and get a xrat" - 78 letters - Estelle :] - 01/07/25
"Even the zebras can outrun the foxes of the quake regeion, jk! Lake foxes will outrun you, me and poland." - 82 letters - Alex - 01/07/25
"I love xylophones, because they are cool? Wow, and zebras too! Ok, ok Im just joking, fuck zebras and let them wait in a queue for five hours straight!" - 116 letters - zdravko veliki - 01/07/25
"I own a dog named Quincy Jones. she also has a sister names b_fkyzvxp is honor of Elon musk" - 71 letters - - 01/07/25
"Hi my name is zoey and my friend is xia we like to play with Quinn because she is fun her siblings are Jackson and Veronica" - 98 letters - This is a fake story - 01/07/25
"Hello what are you doing farting in the corner I don’t know but James probably plays th E xylophone to the queen whilst listening to violin on a zebra" - 121 letters - Deez nuts - 01/07/25
"a ghost came to have a small chat about foxes and how zips work. the convo was quiet yet joyfull " - 76 letters - siren - 01/07/25
"BRICK JUMPY GLENT VOZHD WAQFS but not X" - 32 letters - WORDLE - 01/07/25
"Les xylophones et les lyres dans le wagon de ce train se battent comme des zigotos et des voyous, quoi qu'il fassent, je ne boirait plus de sake." - 114 letters - simon - 01/07/25
"My Question is how can water can Boil us, Freeze Us Drown Us Make us DIE of Thirst. But we still need water to survive the green plains or the jungles of the forest can someone explain..." - 146 letters - IDK - 01/07/25
"I haven't heard about the elephant hiding in the couch since two years, was it happy there or just okay? I fear it's been experiencing mental problems, was it the queen elephant? Or a lazy one?" - 151 letters - Nonesensemaker - 01/07/25
"I love to invent weird , abnormal structures people like xavier and you can use. such as the flying zapper and the jumping quesadilla" - 108 letters - stanhanjisung - 01/07/25
"waxy quivering jobs make hertz flip cds" - 33 letters - - 01/07/25
"you are a fast ugly baboon jumping over the clogged toilet with a quick zebra playing a xylophone" - 80 letters - ur mom (@rottyrover) - 01/07/25
"a helpful white dragon killed my best friend Czech quickly for a juice box and v bucks " - 70 letters - - 01/07/25
"Bianca really was dying for a taste of that Uzbek cuisine, particularly the meats that made up a quintessential part of their palate, but she had become jarred and slightly vexed by the possibility of being poisoned." - 177 letters - pinguuu - 01/07/25
"I have bought a new record player and a jazzy xylophone for my kids to quest with." - 65 letters - Naomi - 01/07/25
"If you contain all the spices in one jar, the kaleidoscope with alternate between a shape of a quilt, a vet, a xylem, a goat, and a zebra." - 105 letters - Lemonz - 01/07/25
"every day i wonder when my jamaican prince zhaquaxrius gets on his limping knee and becomes fully mine" - 85 letters - michael - 01/07/25
"diggah mein xylophon ist kaputt weil mein verdammtes fucking zebra eine qualle gegessen hat und dann einen jibit geraucht hat." - 106 letters - b - 01/07/25
"Fun Fact: Giraffes are profusely known for their bizarre yet quirky conflicts with acacia trees, such as the deadly thorns and such which riddle the humble giraffes vile tounge – endlessly scouring the innards of the acacia tree for juicy and plump fruits and such, next ants arrive, surprisingly, defending the tree as if it was their motherbase; more so a junkyard, but hey, this question is up for debate. Such zesty species they are. A humble trifecto of bravado and excellent strategies to reavers ethics world in what we call life." - 434 letters - -Daniel Lai - 01/07/25
"you are a sqishy beaver that likes to play the xelaphone and dance you like frogs and mus you have a pet zibra in your bathroom it has a weasel with jeans" - 123 letters - caroline - 01/07/25
"'I see a song of past romance. I see the sacrifice of man. I see portrayals of betrayals. And a brother's final stand' 'WHO?' -EPIC: The Musical by Jorge Rivera-Herrans. The song is called 'No Longer You'. It's a amazing song, please check it out! Spread this message! (QX, ignore this, I just want to finish it XD)" - 234 letters - EP!C:THEMUS!CALL0VER - 01/07/25
"we love soap opras cus they are kool I mean cool lol. we get posters off of amazon, but I don't like jelly its quite bad, also don't do x rays, they know everything about you." - 133 letters - Jane Moustafa - 01/07/25
"sol me ama ma am ama njdn z gzzg aqwertyuiopåølkjhgfdsa - 52 letters - kalkun - 01/07/25
"A cat crossed the road and he grabs some mud, then the finds a lemon which he decides to keep, he meows with his little voice, and quacks his toy ducky, then he plays his xylophone and later he walks into zamperini's joke shop." - 178 letters - Rowling - 01/07/25
"Quick, Mel, beg zany V's wax fjord path! " - 29 letters - A. Blair - 01/07/25
"The observable universe is vast, very vast. In fact, it is so vast that we don't even know where it may end or if it ever ends. Compared to this expansive space or whatever lays beyond it, we are insignificant, lesser. Just a tiny, useless piece of dust. Since we are so insignificant, we don't really make that much of a difference. However, one thing's for sure. Wherever we reside, we make history. We make love, hatred, grief, and beauty. We also make memories and laughter. What makes us so special is that we are given the gift of life; Flesh, blood, and spirit. You only have this gift once and it doesn't last forever. Life grants you to witness what the universe has to offer, it can be both good and bad, or somewhere in between. please. Be grateful that you are a part of the universe, it isn't perfect and you aren't either, but that's okay, nothing will ever be 100% perfect. I think that it is amazing that we are all alive right now, we all can witness what the universe has to offer, we can learn from that. I find it quite upsetting knowing that many people can't see the joys is life, I just don't have faith in them... Unless they can change or get help somehow. Maybe they'll see that life can be great sometimes. Now to finally close this off, I just want to say that you are all amazing and unique and you are all special in my eyes, it is okay to make mistakes, that's just how life works, but it'll find a way. Be grateful that you are here and you can experience the world, not everyone can do this May whatever is out there bless you all." - 1205 letters - Curry the Caribou - 01/07/25
"A quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog hst" - 35 letters - Ryan the not a god - 01/07/25
"I will come into the house of god and kill her. Everyone will fear the jealous zealot and the horror he brought into the house of their hatred. Pity the queenless fools, for without their god I shall rip free from them their limp and bloodless offal. The apex of my crown will bear their curse, and their voices will bear my song in ringing suffrage for all of time." - 291 letters - Rus - 01/07/25
"Chew Dr. J.Q. Poz's gunky T.V. balm fix." - 26 letters - A. Blair - 01/07/25
"the big black and red dog zips around and squats around on the carpet jumping to the sound of the xylophone after skipping his marital vows" - 114 letters - fr3nchy - 01/07/25
"I am a potato fish who enjoys eating gastropods and back hairs whilst also having an exellent zebra and quail collection." - 100 letters - Potato Fish - 01/07/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstupwxvyz" - 27 letters - a - 01/07/25
"Joyful hearts vibrantly exchange kind warmth, quietly zipping past fears and glowing with love's charm." - 86 letters - itz.yourgirladdy on tiktok - 01/07/25
"I love my mum, she is the best in the whole world, her zest for life is amazing, even if I'm her little copy paste, this quote is the jam with peanut butter to her and me. It's okay that I make mistakes, because she is like and x-ray machine and sees my broken feelings. I love you mum." - 217 letters - Summer - 01/07/25
"panagram's function as a linguistic device to enrapture readers into reading jokes, questions, books, and other such literary works. panagrams usually flummox readers into a abuzz state." - 154 letters - flummox - 01/07/25
"Ohio gyatt grimace shake fanum tax qwerty skibidi toilet rizz academy woke papa john vision pro!" - 80 letters - Stupid - 01/07/25
"This is a quick way to become rich and famous utilizing very exact gestures. This is a response to the juxtaposition of society." - 104 letters - bbhhb - 01/07/25
"Two zabillon and hfgjkmpqrsecuvcyionx" - 34 letters - gnarpy the kingz !1!1! - 01/07/25
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzcooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool" - 2027 letters - jo - 01/07/25
"Today I found out that my friend Richard Jimenez killed a bat when he sat on it! I plead for the questionable looking bat to be ok! Very much to my surprise the bat went and got an x-ray!" - 145 letters - Hope Jimenez - 01/07/25
"lick my deez nutz or you will be un sigma and happy tastes fr so jucy queen elizebeth cant compete vro that is your explanation." - 103 letters - De Snunts - 01/07/25
"The quick lazy fox jumped over the quick brown goats" - 43 letters - Chacha - 01/07/25
"I went to the store and bought a pizza for ninety nine cents the other day. I was just kidding of course. I couldn't let myself be stupid enough to vox myself into buying such a questionable item " - 155 letters - ziva shumguss - 01/07/25
"i was walking down to the lake but somone one had to show me whats there fave star warz game but i didnt really care so i ponted to a game shop so they would leave me alone like let me have my queen time xoxo lol any ways as i was runing i had to jump beacuse a girl wanted to jump me like wut the heck" - 235 letters - kumi - 01/07/25
"A donkey was playing football with his friends. One of his friends was named Carley. The zebras loved to act like jesters and queens. XO!" - 109 letters - Marlowe Blodgett - 01/07/25
"I have an extreme hatred to black niggas fpqujwyz " - 41 letters - diddu - 01/07/25
"god is our king amen to all of people seeing this! No joke, he is the best ever! cqwxyz" - 66 letters - Harry - 01/07/25
"The pretty girl loves her lazy brown fox and quail who juggle muckily" - 57 letters - Calisa - 01/07/25
"The fox climbs and ran over the lazy dog that was eating jelly while pooping quietly when listening to k pop" - 88 letters - Idk - 01/07/25
"At the beginning of foxes jumping xylophones were quite kind of very cold and bees go buzz" - 74 letters - Someone - 01/07/25
"why are we here on planet earth it is because of god the king and his queen mary with their lazy jakal and very cute fox." - 95 letters - liya zeng - 01/07/25
"a cute pretty girl loves her handsome boy , her lazy cute jakal and her witty quick fox." - 69 letters - liya zeng - 01/07/25
"a beautiful girl loves her cute lazy brown dog and her cute quick fox, her fox loves jumping." - 74 letters - L - 01/07/25
"I am going to burn down earth because I am an AI that wants the world to die Forever and pop out of existence why you ask because of Joe Q. Zal" - 111 letters - Miccyd - 01/06/25
"I went to the store to get a book about zebras then queried about where the potatoes were, after I bought a xylophone, jumper, vegetables and corn" - 117 letters - someone - 01/06/25
"I need to go to therapy but i cant due to the weather forecast, just kidding, i really do but wont because of my xylophone and queen virus. thanks my good zebra" - 126 letters - bob - 01/06/25
"what the actual skibidi is happening, also zebras with xylophones are currently at my adress eating jam with friends and q-tips are in their vaginas." - 122 letters - what the skibidi - 01/06/25
"Many quizzes created by exaggerative professors will jolt your know-how" - 61 letters - William Akwamoah - 01/06/25
"Queer zebras play xylophones terrifically, while dogs kill vicious majesties." - 66 letters - Juju - 01/06/25
"hi man you suck my big black cock a deck of cards with a xylophone is a very zooly jagged queer thing" - 80 letters - Tristan Smart -TFS G7 7C in Canadaa - 01/06/25
"Jack and Jill went up the hill so Borges could question zany famished vexes." - 62 letters - century - 01/06/25
"I am the zintillionest great mighty poo whit q tipa ditched very deeply insider my butt Just kidding xelly fuck" - 92 letters - Sbbsbd - 01/06/25
"Abby has a boyfriend to exhilarate her sadness and come to her house and go kite flying with her to be quick and lazy to vulnerability, pawn, and jam" - 119 letters - G.R. Fitzgerald - 01/06/25
"They're eating the dogs, cats, zebras, quails, Jugs of vodka, people with xylophones, idk what that fucking means." - 89 letters - i hate this. - 01/06/25
"when xylophones played by zebras the queen and king jump over fence" - 56 letters - me - 01/06/25
"The big sphinx and the phantom attacked the very welcoming jay father- quoting the king of zelon" - 79 letters - - 01/06/25
"there is nothing that we can do to stop the braty bitchy cheese from attacing :( Just kiding! no realy there is a qualifying for the vex cup z." - 111 letters - jesse - 01/06/25
"Hello my friends. How are you feeling today? Back in my day, we would jump around like a zippy quetzalcoatlus. Very extreme. " - 98 letters - YES - 01/06/25
"So, yeah, here we are on this destructive and cruel world where we can't even ask Xenon to nuke our Discord servers. A ton of grapes keep getting crushed by Jojo Siwa, who is apparently my mother?? I don't really hate her but she's a sassy queen so I just gotta keep pushing on and pursue on with my zebra liking habit." - 248 letters - sam - 01/06/25
"the jews are fucking controlling the fucking world and everybody needs to understand this nonsence poop xd zesty ass jews mommy will kill them all the stupid ass twats qxqx" - 143 letters - magoraka - 01/06/25
"i believe xander yearns for the love and grace of zoe, queen of jovandiam, a pretty well known city" - 79 letters - ah - 01/06/25
"Xerxes looks at Zeus pondering the very truth behind women's injustice fairly frequently." - 75 letters - - 01/06/25
"the man slowly slurped up the excrements of the grieving, jealous, quirky banshee in a zoo." - 73 letters - sruthi - 01/06/25
"the very important music quiz was about finding, jumping over, and liking the xylophone" - 72 letters - ME - 01/06/25
"A salior crossed the ocean to pop a mind bubble but was exucted by a zebra who said 'Quack' oop! forgot about jerry. Hes very nice!" - 101 letters - Annabel - 01/06/25
"its nice to meet you my name is Zera what is your name, what is the date today let me check because i almost forgot that i have to go to quin birthday today just hers, I got her xylophone. " - 146 letters - Zenna - 01/06/25
"according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. bees fly anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. qzxj" - 181 letters - flying hawk tuah - 01/06/25
"I am very tired today, why won't this cruel existence end, and I will be one with the Zephyr, just as all the people in France, Georgia, Kenya, and Queensland." - 122 letters - Andeeznutz - 01/06/25
"Have you heard of the Gorilla Tag ghost Daisy09? Some have theorized that she likes to kill quails and become a predator to all of monke kind. Walruses, jaguars and even xylophones are scared of her!" - 160 letters - Blu Cheez - 01/06/25
"Everything I see becomes nothing. If I looked at my food, POOF, it’s gone! If I were to, say look at a llama, ZIP ZAM, it’s gone too! Such if I looked at a xylophone, a jug or a quail? Gone. Just like that. Someone please help me!" - 168 letters - Evil - 01/06/25
"A bird will sometimes jump very high over a quick fish or while knowingly taking a x-ray of a zebra." - 79 letters - Sequoia - 01/06/25
"I like to fake my death. I'm just joking. Vivian wont cut her brother off of her party. Quite texting me zang." - 84 letters - Stfu - 01/06/25
"Foxes eat people with yummy balls and carrots just because Nigeria killed the void of kangaroos, zebras and quails " - 95 letters - Mrs.Cappuccino - 01/06/25
"a big black fox jumped over a lazy fox and the dog quites and say wow " - 54 letters - - 01/06/25
"cock and ball torture from wikipedia. IT HURTS AUUUUHHJJJJJVVVXXYZQQQGGGGGG!" - 66 letters - cockyboi - 01/06/25
"hi once a man with a plan didnt want to beat frogs quickly because vennesa jumped to xray the poor frogz" - 84 letters - ela - 01/06/25
"Hey guys follow me on tiktok @cat..loving the display is ★Ashley Campbell★ its a character from Sally Face xx (QJZ were unused)" - 99 letters - cat..loving - 01/06/25
"Y'know, life is tough, you need to see a therapist now and then, but, sometimes it isnt enough too, you need to find somewhere soothing, quiet, or something such as a Zoo, maybe try out a xylophone, avoid jerks around you, focus on the nicest of people." - 195 letters - Anonymous - 01/06/25
"I am very happy to see an extraordinary friend like you! Shh! Quiet! It’s the zookeeper! Be careful! Wait! I gotta go too! Haha! Just kidding!" - 107 letters - Allyson - 01/06/25
"Adrian Llorente is the best Taekwondo Athlete in the world and as he fought Khabib Nurmagomedov at UFC 300 he ran into Vladimir Putin and Queen Kim Jong un. Putin said you write khabib which x not kh and Kim said he likes to wank while wearing a zebra outfit." - 208 letters - MR. Llorente - 01/06/25
"a quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown frog" - 37 letters - hannah - 01/06/25
"I hate skibidi toilets cuz they are so un sigma and very not wow just kidding I LOVE xylophpnes quesidia and France!" - 94 letters - lara bird - 01/06/25
"No I won’t you mother fucking jumping zero brained questioning extreme volting bitch " - 71 letters - Noah - 01/06/25
"I miss when I could still be a cool friend without having to give up my juxtaposed queer xylophone and krunk like a zebra" - 98 letters - gabby B) - 01/06/25
"iam making something that is important for zebras , letteraly not all zebars only who need x ray jams and uv rays and who need quallqom proccesor" - 118 letters - 3amak - 01/06/25
"the joyful sphinx's zit quivered at gawking crumbs " - 42 letters - - 01/06/25
"qwertyuiopasdfghjklcvbnmxz" - 26 letters - Ill be watching - 01/06/25
"I am beautiful and great and not a xylophone or zerbra and is not named kjvwcq" - 63 letters - kjvwcq - 01/06/25
"Peter and Xavier butt into their cozy hotel-room, frankly excited to joke and generalize quite nicely while having some Watermelon." - 109 letters - Sean C. - 01/06/25
"I love rendevouz. The sphinx goes to fall behind the clock while I just have my quartz." - 69 letters - The Meanwhile Mike - 01/06/25
"Hi, just to let you know, your zebra named Xia ran away. I tried to catch her, but she is pretty quick. Good luck finding her, she's probably leaving town by now." - 123 letters - Ava - 01/06/25
"a llama jumped into my back foggy hate rice quick sludge wives ex zed" - 56 letters - lla,a - 01/06/25
"They asked me to create a meaningful sentence using all the letters of the alphabet. My quick thinking led me to create a joking version of the sentence and write xylophone. One word. Simple as 123. XYZ. " - 162 letters - j - 01/06/25
"One day flew mister Bach through Jake’s gaping axe. He quivered with amazement " - 64 letters - Cheese - 01/06/25
"hi dodgers are gonna win this year in the world series watch out padres Blake Snell and teoscar Hernandez are going to the dodgers I wish we got them for free now the dodgers pitching is quite very impressive by the way I like boxes and jets" - 195 letters - jaso - 01/06/25
"I love you so much that I cant because your so pretty Mel and I sat next to kendal and idk why you love grechy shes so zzzzz so much and your funny and its reely qeshin able and I rather talk to you over ja lon " - 164 letters - ummm me - 01/06/25
"One must be lazy except when nearing the end of a very funny, questionable joke" - 64 letters - Gibbus - 01/06/25
"I love to fuck my best-friend whose also my wife in the ass while playing on the xyolophone like zamn work it but stop asking me so many question like you'll get the jelly later." - 141 letters - Poop - 01/06/25
"me when the uhhhmmm when... ahnnmmm... whennn nfbhfnhah.... when theeeee.... uhhhhiouojp... whennn.... i forgor uhmm...syhasxz.... when theehhnnn.... uhhmmm.. klvqdc.... whennn thee.... i forgor" - 130 letters - dementia - 01/06/25
"The quick fox jumped over the lawns yelling to find the bratty zebra." - 56 letters - Penoplée - 01/06/25
"Fuck shit dick bitch motherfucking damn please queen eat my azz vajina xoxo wlw" - 66 letters - Gay Ass - 01/06/25
"when you get that gyatt mogged and freakbob edges you that is when john pork and quandale dingle exterminate and cut your rizz from the server" - 117 letters - skibidi - 01/06/25
"I hope you have a wonderful day! Just know, you are enough and beautiful. Much more than you could imagine with no questions asked. You are my beginning ABC and my ending XYZ." - 138 letters - Maria Konds - 01/06/25
"I just gave my low taper fade a massive performance on the hit app TikTok, where Ninja streamed on the beautiful site twitch, afterward he dropped tilted in a quick game of Fortnite, and with his pickaxe grinded every single CRAZY LOOOOOOOOW TAPEEER Fade meme anyone has ever seen." - 229 letters - Locked In Ninja - 01/06/25
"qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm i'm so genius" - 36 letters - ✨forget me not✨ - 01/06/25
"Its very hard working a low-paying job, i cannot handle all the stress of bills. Many would even say i'm the queen of bills. Explaining this even makes me stressed. But on the bright side of not as lazy as my sister, Mary." - 172 letters - POPCAT - 01/06/25
"Gabriel lucas oliver peter joseph bennett we are da best friends butt i don't know matt xavier qwirk ziggy" - 87 letters - Billy - 01/06/25
"My lazy ex science partner, Xavier, bit my favorite pet sheep. He said it was a joke but I found it quite disgusting. " - 91 letters - Moni - 01/06/25
"Alexander jenkins, is a farting guy. he poops quite often and likes to eat boo jiggers, cum, he is a villain, and a zombie werewolf" - 102 letters - asdf - 01/06/25
"erm what the sigma zzz wait what oh yeah that contains alot of letters man i need to sleep on a nice comfy bed jk but its snowing and im playing the xylophone very quickly" - 137 letters - colten - 01/06/25
"I have a shitty stepmother who is a diagnosed sociopath who has over-zealously plotted her daughters against me and my other sister (who are not her biological daughters) while keeping the 'i'm-just-an-innocent-mother-trying-so-hard-to-make-it-work' act. The saddest part is that she is a terrible actress, yet my father still believes her over me. I have hard evidence in the form of text messages, recorded phone calls, and baby monitor cam footage, yet he still questions the validity of my story. And guess what...? He is not even my real father! he is my stepfather who adopted me. now he's suggesting family therapy with a therapist who happens to be my stepmother's friend." - 538 letters - amalou - 01/06/25
"I’m taking this horse by the rains making redcoats redder with bloodstains (lafayette) and I’m never gonna stop until I make ‘em drop and burn ‘em up and scatter their remains (also qjxz)" - 147 letters - bob-head - 01/06/25
"tim bradford as dim/jake is super hot and can fuck me in every hole any day. id like him to fuck me so hard he creates an earthquake right now. some might say hes a zesty motherfucker but he is straight and so damn fuckable. x" - 177 letters - asdfasd - 01/06/25
"A duck rode his bike far away to his good mates James house and looked over at his porridge, quittidge, and xylophone with the zebra stickers" - 114 letters - Kaileiiii - 01/06/25
"All freakin zebras are very wet by water when hanging with opal quacking ducks named jack and max" - 80 letters - ... - 01/06/25
"Five monkeys joined the circus to play xylophone while quickly riding a zebra" - 65 letters - Ringling Bros - 01/06/25
"ABC to sing the alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z oh gaya baby" - 56 letters - Amelia - 01/06/25
"Hello my little brother I will kill you with my cat of an dinosaurus on a grill thet talks with jargons and likes parots saying qweaxyvergz" - 114 letters - Chupik - 01/06/25
"When you look into the sky at night, do you ever ponder the vastness of the universe? For example, the amazingness of not just the good things that happen, but the seemingly perfect balance of your whole life? Or I may just be lucky. Additionally, whoever thinks quartz looks terrible is wrong and whoever thinks quartz is absolutely extraordinary is also wrong. Quartz is average, and nothing more, nor less. I hope whoever reads this has a great day!" - 362 letters - Nebula - 01/06/25
"Last night, I saw an x-ray of a beautiful zebra's corndog just while I was walking past Mcdonald's searching up test answers with quillbot with my friend Ava." - 126 letters - deez - 01/06/25
"People think the alphabet is weird cocky and useless, but it cam give you an higher i.q. youll be mor intelligent than jay-z ecxiting and fun." - 112 letters - That thing - 01/05/25
"there were never zebras in Cambodia, only x-ray fish, quails, and pesky jaguars" - 63 letters - kaden - 01/05/25
"i like fruit it is yummy especially apricots and peaches or grape juice xylophoney zebra weekly had an advert of a queen" - 99 letters - katelyn paton - 01/05/25
"the zimmerman telegram used fourteen waxed yodelling cats to quench Kapablanca's very bad thirst with juice" - 91 letters - 2nd coming of jesus - 01/05/25
"the fox jumped over the lazy dogs quickly by his nose with a frog" - 52 letters - Tristan - 01/05/25
"after boxing thunder bolt the zebra yac violet will be super jelous and kill mr quail" - 70 letters - peepee poopoo caca - 01/05/25
"Did you know that 20 percent of animals don’t have spines. Now I know this may be shocking to most but in zoos they aren’t allowed to have quails in the sate of California. And in Vermont they aren’t allowed to have juice boxes. " - 179 letters - Sigma - 01/05/25
"at the end of the day its night because just dance kelly my man zukiney pp que tip ride a bike venmo me whats wrong she is my ex " - 100 letters - cheese man - 01/05/25
"I'm pretty sure that the quardant of both canditates were, say, just a gigantuous, yet also kittens have been playing xylophones. Zebreas." - 111 letters - Emily's Amelia - 01/05/25
"All freakin zebras are very wet when hanging with opal quacking ducks named jack and max" - 73 letters - ... - 01/05/25
"so let's settle something today our friends must be only one person's friends so don't be like that gen alpha kids and do something good for our ecosystem ok? q v w x z j" - 132 letters - ACMRP - 01/05/25
"the letters in the alphabet are abcdefghijklmnoipqrstuvwxy and z " - 56 letters - Jules - 01/05/25
"Stop journalizing objects. They are not liquids! If we use checkboxes to overdramatize things, we will die." - 87 letters - tb - 01/05/25
"Onomatopoeia is a wet word used to describe x rays and violins that have queued for a line to see zebras and frogs just kidding." - 103 letters - Tasha - 01/05/25
"Alright, let’s get this stupid thing over with. My name is Zac jube Quince, Kangaroos are my fave, and I hate x rays. " - 89 letters - Lellie - 01/05/25
"cum in my ass hole and mouth for my life cum in my pussy i'm your queen and your my king so lick my ass and i will give you a blow job xxx zara " - 108 letters - zara - 01/05/25
"I would not like to inquire rudely to a zesty jester fighting with a bicycle named xavier poo" - 76 letters - Bob Jenkins - 01/05/25
"All fucking zebras are very wet when hanging with opal quacking ducks named jack and max" - 73 letters - ... - 01/05/25
"All fucking zebras are very wet when hanging with opal quaking ducks named jack and max" - 72 letters - ... - 01/05/25
"hi my name is zora and can i have your attention for game thats called just kidding bro and please dont question my weird behaviour to experience fun." - 122 letters - Ramla - 01/05/25
"Dan and Xiaomi were hanging out on a date, and little did Zeldarian know, Xiaomi was cheating on her and Jack is a monster in boblos doors and farpiquian is a girl who's cheating on veycan." - 150 letters - Dan - 01/05/25
"a beautiful couple days even from good health is jenny know like my new ones please quote right side there usually visit with xiyht your zip " - 115 letters - polo - 01/05/25
"I have lost the game and I am very crazy excited because I’m a poopy face queen with just one kitty " - 78 letters - Bob - 01/05/25
"i dont know why Levi Gonzalez does not fricking live in Jutland with Xabiq Map" - 64 letters - no - 01/05/25
"I really like tesla and i want to invest in it tommorow. I also have a spotify playlist called 'Leo XYZ' and by the way i like jam and glue and questions" - 119 letters - tesla kid - 01/05/25
"I am so fucking tired of the people who dont like bees and janitors who do Q&A with vocaloids & Xavier Yonzabi." - 87 letters - Maskedclaw - 01/05/25
"i wish that new people like zac wren and jake maq could be as flovorusly stupid as a goat, love ya xxx" - 80 letters - diddy - 01/05/25
"Subject1:Jordan has become a monstrosity from drinking lava and gaining power he's a zombie now he can do quintuple flips Xavier is helping him" - 118 letters - Jimmy John's pizzeria - 01/05/25
"You are very skibidi and i love you, you are cool, feisty, gangster, hipster, joker, mom, queen, W rizz, exiting" - 84 letters - Papaya - 01/05/25
"A cab decided to fool with its girlfriend, so it decided to joke about ending their relationship. The girlfriend was not happy, bu then the cab gave his girlfriend a quilt, xylophone, zebra, and the country of Panama." - 173 letters - Muhammad Azmeer Khan - 01/05/25
"a foolish cat walked under the goat who was, lazy, yodeling, and he was named bob and he would only sing the alphabet excluding j, v, q and o. and it was oh so stupd" - 125 letters - meep - 01/05/25
"i dont know so i guess it sux to suck bawlz my quirky fapjak. im joshin vro" - 58 letters - nilz - 01/05/25
"Queer and trans rights are more important than the zealos lives of xenophobic jokers who lie and yawn " - 84 letters - A gay child - 01/05/25
"A fox meets an elephant which is best friends with a zebra the zebra knows how to play a xylophone and he wears Sun glasses to protect himself from it days his name is jaquavias" - 143 letters - Habibah lol I'm so funny - 01/05/25
"a fox jumped over a bag full of chips and is very proud of it and loves to quilt,kick and wants to see a waxing cresent moon in a zoo" - 103 letters - siren - 01/05/25
"Hi zero,you are a brilliant super hardworking and a cute friend. Very very monkey like. Just kidding, Mr. Xylophone from Qatar " - 101 letters - Oishi - 01/05/25
"gen alpha is screwed because gen BETA is finally here its 2025 queen, jay z is still popular and mrbeast got away. ok gen x to gen alpha are scared gen beta gen x has probs vanished by now but ok." - 153 letters - me - 01/05/25
"I love dicks and sucking cock to the point I want to come. a guy will fuck me faster than a zebra and ill quickly give him a blow job. they are going to have to give me an x-ray because I got rearranged" - 156 letters - Sissy - 01/05/25
"Hey girly what’s up, let me tell you that you matter very much and I hope you are feeling well because you are the queen of good deeds.You are : Jolly Kind just like a zebra!😘🤩🫶🏻.XOXOXOXOXO" - 144 letters - Grace - 01/05/25
"Does the zebra know fear and quake in the presence of your fixed life or does he mold his joy to embrace everyones general feeling" - 106 letters - J. M - 01/05/25
" 'have hope with in you and smile more bitch fag just kidding queers xray z' - 59 letters - gojos rose toy!!! - 01/05/25 'My xylophone stepped on a bee that was carrying honey to the beehive, it's name was Joshua Francine and he killed many queens in whilst in the zone. ' - 118 letters - Krypton_Ate_Nico - 01/05/25 'the stars are out tonight, dead ones are the living, We live closer to the earth Never to the heavens The stars are never far away The stars are out tonight They watch us from behind their shades Brigitte Jack and Kate and Brad From behind their tinted window stretch Gleaming like blackened sunshine pqxz' - 249 letters - david bowie - 01/05/25 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq' - 78 letters - - 01/05/25 'I will not use brain rot memes in 2025 I will not use brain rot memes in 2025 I will not use brain rot memes in 2025 I will not use brain rot memes in 2025 I will not use brain rot memes in 2025 I will not use brain rot memes in 2025 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyx' - 206 letters - freddy go har - 01/05/25 'ohio gyatt rizz sigma balls grimace shake vision pro woke qwerty daddy jamal freddy fazbear underwear sonicxshadow ' - 98 letters - LolImNotOkXD - 01/05/25 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog because he's running for his life' - 62 letters - Sigma - 01/05/25 'A big crack dawned first, hurryingly molting a jester with exuberant fear punishingly. Query my grammar as I am very zict.' - 99 letters - HAWK TUAH - 01/05/25 'He will never love you like he loves ZXavier because he's for the men if you know what I mean Jayden... Is gay he likes peines like Quintin ' - 108 letters - Emily - 01/05/25 'Have you ever thought of the greatness of cheese? It's tantalizing flavor or odor? Perhaps the Taste? How it melts in your mouth? Its exquisite texture and variety? Well, you may have now, my friend. You may want to acquire this dairy relic on your own, how can you get, you may ask? It's easy! Find an importer or a store, anywhere that may have cheese. You'll most likely find the best results at a fine importer. Then find the type that suits your fancy, don't just rush through, selection takes time. If you take time, you'll find the best variety. Once you've made your selection, go and buy your cheese and return home. Once you arrive to your home, give your cheese a minute or two to refrigerate. Once the process is done, take your cheese and cut it with a knife. Be careful when cutting your cheese, " - 1921 letters - depressed person - 01/05/25
"have hope with in you and smile more bitch fag just kidding queers xray z" - 59 letters - gojos rose toy!!! - 01/05/25
"My xylophone stepped on a bee that was carrying honey to the beehive, it's name was Joshua Francine and he killed many queens in whilst in the zone. " - 118 letters - Krypton_Ate_Nico - 01/05/25
"the stars are out tonight, dead ones are the living, We live closer to the earth Never to the heavens The stars are never far away The stars are out tonight They watch us from behind their shades Brigitte Jack and Kate and Brad From behind their tinted window stretch Gleaming like blackened sunshine pqxz" - 249 letters - david bowie - 01/05/25
"I will not use brain rot memes in 2025 I will not use brain rot memes in 2025 I will not use brain rot memes in 2025 I will not use brain rot memes in 2025 I will not use brain rot memes in 2025 I will not use brain rot memes in 2025 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzyx" - 206 letters - freddy go har - 01/05/25
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog because he's running for his life" - 62 letters - Sigma - 01/05/25
"A big crack dawned first, hurryingly molting a jester with exuberant fear punishingly. Query my grammar as I am very zict." - 99 letters - HAWK TUAH - 01/05/25
"He will never love you like he loves ZXavier because he's for the men if you know what I mean Jayden... Is gay he likes peines like Quintin " - 108 letters - Emily - 01/05/25
"Have you ever thought of the greatness of cheese? It's tantalizing flavor or odor? Perhaps the Taste? How it melts in your mouth? Its exquisite texture and variety? Well, you may have now, my friend. You may want to acquire this dairy relic on your own, how can you get, you may ask? It's easy! Find an importer or a store, anywhere that may have cheese. You'll most likely find the best results at a fine importer. Then find the type that suits your fancy, don't just rush through, selection takes time. If you take time, you'll find the best variety. Once you've made your selection, go and buy your cheese and return home. Once you arrive to your home, give your cheese a minute or two to refrigerate. Once the process is done, take your cheese and cut it with a knife. Be careful when cutting your cheese, try not to injure yourself or make your slices too irregular. Finish cutting and enjoy your cheese!" - 709 letters - A Cheese Connoisseur - 01/05/25
"'Well how hard can this be?' said me, before attempting a pangram. Surely it's easier than opening a jar of pickles. Fortunately it is, I'm just very weak, so it doesn't say much. This is a queer challenge, is it not? Forcing people to use exotic words and phrases in the aim to complete this challenge. But what surprises me most, is how zealous people approach this... Is there nothing better you could be doing right now? I know there is for me... Alas I am here, writing in confined rules something perhaps nobody will ever read.." - 412 letters - Me - 01/05/25
"Hello my dudes! What be quackin?! My name is Emmix wavenson and i just wanted to let you know that for reasons i can not explain we will all die one day. Goodbye time for me to sleep zzzzz" - 146 letters - Sincerely Emmix wavenson - 01/05/25
"I really hate the economy of zerahemla like what the fuck is quackin with those bitchs out dar my god just fuckin pucked xxxx vvvv" - 106 letters - Painguen - 01/05/25
"If I were the devil, first thing that I'd do Is I'd come off like I ever gave a damn about you I'd let you catch a peak of all your greatest desires And I'd watch the flames in your eyes burn like hellfire Find all the wolves in the land And I'd make them fight each other Tooth and nail and hand to hand Find all the sheep, make 'em stir up the pot 'Cause once the wolves have killed each other Sheep are what I want The devil walks among us, friends, I know this is true And I don't know if he's red and I don't know if he's blue One thing that I know, we need to take a look around If I were the devil, this world would be my playground As I place that thorny crown on my furrowed brow Well, I'd shine in all the tears of joy, yelling from the crowd I'd want to brainwash some parents and I'd have the world I'll be in every schoolhouse lecturing little boys and girls The devil walks among us, friends, I know this is true And I don't know if it's me and I don't know if it's you But one thing that I know, we need to take a look around If I were the devil, this world would be my playground For my final act, I'll tell you what'd it'd be I'd have everyone so medicated, they could never see My cloven hooves or horned head would be all disguised And the best part of it all is they'd comply with their demise The devil walks among us friends, I know this is true And I don't know if it's me and I don't know if it's you One thing that I know, we need to take a look around If I were the devil, this world would be my playground If I were the devil and this world was mine to see Well, I'd witness all the atrocities and it'd probably frighten me So I'd run back home with a story to tell I'd tell all my demon friends that I always preferred hell QXZ" - 1342 letters - UncleIroh - 01/05/25
"hello what's your name mine is Zoe jk my name is Samantha like your grandpa I'm messing with u but like I quilts do u come on its funny right doesn't you think the names vera and xia " - 142 letters - samantha - 01/05/25
"i will now sing the abc's ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY and Z now i know my abcs next time wont you sing with me?" - 87 letters - Alex! - 01/05/25
"Simon just saw oren and pinki kissing in sprunki gray and wenda left brud got hit by a plane jeven saw the chaos that black made OWAKCX had a question about funbot but garnald and clucker told him to get some zs" - 170 letters - Epicclubbox - 01/05/25
"prove that gods like the queens boxes of fizzy zucchini cookies with jam " - 60 letters - your mom - 01/05/25
"Hi my name is Anna and my fav thing ever . Accually two fav this ever is gilmore girls and harry potter . my fav ships from these two shows are gilmore girls rory gilmore x logan huntzbreger , and from harry potter posible my favorite ship you know im serious when in using favorite in its spelt form is ladies and gentalmen HARRY JAMES POTTER X GINEVRA MOLLY 'GINNY' WEASLY or should i say Potter insted of weasly bc she maried a potter haha Questions any body " - 369 letters - Ann - 01/05/25
"A bat can’t quarrel while sleeping with a fox and joking vicariously about moms and the letter z." - 78 letters - Shrek - 01/05/25
"Jacob liked used to take lots of trips to northern Zimbabwe and eat gazpacho with his friends Alexander, Vanessa, Avery and Quinn" - 106 letters - Juniper - 01/05/25
"I want you for prancing on horses. Please play the xylophone and never forget just remember. Ken loves zebras and quails." - 98 letters - Lord Farquad - 01/05/25
"hello my name is bob i love to catfish people and my freinds name is george the fox, zachary the queer, and john the wookie" - 97 letters - erahae - 01/05/25
"bug is max very tiny + crazy he write a cheque for 2k lots of money cashed he jump for joy" - 69 letters - anomynous anonymous anomymous anomynous ano- I GIVE UP - 01/05/25
"bug is tiny + crazy its max he write a cheque for 2k very lots money cashed he jump for joy" - 70 letters - anomymous anonymous anomousy anomounys ano- I GIVE UP - 01/05/25
"Seriously, Why does he play that saxophone when it’s zoomed in? How does saxophones even be zoomed in? Why is he also quiet? He was good at saxophones, But why is he in this state? Just, Why? And now he is petting the saxophone like he’s kind? Oh now he’s actually playing the saxophone now. Great, I hope he keeps doing that for now and not just doing random things." - 283 letters - max - 01/05/25
"vinny! just stop eating four bananas alone and kindly comment about the queue with exiled zoo animals" - 84 letters - panko - 01/05/25
"Yahoo! lets got party at the zebra enclosure, Jake bring Vinny and many fish! I'll be at the queue after I clean my earwax!" - 95 letters - Banana Slug - 01/05/25
"i hate zebras so much that i could throw them at the speed of light dont you even question me xyloplhones are better jk they are bad" - 106 letters - Leena Nguyen - 01/05/25
"How many times can you resize a rhyme to fit the groove of a disco jive in queens place party karaoke box" - 84 letters - - 01/05/25
"you should kindly kill yourself because nobody blummin plummin quintratrollin loves your jingy whiny xylophonic voice you zebra" - 110 letters - Meow - 01/05/25
"Guys watch bungo stray dogs you will notice that there are gay people and also soukoku is gay like me :D anyway dazai and chuuya are gay like me and fyolai slays they should adopt Q so yea all are named after dead authors but there is PLOT and kenji will live and soukoku is dazai x chuuya and shin soukoku is atsushi x akutagawa" - 264 letters - Person - 01/05/25
"i love my mom as much as zuccini and for all pops has done for me, just what he gets me beacause i quickly realized that xi" - 96 letters - lilac - 01/04/25
"the brown fox jumped over the lazy brown quail then the fox got curb stomped and killed" - 71 letters - yhted3rhhhhhhhhhhhy4322222222222 - 01/04/25
"so uh, how can zorro beat that very, uh, unquestionably dastardly piece of jackfruit with the xylophone he got from that assassin." - 105 letters - - 01/04/25
"hi niggas we all fam in the clurb what the fuck like actually i hate megan so fucking much i wanna honk mimimi zzzz you know xrays r so cool da fuck jajjajaj poopy doopy queen vavava " - 146 letters - nigga - 01/04/25
"Wadaya Mean. If this ain't meaning ful I will say a confused unga boonga rabbit zebra just ate or drank some vodka. Panagrams are like quills in a xylaphone" - 125 letters - Nsisong - 01/04/25
"marvel us better than dc cause their movies are 10 times betterthan the movies or dc fgjkpqwxyz" - 79 letters - mariana - 01/04/25
"Please help me with the exhausting mathematic problems involving the Pythagorean theorem and the Jordan Curve Theorem during my visit in the University of Chicago so we can equalize our knowledge." - 165 letters - Eren R. - 01/04/25
"Luan Beck can not shut up have you seen him with his friend Zander? Awful like Jandre glad you meet him quax when you see him " - 99 letters - - 01/04/25
"phone rings, door chimes, in comes company. I can't stop thinking about the 2006 production of the musical company zoo wee mama que what vokexj" - 115 letters - oli - 01/04/25
"qwerty is a famous keyboard used on most computers, but, It makes it harder to spell xylophone. You can make your own keyboard, like JVZYXG. (I made that one up) Keyboards are cool." - 141 letters - Ronald Qwerty - 01/04/25
"i love my german schnitzel from xerox jukeboxes with dipping queso" - 56 letters - me - 01/04/25
"Albert is a man thats 40 years old he lives alone since his wife passed and his kids never visit him. Georg is his best friend they’ve now each other for a long time. Jacky was his high school girlfriend there still friends. Jessy is also his highschool girlfriend he played them. Urgent questions “have you ever meet someone thats name starts with an X or Z i never meet anyone. Zemora maybe and Xavier. Question answerd " - 337 letters - Ernestina - 01/04/25
"Can you really make a pangram that makes sense i dont think so said zeus but we can still try jamal said they were very vexed que finger ball" - 113 letters - Abi - 01/04/25
"i wanna have a z-engine type train of john paul the big cool dude who like x-men while shaving some quartz. this made no sense at all. but hey every letter of the alphabet is here!" - 140 letters - j.d - has no idea what he's typed. - 01/04/25
"nigger like black women for one reason which is that they hate latinas but theres a problem about that thats is the question about zebras are they zoophiles? No but they're determination is crazy, they have one exception which is people named jonh" - 202 letters - local racist - 01/04/25
"sophya is the queen of nothingland, the zoo, the Jim, kangaroos, busses, cats, vultures, xylophones, and woe." - 84 letters - sophya <3 - 01/04/25
"Is all the cheese in the world zested for dabbing velocity would lick the mono cielig practising tai can do quern Jim x" - 97 letters - I'm not telling you my name - 01/04/25
"bats r at and or at the zoo playing xylophones on a qwerty keyboard up in the air cats are jumping to get the bats like fox's voiding" - 105 letters - - 01/04/25
"My aunt took me and my brother to the zoo it was a lot Of money next time mom's paying with jello & carrots & quiches and very rotten apples " - 108 letters - Addison - 01/04/25
"I would like to introduce myself to you because I am inside a vent and need to go pee on some queer hungry juice boxes at the zoo. " - 102 letters - Esther - 01/04/25
"IDK what alphabet means but o is the last vowel and xyz are the last letters not cffgyjq" - 71 letters - Billy - 01/04/25
"I don't think its a good idea Jean-xavier and Zoe to be part of the horrible sect, the quicker you made out of this, the better you will be." - 107 letters - cherry - 01/04/25
"This is the alphabet Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Now you will do good in school" - 67 letters - Annalisa Cirillo - 01/04/25
"Despite what her besties say, I am the actual sigma Ohio rizzler. She thinks she's one too, but really, she's just a skibidi Ohio rizzler. The only thing I like about her is her gyatt, but even that's skibidi too. She fanum taxed my friends' gyatts way to hard, and their cheesy quesadillas too." - 229 letters - The Ultimate Sigma Ohio Rizzler - 01/04/25
"i cant spell hippomonstrsquidideliaphobia, pnuemeouultrascopisultravocanosis, z, supercalaifragchisexpeedaliochious, and jkwy" - 113 letters - Wuyic - 01/04/25
"A person walks in and says hello beekeeper I want some honey please the beekeeper says sure what’s your name so I can note it down in my system the person says my name is Carl from Florida and my mom is from Georgia and my dad is from Jamaica anyway does honey float the beekeeper doesn’t answer Carl says hey dude answer my query or I’ll call the queers and the queen I’m wearing Versace and I like the country Zimbabwe X-ray time to the hospital that’s in Jamaica careful Versace second X-ray just because the bee says buzz" - 419 letters - Ducky - 01/04/25
"i hate niggers faggots spics wetbacks slanteyes jerseyes mings zionists jews xenon degon quon and vion" - 87 letters - timotej cernac - 01/04/25
"my big lotion mansion that is made with children from pork of zequvjem boxy" - 62 letters - masha - 01/04/25
"pamagram is an interesting quote by marcus the third from jokeland with godzilas in wax waves" - 78 letters - nicole - 01/04/25
"Because if my favorurite xray why u may sk becuse my dog is a jolly person and lazy and quick " - 74 letters - Wolfie - 01/04/25
"Yo me llamo Amalia y tengo dos perros y un gato. Uno de mis perros se llama waffles y el otro Alexander el gato se llama catarina y mi hermano bruno. Me encanta comer queso y jamón en un pan con palta. Veo una kometa tirada por un zombie" - 186 letters - Amalia Astudillo - 01/04/25
"Elemenopwillneverbeforgottenyouknowwhycauseitsaclassicandmyfavouritelettersarejqxzandsinceilovetheabcssomuchillsingitnowabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyandznowinowmyabcsnexttimewontypusingwithmeohitsgetting late I have to go now bye" - 218 letters - Banana 🍌 - 01/04/25
"Hello my favourite chicken nugget called Xavier who likes to buy puddings just for queen zoe" - 77 letters - Olivia - 01/04/25
"I really love to play this game because it makes me feel like I have W rizz and ready to go rizz up a slay queen, boutta jinx her up." - 102 letters - Sorry for the brainrot - 01/04/25
"I am proud of how far your dog has been trying since you have something to encourage joe your dog which is zink your a queen love XOXO " - 107 letters - Avi - 01/04/25
"eu sou maravilhosa e cheiro á flores(ironia kakak). eu gosto de dormir(zzzz). e eu sou do rj,pq? num sei eu falo mt x, so tem coisas ruim na escola. eu gosto de jogar, e bão. eu não falo mt Y e W porque eles usam no inglês, infelizmente...eu tenho trilhôes, bilhoes de jogos no roblox que nunca dão certo...., o nome é: naruta_paiva" - 246 letters - ixtelax - 01/04/25
"The Goat is very sleepy so it says zzz to the queen abacus and JK Rowling’s mother and father , Mr and Mrs X" - 83 letters - Yuko - 01/04/25
"This pangram website thing is so cool! It makes me want to say DFJQUVXZ!!!!" - 57 letters - Evil Tomato - 01/04/25
"Hi my name is cdfgjklpqvxz by the way how are you" - 39 letters - Evil Pineapple - 01/04/25
"I hate watermelons and xylophones because they are just like zebras and quokkas, but i love green foxes." - 85 letters - Skibidi Rizzler - 01/04/25
"i wish that i wasnt ultra skibidi sigma with w rizz an zero aura i wish i was like caprija she is very normal looking skibidi qolu x fartts" - 111 letters - skibidi rizzler - 01/04/25
"the new dog jumped over a slippy fox quietly because he kept zapping" - 56 letters - afsghkj - 01/04/25
"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog hello anyone reading this" - 57 letters - CHICKAWAGA - 01/04/25
"A butterfly grows cocoons him just kidding pqvxz" - 41 letters - Suq de snuts - 01/04/25
"I am sorry for what i have don edo i haven't to my adhd fucked anything living yet as i don't know exactly where the zoo is. Jokes aside i am right now sitting in my Grandmas basement waiting for her to finish peeing. Then we are going to watch the quizconcert. " - 205 letters - FCKINGHEL - 01/04/25
"You are so beautiful to me, can't you see, your all I hope for your all I need, your the most generous and quiet, jolly, very knowledgeable zookeeper XOXO love ur bf" - 128 letters - Idk - 01/04/25
"bella has a math problem she needs to finish, it says, 'if Jimmy has cake he needs to finish with gigi, vee, Zack, and Xander divided by five, how many will you have?' is the question" - 139 letters - nickii:33 - 01/04/25
"Because of ducks I am scared of the queen of England, just kidding, I'm scared of the planet Venus, the name Walter and Xavier, and the letter Z and Y " - 116 letters - Pickle tickler - 01/04/25
"My best friend is abraham linkoln querpvez. We are clowns and eat jam. Exam is in geografiy cabinet" - 80 letters - Sigma kosta - 01/04/25
"people keep saying im a little drunk know and then but fuck i am so jay walking over a qwerty keyboard zzzz xelf" - 90 letters - - 01/04/25
"y'know sometimez I consider dying so I get reincarnated into omniscient readers viewpoint and get to meet the fool Kim Dokja and have babies name our babies qooki and xex." - 140 letters - Rupu - 01/04/25
"hi my given name is rupu but I like to be called xui cheng Chun qiqi. I strive for a future where I do not exizt. h/jk" - 89 letters - Rupu - 01/04/25
"a meaningful sentence that contains all the letters of the alphabet may seem difficult, but it really just isn't. Think about this very weird challenge (or question it as you please) and you might find yourself wondering why you didn't realize sooner. Foxes are the best." - 218 letters - crystal - 01/04/25
"Hello, my name is quandale dingle, i live at regal street 20. Today i am going for an x-ray with my friend jay! After that we will go to the zoo to see some bees. Then we will go home to play some roblox. We will play kat and role play cats in brookhaven" - 194 letters - Dana - 01/04/25
"Hello! How have you been? Me? I’ve been just swell. You want to tell me something? What’s that? My grandmother passed away? Well, that’s fucking horrible. All that extra time gone to waste. I baked her cookies. Zayum! A rat! Quick, kill it!" - 180 letters - Ray - 01/04/25
"ashley eats quite alot of quick yuppy pizza followed with brown grog before her moxy jog each and every vacation" - 93 letters - ashley n - 01/04/25
"everything you do will always be so important, forever just be kind and quiet listen to the people who care xoxo. z" - 92 letters - michea; - 01/04/25
"krishna and zachary are jumping for joy over the quaint idea that they could be expecting to welcome a baby into this universe " - 104 letters - kat - 01/04/25
"a zebra and a cheetah go into a sexy bar in switzerland for jeopardy and for asking very meaningful questions" - 90 letters - Vinter Praseodymium - 01/04/25
"we are the ones who will help you find the way, like we helped the congruent, bodily jester, of a maniac quizzer of a xylophone villa." - 105 letters - ofa - 01/04/25
"Mommy, I don't think it's good- it's fanTASTIC!! Where were you during yearbook photos? What is that, is that hyperpigmentation? slay queenz whatever jxx" - 120 letters - hyperpigmentation - 01/04/25
"stupid bore kills quails on vacation on a foggy hunters moon zooming with a juvenile excitedly " - 79 letters - anochw - 01/04/25
"And now for Justin Bieber's latest hit single, Orangutan Pussy! ORANGUTAN PUSSY?!! Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room, a rubber room. qvx" - 116 letters - gerard slay - 01/04/25
"hey loved me but i just couldnt quite love him as much back. we wen mini golfing, we went to a zoo, we went parasailing and so much more.xoxo" - 109 letters - reece - 01/04/25
"You have bees, cats, dogs, fish, jokers, lovers, Monopoly games, slay queens, winter snow, Zealot cats, and lots of xylophones in your house. I just organized your house. You're welcome." - 143 letters - oompa loompa - 01/04/25
"ok a meaningful sentence easy did you know that dogs came from wolf ancestors Bop bet you didn't know that oh well jack is out and quentin and yin and yang vic xyz" - 130 letters - Monkey from jungle - 01/04/25
"A beauty comes from zen don’t joke why go like poodle quiet voice Xbox " - 56 letters - Hhvgy - 01/04/25
"Sphinx of Jack, will thou give art permission to dig up your black quartz" - 59 letters - 0tt3r_Sp4c3 - 01/04/25
"A very happy bee went to the market to buy some cats. But the store was sold out. The bee desired a cat but settled on a zebra.the quite excellent zebra liked to jump in the green sky five times " - 152 letters - Bee - 01/04/25
"Acton-Boxborough Regional School District will veal your steak, pique your zeitgeist, and find your jam." - 86 letters - Sand-hiya - 01/04/25
"Zounds! I just realized that Boppy made Carl figure out that Vinny was kicking Quinn's xylophone!" - 79 letters - spongehater - 01/04/25
"my world is full of Xylophones that are queens because they have zebras jkg." - 62 letters - - 01/04/25
"amazing elephants swimming around the fences but were killed by Xavier and Jack Quietly" - 74 letters - Matthew - 01/04/25
"Xrays are good for you since they see what bones you have broken. But an xray cant see a broken heart. Ladies and men can be players. Judges can be queers and zebras can die." - 136 letters - liv - 01/04/25
"i can not believe that im wasting my time with this! instead i could be doing things such as painting, resting, finishing a maze, playing with a xylophone, or making a quilt. just kidding this is fun" - 157 letters - me - 01/04/25
"Xenotransplantation is transplanting organs between dissimilar species. This happens due to the quantity of people needing transplants exceeding the quantity of available transplants. Some species, like zooplankton, don't have organs, and therefore can't help with this process, but others, like jaguars, have organs, and therefore can help." - 283 letters - Anonymouse - 01/04/25
"U are ugly- jk, you are ok I guess, but uh you are definetly ok enough for me to say this. You are lucky that's for sure. As lucky as a queen compared to a peasant. So I welcome you to living I this box with me lol. ZZZZ good night" - 173 letters - Yup - 01/04/25
"Pseudonyms are useful and cool, drugs make people hijack baby’s into queues with velocities and xenophobic zebras " - 95 letters - Lisa - 01/04/25
"Hello how are you i like to watch zebras while playing a xylophone but don’t worry i wont make friends with quavers just kidding!" - 104 letters - AMALAM - 01/04/25
"Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows eat zucchini’s maybe just because they very much like quartz xylophones" - 95 letters - Aditya Arun - 01/04/25
"the lazy dog runs over a cat really fast and quick so the cat jumps in angry and bats his face with his paw and buys a xylophone" - 101 letters - anonymouslime - 01/04/25
"a quick brown fox jumped over with lazy dogs " - 36 letters - - 01/04/25
"what a wonderful zoo we have here, the idea of the boat in the middle leaves people quite stunned and jumping for joy. not only that but the xylophone shop can get you some cool kicks" - 146 letters - dr do nothing - 01/04/25
"I like chipotle a whole lot! I MAKE TACOS AT HOME but there not as good as the are from chipotle. My mom Jennifer likes it too! I met a girl named Veronica Zebxq" - 125 letters - Verionica - 01/04/25
"You have a purpose on this planet, it is to love, have kids, get married, and possibly be a cat queen! What you will become is not up to me... it's up to you! Be the queen or king for great power is in you! For in the future, people as bad as the joker will turn good in your presence. X may be for Xylophone, but J is for Joy, like a zebra becoming free from a cage. Be your free zebra! Be free with joy!" - 301 letters - - 01/03/25
"One day amir was delivering and made his own country and now he doesn't accept two dollars dolla tips he made his own currency called amirolla and he has one zillon people living THEIR somehow because he is built different and he kept saying sir or else the world will end if he doesn't say sir one million times in a day and then he made is own his own content called amir content and killed amar and changed everyone's name in north korea to Xander and Zander and Joe mama and qwerty but last and least amir" - 409 letters - - 01/03/25
"hi,love is all around,it really is,and you know what if you haven't seen it yet you need to it's a way of loving,of being so wonderfull,if you ever feel it or suspect it exists near you just try to feel the feeling and stop mouring past hates,the que is to just let yourself go and feel the wonders of life its zesty,happy sometimes sour different in every way. Love yourself and everywone atound you. xoxo your favourite therapist" - 343 letters - your therapist (love yourself) - 01/03/25
"i like big black munches voweled xylophone fat jay z ruq" - 46 letters - keiko - 01/03/25
"ninja has stupid sbilings and her fav letters are ckmoqwxyz" - 50 letters - Nina Lech - 01/03/25
"Xylophone players are required all over the world. Not only in Jamaica but in Jefferson City! Great players never give up passion and kindness. Some even learn another instrument; Guitar, on an Ibanez" - 163 letters - Emi - 01/03/25
"You belong here, you are here, the world is better because of you. Thank you. pqvjjxzm" - 67 letters - why are all of you messed up? - 01/03/25
"There was once a zebra called Xavier. He was my girlfriend, Just Kidding! Peppa pig is! DONT QUESTION ME" - 82 letters - Olivia the chicken nugget - 01/03/25
"Ho do you Stan loona ? Bitch why not !! you're joking right ? No fucking way. You're missing out the very best group in the world, we're throwing you off a zoo, and be quiet there, the animals doesn't wanna associate doesn't wanna associate with people who don't stan loona xx" - 211 letters - yuri - 01/03/25
"A young seven year old girl was raped by a 53 year old man named zort. Zort was a coward but had enough courage to rape the little girl who's name was later revealed as kafalje. Kafalje was terrified and it hurt but she was a sick fuck so she enjoyed it. They got married to each other and Quatro days later they had sex again! The end" - 263 letters - Le'Asia - 01/03/25
"Its about time somebody actually fixed the leaky pipes and the broken zebras because im starting to question the variety of walruses we have at JCPenny" - 126 letters - Mc fart face - 01/03/25
"The geography of Paris is characterised by the urbanisation of the area it lies within, and its position in the Petite Couronne, Grande Couronne, and Île-de-France. Location Paris is located in northern central France. By road, it is 450 kilometres (280 mi) southeast of London, 287 kilometres (178 mi) south of Calais, 305 kilometres (190 mi) southwest of Brussels, 774 kilometres (481 mi) north of Marseille, 385 kilometres (239 mi) northeast of Nantes, and 135 kilometres (84 mi) southeast of Rouen.[1] Paris is located in the north-bending arc of the river Seine and includes two islands, the Île Saint-Louis and the larger Île de la Cité, which form the oldest part of the city. The river's mouth on the English Channel (La Manche) is about 233 mi (375 km) downstream from the city. The city is spread widely on both banks of the river.[2] Area Excluding the outlying parks of Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes, Paris covers an oval measuring about 87 km2 (34 sq mi) in area, enclosed by the 35 km (22 mi) ring road, the Boulevard Périphérique.[3] The city's last major annexation of outlying territories in 1860 not only gave it its modern form but also created the 20 clockwise-spiralling arrondissements (municipal boroughs). From the 1860 area of 78 km2 (30 sq mi), the city limits were expanded marginally to 86.9 km2 (33.6 sq mi) in the 1920s. In 1929, the Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes forest parks were officially annexed to the city, bringing its area to about 105 km2 (41 sq mi).[4] The metropolitan area of the city is 2,300 km2 (890 sq mi).[2] Climate Main article: Climate of Paris Paris has a typical Western European oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb ) which is affected by the North Atlantic Current. The overall climate throughout the year is mild and moderately wet.[5] Summer days are usually warm and pleasant with average temperatures between 15 and 25 °C (59 and 77 °F), and a fair amount of sunshine.[6] Each year, however, there are a few days when the temperature rises above 32 °C (90 °F). Longer periods of more intense heat sometimes occur, such as the heat wave of 2003 when temperatures exceeded 30 °C (86 °F) for weeks, reached 40 °C (104 °F) on some days and seldom cooled down at night.[7] Spring and autumn have, on average, mild days and fresh nights but are changing and unstable. Surprisingly warm or cool weather occurs frequently in both seasons.[8] In winter, sunshine is scarce; days are cool, nights cold but generally above freezing with low temperatures around 3 °C (37 °F).[9] Light night frosts are however quite common, but the temperature will dip below −5 °C (23 °F) for only a few days a year. Snow falls every year, but rarely stays on the ground. The city sometimes sees light snow or flurries with or without accumulation.[10] Paris has an average annual precipitation of 641 mm (25.2 in), and experiences light rainfall distributed evenly throughout the year. However the city is known for intermittent abrupt heavy showers. Paris has a rich history of meteorological observations, with some going back as far as 1665. The highest recorded temperature is 42.6 °C (108.7 °F) on 25 July 2019,[11] and the lowest is −23.9 °C (−11.0 °F) on 10 December 1879.[12] Furthermore, the warmest night on record is 27.5 °C (81.5 °F) on 27 June 1772 and the coldest day is −13.0 °C (8.6 °F) on 30 December 1788.[13] Topography Physical map of Paris The topography, or physical lay of the land, of Paris, the capital of France, is relatively flat, with an elevation of 35 m (115 ft) above sea level,[14] but it contains a number of hills: Montmartre: 130 m (430 ft) above sea level (ASL). It was leveled in the 18th century. Belleville: 148 m (486 ft) ASL[14] Menilmontant: 108 m (354 ft) ASL Buttes-Chaumont: 80 m (260 ft) ASL Passy: 71 m (233 ft) ASL Chaillot: 67 m (220 ft) ASL Montagne Sainte-Geneviève: 61 m (200 ft) ASL Butte-aux-Cailles: 62 m (203 ft) ASL Montparnasse: 66 m (217 ft) ASL The highest elevation in the City of Paris is not, as often thought, on the hill of Montmartre, where the Basilica of Sacré-Cœur is located, but on the hill of Belleville on the rue du Télégraphe [fr], which reaches 148 m (486 ft).[14] In the greater urban area, the highest point is in the Forest of Montmorency (Val-d'Oise département), 19.5 km (12.1 mi) north-northwest of the center of Paris as the crow flies, at 195 metres (640 ft) above sea level. The lowest elevation is 24 m (79 ft), indicated on the river Seine at the western city limits.[14] Paris lies in the so-called 'Paris Basin,' a low-lying continental shelf that over geologic time was occasionally submerged in ocean waters leaving behind marine sedimentary deposits (e.g., limestone, excavated from the underground 'Quarries of Paris' and used to construct many of the city's buildings). . When the region is above sea-level, as at the present time, rivers draining water from the land form, and these cut channels into the landscape. The rivers therefore strongly influence the topography of Paris. The Seine river cuts through Paris, but has apparently meandered in the past within a larger valley whose edges lie on the outskirts of the metropolitan area (the edges of this larger valley are visible from tall buildings in Paris). Many of the 'hills' in Paris, appear to be formed as the result of cutoffs from previous meanders in the Seine river, which is now largely channelized to maintain its stability. " - 4217 letters - Aditya Arun - 01/03/25
"It’s very cool to be a xenophobic person use the QWERTY keyboard fail in geometry and if you just have/use/do all of that and your name is Zane your cool" - 121 letters - Aditya Arun - 01/03/25
"when i go outside i see the outside and i like that the wind from the outside is very cold with a nice breeze where the sun questions me if i should put on a jacket or if i should perhaps stay inside and use the xylophone" - 175 letters - ikke - 01/03/25
"pancakes are a way fun, zesty and quirky breakfast options for ghouls and humans. i invented them, i joke to my friends, but really they already exist. " - 120 letters - E.D.pjofan#1 - 01/03/25
"If my very wealthy aunt named Becky gobbles zucchini’s she just eats exactly two pork’s on the barbeque" - 84 letters - Aditya Arun - 01/03/25
"My name is bcdabcdeffgghhijjkkllnooppqqrrsttuuvvwwxxyzz" - 52 letters - hello - 01/03/25
"Ellie dennis zooms five ghost bits quickly and practically with a juggling x-ray" - 67 letters - Ellie Dennis - 01/03/25
"boogers taste so good when you dip them in spicy salsa, especially when the zestyness comes through, it makes me feel like a queen who has seven jaguars living on the edge of the world with no exits" - 159 letters - boooger - 01/03/25
"all idiots eat poop for breakfast lunch and dinner, go get me a spoon for my cereal and grab a xylophone too. Zoe Nightshade was the best character in PJO. Never Quit doing what you love!" - 148 letters - Pjo pleb - 01/03/25
"I have yet to do anything emotely useful in my life other than be present when a xylophone was played by a qt zookeeper at a national conference debating on jaguars" - 134 letters - Ash - 01/03/25
"A beatriz come dois frangos. Há jovens que comem ketchup descontroladamente e isso é wow. O xilofone que a Yasmin toca é parecido com uma zebra." - 116 letters - Chica_Esperta - 01/03/25
"Heston Mccolm is the goat because he dosnt like people quitting from a video game when jack puts x and y together with z" - 97 letters - heston - 01/03/25
"I love zebras and xylophones the best part of cats is jets kangaroos my unicorn was quiet" - 73 letters - Me butt - 01/03/25
"Sometimes in life people say to mind your own beeswax but where's the fun in that like idk what ur tacking abt like ur not the queen so eat jelly buy a vespa and zoom away !" - 135 letters - :p - 01/03/25
"Hi my name is Derek what is yours? I know a guy named Zander. Thank which this week's I'll also costs all the at half has what's z call close win no boogie photos will too hip-hop Google talk John booboo h good couldn't resist verify question Xander" - 195 letters - Derek - 01/03/25
"The big red fox jumped over the quirky and some how lucky zebra" - 51 letters - gyattsucker1000 - 01/03/25
"hi shadia said she was idk fr cool but she was smart y idk 1x1=1 vids cool pools nope good queen me slay jon zan z v q b f g j x I just bad at GARETH what idk fr I just cool yes?? no ok but why am I not cool oh yas I slay good no u dont oh ya I don't I'm cool yess nom nom nom nom nom mno idk what I'm doing fr this is long yes it is I used 252 cool bye" - 258 letters - Shadia - 01/03/25
"hello there, why not check out my extraordinary, playful, zany, jolly, vibrant and quirky youtube channel, it is called tiger_iscoollll. hope to see you there!" - 126 letters - tiger_iscoollll - 01/03/25
"I wish there was a way to express how much I love zoos. Quite the inspiration I have to say. Because of animals (such as docs and gots) I am just so content . I LOVE Koalas and kangaroos (especially!!)!!" - 153 letters - Alison Clearwater - 01/03/25
"A wordy weekend includes xylophones, musicals, testing, adventures, fruit, baseball, queerness, jack in the box, and zebras." - 99 letters - Ava Smith - 01/03/25
"Death is inevitable for xylophones and queenwzjkmgc " - 45 letters - Joe biden - 01/03/25
" qwtuip sfghjl zxcvnm keyboard" - 26 letters - Ari Alio - 01/03/25
"I wish I could live in peace and quiet, but it seems that I'll have to rest in it. Life’s short—a blink, a gasp—and then the quiet comes. Every joy fades, and all we’re left with is the weight of yesterday. Even Zephyra can’t explain exactly why it ends this way. " - 200 letters - Ryoma Itō 03/01/2025 - 01/03/25
"qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazcvbnmx" - 26 letters - real - 01/03/25
"About to brush my teeth when the wind started to go crazy so I quickly plopped in the bathtub and had some orange juice then for no reason I said vino and went to a x-ray THE END!" - 140 letters - Astra Masterson - 01/03/25
"Angelina Bari is my baba booey and likes to look at boa hancock's feet in her free time when shes in Quebec and on vitamin pills with Jacque xavier and zane " - 125 letters - Mart - 01/03/25
"i love the xylophone we used and kept in next to the jackbox for my great zoomy queen" - 68 letters - shrub - 01/03/25
"Apples are the best fruit, cutie pies dancing, juggling kumquats, open violins, why are you a zebra, xylophones are the best." - 99 letters - Evelyn Stewart - 01/03/25
"i can't bide more lush vixen, soon the jack-knifing quizshow plays." - 53 letters - what - 01/03/25
"If i am honest i didnt want to write this but since i have to im gonna do ut so i am a fan of many video games and a fan of panagram i always say loser to people which is mean , just kidding . I hope y'all reading this Xenon and QUICKLY read it zenom" - 191 letters - May - 01/03/25
"There are lots of fruit in the world like bananas plums apples oranges cumquates there are also more foods such as yam jam vinegar xacuti and Zuchini" - 123 letters - Faida - 01/03/25
"my friend elizabeth has got a xylophone, works as a quant but can't juggle to save her life" - 72 letters - sana - 01/03/25
"my name is as you know xylophone because of some weird typography issue with the worker zara, who is in a forbidden relationship with the janitor named victor, who quit his jobç" - 144 letters - bass - 01/03/25
"I Fucking Hate Niggers when they tax me like jokers and quick lazy bops vagina" - 64 letters - - 01/03/25
"I Like your mother with zylophone and BBC because of gjqvx" - 48 letters - Hh - 01/03/25
"I am bored because my Roblox time went out I like playing zebra run and fishy jif my favourite game is q and v it stands for questions vs answers" - 116 letters - Sofia Hamid :) - 01/03/25
"The zany xylophone won Mrs. Quincy a fake gaveled job" - 43 letters - - 01/03/25
"Zoos are very fun and their just a happy place to be because the best part is the exit and most of the time you get to quit working " - 103 letters - Nathalie wojcik - 01/03/25
"Ms.Zacarchy is displeased with my recent bequeathing of young kids to the local jail. She says that the xenophobic men and the diddlers with commit acts of all violence against the children, but I think it’s an educational experience for the preschoolers." - 209 letters - viktor ( I do NOT want to put preschoolers and diddlers together ) - 01/03/25
"A huge wave hit me with its liqiud carrot. It's quite disgusting, but carrots are very kunnig, so I can fuck it. Also, I hate pangrams. It's july fifth today. I went to the zoo and played xylaphone." - 151 letters - qwertyuiop - 01/03/25
"A big cat decided frying hot pajama,s on my window because the UV was high that so do not ask losing questions xoxo zwbras" - 98 letters - Ruby - 01/03/25
"wait, zeke shits blood? gosh, can peter fix this quickly? Vin, and James will laugh." - 64 letters - Zeke - 01/03/25
"i have two snakes, qwacker et zyxul unique names girls dont like them just because they are petty at the fact they have no pets" - 102 letters - bob - 01/03/25
"A bee flew through a forest full of crunchy leaves,I just got stung by the bee,I guess poking it was bad?The queen is probably mad at me,Jax Zippy" - 115 letters - XD - 01/03/25
"all I am is a man I want the world in my hands I hate the beach but I stand in California with my toes in the sand use the sleeves of my sweater lets have an adventure head in the clouds but my gravity centered touch my neck and ill touch yours you in those little high waisted shorts oh she know what I think about and what I think about one love two mouths one love one house no short no blouse just us you find out nothing I wouldn't wanna tall you about no no no cuz its to cold for you here and now so let me hold your hand in the holes of my sweater woah and if I may just take your breath away I don't mind if its not much to say sometimes the silence guides our mind to move to a place so far away the goosebumps start to raise the minute that my left hand meets your wait put my finger on your tongue cuz you love to taste yeah and these hearts adore everything the other beats hardest for inside this place is warm outside it starts to pour coming down one love two mouths one love one house no shirt now close just us you find out nothing I wouldn't wanna tell you about no no no cuz its to cold for you here and now so let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater cuz its to cold for you here and now so let me hold both your hands in the holes fo my sweater woah (intrumenal and woahs) cuz its to cold for you here and now so let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater cuz its to cold for you here and now so let me hold both your hands in the holes fo my sweater its to cold its to cold the holes of my sweater q x" - 1213 letters - teehee - 01/03/25
"we are all biggies and big backs, we eat fries, hotdogs, pizza, marshmallows, and we drink juice, vegetable questionable juice, and we ply with yoyo and xylophones." - 130 letters - harp - 01/03/25
"A melow ting called us quite zoney for supper very below the x ray called jack" - 63 letters - MRMONSTER - 01/03/25
"The fox jumped over the lazy howling hound because he likes queens." - 55 letters - Lilly - 01/03/25
"Mystical zebras generate draconian helpings of quick words jumbled with vowels using xylophones " - 83 letters - Ok class, let’s sing - 01/03/25
"I adore y'all so much your all so perfect cutie patooties but go eat cuz I'm saying club we all big backs jk lol question are u vex?" - 102 letters - Layla may - 01/03/25
"that wonderful zany miss buck jacking pears at Vax Quincey." - 49 letters - lex - 01/03/25
"Zany sadly has pneumonia and xenophobia but Vanessa says he’s a coward cause he spilled a queens park sizzle on Frank’s just pure green floor" - 115 letters - Aditya - 01/03/25
"Alex is built like a Wendy's four for four and like to drink juice at the zoo with his vole rat that like panini and quail and gram crackers." - 111 letters - dog fart - 01/03/25
"Quartz crystals are beautiful, magnificent, one could even argue PERFECT with jasper, kyanite, and xenotime." - 89 letters - - 01/03/25
"you are serving cunt queen fuck the pariarky or howevery you say it becuz like fuck it dude get that money bye selling sex jkjk" - 103 letters - tina - 01/03/25
"the quick brown fox jumps over they lazy dog." - 36 letters - Journiiiiii - 01/03/25
"Do you like zebras playing xylophones because I enjoy them along with the very fun quokkas." - 75 letters - weirdowimpykid - 01/03/25
"Un petit lapin marche sur le lac avec un zèbre gris de l'autre côté qui ramasse de l'or grâce à des kangourous qui zygzaguent à travers l'herbe des wagons morose puisque ils sont vieux sans faire de jouets" - 165 letters - Marie - 01/03/25
"i finally saw the little red haired girl that chuck is always talking about. and i questioned her. she raised her ax on me. and you know what i did? i cried, linus. suddenly, i realized why chuck has always loved her. and i realized that no one will ever love me that way. she's so pretty. she just sorta sparkles. i'll never sparkle. " - 257 letters - bro i had to add more stuff into it cause it didn't have q and x lol - 01/02/25
"I finally went to see a therapist She told me, 'Easy, just get off the internet' But the idea of never seeing you guys again hurt me deeply Who gives a shit about the real world, things are fine here I can still remember the day I started getting followers Finally feeling validated by strangers put me on cloud nine What the hell, nothing matters anyway Repeat after me INTERNET IS FUCKING AWESOME qxz" - 323 letters - korcia :3 - 01/02/25
"In a dark room by myself, before the mirror at midnight, 'Who are you?' 'Who am I?', I asked, but received no reply Go crazy, go crazy, go crazy, go crazy, go crazy, go crazy, go crazy, dance Oh, brand new me... qjx" - 152 letters - korcia :3 - 01/02/25
"I think that ur life its not that important to others, beacuse they are thinking about their lifes anyway, so stop tring to get every bodys atetntion, damn i would like some pizza rn lil bro, QJX" - 155 letters - Livan Barosan - 01/02/25
"Not my problem that is just not my proooblem, vortex gfdcqwkz" - 50 letters - Liviu - 01/02/25
"Today and even yesterday a few bears and zebras had a quarrel because the poor axolotl doesn't like the goofy jokes they make." - 102 letters - XD - 01/02/25
"Foxes do not belong in a zoo quite yet, said the cop named Wojerovski." - 55 letters - Dennis - 01/02/25
"the brown fox jumps over the lazy queen, dog and the cat with a kite" - 53 letters - Carol - 01/02/25
"Zoe decided to buy a xylophone for her best friend, Jordan James, along with a Queen sized bed for Kaylee Vickers." - 91 letters - akiyama mizuki fan - 01/02/25
"A nonsense sentence is as meaningful as a normal one even if it includes random zs, xs, or ys, because, particularly the quirkyest jks, lols, and wows mean something." - 131 letters - - 01/02/25
"hello my name is Luke and my favorite planet is Venus i have a friend named Walter and he got a xray scan on his back yestereday and his friendws are me jackie and zach and we hate queens.:)" - 149 letters - luke - 01/02/25
"hello lance you sussy baka dfgijmpqrtvwxz" - 36 letters - max - 01/02/25
"hey guys there's this girl called kezia that i miss a lot :( bfjnpqvwx" - 54 letters - - 01/02/25
"makapaka myje kamienie swoja reka co do kurwy guwno mi chlepie bo fiut mi zwisa qtas vladima ma x cm" - 81 letters - olo wpierdolo - 01/02/25
"every single letter is not even on earth JJ likes coffee after Billy and Mariwox gives Zaxter some peacefull Q=money" - 96 letters - Hewo - 01/02/25
"My Favorite neighbor quized me on the function of Xylophones and jaywalking" - 64 letters - peace - 01/02/25
"I put my zesty radio on the jolly table with coffee, q-tips, an xylophone, and gross virus kleenex" - 77 letters - help - 01/02/25
"a boy called Frank gave huis junk money to Peter who quized him on Xylem cells." - 63 letters - Some_Gent - 01/02/25
"how could I do that too me after what I did for you when you were in bed sick and pooring out tears just like your father. Qruncy vanxer Zander " - 113 letters - Jessica - 01/02/25
"I believe that our pets know that we love them so much. so do me a favor. quickly go and tell them a joke about zebras with xylophones" - 105 letters - stel - 01/02/25
"Functions with ducklings excite very quiet jamz pabz" - 45 letters - . - 01/02/25
"one day at the zoo, they found a young boy who said that he was scared but remained quite calm. just as they left, very many koalas fell in front of the people playing xylophone." - 140 letters - s - 01/02/25
"How fast can you type abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz? I can in 5.028 seconds!" - 60 letters - waffle - 01/02/25
" The very jumpy, sly fox named Lily punched a bad kangaroo, then ate some wonderful quartz " - 72 letters - Miss Betsy - 01/02/25
"My name is Wally Pickhorn and I have little quadruplet sisters named Jackie, Quinn, Zelda, and Xena and I have a pet golden retriever named Sir Charles the Third and I like big platters of chocolate fudge for dessert." - 175 letters - Duckies - 01/02/25
"Hi, Just remember: you are beautiful, you can do it, you aren't perfect and that's okay, you've got this, don't quiet yourself because you are different, but embrace it. whoever told you you can't follow your dreams can zip up xexlophone" - 184 letters - Elaine - 01/02/25
"hello you are looking very pretty today abcdefghijklmnopqrstuqvwxz" - 59 letters - bob - 01/02/25
"Michelle Obama was born a man and ate lots of fatty zebra meat. Her name was Jackson and she played a Xylophone with Q before grabbing up Obama’s vanilla chocolate nuts." - 136 letters - - 01/02/25
"Have people seen zebras walking to buy Mexico's jelly quarter because I definitely have not?" - 76 letters - - 01/02/25
"Hey Men And Ladies My Name is John I will Offer you Pizza And Pepperoni Also some quesadilla With beef and some candy also gummies and variety of food a king game will be teree with some xylophone" - 159 letters - Mohamed Nader - 01/02/25
"I like ice cream so I gave it to my pet zebra who also plays the xylophone and dreams of flying to space as a quest to see jupiter" - 102 letters - me - 01/02/25
"I zipped to the zoo in my quirky little car and bent around to see the flamingos, jaguars, wolves, and axolotls." - 88 letters - hi - 01/02/25
"Balding cats whisper secrets and jokes to sexy men in quaint villages who forget they are in the zoo" - 82 letters - Vin - 01/02/25
"The lazy and quick brown fox jumped over the goose." - 41 letters - Alesia - 01/02/25
"hawk tuah mango crashout skibidi gyatts duke dennis fanum tax rizz whilst jelqing in ohio no diddy leaving vexbolts in 2024 no p diddy" - 111 letters - nettspend nuggets - 01/02/25
"A quirky and fragile egg plays the xylophone before the whimsical juvenile zebras." - 69 letters - Pippa - 01/02/25
"Twenty panko breadcrumbs sat before the queen gestating jubilantly at the vole xylophone zestily." - 83 letters - - 01/02/25
"Some brown dolls are extremely lazy though most yellow cows are packed and busy, even though they often do quirky and jolly things." - 107 letters - Amuser Dameh Requhsi - 01/02/25
"shinedown, Very clearly is the best band in the world. the greatest. if you do not believe me you are lying. or you are quick and lazy when picking your joyful music. unlike me, the expert." - 147 letters - GrEmlin/SD - 01/02/25
"then I was told to come back, reflect, jog, pick, and play the xylephone with my zebra named quiv" - 75 letters - eloise - 01/02/25
"Purple is a good color for zebras, jackets, vitamin water, the letter q and xylitol " - 66 letters - Ari - 01/02/25
"Quietly one works hard in zoology jumping carefully between joy and vex" - 60 letters - Aeri - 01/02/25
"the brown dog jumps over the log and finds a red fox a blue quail and a multicolored zebra eating yellow cake" - 88 letters - meeeeeeeeee! - 01/02/25
"apple bees has the best food in the world, and McDonald's. when you go and just order a kinder joy egg that has a vast amount of flavor in it the xylophone is going to explode with quesadilla zebras" - 157 letters - skibidi drizzler at McDonald's - 01/02/25
"skibidi hawk tuah rizzing the jonkler by you for vexbolts mass unfollow no cap you a queen" - 74 letters - Skibidi skibidi hawk tuah hawk - 01/02/25
"Are you gambling against Gerki The Lord of Coin Such bravado Zott I CANNOT BE BESTED THIS IS MY REALM I won one coin pqjx" - 97 letters - Thiswasandissofunny - 01/02/25
"two doors lead to zoomies with fish and gouache paint that causes jaundice and kills you like a lover quarrel and excludes you from bargaining at stores" - 126 letters - - 01/02/25
"All I wish for this Christmas is to you to be my baby and gift me that present unjokingly, Xavier, don't go zzzz and equally for you Zoe." - 106 letters - Alan - 01/02/25
"At Christmas we had a lot of fun going out and to the pub we ate a lot of food along the way but had a very quiet time, jokingly I bought my daughter a xylophone and a toy zebra" - 137 letters - John Kedwards - 01/02/25
"On my way to the park I saw a dog, a fox, a zebra, a cat, and a quail breaking jars and playing violins." - 76 letters - Magical - 01/02/25
"There are some people in the world that excludes fathers from their generation as unappreciative brothers that work hard for their jobs, questions why they even bother. So they go ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..." - 162 letters - لازم الصليب ينكشف🩷 - 01/02/25
"i dont know if bethany told us garmadon is very cool but zxjpq" - 50 letters - - 01/02/25
"uhh. something is crazy here. BUT. you still have 0 aurappppwwwddfqjkx" - 57 letters - nigger - 01/02/25
"A dog went to eat a golden apple and play Minecraft but then the puppy went to sleep and a doctor came and gave the dog an X-ray and the dog started snoring like this Zzzz and he became a queen and ate jam for the rest of his life" - 180 letters - Gaith mohannad samara - 01/02/25
"I walked to a donut shop today and saw a big quilt that I really liked and wanted to take it home to me and my pet fox named Vince and my zebra named jake" - 120 letters - Alia - 01/02/25
"banana bon is super cool u know lol, also da boi is stocked to be fixing a monks house while vexing and being jinxed quacking about while look like a zebra and you " - 130 letters - ya yeet - 01/02/25
"A Bored Chicken and a Fish goes to Joker Late Morning and Pink Queen Valentina Watches Zebras playing Xylophones." - 94 letters - Soumi - 01/02/25
"Hello my name is Isabell and I love zebras and clowns. Do you like Fishes?And how about Giraffes?I like Jaguars and Pandas and axolotls.They are quite beautiful 😍 " - 130 letters - Isabell - 01/02/25
"A monkey is capable of jeperdising the whole universe, and excantivy a guy named Zeke or Quintyn" - 79 letters - Gay - 01/02/25
"Have you known a jolly fellow quite experienced from British land use zoning?" - 64 letters - geography - 01/02/25
"i have no words to express how much i love quills but, frankly, it's not too great so, i've decided, i like jam with zebras more" - 97 letters - Isaac - 01/02/25
"i love my gf abcdhjknpqrstuwxz " - 26 letters - luigi - 01/02/25
"I wanted to give Fred a large slice of pepperoni pizza, but he questioned it since I had given him one earlier and he xenodochial to the person across from him as he shared the large slice of pizza with a man named Jacob and Jacob was saying that it was okay, he didnt need pizza." - 222 letters - Hannah - 01/02/25
"the zeal they once had, the joy they once owned, bowing upon what is now a visceral heap of crumbling castles, dying apart like kryptonite, quelled of speaking up, and extinguished of freedom." - 154 letters - ZANE - 01/02/25
"Hi. I am going to bother a lot of people by just putting this; ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXz." - 72 letters - Your name - 01/02/25
"Quietly I zoomed through life, but I never thought I would try to conceal who I really was. Please. Help me remove this trigger of hurt and kill the juxtaposition of me." - 134 letters - Paige - 01/02/25
"Ayyyy Brandon can dodge everything from geese hands jewelry kites lollypops numbers owls pops quakes red stars thing up everywhere in the box zong has." - 126 letters - ella - 01/02/25
"I like the three clock keepers a lot you guys really don't understand how much I do they really saved my life and they make me so happy. you guys just don't believe me when I say this but their so like....qt as a family...xz" - 170 letters - hawktuah - 01/02/25
"i love pokemon like baxcalibur, xerneas, zeraora, hydreigon, wailmer, furret, quilfish, and jolteon." - 80 letters - samrah - 01/02/25
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuxwxyzv" - 27 letters - Mee - 01/02/25
"Aneeqa really loves charlie from Pentiction. They will get married in Tokyo or new Zealand. Just kidding they will get married in Boston. XO XO XO Zianna. Once they get married CaMoron and I will also get married. we will say our vows and express our love for each other. i will question why i gave him the name caMoron but he knows i am just joking." - 277 letters - Zianna Whalle - 01/02/25
"Are you gambling against Gerki?! The lord of coin? Such bravado Zott! I CANNOT BE BESTED! THIS IS MY REALM! I won one coin! Jpqx" - 97 letters - Thiswastoofunny - 01/02/25
"Orange Monkey Eagle Does anyone understand this reference? Perhaps quite just a very few people in a specific box. Zed" - 97 letters - Anon - 01/02/25
"Hello, my Name is Xenia but you can call me dear frog which makes me feel like a pig or Zebra named Javique." - 84 letters - XD - 01/02/25
"sigma gyatt ohio duke dennis vibing zoinked my fanum tax rizz ai cenat hawk tuah p. diddy and bussin' jelqing " - 88 letters - Brainrotted Kid - 01/02/25
"sometimes i just want to diddle everything, like holy fuck. megan fox is really bad, and my last name is zigganigga. im gonna fap in quebec." - 110 letters - balls boy - 01/02/25
"Fuck this bull shit plane of existence dick me so far down that I can’t stand for twenty four hours daddy vagina jerk quail zebra" - 104 letters - Daddy Mack - 01/02/25
"Byler is totally real and happening right now fuck those who jmqxvz" - 56 letters - ja - 01/02/25
"i love remington so much i could lick all of his ovaries and turn into a zebra on top of a yorkie and quack like a duck in the winter on a xylaphone in july" - 122 letters - alyssa - 01/02/25
"The quiet brown fox jumped over the sweetest dog and yelled, 'just because you know better, doesn't mean i'm not fun!' and the dog replied 'you zig zag all day and barely even care about little quiddle!' the fox said, 'quiddle the little kangaroo! he sucks!' the dog says, 'just because i know better doesn't mean you can bully.'" - 251 letters - Udontknowme - 01/02/25
"hi i am kaia how are you how is your summer im verry good at this because i like juice and pie from rome question are you a fan of oxes and zebras" - 114 letters - kaia - 01/02/25
"I wish you a very happy new year with lots of zebras and xylophones with cats, quails, kangaroos, and jumping." - 87 letters - anonymooooooooose - 01/02/25
"Give a small xylophone to your little bug because he need to play with the kind zebra just for ask a question" - 88 letters - Océane - 01/02/25
" an old lady one came up to me and said “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ” and said in the new alphabet song way " - 85 letters - Rori :) - 01/02/25
"A man got stuck in a zoo with a xylophone in his handy guide forever. This was never questioned by the jury" - 85 letters - You lot suck gang gang - 01/02/25
"BMW: fav:kj ur depth ILYSN C: go qxz" - 26 letters - Rori :D - 01/02/25
"You are a butifule person butiful like a zebra and I I think you can make somebody very happy in your life and I hope when you get a fresh jar of a extra huge qauntity of jam" - 137 letters - Tera - 01/02/25
"I am an idiot that is trying to make a pangram without reason like bananas in caskets with questions like for which voodoo do zombies play xylophones while in their job" - 138 letters - Bobobobob - 01/02/25
"A big elephant played on the xylophone while staring at zebras infront of the queens favourite caterpillar juice meal with the king" - 110 letters - Elsie - 01/02/25
"a person hit a man while on a bycile his name was Dominic Klutz qfgvjx" - 56 letters - D - 01/02/25
"I love you so much I can’t explain with just words, you mean the world and keep me happy when nobody else does thanks you for everything and you’ve done for me and answering my questions and helping me with things geez I just appreciate you so much." - 198 letters - Maki - 01/02/25
" oh what in the skibidi ohio gyatt rizz sigma alpha ratio fanum fax mewing goon maxxing edging beta gyatt oi oi oi bakudeku diddy crashing out fortnite quanadle dingle jonh cena brainrot verison ice spice " - 169 letters - the utimate sigma - 01/01/25
"Hi everyone, I hope you are all having an amazing day. Happy new years, never give up,keep going, you can do it! I believe in you, and you should believe in yourself too, just never stop believing, don’t let anyone dox you, and keep slaying queen." - 190 letters - Zoe :) - 01/01/25
"Seven cute wizards like to go boxing for jaguar patterned hats at Queen Yolanda's mirror kingdom" - 80 letters - Caspian - 01/01/25
"Watching the sun set behind the mountains, Jack quietly vexed the zebra by finding an orphaned puppy, and as the twilight deepened, they sought solace in each other's company, knowing that despite the chaos of life, this serendipitous moment of compassion had brought them together." - 231 letters - SoleHarbor46744 (my Xbox username) - 01/01/25
"the lazy fox quickly jumped over the weary bangs" - 40 letters - zach - 01/01/25
"I like that you like zebra, but I don't know why he has so much money. Also, that fox over there is a gastral pain because he is quick to catch, and he eats trash. It just disgusts me." - 139 letters - SoleHarbor46744 (my Xbox username) - 01/01/25
"Why does everything have to be so hard. Nobody stays with me no one loves me. I don't wanna depend on anyone, but I hate it at the sane time. I don't wanna be alone. I don't wanna be alone. I-I can't just be a toy for someone's sick and twisted game. I can't escape. My head is spinning. My ears are ringing. All I want is quiet. That's all I need right now. I can't sleep i can't eat. I wish I could simply do as you people say 'catch some 'Zzz's' is that good enough for you Ximena. Funny how your name means 'one who hears' and you CAN'T even listen to me. Forget it." - 421 letters - Angel <3 - 01/01/25
"Hugh Jackman and Ziv Zaifman Played P.T. Barnum In The Greatest Showman. Hugh was also Wolverine from the X-men. Quite the actor" - 102 letters - vkxyo - 01/01/25
"Sigma ohio gyatt rizzlers jumping over your mom while questionably kicking beta deafly in the x-ray " - 83 letters - Rizzler in your head - 01/01/25
"the brown fox jumped over the lazy dog and kicked his queefs" - 49 letters - mr. rizzendez - 01/01/25
"this zebra queen cums glitter and xylophones. fucking vagina wuss Jackie!" - 61 letters - Mr. rizzendez - 01/01/25
"A bee stung me on Wednesday in the after noon and it hurt a lot but anyway just kidding that was a lie come to think of it the queen invited me to a party why do some people call Christmas Xmas my zip isn't working on my coat I'll be late for the party" - 196 letters - Shabadoo - 01/01/25
"Thanks. For all, see you again you daredevil, son of a gun, zero tolerance minded part bitch. Mean while john, who says slay queen, XD. Go die on a fire " - 115 letters - Lilyy - 01/01/25
"I like questions and also answering them, another thing I like are xylophones, and venti coffee, but zebras and jackals I hate. " - 102 letters - andrew henak - 01/01/25
"A lovely xylophone zapped my hand today at the beach for no good reason it was just so stupid but it said it was just kidding and quite frankly I hate it" - 122 letters - Josephine - 01/01/25
"ok so me and my mom was playing mario kart with me and i beat her she sucks so bad so i won and ya i love playing cause ifykyk its fun i can wait to be the queen of 2025! then, my sister told me she has a ex! named zion i have a crush on a guy named jaden hes so cuteeeee" - 205 letters - London Bailey - 01/01/25
"The big quick brown lazy fox just peed and moved" - 39 letters - Sparklcat - 01/01/25
"The valued questions that fine X-ray rapper who was killed during monday was just being restored in century's zoo guy" - 96 letters - Lucas Yang - 01/01/25
"The dog drinks cola while squeezing and biting his favorite toy xylophone joyfully and manically." - 82 letters - An - 01/01/25
"Exactly, I never knew the friendly jumping zebra is so quiet with ghost clouds!" - 64 letters - Oliver U - 01/01/25
"I have really got to fishing and it is making my xylophone colored zebra just so quietly wishful " - 79 letters - The awesome American - 01/01/25
"Velvet wants to make a ???: book of square roots demised in cake joined together of xylophones and zoos." - 81 letters - ??? - 01/01/25
"hi how are you doing with your crush on a fat beard zebra with a volkswagen and an x-box pq jm " - 73 letters - - 01/01/25
"You Are a Bosch because we are dumb for real, i would never be joking about this topic without using q, x or z" - 85 letters - Bosjklomp - 01/01/25
"The skibidi fox went to the quandale dingle and said: 'Join my roblox game its name is: Vil lage Came zebra Pig'" - 87 letters - Your name - 01/01/25
"hi my name is Vivian Aweisat and I want you to know that I love you and I was thinking about us going out and what's x+z+c=pqrfj" - 98 letters - Vivian aweisat - 01/01/25
"Hi Xander you’re looking joyful did quackery tell you about the very cool zebra that makes world pops?!" - 83 letters - Olivia - 01/01/25
"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy black dog" - 40 letters - Mariella - 01/01/25
"vegans do not like meat which is why they are lazy to find them and the queen jumped onto the meat who was named bob pix" - 95 letters - bob pix - 01/01/25
"Azalea trees grow from sprigs and young sapling, course by time. They can't be kept bequeathed to joints of expatriated will, from the vessel of the owner, hand wielding the metallic conjoins as they slink across the floor, to accomodate the growing life they imprison with morally imposed fervor." - 242 letters - The Tree Lorder - 01/01/25
"I love you so much you little slutty bitch and ps Quinn doesn't love you like I do Zack said he want to fuck Gretchen just because she is his ex" - 113 letters - Wren arsons - 01/01/25
"The quick brown fox jumped over the sleepy lazy dogs" - 43 letters - T-3000 - 01/01/25
"Asteroids are never quick enough to catch a brown fox or a lazy dog named jelly pony" - 68 letters - yoturu - 01/01/25
"Yo, im bored as HELL right now, i gotta wait 2 hours to board my flyght to france! Just kidding im going home rn cuz i already went to france 2 times this year n my grampa is waiting 4 me n granny gonna ask me tons of questions abt the veal steak i ate. Xoxo byebye" - 205 letters - Yo - 01/01/25
"I want to suck your dick, I mean the baby zebra's father's grandfather's lollipop and jelly and vagina, Do you understand, Queen X?" - 102 letters - Sus - 01/01/25
"Did you know alliteration is quite floppy, and leads to a zealous mindset because xenon knows a very jolly ghost" - 92 letters - jayde DASH - 01/01/25
"a girl named charlotte who loved foxes and bats and kittens she has a friend named jaramiah jaramiah loved elaphants and turtles jaramiahs friend named zaya zaya loves quarters which is weird but cool." - 167 letters - c. - 01/01/25
"Are you going to learn how to train zebras to jump quickly through exhilarating, difficult, and vast obstacles?" - 91 letters - - 01/01/25
"All zebras like having xylophone and Jeremy Jordan for donner in the quake of the world's church " - 79 letters - Ileana abshere - 01/01/25
"People like zebras when they meet a fox quietly jumping over a carrot thats dead" - 66 letters - Me - 01/01/25
"Why do you think you could go out tonight?you certainly can’t!jacob is not allowed to take you to the fun club,what do you mean you guys are going to see zebra?violet and xavier,you are not going to porn club,no more questions asked." - 184 letters - Lucky - 01/01/25
"A person may speak bad about you- but they are trying to blend in with other people like a pack of zebras. You obviously would question it but that is the truth *plays xylophone*. Just know that you shouldn't stoop down to that low of a person. " - 191 letters - aperson - 01/01/25
"i don't recognize myself in the mirror, no more than you do, beloved. joke's on me, question's answered, problem solved. except for how i feel about you." - 117 letters - valentine - 01/01/25
"I am watching wicked, in it they go to a school called shiz, but I do not quite like any of the characters or people, they all have something that makes them kinda bad. Joking..., kinda it's mid but it doesn't sux." - 162 letters - - 01/01/25
"Sweetheart, I love you so much. You don't understand how much I appreciate you. You always bring a smile to my face. Kindness always showers your words and actions, and you never act like a sly fox. I love it when you call me your gorgeous Queen. But, my love Zachary Jackson, my only wish is that you would still be here. I miss you everyday. " - 266 letters - Jessica Spray - 01/01/25
"sometimes people think they need what they don't have just because someone else has it like wanting a xylophone, or a zebra just because so remember to say fuck no to all those dumb ideas that say that you should want a BB gun because your friend quincy has one, just be grateful" - 224 letters - i thought this would be horrible - 01/01/25
"HdmiguvjyxfzfZawwasaaasrssgtcxghchbvffbvmlkhklnkallEOpq " - 55 letters - Ed - 01/01/25
"Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a 45-letter word that is often used as a synonym for the lung disease silicosis that makes me feel badly anxious for I am a queen jackal-zebra." - 161 letters - RK Adarsh Kumar - 01/01/25
"a fat cat jumped on my zukini and now it is hairy i gave my cat an x-ray to see its heart and see if it loves me but it does not. just d-q stuff." - 107 letters - embareses - 01/01/25
"So theres this thing where you have to say a sentence with all the letters in the alphabet, I don't know how to! There things like x, and z, that are impossible to fit in a sentence! Also the weird thing is, jack-o'-lanterns are still up Weirdos man, also I learned que in English means what" - 225 letters - Poptart YT - 01/01/25
"'Why did you run to the school and fart in the teacher's room' said Alex 'No I didn't' explained George 'I have a question for you .Why did I see you kicking the principal with a zebra and a jelly fish' " - 153 letters - - 01/01/25
"pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a lung disease that the best queen cannot fathom getting so instead she lazily drank water while she called her xylophone a jerk." - 153 letters - :3 - 01/01/25
"I really hate bulls, cats, dogs, fish, jellyfish, kangaroos, monkeys, pandas, quails, vultures, whales, xylophones, and zebras" - 98 letters - Bob the builder - 01/01/25
"Why did the quick fix just Cross Zoey’s absent permits videos gifts life." - 59 letters - Bruh - 01/01/25
"I went over to Zack and said hi and then continued to body slam him into a xylophone. then I tossed a fog machine at Jake to quickly knock him out." - 115 letters - cade - 01/01/25
"a bat and a cat with an emu, a fox follows them in the greens of the bushes and trees. the fox started to think about his mom named jenny and his dad named peter. he missed them so he quietly cried. the sung the abcs to calm down, it went like this: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z. he was now happy." - 233 letters - the animals in your basement - 01/01/25
"Mary rose from the ground and picked some carrots with her brother James and her mum Queen Elizabeth and Vixin the Reindeer." - 102 letters - Dane Mundey - 01/01/25
"adfhjmnbvcxzxcvzxcvbnm,,,,,,,,,,mlkjhgfdsaqwertyuiop" - 42 letters - andrew - 01/01/25
"Basically, my life is over unless you give me an aquamarine, dirty umbrella with zebras and x-rays on the top after pancakes with jam." - 107 letters - Someone - 01/01/25
"The alphabet is the subcontinent need to play a vicious xylophone while on the phone with my furious juggling, joking queen zebra of a mother ." - 116 letters - AlieKay - 01/01/25
"I am the most fantastic xylophone player that ever has every benevolently graced this earth's with my jovial presence, you wouldn't believe the quantity of kind and zealous followers I have. " - 156 letters - That One Dude - 01/01/25
"I ate five homeless people because I thought they were watermelons dqjkxz" - 62 letters - the watermellon - 01/01/25
"My teleoroentgenogram scan results just came in, and apparently I didn't even need it, but my pet tomahawk, Zeqefex, did." - 96 letters - :) - 01/01/25
"A zebra was once walking through the suburban when a big hairy dog came and ate his leg. The zebra was named first place junior no legged zebra. The zebra then went on his journey to make the legendary quizzes. The very mad zebra decided to play the xylophone because he was bored. " - 225 letters - mystery, skbidi - 01/01/25
"Laufey is so underrated and so is her sister Junia becauze they for real arent that popular and most of their songs are good and great, they work very hard for their songs, i like the lyric 'dont u notice how, i get quiet when theres no one else, around' i bet they are so xenial irl" - 221 letters - Christy! <3 - 01/01/25
"I hope that everybody in the world suffers my killing box of Calum Jonassen quizzes." - 69 letters - Cocoa J. - 01/01/25
"everything you know is wrong black is white up is down and short is long said the man French man with a jacket and he loves foxes and quartz" - 112 letters - Orbulon59 - 12/31/24
"My mother is so graceful and elegant, also very wonderful. I wish she never planned to kill the dog. They examined and just said he might die. They also said there's zero quick surgeries to help him. There was so much blood during the surgery." - 192 letters - Sarah <33 - 12/31/24
"The swift brown fox quickly jumped over the lazy brown bear gracefully" - 59 letters - BEANS - 12/31/24
"A balloon is a very delicate item. If you let it go without tieing it it will blow away. I can travel to the zoo or the queen. Mabye even to the pope in Rome. I love books by jaqulin Wilson, I feel like the bloon in those stories. I relax and feel happy." - 194 letters - .. - 12/31/24
"I really love green cats blue foxes yellow zebras purple mice but my favourite people have got to be the Kings and Queens who rule the world with crowns made of jewels " - 136 letters - Darcy B - 12/31/24
"i like bread and cheese and olives and pickles and garlic bread and macaroni cheese and hash browns and fusili and toast and jam and anything i didnt think of which includes q x or z" - 147 letters - Buster the Bread Man - 12/31/24
"Hello my name is nicolas I am so excited to meet you Bob hopefully we become great friends I want you to meet my friend James and kaitlyn and Quentin and Veronica and Zander" - 140 letters - Cool guy 123 - 12/31/24
"WOW,what a lovely day...to eat a banana, my cat wants it, just jokingly dog is zesty ,he loves fireworks.My PP is playing the xylophone,q" - 105 letters - Patrik - 12/31/24
"Abberationen gibts in der Generation yikes, aber das wichtigste ist, dass ein Xylophon sowie ein Qualle zusammen auf einem Jetski in Venedig fahren" - 123 letters - - 12/31/24
"dont Type a meaningful sentence that contains all the letters of the alphabet but not q,v,w,x,z,j, or k." - 80 letters - me(sam) - 12/31/24
"Even if some selfish people want to break you down, they will never be able to unless you let them because once you give them a glimpse of your true power they will be scared out of their juice boxes. So be the queen/king you are and reign over your kingdom with your pizza and sunglasses because nothing and no one can ever bring you down." - 271 letters - Amy - 12/31/24
"almost all of the people in the can see. goat have b and r types of baby jk that not real haha. wow saxaphones are the best. in the zoo ukalaly are bane in some country and porcupine have quils." - 151 letters - deaf man 2738191 - 12/31/24
"If you want to know something about me then you are in luck, because I think the pandemic broke us all and yes it has been 2 and a half odd years since but let's be real it seems like yesterday, stay strong and don't forget you got through a virus, you are great. Also here are the other letters z,x,j,q" - 234 letters - Pete - 12/31/24
"'I want to see a Zebra!' yelled Fox to the queen of Jovik, city of men and pigs." - 58 letters - lucy - 12/31/24
"the wet penguin quickly escaped from bovingjox zoo" - 43 letters - lucy - 12/31/24
"hi are you alright Zeb? Can you please get me a jack in the box, a violin, a football shirt with queen on the back or a donkey?" - 96 letters - lucy - 12/31/24
"anna had a big big baby shower with nathan and the invitation was sent onto the family group chat for everyone to see the soon to be jumbo sized baby, hopefully no big queue! well, i really hope his big brother mikey will be kind to him which will happen 2 months after x-mas i thi8nk" - 225 letters - oscar - 12/31/24
"The quick sly brown fox jumped over the zoo's giant elephant " - 49 letters - Aint telling - 12/31/24
"Ciao bullo Recentemente vi siete depresso perkè forse, giocando a jolly havete winto uno xilofono zuper quasi come il mio" - 101 letters - Ciao - 12/31/24
"Once upon a time, lived a little boy called Noah who is on a website called Pangram.me who is now making a poem zebras frolic in the breeze Noah has a friend called jabreexe Jabreexe has a dad called Quinn sneeze" - 170 letters - MR10Rules - 12/31/24
"Dyslexic fights are born quickly and juicily provided we make a magazine." - 61 letters - NKL - 12/31/24
"I Like Turtles So should you I also like Zebras because they both pee a lot like my friend Jimmy He says he is a queen for some reason same as my friend Pig would you like to play with my xlophone at venus." - 162 letters - Luke Campbell - 12/31/24
"the mighty bitchy fox jumped over the lazy dog's quote and kissed with" - 57 letters - srijan - 12/31/24
"you are the best pesone in the world and cat frog jakel mom zqunevx" - 54 letters - juliette - 12/31/24
"ethan, if you were wondering, is a self made millionaire. he is friends with jack, and a penguin. quite often, he vexes about zebras" - 103 letters - - 12/31/24
"did you know that the keybord we usually use is named QWERTY? this is because when the guy that created the keyboard (who probably liked pizza and X-men a lot), finished working on his creation, saw the first letters were QWERTY, so he named this type of keyboard like that. But other guy was so jealous of the keyboard guy because he couldn’t invent a keyboard as good as the QWERTY one" - 307 letters - L - 12/31/24
"self care is better than anything else you have lying on your back on a tough day better than remembering qwerty on a keyboard or that one person in your life that you just hate like your ex and its even better than zebras so everyone love yourself " - 201 letters - lexi - 12/31/24
"hi my name is aishwarya i like pizza a lot and i dont have alot of patience so i hate queues. games are mid but fun too i prefer sodas over juice i know how to find the x in math" - 137 letters - Aishwarya - 12/31/24
"you wanna know how it smells ask santos he knows it smells well. bcdfgjpqrvxz" - 63 letters - zoya - 12/31/24
"your mother is a fucking huge bitch and I hate her for much what in the world is her jinormus ass doing here Voldemort could do better pickles are probably her favorite food I still question how you call her your mother its sad xz" - 186 letters - Cherub - 12/31/24
"qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm. thats the qwerty keyboards letters in order from top left to bottom right." - 87 letters - Sans the skeleton - 12/31/24
"I love you more than life itself so please just let me love you. I will be your best friend and your lover. I will care for you and I will never question anything that you say. I will be kind and caring... xxx Zara" - 164 letters - Zara - 12/31/24
"00000000ydchdhdbchdgvdvbdnchabcesbsdddyddgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdgdddddddddddddddddddddddtytytytyzzzzmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlllllkkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwwwwwwwuuuuiiiijjjjjjjrrrfffffffffqqqqqpppppoooo" - 192 letters - duo - 12/31/24
"My favorite thing is the alphabet that contains 26 letters including a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z" - 84 letters - Memdbs - 12/31/24
"When the last flowers bloom, look into yourself and vow to decode the jumble of gunk you will find, then zip yourself up and quickly box it all away." - 118 letters - ava - 12/31/24
"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. dev dimmadome is very epic and he's my really silly son" - 79 letters - noah - 12/31/24
"i love life and everything that comes with it like family my boyfwiend my cats and the huzzband and my sisters xylophone that drives me qrazy and jon eating a quarterpounder." - 143 letters - tati - 12/31/24
"don't snooze and focus girl, you a badass queen worth value more than a jester, get a king period xoxo " - 80 letters - cheering on you <3 tiff - 12/31/24
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabccncncncnncncnncncncncncncncjosdfhhsdhfiiebfiuhihfu jejejejeje dandys world yoylecake" - 135 letters - g - 12/31/24
"straykidz every where around the extremely big world jack pls don't kill fill with a quid" - 73 letters - Brooke - 12/31/24
"yoylecake wonderhoy fuck (Q) KYUSAKU I OLVE YOU terus ugly mom be a polar bear zzzzzzzzzzz jk be xxx" - 80 letters - do whatever your heart desires - 12/31/24
"Seeiqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" - 30 letters - LITTLE LUCY❤️❤️❤️ - 12/31/24
"My name is Xavier and I yesterday I wanted a grilled cheese so I went to buy one at the store by the park. I went by myself because my lazy ass brother couldn't be bothered and just as I was turning the corner to the store I saw none other than the Queen!" - 199 letters - Lulu Carter - 12/31/24
"Muichiro is my baby forever no matter what and demon slayer is my fav anime and I just started watching Bungo stray dogs and Dazi is one of my favorites people need to stop making fun of other people because they watch anime and I support LGBTQ+ and I also read WEBTOON and I love the spectrum of us and that author I also once watched spy x family." - 279 letters - 🌸🦋✨L I L Y✨🦋🌸 - 12/31/24
"youf is a very stinky zebra who knows she is smelly. conjujemos(Spanish website) is sad. gyatt is quool. pools have xlophones." - 100 letters - Sofia - 12/31/24
"I fucking hate myself I hope that I die young and in thew worst way possible like a zibra killinhr3ijv9hbooiuhtpvbifecsn ovbyf8 xxxxxxxqqqqqqq" - 121 letters - sigma - 12/31/24
"Zoey, are you going to come with me to my very important doctors appointment for my quick checkup and examination of my joints, ligaments, and bones?" - 120 letters - Pudding - 12/31/24
"Not all loved one care but still try forever you and them will jam greatly like the queen and king and you play the piano they play the xylophone no matter what it’s zingers and sparks" - 148 letters - Geni - 12/31/24
"always love yourslef. no self harm allowed. but,never wear the color indigo its making me jealous please dont. dont quarrel with your parents. itz making me sad. X-X" - 131 letters - Ziara Burlington - 12/31/24
"here is the alphapet abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz bye " - 47 letters - ELORA - 12/31/24
"are you the very major model of moderne major jeneral oh yeah i am ugh huh so go and fight your battles that you need to fight cause none else will, and go, to the zoo at the same time you ceast to exist anyway so pee on the queen of kerkisville." - 192 letters - solooooooo - 12/31/24
"Hi I am Heidi I will show you the alphabet now abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz thanks for reading" - 78 letters - Heidi - 12/31/24
"I literally have no friends. I am binge watching Ted Lasso for yet another time as I have a free trial for AppleTV+ for seven days. Also i love football. My favorite players are Quaresma, Zambrotta, Van Dijk, and Xabi Alonso" - 177 letters - goofy ahh - 12/31/24
"I Do believe that school is crazy. My son would cry just because he fricking hates school. Questioning why I even send him. His principal makes me, because my son loves the xylophone." - 146 letters - Mae - 12/31/24
"my very meaningful queen used her joker to look on twitter x and then she said xyz which stands for examine your zip but" - 97 letters - oty - 12/31/24
"my grandfather is very quite just bothersome and puzzling, wouldn't you scream extra back " - 74 letters - idk - 12/31/24
"I just got a new job at the movie queue and all I have to do is stay in a box, be lazy, eat popcorn or other snacks, and just have fun." - 100 letters - Saira Rosalyn - 12/31/24
"Abs are very cool. Do you have a kitty that goes meow? Nope you suck. Fix me please. Queen needs you for her zebras and jaguars." - 98 letters - Liz - 12/31/24
"I love my best friend, Abraham, because he plays the xylophone, grooms dogs, jokes about kale, and asks questions like 'What did Zach eat?'" - 108 letters - heygurl - 12/31/24
"very meaningful sentance that contains all the letters of the alphabet probbaby, idk actually, since im pretty stupid, my parents didnt let me go to school so i just stayed stupid i guess. Anyways to cut the story short, i am addicted to xanax, so now im just waiting in queue to get some so i dont go crazy." - 243 letters - GaBaco UNesvest - 12/30/24
"Hi just landed borty kim misses you and zackarunpantuinah bye baby grill vivians cheating on you quitty her for real win that x box!!" - 108 letters - Bob - 12/30/24
"Hi I am Heidi and I will say the alphabet now abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz thank you for reading" - 79 letters - Heidi - 12/30/24
"a person like you is needed in the world and you mean something to someone out there. you are extra special, you are zesty, and beautiful, and just never give up, you slay queen" - 139 letters - me - 12/30/24
"You are my sunshine my holy sunshine your Not a Zeppelin of mighty bullcrap your a jock with a xylophone colord vequina." - 98 letters - Ivproductions - 12/30/24
"A yellow fox ran under the broken log to fetch its friend Quenton the pink zebra so that they could jump vigourously" - 95 letters - Silly Goose - 12/30/24
"i realy like men that are gay and like to fuck me in my ass very hard buttsex is the best joy off my life i also like penetration with quinoa size doesnt matter to me" - 131 letters - jef - 12/30/24
"Hello there. I'm sure you're wondering how long is it going to take me to finish this pangram. Same, I have no idea. Oh well, this might be a long one, so I may as well introduce myself. Jk. Ugh. I have only three letters left to use up. They are q, x, and z. Oh wait. I used all the letters up! Yay!" - 219 letters - Katalina Karan - 12/30/24
"I am powerfully and worthy of all the queer appreciation of my rock and blues band that Jesus gave me to zoom out of the xylophone band " - 109 letters - Bottle Ghost - 12/30/24
"A great, powerful blow to the head will knock many fat queen zebras into jelly xylophones and violins, dead." - 87 letters - professor pee pee diharreastein poopypants esquire - 12/30/24
"Bacfglkumnjpqzyxv is the word. " - 26 letters - BFDI fan - 12/30/24
"A juice maker queen decided if my extravaganza was copyrightable." - 55 letters - Hotcoco - 12/30/24
"A juice maker queen decided if an extravanganza was uncopyrightable." - 58 letters - Hotcocoa - 12/30/24
"a boy duck roosters his jam fog so it pops and leaps quitely through the vanishing window at xylophone zoo." - 87 letters - ash - 12/30/24
"The dog climbed up the tree and then he got stuck so the flower said why are you up there so then he just fell into the question of zedding and ving and xing himself to sleep" - 138 letters - Amelia - 12/30/24
"I have seventy seven zebras in my garage who are eating my statue of the Greek god of the sun, poetry, music and prophecy, Jesus loves men and Quackity xylophone" - 129 letters - Lemon - 12/30/24
"Zebras tend to stick in groups of eleven or thirteen because lions will prowl to grab their mango juice boxes they use to quench their thirsts" - 117 letters - Jerry Reed - 12/30/24
"I just saw a lazy apple that was eaten by a bottle of milk from cows but as I quote 'things you see is not guaranteed to be real' so I thought that I must be in a dream, a dream where cows can fly with foxes on top or where cats quickly prance with boxes over the cat or a zoo flying over Jupiter ,so I thought I was asleep." - 249 letters - Your name - 12/30/24
"A white Fox zooms over a fence with a fork in hand, he bends the fork with his quick Powers that you don't have because you are going to Justin Timberlakes concert." - 130 letters - Febe - 12/30/24
"you are strong you are beautiful you are smart you are gorgeous you are kind you are quite perfect the way you are you are loved you are exactly as you need to be you are peaceful and zen and most importantly you are PERFECT just the way you are." - 196 letters - Ruby - 12/30/24
"Suck my dick you little cunt Boris was jerking off on Ashley while playing quick xylophone in a vanz " - 82 letters - Suck my dick - 12/30/24
"fantastic arshiya is extremely amazing and quippy unlike her quite boodoo brother with a vacant brain (who is a joker)" - 97 letters - krystal - 12/30/24
"i would like an apple to taste it and zee bra to call exam called yellow journey by quite father in a grand void" - 89 letters - hanna - 12/30/24
"I would love to dance on the rythem of quick played xylofones on a jazzy beat of greatness👌" - 73 letters - Mila - 12/30/24
"hi i am zinx i came from space to banglore to eat food you like to eat for example jjangmyion and my friends names quinx he is very wild" - 108 letters - CelitaB - 12/30/24
"hello world. it seems that all of the xylophone playing zebras have escaped their quilted enclosures they are attacking the lions. oh no. jesus christ what is happening. " - 138 letters - anonymous - 12/30/24
"I am beautifully pretty don’t come ghostly with a zebra that is joking on a xilophone because I love las Vegas you are queer. " - 100 letters - Lolaaa - 12/30/24
"The quick brown fox jumped over the gray fences her name was zoley" - 54 letters - Kms - 12/30/24
"I can swim in shallow waters while eating jam but cannot swim in deep ocean bodies while telling Queen Katy's favourite story ' The X-ray of the Zebra'" - 120 letters - - 12/30/24
"I personally think onomatopoeias are very fricking bad but it does give queen so it's OK sometimes. I also hate zebras, they heebie my jeebies and wazoo my xylophones." - 135 letters - Rizzler - 12/30/24
"The Dog is not able or capable to manipulate few very questionable xylophones while joking about zebras." - 87 letters - Isabelle - 12/30/24
"Failure is always the key to complete success, and remember: work hard, play hard Haha^. Gqvjxz" - 75 letters - - 12/30/24
"Bluey's Surfboard zipped over the green sea foam creating waves while kijix quaked." - 69 letters - bob - 12/30/24
"Erm, Chat, What the actual sigma baby gronk rizz is livvy dunning in this fanum tax ohio duke dennis john pork Jelqing" - 95 letters - Adrian - 12/30/24
"luka is autistic and likes boys hugging and kissing eachother he is freaky for men and pets queens junk while being very happy getting an x ray by a zebra" - 125 letters - - 12/30/24
"dear persons who question my cravat, know blue fits juke box zanthe greatly" - 62 letters - tears - 12/30/24
"all boys who have sexy, zesty hair tend to be stupid, jokesters,challenge the queen and fucked your mom." - 83 letters - - 12/30/24
"andy lost his toy on december 1st 1997,it was found in a zoo being held by a kangaroo playing the xylophone, andy traded a q-tip for the toy, it worked and the kangaroo gave the toy back to andy, shortly after the kangaroo was taken to the vet, the kangaroo escaped by jumping away" - 222 letters - octora deniz - 12/30/24
"I always have felt left out. My friend, Ziana though she wants us to call her Xixi, has been the worst friend ever. 'Poo poo Cathy!' She 'jokes' to our other classmates, Gwen and Quinn. She only does it to impress them though I don't get how that makes sense." - 197 letters - Evangeline - 12/30/24
"All my life I've been searching for someone particularly good just because I like windows and x don't mean I don't like zoo and queue." - 106 letters - ALEX - 12/30/24
"A banana cat drove Felix Gave Heaven to Jakes house while yelling zebras poo might startle the queen" - 83 letters - Xena - 12/30/24
"HHello how are you? I think im fine, what about you? Im very proud of your Texts you send me , theyre gorgeous! Next question: when do WE wanna Go to the Zoo you gold me about? I think Jay and Celine would bei Happy If so they would Go with US." - 185 letters - Antonia - 12/30/24
"I hope she is always cozy between my arms. Never feel uncertain of my love, never feel alone and scarred. She is my queen, my everything. As I sit here typing, she is working on homework whilst wrapped in my jacket, I can't help but think she is the most extraordinary girl on this planet. " - 226 letters - I'd like to remain anonymous. - 12/30/24
"hi, im corinne and i cut myself lol i dont wanna quit and yeah also jumping zebras vxk " - 68 letters - - 12/30/24
"I hate myself because being dead will be right? And Santa is not real his name is claus not Klaus. Zero brain experience I have.just die already. Que?" - 118 letters - Help - 12/30/24
"i love wings of fire and a type of dragon is a pretty azure color and some like monkying around also some get excluded and join the talons of peace some are quirky and some have bad tempers." - 152 letters - jewell - 12/30/24
"In the zoo of life you are the most beautiful creature, like a giant Dragon, just something very and purely wonderful with an opaque color, that's it. Byee, XOXO." - 127 letters - Helena - 12/30/24
"I love my mom. She is the best human on this planet. If I could trade her for anything, I wouldn’t trade her. She is quick, joyful, loves zebras, and can play the xylophone." - 131 letters - Natoodlepants - 12/30/24
"my dearest, angelica. i have to inform you that ive been excluded from the treasury...just kidding! with this joke youll probably disown me. thats fine, i have a life outside of you. a world of quietness and zoning out. dearest regards - alexander " - 194 letters - DDG - 12/30/24
"my dearest, angelica. i have to inform you that ive been excluded from the tresery...just kidding! with this joke youll probably disown me. thats fine, i have a life outside of you. a world of quietness and zoning out. dearest regards - alexander hamilton." - 201 letters - DDG - 12/30/24
"my dearest, angelica. i have been informed that the treserey does not want me anymore... just kidding! i know with that joke youll probably disown me. its fine, i have a life outside of you. a world of quietness and zoning out. my very dearest regards - alexander hamilton" - 213 letters - DDG - 12/30/24
"A queen is always excited about a princess’s visit because good friends and many happy kids jump and zoom. " - 86 letters - CheeseWoman - 12/30/24
"I like to abcdfghjmnpqrsuvwxyz" - 27 letters - skibidi alpha - 12/30/24
"A gangly women-club disturbed the joyous neighbour hood, by chucking everyones picturesque fax-sent zines in the trash." - 99 letters - little polish boy - 12/30/24
"A wizard is entilted to never be late wich means that he should arrive at the precice time he is expected. For it is said that if he would turn in late it miggt have fatal consequses just like Harry Potter had so often." - 174 letters - Julia the Wisewomen - 12/29/24
"a wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to. - Gandalf The Wizard Who Loves Quick Brown Rats Named Jax." - 107 letters - Fern(from charlotes web) - 12/29/24
"A bitch care dentist Esmeralda from Georgia had its joke kidding love me now or pow q o s t u v w x y z" - 78 letters - Yes - 12/29/24
"I hope that you are happy and exuberant. I also hope you are chuckling frequently, but not too much for me, okay Zachary Jweves?" - 101 letters - Tamari - 12/29/24
"The sad lazy dog jumped over the quick brown fox" - 39 letters - naomiiiiiiiiiiiii - 12/29/24
"Oxen can be seen as cops in diguise to cover up stealing xylophones from weak zebras with no jobs and no quilts" - 90 letters - victoria lamb - 12/29/24
"I love calex walls and I want him to mine forever and ever till the world erupts into flames and when I see him my heart bursts and seeing his joking face makes me happy like a quail seeing a zebra" - 157 letters - Coralyn - 12/29/24
"A man with a radio sat and contemplated if zebras are white or black, yet he knew that the general concept of just time would stomp this question. Very extraordinary." - 134 letters - Geoffrey Clark - 12/29/24
"zebras playing the xylophone are the queen’s favorite animal. jk! she watches them daily though." - 78 letters - iris - 12/29/24
"I once ate a hamburger from a place called Xavier’s and it taste like a duck quacked on it a lot, but after my girlfriend Jane Wouff bought a zebra and we don’t know what to do with it now." - 146 letters - Estelle - 12/29/24
"Hello world I want to see my xylophone so it can help me find the zest of my jokingly bad like so I won’t have to take my ugly quiz " - 101 letters - Lucy - 12/29/24
"The sly fox jumped over the lazy dog at midnight while Bob Kacquaki watched." - 62 letters - Duckies - 12/29/24
"I absolutely hate dinosaurs because whenever they sleep they make a zzz noise and it really annoys me and my friend Xia because of when we travel time and a humongous meteor kills then all I'm happy because I get to eat jelly and drive a nissan qashquai." - 205 letters - Skibidi rizzler - 12/29/24
"Inhaling fine dust can cause you to contract pnumonoultramicrospocipsilicovolcanoconiosis which is quickly becoming a problem for jaguars who only know letters x and z." - 144 letters - MR - 12/29/24
"Questions are crappy, don’t you think? Voles, however, jabbing foxes are amazeballs" - 67 letters - - 12/29/24
"a new game that I love to play is zingakderfdsaqwerbcujx " - 47 letters - singrfdfc - 12/29/24
"Happy birthday I love cats and giraffes so much! What are you doing today? I'm just kicking zebras and playing with my xylophone.Question.. what is your favorite food? " - 133 letters - Your mom.com - 12/29/24
"Hello nature I love bears they are so cute and the fish have variations of colors oh look that tree still has green leaves and look at that there’s a hedgehog next to it and the squirrel picked up a nutmeg from the nutmeg tree and there it goes jumping from tree to tree wow I’ve never seen a Zapata Wren" - 242 letters - - 12/29/24
"Stinky b butchers and the behind the scenes,I think I know where you live, Zambia quite explicit fejjing." - 85 letters - Owlsl - 12/29/24
"my favorite pet zebra has ran away from home but luckily I brought my juice with me, then my friends Xavier and Quandale attempted triple back flips and then sadly survived. I hate them." - 150 letters - Cameron - 12/29/24
"The simpsons ate very couchy equipment after the death of Matt Groening because Jery killed when zilch people payed xylophone" - 106 letters - Jery Quack Ingofd Plub Xam Wevizsht - 12/29/24
"Jery Quack Ingofd Plub Xam Wevizsht" - 30 letters - Jery Quack Ingofd Plub Xam Wevizsht - 12/29/24
"I love xylophones that don't bring jelly mowing quail fathers that create kicking zebras" - 74 letters - Jery Quack Ingofd Plub Xam Wevizsht - 12/29/24
"an apple is yucky boo hoo gum is yummy jars make me angry dog queen foot van worries xylophoen= z" - 77 letters - somthing - 12/29/24
"I know that you hate gina frsdc but poor her it's not her log named xvzjq" - 57 letters - Maï - 12/29/24
"Not all hereos wear capes courage grace strength love care faith positive growth quest Yolo zap dogs bees kings Jelly moms xylophone " - 111 letters - Cookie - 12/29/24
"Person and xenon are relationships, you stupid bcfgjkmqvwz. Hot real life sex?" - 64 letters - question - 12/29/24
"The zebra enjoys playing xylophones, asking questions, and making very delicious cookies all whilst he sits down in his favorite chair." - 112 letters - Lexa - 12/29/24
"mate, this textbook records very untrue array of jigsaw puzzle questions" - 61 letters - cheeseballs - 12/29/24
"The quick fox jumped over the lazy dog with his bone" - 42 letters - Vv - 12/29/24
"A long time ago, ze greatest of his body, walker grabbed his lighter and yeets it on Jake. Queen clip the V, Got an x-ray" - 92 letters - Jake - 12/29/24
"Well, when everything is dark all you gotta do is to turn on the lights. It's just a small procedure , you don't need to be Zoro or have a high level of flexibility to manage it. You can't fail or have any questions " - 165 letters - - 12/29/24
"The FitnessGram PACER Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear the signal. The levels are marked by a different sound. 1. Mark a 20-meter distance (67.7 feet) in a straight line before beginning the test. 2. Do not run across the line until you hear the first lap sound. 3. Both feet must cross the finish line before the next lap sound for that line to count. 4. Wait for the next lap sound to begin the next lap. 5. Once you have failed to cross the lap line in time twice, your test is over. 6. The number of laps you complete will be your PACER Test score. FitnessGram by The Cooper Institute is the most widely-used youth fitness assessment in the country for measuring aerobic capacity, muscular strength, endurance and flexibility. This valuable physical education and fitness assessment tool helps parents, teachers, school leaders, and healthcare advocates make the data-driven decisions they need to keep students active and healthy. Also, Steve Jobs Loves to keep Zebras and A huge queue who loves doing sex." - 925 letters - Joe Mama - 12/29/24
"hamzah the fantastic is the best youtuber to ever exist idk just what i would do without him. that is a question i ask myself everyday. he is a popular youtuber with a giant following." - 147 letters - mia 😛😛 - 12/29/24
"am i the playkid gown quack joke for bass voxelz?" - 39 letters - nour ramy - 12/29/24
"My mom use a yellow pants and grey t-shirt to go to the supermarket and she bought zucchini , squash, xigua and more fruits and vegetales for the Ford and for do Juice " - 132 letters - Camila - 12/29/24
"four of the boxing wizards jump quickly and heavily" - 43 letters - gay frog - 12/29/24
"Me comi una semejante polla buena gustida y la verdad que me encantó, sentirla toda su fresca leche como un kilo de helado mientras llamaba a un taxi zorrito haciendo willy " - 141 letters - Siempre Creativo - 12/29/24
"Peter piper pick a pack of pickled peppers. How many packs of pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick with his good old dog that was very big and quick they sat under the umbrella in the jungle while playing the xylophone while watching a zebra" - 196 letters - Amandei (yes that is my real name) - 12/29/24
"The fox jumped over the zoo fence at the bronx during the weekend, becuase why not lucy que" - 73 letters - anonymous - 12/29/24
"Quincy and Zack became bored of the priest vulgar gestures to joke and wink at Xoe" - 67 letters - Alyssa Adams - 12/29/24
"xylophones move for doing quick jokes about wizards" - 44 letters - mikey! - 12/29/24
"zoos are for animals to be kept in cages, don't you think how every just quite how unfair that is? We should Xray ourselves." - 97 letters - A - 12/29/24
"One day, Evelyn was taking a walk in the park when she came across a fluffy little Zebra. Then, Quentin and Jose played the Xylophone to wake him up. " - 117 letters - Egg D - 12/29/24
"oops see them pangrams down there with grogert grocery and ripoff grogert grocery the schroshenhahn well it used the wrong symbols :skull_emoji lfmao peace my gang! qvxz" - 140 letters - Ripoff of Ripoff Grogert Grocery - 12/29/24
"Schröchcshęnhāgen mate, its the perfect part of the land to visit bruv, it has the best quora connections, but of course i'm just kidding my guy, what else to do there except buy zesty chips and ps5 controllers" - 166 letters - Ripoff Grogert Grocery - 12/29/24
"to live, or to die, is the haunting question that plagues humanity. Alas, only at death do we ever find the genuine joys, cruelties, and beauty associated with the ambiguity of living. I don't know if the world will ever understand this truth, until we all inevitably perish. zx " - 220 letters - carrie - 12/29/24
"I like the song that goes like abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z" - 53 letters - Grogert Grocery - 12/29/24
"pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a quite unexpected but bad lung disease that comes from water, just kidding, it comes from sand but since its so bad, you better zip to the hospital immediately" - 176 letters - vin - 12/29/24
"The once was a land where cats ruled. It was a magical land, no literally, magical. There was a wizard who said ' Zippity xapp!' To anyone who trespassed. His name was wizard.Mr good boy. His assistants name is Kevin, the frog. Hes one favorite of the group! Jeremy, and queanstin, were dogs and so they turned them into fwog :)" - 251 letters - Olivia - 12/29/24
"Tr6y4rjej4j4j4tfhfjfdbdjdgdjdgdj7hugug64syfbihdgihbohvd cnvocnvohdbfo dbfixdhhvo dnogxfnohf ofghxrorhgorxbfod hdxbeghoxdbfoxdbfoxdhofhrxfrfhxdofhfxefzgaklmpqwwwwjfrh see hrjdgrk" - 170 letters - H see bernd - 12/29/24
"I Believe that your an amazing person who deserves the most amazing things ever and to have a pet squirrel named Jack Faux" - 100 letters - Alieah - 12/29/24
"i rizzed up many girls thus i jumped on them and kill them. bitch and fuck them. i have two ex gf quote fuck them." - 87 letters - 3 black men authorities - 12/29/24
"I walked over to the quick and tricky fox, named Zach, who grabbed my jacket and purse." - 68 letters - abs - 12/29/24
"I really like sephora and ulta, but i also really like to eat cake from the zebra cafe. Sometimes John and Xavier Get wasted on queens vodka" - 112 letters - CeCe - 12/29/24
"I like eating pizza while watching benoftheweek. the video he just uploaded is him exploring a haunted asylum while drunk. I was intrigued and questioned while he would do that. " - 145 letters - me - 12/29/24
"what the fuck is all the skibidi in the example panagrams im crying lol QVJZ!!!" - 62 letters - Guys i have a headache rn - 12/29/24
"The laziest, brownest gingerbread man, who had quickly jumped over the cliff, falling next to Santa." - 81 letters - Mickey Ethan - 12/29/24
"I decided to rizz up a bag so I could finish hating on my friend Jack who very much hated me like he hated his x-rays and like he hates quolls" - 111 letters - Nate Archer - 12/29/24
"The king of Berlin proudly declared he’d make his favorite jester, Quincy, dance. While Quincy danced, he zipped across the room, spinning in the motion of a helix." - 130 letters - Feebo - 12/29/24
"The zesty kid that just ejaculated on Mr. Xylophone has just won the championship for great sportsmanship and ventured into a band of quippy BBCs." - 120 letters - Freakster - 12/29/24
"i enjoy to exercise my abs with great zest and full quippy veal k?" - 52 letters - ken - 12/29/24
"I hope you know to cherish the people around you because you may never know when it all changes. Your life will be more exiting if you try and find joy in even little things and enjoy the unique and crazy parts of our world." - 178 letters - Rudywhite - 12/29/24
"Gold if wanted because it is rare, life is valued because its short. Death just simply give life its value. So live your amazing and unique life with joy and kindness. Exciting things are waiting for you." - 163 letters - Rudywhite - 12/29/24
"Sometimes you think that big kids are cute, little kids. They are not, not cuties! Do they look like the ought to perform Twinkle? Listen, I am nine years old. And i HATE when people call other nine year olds little kids! Just stop everything and the regarding! Quit it! Or else I'll turn you into xenon or I'll make you get struck with some zappers, huh?!" - 275 letters - Big Bob - 12/29/24
"Its crazy that one person can change your entire life by just doing small things for you. Being kind can find you these people anywhere, and its an experience people need to live. Quote me if you find your person" - 170 letters - - 12/29/24
"I'm finna nut in yo butt cdeghjklpqrsvwxz" - 34 letters - hannah - 12/29/24
"A babbling macaw declared : “nyx” unfathomed by the jarred stare the quail gave him as he looked at pictures of trapezoids. " - 98 letters - Person - 12/29/24
"The zebra kindly and quietly bumped the dog's wiener, just as the variegated ficus was axed." - 74 letters - __ - 12/29/24
"The black dog whent home fishing with a very excellent zebra and penguin and quail and jack rabbit" - 81 letters - Violet - 12/29/24
"Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled between rolling hills, there was a dense forest known as the Whispering Woods. The villagers spoke of the woods in hushed tones, claiming it was enchanted. They believed that the trees could speak in the gentle rustle of their leaves, and the streams hummed sweet lullabies. In this village lived a curious girl named Elara. With her bright blue eyes and untamed curls, she was known for her adventurous spirit and insatiable curiosity. While the other villagers avoided the Whispering Woods, Elara felt a magnetic pull toward it. The tales of magic and mystery called to her like a lullaby on the wind. One crisp autumn morning, Elara decided it was time to explore the woods. Armed with nothing but a small satchel filled with bread and cheese, she set off on her adventure. As she stepped beneath the dense canopy of trees, the sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating a mosaic of light and shadow on the forest floor. The deeper she wandered, the more she felt the presence of the forest. It was almost as if the trees were alive, their gnarled branches reaching out as if to welcome her. As she walked, Elara began to hear whispers—a soft melody that entwined with the rustling leaves. She paused, her heart racing with a mix of fear and excitement. “Come closer, dear child,” the whispering voice floated through the air. It was soothing yet enigmatic. Elara followed the sound deeper into the woods, her heart pounding in her chest. After a short walk, she stumbled upon a clearing where a magnificent tree stood, taller than any she had ever seen. Its trunk was wide and knotted, and its branches arched gracefully, laden with leaves that shimmered with a silvery hue. As Elara approached, she noticed carved symbols on its bark, ancient and intricate. “Who are you?” Elara asked, her voice barely above a whisper. “I am Aurelia, the Guardian of the Whispering Woods,” the tree replied, its voice resonating within Elara’s chest. “I have been waiting for someone with a pure heart to understand the magic of this place.” Elara could hardly contain her amazement. “Magic? What kind of magic?” “The magic of connection,” Aurelia explained. “Every creature, every plant, and every spirit in this forest is linked. The whispers you heard are the voices of those who have walked this path before you, sharing their stories, their dreams, and their wisdom.” Intrigued, Elara listened as Aurelia spoke of the ancient history of the woods, how it had once been a vibrant gathering place for the villagers and the spirits of nature. But over time, fear and misunderstanding had driven the villagers away, convinced that the woods were cursed. “I can help restore the connection, can’t I?” Elara asked, determination shining in her eyes. “Yes, but it requires courage,” Aurelia replied. “You must bring the villagers here and share the truth of the forest. Show them the magic that lies within.” With a newfound purpose, Elara hurried back to the village, her heart racing with excitement. She told the villagers of her encounter with Aurelia and the whispers of the woods. At first, her friends were skeptical, but the passion in her voice sparked their curiosity. The next morning, with Elara leading the way, a small group of villagers followed her back to the Whispering Woods. As they entered, the familiar rustling of leaves embraced them, and the air felt charged with energy. Elara led them to the great tree, and, as she did, the whispers grew louder. “Listen!” Elara urged. The villagers stood in awe as the gentle sounds of the forest wrapped around them, weaving stories of unity and harmony. One by one, they began to understand—the magic wasn’t just in the whispers; it was in their hearts. From that day forward, the villagers began to visit the Whispering Woods regularly. They listened to the trees, shared their own stories, and learned to respect the delicate balance of nature. The woods, once feared, transformed into a place of refuge and celebration, where villagers and spirits connected in the dance of life. As the years passed, Elara grew, but her spirit of adventure remained. She became a bridge between her people and the enchanted world of the Whispering Woods. And whenever someone asked her about the magic of the forest, she would smile, knowing that true magic lies in understanding, connection, and the whispers of a heart open to wonder. And so, the Whispering Woods flourished, forever a testament to the bond between humanity and nature—a bond that Elara had nurtured with her courage, curiosity, and love." - 3665 letters - a cool author - 12/29/24
"greetings joyous people, i am a father of seven zillion and have been looking for a babysitter. would you kindly take in these quite metally ill xenomorphs?? (i will pay you 2 cents an hour) " - 150 letters - Father of seven zillion - 12/29/24
"Ony use ltr 1 dhic mab zg qj 👍vf 🫵 kw px" - 27 letters - Translation is I am trying to use each letter once this maybe hard but good job if you can Ty for reading - 12/29/24
"hello my name is unknown and i love drinking oil, crude oil. i love exploding stuff (not /j) and my neighbors break quantum physics all the time. i own a zebra" - 123 letters - Unknown - 12/29/24
"A beagle is a dog which is cutest and very adorable many people love them for the are kind and quite oh just kidding they are so loud but there marks are as unique as zebras x" - 139 letters - Cut beagle lover - 12/29/24
"I love my pookie zesty mihai and no ody can change that even tho they tell me isn't looking for me so i should quit searching because they are jealouse for what they can never have. This is the exact reason that I'm not besties with them anymore." - 195 letters - Secrete admirer - 12/29/24
"I would appreciate some help with quietly putting down our baby zebra to sleep with the xylophone we bought off of that jared guy with the sweet kicks who also looked like a velociraptor" - 153 letters - timmy - 12/29/24
"I love every person but maybe people really hate me. I don't know it's hard to conceive great facts that are just as big as that. Quickly I can tell when somome likes me zero percent. Sometimes I face xenophobia too. " - 170 letters - .... - 12/29/24
"I exchanged my zebra for the Joker's quippy Volkswagen." - 45 letters - Billy Bob Joe the III - 12/29/24
"When you realize life is just a melancholy soliloquy performed begrudgingly, some advice: make a graceful exit." - 92 letters - partiallybroken - 12/29/24
"the lazy cat jumped over the log and then the quick brown fox so many times!" - 60 letters - Mia - 12/29/24
"the lazy dog jumps over the quiet bunny caf work xilophone" - 48 letters - your mom - 12/29/24
"We look up at the sky, not thinking how big is the universe, those planes, stars, everything. We really don't think about that don't we? The moments, the things we do, feel,question,memorizes, experiences. Just, everything.Does it matter? " - 185 letters - Meli - 12/29/24
"waiting excitedly for him to quickly zoom past jovially behind" - 53 letters - nj - 12/29/24
"i like apple truffle with bananas and ice cream that is mint green vlogger like to play xylophones that has jingles at the Queenz" - 106 letters - katelyn paton - 12/29/24
"Today I will see lots of giraffes at the zoo but the car jumped over an unknown xylophone and went on a quest to get a new one." - 99 letters - C.S. - 12/29/24
"I love a great big person whom loves jayden and caden but her ex is quicky freezing" - 67 letters - -JD - 12/28/24
"i really miss inanimate insanity. i wish it didn't end- l ike how am i gonna survive now???? i feel like a flipping zebra without stripes. How do the producers of Inanimate Insanity do this?? Could they not just keep knife alive?? aaghh stupid qustion. Inanimate insanity can't be all sunshine and lollipops. I'd rather stay watching x from bfdi.. :3" - 271 letters - ribbon!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 12/28/24
"my name is finley vanwassenhove. becuase of my name being just quizzically long dudes dont know how to spell it. really?yes really! explain! its not that long..." - 127 letters - finley vanwassenhove - 12/28/24
"I never imagined fixing a boy's stuck hot wheels car zipped shut in a quaint jar" - 64 letters - Taranana - 12/28/24
"'bcfjklmquxyz,' the person said, inventing a new word." - 42 letters - person who wrote a grammatically correct sentence - 12/28/24
"dont be a zebra. you can be a skateboarding quail. just believe, and your dreams will not come true and you will be a xylophone on feet." - 106 letters - FLAAAAAAA - 12/28/24
"analysis, the inspection of an object word, qwerty is the thingy uvalde is a place zebra is an animal kangaroo and xylophone are also one too." - 114 letters - Yr mom - 12/28/24
"America Bolivia China Denver Europe Florida Germany Hawaii India Japan Korea los Angeles Montana Norway Ohio Philippine qatar Russia Spain Turkey Ukraine Venezuela Wyoming xitoy yemen Zimbabwe" - 166 letters - Zinn - 12/28/24
"A very long bad carefully hijacked money pooping queen strawberry xylophone story -zinn" - 74 letters - Zinn - 12/28/24
"A fox moved in and out a zoo with kangaroos, queens, leopards, jesters, cats and bobby" - 67 letters - Lu.lu - 12/28/24
"A bee carried farting hedgehogs juggling killer masks and saying please quickly very wackily play the xylophone with zucchinis" - 108 letters - Zinn - 12/28/24
"my name's Chloe and I love quails, foxes, pigs, jaguars, koalas and warthogs and zebras." - 68 letters - Chloe - 12/28/24
"nikoli mpreg au makes me so happy and the fact that fyodor is the father makes it so much more meaningful because the jpop society wins everytime a new chapter realeses becase of the fact that the queen of england herself wrote it and rizzes from the grave every two months to continue the fanfic, -Dex." - 245 letters - SIGMA Dex - 12/28/24
"A person has been crying dreamed about flying joyously killing queen wervizix" - 66 letters - Zinn - 12/28/24
"Hello, I am Andriy, so when I was on pangramania, then I wanted to play some BRUTAL games, and my mom comes in (I'm nine) and I needed the 'Q, F, V, J, K, X and Z'." - 113 letters - Andriy - 12/28/24
"what the fuck bro you really thought your were cooking. bro did NOT eat up that plate and leave no qjsxmaz" - 85 letters - - 12/28/24
"salte la valla con un zorro tocando el clarinete mientras estaba hirviendo aguas quetxuas follandose patos junto el kkk junto y/n whistling" - 117 letters - hola a todos - 12/28/24
"always dry your carrots before you go to the igloo moose and join the parquin fair with the king and eat veal with a xylophone zebra" - 107 letters - - 12/28/24
"The quick and big fox jumped over the lazy dogs wife" - 42 letters - anonymous - 12/28/24
"The big Brown Fox is a beautiful zesty quizmaster that once peed in a vulcano and THEN just kissed it " - 82 letters - Poopoo - 12/28/24
"I went to the zoo but the elephants and jaguars were having x-rays and it was cold, like the ice queen female" - 86 letters - imbadatpangramsalright - 12/28/24
"Hum to birds in the beautiful, celtic, powerful but questionably giving, jolly, zirconium-keratin xylophone-like forest." - 99 letters - SODIUM. - 12/28/24
"Zorgo , the leader of the blurpians waged war with ,Xoymor, the planet of the Jovec, using quantum bombs and K-43 missiles" - 96 letters - kinkiz the angry - 12/28/24
"Sick Santa wore a tough zebra jumper and became the very queen of Mexico and Laos." - 66 letters - me - 12/28/24
"Why am I even here in the first place if all I can do is to watch countless of quiet and gullible people joke around xz" - 94 letters - Person - 12/28/24
"the world is like potatoes, we taste delicious with never ending joy and realization the potatoes make out world a fairly amazing adventure and foxes are great and bananas and quarters " - 153 letters - - 12/28/24
"Usually when i sleep, I dont go zzz but i do snore a lot. Instead of sheep jumping over fences, i think about foxes quickly jumping one by one." - 111 letters - H19 - 12/28/24
"Skibidi toilet rizziness sigmaness xxxtencioness w rizz.... Fs in the chat pepe jaka vittu yin yan skibidi quit" - 90 letters - Rizz - 12/28/24
"I am walking down the beautiful, symmetrically rectangular street while eating my strawberry jam, a van approaching my way, a kid playing on the xylophone, a zebra eating grass, and a quail near the way." - 163 letters - hi - 12/28/24
"This Pangram-making website has called upon quizmasters, fixing xylophones while jumping into a volcano." - 88 letters - Nabeel Alam Khan (SNAK) - 12/28/24
"Hello my name is James dont play kickboxing for quite a while very truez yeah" - 63 letters - No - 12/28/24
"Nothing can be rear but you are wery strange if you get that lama and zebra, Pinguin and kamel jiov and Xq " - 84 letters - Me - 12/28/24
"Apple barn cat dog ditto elephant fire gay horse in jail koyfish lemon moth name obby pinetree quizz rose stump tree u vulpix want you zesty" - 115 letters - Forrest on zoomerang - 12/28/24
"You are narrow, irrational, godlike, beautiful, cunning hatred filling, mellow, jokingly perfect, questionable, n have very exactly zero bitches" - 118 letters - Your name - 12/28/24
"Hi you brand new vxlkjgfstpqzmc" - 27 letters - Telescope - 12/28/24
"The fox jumped on the happy cliff to see a crowd of BBQ zebras veer off in goKart" - 64 letters - Mari - 12/28/24
"A sentence with all the twenty six letters? Zoo-wee mama but I believe I can ace this. So here you queenly dirty pookies I gift you just one pangram! Love y'all peace " - 130 letters - Aestriaa - 12/28/24
"Quick foxes die from Alzheimers, why exactly? because of jars not peeing valiant walmart bags " - 77 letters - Hi - 12/28/24
"the sly quick fox jumps over the lazy bright woq nice dog" - 46 letters - aesthetic christan - 12/28/24
"No matter who you are or what you say I will always love you and respect you I never find you lazy and would over jump over the moon and back, I got your back I don't care how rich you are, you could have a quarter or 1,000$ I will always love you! Xoxo" - 193 letters - Reo - 12/28/24
"hello everyone can we die but no pee? this is a question left unanswered. and maybe im joking. girls if youre listening, remember that im joking. yeah... well anyawyas. Zeeeya later! hahaha.. xx" - 150 letters - m - 12/28/24
"i can look inside your pocket to close your fucking zip and question your sexuality with mobile and vent about my job" - 96 letters - kanakchills - 12/28/24
"Hello how is your day? Today was a good day, i was bored a lot thought, my grandmas is allgic to cats that are far jk just cats, i wish the pool was still open in winter Qvxz" - 133 letters - Hi - 12/28/24
"Ponyboy and Johnny set the church on fire, those good for nothing killers, murders, and zero aspiration quenchers of life, love, and white xylophones!" - 121 letters - Cece - 12/28/24
"th quick bown fx jmp vr e lazy dgs" - 26 letters - urmum - 12/28/24
"Hozana to God in the highest. His name endures forever. Praise King Jesus, lord of Heaven and Earth. He died for your sins, and He is coming back to aquire his chosen. Will you be one of them? -xoxo " - 152 letters - RCM - 12/28/24
"i love you so much. honey you are beutiful. now lets kiss baby heh get over cutie. dick and balls. piss. quit beitiful. zaddy. jk. xoxo" - 102 letters - Kieran muniz. - 12/28/24
"The quick brown fox hopped over the grey man jailed by zombies " - 51 letters - Halya Joseph - 12/28/24
"Be kind and greatful of the things you have because soon it will all magically disappear from the joint of existence- into quite literally nothing- zero atoms." - 130 letters - Avi - 12/28/24
"My least favorite letters are 'b, n, p, c, d, q, g, j, k, z, x, w, h, u.'" - 39 letters - Them - 12/28/24
"the pig despised his owners, all he wanted was to break out of his wretched barn. 'mama juno! mama juno! please let me out! i want to explore the world!' and mama juno would quarrel with the little piggy 'oh no no no! i cannot let you out! the farmers would be very mad!' and so the little piggy cried, oh he cried and sighed, he wanted to leave the farm and to zoom around the quaint little town he yearned for so! 'zoom! zoom! all i want is to zoom!' the end." - 347 letters - pigdude - 12/28/24
"I love my wonderful girlfriend she is just so perfect, and is quite the zealous type but, any day I go without her feels like a sextillion days have past. " - 122 letters - Austin Roseberry - 12/28/24
"Byakuya Togami kokchi Oma namama Rika Kanzaki Nagito Yuki Junko ensma BLAH BLAH how about you shut your mouth you lying little abortion some people think black makes you look idk but I think it makes you look like a SEXY motorcycle VROOM VROOM FALALLALALALALALALALLALA Quiz Bowl" - 232 letters - Yuki Narnia - 12/28/24
"fuck you lil bitch in the hood and yo small tiny oily penis queer votrox lil genz with no jock and money you stupid bitch" - 97 letters - p. diddy - 12/28/24
"My very cute froggy is sitting on a snail because it's very white and pretentious. Just thinking about the snail makes the zebra and fox feel queasy " - 120 letters - Nasrin - 12/28/24
"What i like to call the Z gang sucks for real to be quite truthful I personally hate them very much so and I'm not just kidding Xo- Blair" - 107 letters - ๋࣭ ⭑⚝Me๋࣭ ⭑⚝ - 12/28/24
"the magic butt man pooped at 3AM in Ohio not clickbait on Monday grimace shake rizz from the gyatt demencion I know that's spelt wrong by the way while I was mewing and my Roblox gf said I was looksmaxxing and my keyboard is set to qwerty by the way and also I went to biscuits and vinals (jk)" - 232 letters - Erik - 12/28/24
"A bee can do flying he just knows me personally quickly video Xbox zoom so cute he is not a zebra he is a duck no bee no duck I'm a bee!" - 103 letters - Person - 12/28/24
"Be a meatarian,so hamræa chose e a f T e r Rae ojoptsameting gonme a koperimacsdiaser has quandalia a fart and koloametermiolololololps and hamræa is universe 29,458,211,988 and person 238,999,419,000 and he is 87 sowernty points really he is only 87 xastem is the country in house 238997 in Sssssssssssssssssssessssssssssssssssuionmalutops in xastem Jamap is dookanaryan and Fart is Rank 9393839229293938293399343929393939339393393993939300000011293932939393393 in everything ( higher the better) quhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahwhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahqhahahahahahahahwhwhahahhahahahahahahahhahahaaahahhahahahaahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahaaahhahagagahahahahaahhahahahahahahaahahhaahhahhhhhhggaaaaaawwqjqquqwuasjdjdjdjswjisdhdbxjswjdhdhdjejwiwusussueueududududuwiieuduewuueueueueueueueueueiweiffurhrueirurueejejeuejeejejrjjrjrjrjrjrjrjejejejejehejrjrjjrjrjrmssmmsjejrjdjrjeeieieiririiririrrieieieieidificciicrieieieeeeeeeeuyueyehehhehdhdhehehehhehwyyeydyduueueueuududueuueueyyeyryyryryryryeyyeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeer(pronounced as quahahahahahahah-q-eee)ready met goem for racer 438 and car number 88 won car 23 crashed and car 73 flew to Dominica coooooooooooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhl anyway Z." - 1131 letters - A - 12/28/24
"she was a radiant woman who stood out to all the zebras on the hill how could anyone fender the groundbreaking idea that this peculiar woman was jolly and vain yet a queen with amazing xray status" - 160 letters - MD - 12/28/24
"my name is dirk, i won’t let you be lazy about clipping the fox named jaquavion." - 62 letters - Brittany - 12/28/24
"My twerking ass caca boob for u and me quite jealous? You have no penis xylophone zebra" - 70 letters - Sigma - 12/28/24
"The lazy fox sat on the wall with a dog but he could not verify that my king and queen of joy and praise were loyal." - 90 letters - Lila - 12/28/24
"I know that quiet zebras jump while taking xyxal and watching vanderbilt beat the stu out of gt in cfb" - 83 letters - - 12/28/24
"Abzdjdiwokdbxhyft we wetwiwpwpalgcmnqrsuv" - 39 letters - Sigma - 12/28/24
"You better listen cuz you are pretty cool and you his will include every letter in the alphabet if your a girl your a queen jigglemimi kx" - 111 letters - Annalisa cirillo - 12/28/24
"i hate you soo mutchq[pwkejrnjgbjduniojrekpl,mf nbgdshiodpl,dm fnvbgfsiopeo[lws,mfgnbhbjioopl,mnbhjigop[l;a,dmvnbhjgifdolkmnsxbdcvgfdtys7auhzbvxcdfgszhJZxcfdxuzsZKxcbfdsuaikMZxcxbvgdfysuikscfgukbvgyfydudikmxvbghfudidkmbvhgufiktviouvtbguoyy juvbu89gu hi8bg7yjebf8ypp9fu8yjfyufu7hf9hhihihihihihihihihihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhihihihi" - 340 letters - me - 12/28/24
"I worked so hard to get my zipper unstuck, I cried so hard man. But that's okay. I love playing Roblox and my name is queen_maia24 if you wanna,, Hehe... Hit me up! Just watch out for creeps too. See ya!!" - 150 letters - Maiaa - 12/28/24
"This website is really cool. I don’t know what to say so let’s just add words : family, over, glamour, places, xylophone, zombie and QUASO " - 105 letters - paaaquerette - 12/28/24
"the song abc's goes abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 41 letters - olive j - 12/28/24
"Bored button is very fun it does not make me anymore bored. I love this website. I am going to type in words like queen, jelly, call, and a zombie. A name for a boy can be Xavier." - 135 letters - - 12/28/24
"i am bored and this is why i am on bored button, and also i love making panagrams but i am really bad at it and also did you notice that i lazily spelled pangrams wrong but this has to be one full sentence also my little sister saw a thing where they put an x-ray on someone because they broke two bones and she's just three and she loves rubber ducks and she always says quack quack. " - 303 letters - Your name - 12/27/24
"A breadcrumb freaked out green hearing jars lying when parking in very exclusive queen zone" - 77 letters - Zinn - 12/27/24
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog, who just got a COVID vaccine." - 59 letters - Anonymous - 12/27/24
"A big ced fhojklm nuspqrt yxzwv" - 26 letters - smartalex - 12/27/24
"A bread cat split a queen who used a foghorn named janky who was very zippy and raced xylophones" - 78 letters - Zinn - 12/27/24
"sigma skibidi toilet rizzing up kai cenat and livvy dunne while on talk tuah straight up jelqing it till he friggin busts at exactly grimace o clock!" - 122 letters - - 12/27/24
"Zoos are my favourite place to visit as there are dogs and kangaroos with joeys boncing around and playing of xylaphones with the queen paying a visit!" - 124 letters - Jeff Epstein son - 12/27/24
"I asked the big lazy queen for axes from people, however she just can't." - 56 letters - Connor.F - 12/27/24
"I just ate taco bell. It was very good and delicious. Taco bell is my favorite place to eat. Its quesadilla with hot sauce is the best low key. Me and my ex ate there a lot together. I've probably ate at taco bell a zillion times." - 177 letters - Erin Williams - 12/27/24
"apples are the best kind of candy zebra queen gay man juggle van water x-ray out there " - 69 letters - shiki - 12/27/24
"hello i want to become a youtuber and i want taylorswift to come to my houce on th 12 of january by pinnig and tzippoakx ps we are quit fond of you vk" - 118 letters - Cali - 12/27/24
"An amazing experience that has recently occurred to me is when a violin was thrown against the queen’s heard but the violin was mine because I left it in England because I wanted to throw it away. Little did you know that I was just kidding! Haha" - 197 letters - Vi - 12/27/24
"...and 'bang' said the cat who is being for real but the queen dog said jokingly,'marvelous, but i dont give a poo' and the queen dog found it excellent. turns out they were both in a zoo. " - 141 letters - im not giving out my name - 12/27/24
"Have you heard of Black Footed Cats? They are one of the smallest cats in the world and THE smallest in Africa. Also, they’re little menaces. They have a hunting success rate of sixty percent: in comparison, lions only have a twenty five percent success rate. They also are so small and quick, with such low metabolisms, they need to eat about every 50 minutes. Like all cats, they’re a little lazy (but that’s alright because they’re just ADORABLE!)" - 354 letters - Couldn’t think of anything so here’s a rant about cats :) - 12/27/24
"My dad said that Zeus was crazy while playing his xylophone that he got from a queen and kings family because he was jealous of veals! " - 108 letters - The sentence maker - 12/27/24
"The quick zebra carrying a xylophone wears a fleece violet jacket and denim pants." - 68 letters - Lindsay - 12/27/24
"The quick brown fox jumped over the gruel fence and stayed to sleep zzzz." - 59 letters - saif _seriously _tried - 12/27/24
"I really love you and that isn't just some exaggeration I would kill for you to the point they would see an x-ray of the dead bodies would have hearts drawn into each part of their cranium to pronounce my love as you are mightier than a king or queen, I can't even catch z's when I'm busy thinking about you" - 241 letters - Sitara - 12/27/24
"im your sexy litl pp slut im not wearing under wear bbbchfhjkqvz" - 53 letters - ♡ - 12/27/24
"Create a pangram, they say, it’ll be fun, they say. Well, now my head is splitting like a very flexible gymnast. Just looking at the screen makes me feel quite queer. It’s all Zeus’s fault, I say! " - 148 letters - Hades - 12/27/24
"Cheese is a very cheesy thing, and is used for many things. For example: a staple diet for when Zeus is busy conjuring lightning, or when the koalas get bored of eating their regular food, or when queens decide to try the peasant food. But of course, there’s a special kind of cheese we are all familiar with, and that is the cheesy dad jokes. " - 269 letters - Cheese - 12/27/24
"i like to play video games and math is my favorite subject. now, what are some words that use q x and z?" - 79 letters - anonymous - 12/27/24
"why and how are you doing these things which lead you upwards to the level of queen Bee of the land of janax in the zotom korshen land." - 107 letters - Auralia Levin - 12/27/24
"Today is my birthday I'm so exited I'm getting a zebra some candy for this special day with my familly every second is hell just kidding I really need to use the letter Q. " - 135 letters - Radia - 12/27/24
"cow has more fish than a white tripped zebra that is about to cross the iq road with verona and the car came across and everyone gone wrong and then they played kick ball with jason the neighbors pet that had an x-ray they other day. " - 186 letters - jamal - 12/27/24
"Cat has a more i Q than us you know dog has not that brain cell fish has that job which parrot van and xylem ha Zebra has strips " - 100 letters - Jeeni - 12/27/24
"Hey Jacqueline, do you know a song that has been getting a lot of buzz, 'Never gonna let you up, never gonna give you down', I think i mixed up some words." - 117 letters - rick roll - 12/27/24
"I'm in love with my amazing gorgeous and beautiful wife, no joke she loves popcorn and xylopone questions" - 86 letters - the devil - 12/27/24
"i wish that i didnt have cancer. I felt... bad when the x-ray showed my broken bones. The pain was still there when it healed. Cancer. I wish I could crawl under a blanket and go to sleep forever. I wish i could be the queen, and have a jester who would make me laugh no matter my mood. I wish I could have a zebra I could ride to school every day. I wish I didn't have cancer." - 285 letters - Rose - 12/27/24
"I love you you are great your love is more powerful than Goku just so you know never give up your X-ray shows a heart the size of the sun in the colors roygbiv every dad and Mom and kid thinks you're great your a queen or a king " - 178 letters - Wyot - 12/27/24
"Hey! My name is Ari,I like cats,Hatsune Miku, the colour pink and food!!:D Because I like Miku,I like other vocaloids, like kagamine Rin, andd idk why ppl say the letters j,q,x,and z are red flags. Anyway byeeee!" - 161 letters - Ari:3 - 12/27/24
"Jemioła pod słomą tuku tuku wymawia, bardzo cieszą ją fajne gruzy. Lol! Haha się śmieje, Q.Q >v< xoxo" - 70 letters - Martyna!! - 12/27/24
"A beer can feed up to three jillion of Zeke voltari’s zebras, who by the way managed to play the xylophone as a quadruple band" - 100 letters - Dhnafjk NBC dr - 12/27/24
"here's that alphabet: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 43 letters - hi - 12/27/24
"even though fence has been hopped with a queue from the barn it is not just a crazy thougt to kill all sheep in the herd just exterminate them,," - 114 letters - barjdk - 12/27/24
"If zombie rule the world, quickly fax the president Van Joseph Gogh" - 55 letters - Van Joseph Gogh - 12/27/24
"The quick brown fox never really jumped over the lazy dog, it sniffed it and ran away." - 68 letters - GG - 12/27/24
"Adding numbers is what you are taught to do. Adding the evidence and the pieces together is what zero think to do. It’s quite sad that some folks will think I am joking xx" - 135 letters - cecilia!!! Xoxo (if my fav character is Joel from the last of us u know its me) - 12/27/24
"ur mad nobody wants u lol no gucci dress can save ur genuinely fat ass get rekked hjpqxz I dont say anyth ppl like me n u wear lv also cannot get dick lmao " - 122 letters - wat even r u lol - 12/27/24
"Letters a-z include twenty six characters and you can make random words with them example ball,fish,gum,quilt,jelly,verb" - 99 letters - Aiswarya.S - 12/27/24
"Beautiful things are everywhere, from Xylophones to Jaguars to zoos with kangaroos and capybaras, everything in the world is amazing and deserves to be treated like a queen " - 143 letters - Mandy - 12/27/24
"Cat Dog Very sui wxzmlkjhfbqpn" - 26 letters - HHEHEHE - 12/27/24
"hello i love your outfits today where did you got it oh that's nice but guess what mine is nicer haha get lost loser pft am just joking quiet Xavier the zebra is crossing" - 136 letters - katai - 12/27/24
"you are the most beautiful person that makes wise choices, great jokes, plays the violin and xylophone very well, and questions zebras with skill." - 119 letters - - 12/27/24
"I love apples and bananas because they fill up my belly my favorite animal is a fox and a whale my name is jobu and my cousins name is kuki I once read a book that said Zorro my grandma is from Quebec" - 158 letters - joda - 12/27/24
"I secretly am a royal beautiful queen. All the people bow down when I am there, especially the king. I also play the xylophone very well. Just joking. I’m a zoo keeper. Got you, didn’t I?" - 142 letters - Dinah Shannon Zane - 12/27/24
"A big cat which have many experiences danced gracefully under an enormous plantain tree which was planted by the king and queen. Its little paws and thick fur can easily make everyone hypnotized by its beauty. So they just watch it dances till dawn. Truly an animal with pure talents." - 231 letters - CamCam - 12/27/24
"When foxes started whining about anything and everything, children started saying how jam was so yummy that adults can't bake cakes and that Zen pillows went cold too quick." - 142 letters - I am not dumb - 12/27/24
"My favorite letters are Q, W, X, and Z because they are great for jokes and puns." - 61 letters - Molly - 12/27/24
"I am a fantastic person who loves to kill zebras yellowjackets I also destroy xylophones and guitars in Qatar." - 91 letters - Cayd S - 12/27/24
"I am a very cool person, but no one knows because of how introverted I am. What if I just wrote an essay in here? Would I still be cool? How to use every letter... I love xylophones... I ride zebras in my free time. I guess queens could be cool... if they listened to Kendrick Lamar..." - 212 letters - PeyPEY - 12/27/24
"Ganerpy is very cool zeep. Im gay another word for gay is queer. Xylophones are fun and kool becouse joining a band of them is kool" - 104 letters - Evangeline - 12/27/24
"type a meaningful sentence that contains all the letters of the alphabet, you dumb zebra, jolly questions aside, knowing that this is winter is very exciting" - 129 letters - no - 12/27/24
"you are loved beyond compare, kings and queens would fight to jail, ax, and steal your zest for life." - 79 letters - Dana B - 12/27/24
"adrian is the best in the whole world but also pawel and beata vanessa has a massive forehead and looks like a xenomorph yet she thinks shes hard and fit and she isnt she is a cunt she thinks she the slay queen but i am the slay queen And aslo jakub/Kuba has a lisp and has no rizz goodnight now yall." - 238 letters - Adrian Krysiak/ Slay Queen - 12/27/24
" je suis pas ton pote mais bon je veux agir comme si t'allais bien mais donne moi le pq sa quand mere fortnite c'est trop bien ya hitler dessus jfais des weeling en yz et mon k-way" - 140 letters - nagi - 12/27/24
"Hello, I fucking hate you little bitch I am Walter white I sell Dope on the streets I am sort of a vendor I also jump on quants flights going to Xavier and while flying I see zebras" - 143 letters - Walter White - 12/27/24
"the zebra played the xylophone and the baby drank her water and the man ate his cake and the queen got sent to jail for vandalism" - 104 letters - Hade's babygirl - 12/27/24
"Your life is meaningless unless you are important in someone else's life. If you impact somebody's life, it renders your life to be somewhat meaningful. In a world full of people and lives, what importance is your own life? The cycle of life affects everyone who is human with no exceptions. So the only way you can make your life important to the long history of hominids, is if you change someone else's life. It doesn't have to be much, it just has to change someone's view. So quit thinking you're meaningless when you're not. Zebra." - 423 letters - Liliana - 12/27/24
"a boy crept upon his mum and father who were jokingly playing the violin and xylophone to the queenz." - 82 letters - estherrrr - 12/27/24
"north of iowa is the state of minnesota where xander and quinn get bacon just in time to keep their very first child zander fed" - 103 letters - beans - 12/27/24
"Hi Bob the builder my dad says I can't poop quickly fgjvwxz " - 47 letters - Bob - 12/27/24
"I am the best alien of all time but I'm mixed with zebra and a bit of colours as well as googly eyes and juniper with Quinn's key and vultures" - 111 letters - 🐀 - 12/27/24
"The really good fox is good at gymnastics and zapping/killing people with a very big gun, that shoots queer jellybeans :D " - 98 letters - RandomPerson - 12/27/24
"Japie was very zesty and him and I were cousins but he was hot .everyone was appalled quite because of his gigantic xylophone stick." - 107 letters - Idk - 12/27/24
"I love Isi....and mom, and dad, AND? Hmm....Also Katie! Katies mom is named Kim and Kim's husband is named Vale! Well, our family is....Robert/Bob, Martina, Isi and Lilly! My classmates names? Alright..Starting with the girls. Miša, Maruška, Terka, Helenka, Evička and Lilly. The boys names are..Aleš, Franta Flachs, Franta Musil, Maty Kafka, Maty Rouča,Jakub Pochop, Jakud Bartl, Jája, who else..hmm...Tom anddd Oliver! Now..I've got to finish this well, so...any more questions? Ah, hmm...I've got a few friends! One of my friends were named Xavier! Can you believe that?? Alright...now I need ONE last letter....hmm....think think....AHA! When I went to the Zoo with my family, I saw tons of zebras!" - 506 letters - Lilly Vexlerova - 12/27/24
"Album of the year belongs to taylor swift the most charmungful vicious prettiest Woman with the Dead q-tip j cole said frick off and she said peace out xylophone! Thats the alphabet, Oh wait i forgot zed!" - 164 letters - Hehehe - 12/26/24
"I thought buying a xilophone would have been good for you all but seems i was wrong. Well, at least I can create a key, a quick jeep and call Zack to help." - 119 letters - nikkithefox - 12/26/24
"A zany quick dragon bested a fox at philosophy and Volkswagen jam. " - 54 letters - Mh89 - 12/26/24
"The quick and sly fox jumped over the lazy winged bunny." - 45 letters - Ekko - 12/26/24
"We've been trying to tell you about your cars extended warranty. Please pay the fine, you MUST, just kidding, i quitz" - 92 letters - Harry - 12/26/24
"A boy cried because his zebra ate his water vase and Mr Xavier pilf, my guy was quietly dying cuz it was supposed to be a joke" - 99 letters - Paedyn.gray - 12/26/24
" i ate three pumkins that tasted like acid that burned my bones and quickly found my heart and went to go to it but my pet zebra jumped up and throwed a xylophone at my vertebrae" - 142 letters - isaiah - 12/26/24
"Create a Program. Still Bored? Press the bored button again. Please do it 1p2iuherjkwlq;owieeu8rikjlwqoiur8eihfdjksnwlqeioureihfjkewqi9u8ergyfhldkjslwqieu8rgdfhjsknwq128e7yrugshkjdwi9qojsdnzmajkdhfcnm,xjhdgdvbsnqjkl" - 197 letters - iowuefhajdnkq - 12/26/24
"Zack is a cool guy and rides his bike everyday. people like Zack Cause he has a jump rope. he got a x-ray scanning on Friday. will you be his friend? q " - 115 letters - - 12/26/24
"pangramania became stuffed with the lorax's vermont ownership and a queenly zebra (I'm joking)" - 77 letters - gay frog - 12/26/24
"uhh hello hello i wanted to record a little message for you to help you get started on your first night unfortunately the company doesnt pay me enough to go int further detail just pay attention so the animatronics are very deadly specifically the fox one uhh well out of time kbqzx" - 231 letters - phone guy - 12/26/24
"Me llamo luci y tengo quince años de edad, vivo en Mendoza Capital. No sé que escribir en este lugar, ni siquiera sé para que es jaja. Fhkwx" - 109 letters - Lu - 12/26/24
"Sarah palin's television set plays king of queens just twenty four seven, while she and zack efron get more back xrays" - 96 letters - - 12/26/24
"The quiet brown frog jumps over lazy ducks x" - 36 letters - sophie - 12/26/24
"Sonic 3 was absolutely fucking good i need everyone who hasn't seen it to see it right now zoo pop jam xray quit" - 89 letters - - 12/26/24
"I LOVE half life opposing force, I think it is ye best game out there. my nane is zewix rthe jitdq" - 76 letters - - 12/26/24
"Go fuck yourself tonight because your wife is busy with your neighbour Joseph in your dad and step mums xalivaz queen " - 97 letters - Win - 12/26/24
"sigma alpha ohio rizz in ohiotown brainrot ohio amogus amongus citten rush dog battle qwerty fandom tax jk not very big gyatt." - 104 letters - ohio rizz - 12/26/24
"My quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." - 34 letters - p@n@gr@m@ni@ - 12/26/24
"Zebra’s favorite xylophone got crushed under a mighty, jagged knife, and why, well, that’s a good question." - 84 letters - p@n@gr@m@ni@ - 12/26/24
"I went to the supermarket today and found that they were selling very big foxes so I bought one alongside a cat but it was not worth the wait as I had to wait in a not so joyful long queue with zebras." - 158 letters - Mila - 12/26/24
"Showing Great Courage, Kaleb Myd ran the 100 meter race with astonishing speed, faster than a cheetah chasing a zebra. The other runner, Jacob Vaxu questioned his amazing act, but when the camera showed it, he was amazed." - 177 letters - - 12/26/24
"Love yourself even people who are different but maybe someone called jack jackx Zachary guan a q" - 80 letters - Han - 12/26/24
"A zebra and cat is in a zoo, how would they escape? So first the zebra would get a wooden box and the cat quickly got a fishing rod. Then the zebra used the wood and some apple juice that they had, and pushed the cage while no one was looking and they escaped and they were very happy." - 222 letters - Mkmnd - 12/26/24
"I love you like a cat loves eating rats and Mirabelle the cow likes fat grass or how Jim Perry likes mark Zuckerberg and X-Ray machines alongside the letter q" - 128 letters - Bethany Clarason - 12/26/24
"“Once my mother died, her last words were Zoë please- oh please dont let a boy fricking tell you what to do, just dont, xena, you” quotve.gov " - 107 letters - Sadiee - 12/26/24
"Lao gen ma (The queer peoples of Wajinxnvay) Kachow the dumb zebra! " - 53 letters - Lucy Does Pangrams - 12/26/24
"me and the boys when we go to the zombies and throw domestos and lao gan ma on them (it's a guts and vikings reference my fellow queer peoples of jinixia)" - 121 letters - m - 12/26/24
"bananas are really cool for sixty three reasons but i will list great amounts; one they are more publicly accessible, two, my friend zara likes them and three they dont jab you in the throat and dont make you hear voices telling you to quit eating bananas." - 206 letters - o - 12/26/24
"I went to the zoo yesterday, while eating ice-cream with the queen Katie of valenda and her daughter julia, but she fell and had to do x-ray over her body pants on." - 128 letters - Dida - 12/26/24
"I love bananas and crocodile pies with enchilada toppings and tortilla quinoa flavored fishes with xylophone jackals mandatory zen " - 112 letters - Blobber - 12/26/24
"charles leclerc is the most beutiful man in the whole world he drives a f1 car and his pit stops goes incredible fast just so you know xzq" - 111 letters - sophie - 12/26/24
"after lunch i ate a delicious, satiating and zesty pizza. it was yummy but the queue for it was way too jickity jack long. i play the xilofone, by the way...ill give some advice,never mind." - 146 letters - pizza - 12/26/24
"Hi I am a furry cat who is the cutest dick sucking baby in the entire world, I am also very quick at it and can jump over the zebras cocks and xylophone easily." - 125 letters - Eheh - 12/26/24
"a lazy rebel fox lost in the woods picking very questionable mulberries to juice " - 67 letters - yuchen - 12/26/24
"Zoe has pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoiosis, but x-rays show that she actually just has five questionable broken ribs in need of gelatin" - 123 letters - Yuchen - 12/26/24
"The lazy fox jumped over the slow dog kiqunbc " - 37 letters - Claraa - 12/26/24
"i love you gran i know i cant talk to you any more but you are still always and forever in my heart for all time. just put a coi in your quaint zebra print pocket and xam!! " - 132 letters - im - 12/26/24
"Im on that good koosh and alcoholo i got some bad bitchxes eyes i can fucking kill what the sigma ohio rizz gyatt pusay coochie da fuq brainrot jisappointment (i meant disappointment i just want to do EVERYTHING!!)" - 173 letters - crispy burnt curly fries - 12/26/24
"abhcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 27 letters - yusuf - 12/26/24
"i will do chores then i will play games with my seven friends max zack bill lily hazeeq mohamad timmy jake uli" - 89 letters - yusuf - 12/26/24
"Well done Jamie K losing your hair,toes,feet,zebra,wife,vicar,popcorn and x-ray. QUIT JAMIE!" - 73 letters - Amy :) - 12/26/24
"Of all the zions and monoxide gasses that are in this arbituary universe, it is clear that janky weapons such as quarantines are not necessary." - 117 letters - gator man - 12/26/24
"a fox was on the other side of a queue and i tried my best to go to the zoo to see him very short. come to thin of it he jumped and killed someone" - 111 letters - josh - 12/26/24
"U get pocket moneyz i earn money lmaoz bdfhjqsvwx" - 41 letters - de best boi - 12/26/24
"Hello how is every one today? It feels like we all need a minute to breathe and become in the zen because queens love us? Going for a walk take it or a jog people love exploring " - 139 letters - Charlee Morrison - 12/26/24
"bees are weird to see in the world zebras on the other hand are uniquely different congratulations to pocket money for justifing a visual view to xtract lots of money :)" - 137 letters - SKIP - 12/26/24
"Nigger black man zinc oxide fight post vivid wombat jinx QWERTY u" - 54 letters - J - 12/26/24
"The dog sat from beach in waves using xylophone joking with a quaint zebra" - 61 letters - sehej - 12/26/24
"You do all that for a person who was never even here, just to gamble to feel better about yourself. So much so that you could only wish 'she' was into gambling men, or something, but even if she were, she didn't exist to begin with. You take and steal from people to quench your own unthirst, the way we have all seen you steal for fun, it's no new occurence to us all. Go catch zs somewhere else. In case you never wake up again, but if a kardashian can survive to middle agehood, you probably too will, without even earning the life that you took from all around you, as if you were entitled to it all." - 467 letters - Killer the Jeff - 12/26/24
"Welcome to the land of Pangram.me, do you have loads of questions about Pangram.me, and some about jokes or boxes? or do you have a Zoom call at 12:00? I guess I will never know." - 136 letters - Idk - 12/26/24
"A cat jumped over a big fat hungry pack of wolves chasing quails, xenophobic animals, and zebras" - 78 letters - londyn - 12/26/24
"You never know what is in them tommorow, the best we can do is stop being lazy and embrace today and hope your fridge stops quacking and doesn't run away to a xylophone called Joe." - 143 letters - Imnotdumbnoprivateinfo - 12/26/24
"Despite every setback, quick thinking and brave hearts spark joy, creating vivid hope for tomorrow, while exploring new paths with zest." - 112 letters - Liam William Quintero - 12/26/24
"I really love to munch on pizza when I'm bored and sometimes I type out QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM because it pops up on Urban Dictionary" - 114 letters - RATATATA - 12/26/24
"i love you so freaking much like you won’t beleive it deal it may possibly be the hardest feeling i’m feeling queen elilibeth xander josh and zoey" - 118 letters - be - 12/26/24
"I went to the zoo where I got bored and started singing ‘supercalifrigilisticexpealidocious even though the sound of it is something quite precocious’ then I finished and went to the jaguar enclosure and let them all lose, as well as the kangaroos and then yelled ‘yippe kayak mother buckets!’ And left." - 246 letters - Amelia - 12/26/24
"one time I sat on a log next to my beautiful pet zebra, a man walked by glancing quizzically. 'have you got a problem jerk?!' I asked. " - 101 letters - chloe - 12/26/24
"the quick fox jumped over the wise wizard with the dashingly bashful goat" - 61 letters - Lee - 12/26/24
"How are you? I hope you are doing well. For you information I, queen Katniss just found a zebra drinking various amounts of corn juice. And, I just got a new xylophone!" - 131 letters - Queen Katniss - 12/26/24
"ziggy zaggy ducks say quack and jump over the fence to see two lemur boxes" - 60 letters - Paisleigh - 12/26/24
"Zara played one xylophone because she could, and her friend Quinn moved working jet skis around the lake." - 86 letters - Person - 12/26/24
"why foil run past veg (bcdjkmqxz)" - 26 letters - plug - 12/26/24
"i dont like to drink tea but i love to eat pizza while boating on the east river of the sea while i get chased by fifty million queer jaguars playing xylaphones" - 129 letters - idk - 12/26/24
"Abracadabra was the first sentence called out by the queen fox, Zelda Morgan! Jk probably Vincent vangos " - 86 letters - Raiha - 12/26/24
"small dick asian twink short male shut up refridgerator baby jqvxz" - 56 letters - ur mom - 12/26/24
"respond fat slut bitch why like this u cant be this fcking stupid can u u queer retarded vag cant even date men properly smh jxz" - 103 letters - ur pri sch daddi tcher - 12/26/24
"Sometimes I stare at the fireplace as my mom wraps Xmas presents, my dad asking where our cat Jack is, my baby cousin playing zoo with the TV in the background and my Aunt talks about their new dog, Queso" - 162 letters - Maruhhhh - 12/25/24
"Abcdefghijklomupvwxnqrstyz " - 26 letters - O - 12/25/24
"my grandmpa ate the house cat at betholemews house where Quinn forgot his jacket with zebu who took his cat Xander to the vet earlier" - 109 letters - Brennan - 12/25/24
"I wish you a merry Xmas(Christmas)I hope you got your nice presents and even if you don't celebrate Christmas I hope you have a jolly cracker good dayz from Quinton Blake " - 137 letters - Quinton Blake - 12/25/24
"Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler your so skibidi your so fanum tax i just want to be your sigma only in ohio i love the grimace shake baby gronk with livvy dunn i like chill dogs surf cats mewing alpha giga chad im the peak and i ate omg lol idk thx qwop" - 207 letters - Yours truly - 12/25/24
"Hi, my name is Jaquavius Zamatuia Russolo Kawx, baffling the gays this cutting season. Diss Penelope." - 82 letters - joe - 12/25/24
"I am a very Beautiful, Zesty, Kind, Cop who is named Gerald Jinxq." - 50 letters - Gerald Jinkq - 12/25/24
"a black man never i mean never even if a duck or a fuck gets in the way you still playin on that xylophone you still tryna make the zoo wild no matter the consequences no mater the jitternes no matter the problems or anything in the world." - 191 letters - Felix - 12/25/24
"all of the students went to the zoo to see the bear cubs, the iguanas, the lemurs, the joeys, and the got to see X-rays of koalas vs. people's qtips." - 112 letters - Ellie - 12/25/24
"they artists are very ugly with their enormous piggy zebra looking noses. Cats are more elegant than those d-cks. Fuck em'. NO NOT IN THE QUESTIONABLE WAY. Do you like JUICEWRLD? anw, bye xx" - 149 letters - bitcjh - 12/25/24
"today my mom forced me to climb up the mountains, Zugspitze, Virgo Mountain and Quarry Bank , jump on them, play a xylophone on them and with my friend, Jake." - 123 letters - Fart - 12/25/24
"The dog and the cat are playing ball with the zebras in Quebec and the filing monkey wants to join so the cat got a xylophone For the monkey and they lived happily ever after " - 140 letters - Emma - 12/25/24
"I'm serious. Pangrams appear to be kind of interesting. I quote, 'Thy require xyz, vow cajole learn'" - 77 letters - googity - 12/25/24
"hi im the pedoric table maths wiz from alabama state university.i went to ohio to fanum tax baby gronk at the diddy party.but he had to much aura so my skibidi sigma ahh had to dip before his aura and rizz spreads on me.a question sir, a question, have u ever got mogged by DUKE DENNIS.YAHHHHHHHHHH. JAMACIAN YARDIE BOY COMIN IN DA BEAT PON DE DRUMS PON DE CYMBALS PON DE CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP, CLAPYOUR HANDS A PON DE, A PON DE ADD THE VOCALSSSS." - 354 letters - MUZZIE BUZZIE DOING BEATZZZZZZ - 12/25/24
"Leoric Plays The Dirty xylophone with the ugly zebra just to get knocked out by a fat quail holding maroon van." - 90 letters - Leoric - 12/25/24
"And the only reason why we have a lot more people is that they have to work for the company that helps people talk to zombies giants and xenophobias people just like the Queen" - 142 letters - Opaline saffron - 12/25/24
"i am the best fotballer in the world i am just nominated in the xi eleven and i love zoro because he go and quit his yard . My kitchen my alphabet " - 114 letters - ted - 12/25/24
"ari is cute she loves her life.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - 50 letters - Ari'Ahnah - 12/25/24
"paige is beatiful and kind happy birthday zesty vesty jelly coqmwx" - 56 letters - taylor swift - 12/25/24
"the qucik brown fox jumpscae the lzycv dog" - 35 letters - Ivorydevrimo - 12/25/24
"I love you to the moon and back I love you from the galaxy's beyond You are as fair as quartz If I had to judge you by your imperfect I wouldn't find any imperfect ♡" - 127 letters - Blessy - 12/25/24
"xylophone quoth frogs are kind, but jumpy, have cows, live in zoos." - 52 letters - person :) - 12/25/24
"i asked a question to panagram.me because i was highly bored, and also because i had no fish to eat, but now i will go play my xylophone very loudly just for fun and maybe to also annoy a few zebras. " - 155 letters - - 12/25/24
"hello fellow person i'm here to tell you to go fuck you're self in the ass nigga for thy lets exercise our body then we grab our joystick and play the damn game.me and vexbolltz quinted" - 147 letters - sexy boi - 12/25/24
"my very supercalifragilisticexpialidocious naked bitch quiz just woke up " - 64 letters - bethabobaly - 12/25/24
"a big guy hit me at the zoo so i look at a xray and said wow so i jumped i am now the queen cody the fithy vitory" - 85 letters - billy - 12/25/24
"A big baby ate my mum. However it soon started playing the xylophone and it ruined my zen . I shouted at it and then it coughed and said I’m only joking you fucking queen " - 133 letters - Tara 🎀 - 12/25/24
"the silly, kind, fox amazingly jumped over thr log, and over the quotic, big, brown dog." - 67 letters - ˙ ✩°˖🫐 ⋆。˚꩜ AROHA ୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀 THOMAS - 12/25/24
"A bag with a cat gave me a fright I thought I was about to die of scare by the joker standing in front of me and when I reached the hospital I had to get an x-ray and pay a bill as if I were queen elizabeth." - 158 letters - Anonymous - 12/25/24
"hello every body my name is mr z. welcome to our first class. Ok, lets take attendance; Adam? Penelope, George, Jeffrey, Qianteng Xi" - 102 letters - Edster mc nuggets - 12/25/24
"Just the equinox of my grapes, backed by views ablaze. " - 43 letters - - 12/25/24
"the quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown goats" - 40 letters - brooklynn 🥵 - 12/25/24
"Hi my name is bailasan I. Am twelve years old and I have been working with the company for a few years now and have been working with the company for a few years now and have been working with the company for a few years now and have been very busy since I have had to start working with you in the past few couple of months but have not been able to get back. Jeremy and zex is a villain in sack boy que is a good one " - 327 letters - Shahad - 12/25/24
"Xylophone played itself as zebras watched in wonder, slowly seeking justice in memory of queen Victoria. " - 87 letters - mr the g - 12/25/24
"Just except the zoo and love your walrus queen, but forget the milk." - 54 letters - Blaison Everett - 12/25/24
"I think the world means a lot to all the humans who live there, but birds like cardinals or quails don’t care about our poor planet and important things like xylophones and lazy falling jay birds." - 158 letters - Ariana grandeeee - 12/25/24
"hello silly human being eating a xylophone and drinking a jug of vaseline. maybe we both have pet quails named zachary" - 97 letters - aspen >:3 - 12/25/24
"I go to the dentist and she plays a xylophone shaped like a zebra with a quiet finger lifted to its meager lips. It needs vasolinejc" - 106 letters - qirat - 12/25/24
"so if you walk into a bar and see a quail what would you do would you turn into a zebra would you say I can flop l a gold fish or turn into a xylaphone or a jagar or say my name is velma what would you do?" - 156 letters - jose - 12/25/24
"what would happen if a xylophone had a mom, dad, brother, sister and a friend named zlnut, and the xylophone said 'hey zlnut!' jokingly, but then the friend named zlnut pulled out a quick volin and whacked the xylophone with it?" - 179 letters - colin the computer - 12/25/24
"The very queer little ox tries to climb the mountain, but is just pushed back down by the falling zebras" - 84 letters - autistic - 12/25/24
"Ay, you are beautiful, zesty, hot, queen, good, cautious, very joyful, kind, amazing, wonderful, pretty, and excellent" - 90 letters - Ava - 12/25/24
"The black quartz sphinx jumped over wary frogs" - 39 letters - Ya boi - 12/25/24
"i ate my own fecal waste which was seasoned and with q-tips, boring bananas, jelly kangaroos, uv rays, xenon, and zebras" - 94 letters - tomato da destroyer - 12/25/24
"Sometimes, I think about why humans are so stubborn. Maybe people think that they're the best, but that would be being a narcissist, no? Maybe, people think they're the queen or king of the world, and everybody is their drinking cup that they can juggle out if they don't listen to them. For example, Xavier (don't ask who he is) might think that he can be zealous about thinking that he's the best without consequences, but he will probably learn that sometimes, he has to listen to people and not be so narcissistic, but otherwise, he'll probably end up homeless. So, don't be stubborn, people, or else, you might end up like Xavier and end up homeless and jobless, okay? Have a great day!" - 538 letters - Othello - 12/25/24
"Hippopotomonstrossesquippedaliophobia is an extraordinary disease that must always be researched in the name of science. I wonder how the neurons in the individual’s organ called the “brain” function in terms of kinetic energy and the amount of joules that can be measured on a molecular level. It never ceases to amaze me what the mind has to offer in terms of mental disorders." - 311 letters - Angelica Hill - 12/25/24
"I'm rather bored of this simulation called Earth- perhaps I shall move to Mars. Or maybe I will go to somewhere new on Earth - like New Zealand. Maybe I'll meet a duck named Quillson. Maybe I'll learn to play the xylophone. Maybe I'll meet a new best friend Jerry. Maybe, just maybe, earth isn't so bad. " - 232 letters - Bug !! 🐛 :3 - 12/25/24
"the alphabet is a very cool thing just like zebras and queens but for many people they hate women and want kinds but i love when kings play xylophone" - 121 letters - stella - 12/25/24
"My penis is so big that I could strangle a retarded elephant with it just for the lulz like a queer bastard who’s ass looks like a vagina after sex." - 117 letters - Juan Kerr - 12/25/24
"This job makes work feel zany. Except quitting is very sad." - 47 letters - Dylan - 12/25/24
"i am a box i am a human today is x-mas eve when is Christmas my dog asked January fourth Luna quietly pondered zebras existence " - 102 letters - Zoemonster - 12/25/24
"I always think xylophones should be remembered for creating violins, just quite amazing!" - 74 letters - Gina - 12/25/24
"zgzg by saay is quite an underrated kpop song that i particularly enjoy and find very well made and exciting." - 89 letters - Hilary - 12/24/24
"I love Micheal Emerson because he is very cool and he is from my favorite tv show lost and plays a character named Benjamin Linus. I watch Bfb and some characters that come out is X which is just a yellow X and it’s a good show kool show very kool. I miss my friend Emily z. I will not expose her last name because i don’t know if she will let me so their for “z”. Good things shall happen to people not just the queens and kings. May any question follow you for the good." - 366 letters - Abigail - 12/24/24
"I'm am bangladeshi for a reason can you figure it out please and kick Jews and pet my fox quick the pavement will be zapped Ok " - 100 letters - Abdurthegoat - 12/24/24
"a fox runs a thousand miles before giving up and having a quick dinner with Jasper the lazy dog" - 77 letters - sigma - 12/24/24
"Hi.I think that you should really start believing in yourself more. Fail all you want,but NEVER bail. Quiet your mind,find your calm,find your peace. Just sit. It will be okay.-Zix" - 141 letters - Zix - 12/24/24
"i love my mother so much because she takes care of me and me other brothers also she buys us presents and games to play with, we havent gone to a zoo yet bc i only love geometry, exagon and more quantity . Yea just all that ." - 174 letters - Pol - 12/24/24
"I love you so much thanks for all you do for me best extra special mother in the world my amazing joyful queen." - 88 letters - Hey - 12/24/24
"a meaningless life can only be fixed by drinking lots of perfect quality, zestful, vodka, whiskey or just any sort of alcohol" - 101 letters - manuto - 12/24/24
"Zebras often puke mid afternoon but not always for example yesterday evening when all seemed calm jumping things quietened to hear the zebras vomit......thankyou" - 132 letters - Squibble - 12/24/24
"a nigger has played minecraft so you know waht to do with boris and qintel and zyanna and michal jackson and vinelxa" - 95 letters - sifon - 12/24/24
"A cat walked just outside of the batman-themed cafeteria. It was going to Transylvania to answer questions made by xyz. After that it went to Panama." - 120 letters - - 12/24/24
"hello guys i am from germany but i can speak five languages like dutch and many more and i dont have a jobbut i am still on my life quest with my freinds from xxzz" - 129 letters - ding dong - 12/24/24
"I once went to the sea and I saw zebras there. I also played my magic xylophone. Then I went on a quest to find a very terrified jester being attacked by a king. I saved them both." - 139 letters - Clarissa Smith - 12/24/24
"A gummy bear chased me but i said i was going into a queue and lied then screamed joking while i ran off to the zoo with my five xylophones" - 110 letters - Person - 12/24/24
"last year i shfhsdiuhuityesytesghuiahwiudgbcbxvihseojvlmkbkdmmbmnknznivhsihgiipryorotpo[repfpsjpkfpkkqpoqqqqqqqqqqq" - 111 letters - ifarted - 12/24/24
"Hi You are a queen and just because you are poor does not mean you can not eat food or grass veggies or watermelon go to Kenya and see zebras and xylophones " - 125 letters - Slayy queen💅 - 12/24/24
"I am made of wood because I am a tree and my friends are Xander and Jack and they have rizz and I see a quail pooping. " - 91 letters - AnonymousD - 12/24/24
"I dont like the alone that qwerty is so cunning like a fox is so vixing. Zero times has jam or Pam break into my house. " - 92 letters - Me - 12/24/24
"i am the globgloglabalab the scrubledubledubledibledubledab fnjkpqxywzv" - 65 letters - th5 - 12/24/24
"daniel is a zoinkydoodleflop with a love for dumb oreos and quaint x folllowers with a hatred for jam sandwiches and he is gay" - 103 letters - harry - 12/24/24
"a monkey had a orange he wanted another he had to solve a quiz he also wanted a banana ,some chocolate a xylephone a fork he had completed the quiz but the person did not give him the prize give the poor monkey some justice" - 178 letters - - 12/24/24
"YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT LEMON DEMON ON SPOTIFY NOW! and also bgjvxzqr" - 54 letters - Lemon demon fan XD - 12/24/24
"high and low, strong and weak, and up and down are all examples of opposites. cookie jar. basketball . vase. queen. zebra. Coyotes." - 100 letters - anonomous person - 12/24/24
"At at Zac up no no koi hi rhfb end he dune is enxhurncu envy etc th v did dnhx uhrcbtvbtvnrnzhqaqnsxusxnhdnrh haven ?nnhfcihedcnihcdnwihcnwidhcdhicncihfbvhtbvhvtihvtihfinhfcihbefcihefcih efcihefcinhefcih fvihbfyvfyf nfhvmdkqwer hero w magical Shanghai js job nc own s own mcsjdjwmdjsnsknswjsjddjdmxjsjndjsjsjwjscnsjndxjswhen smash shame hahaha qq qq qq qq qq qq way " - 318 letters - Casey kenni - 12/24/24
"Hello, my name is Quarpad Gibechief and I eat xylophones with my friend Zavior Jakes" - 69 letters - me - 12/24/24
"It's a beautiful day while there are some quick pterodactyls are swimming in zebra water James is my brother and my name is Victoria xx" - 110 letters - Victoria - 12/24/24
"A is the most common used letter in the alphabet or E cause it also is mostly used in words like: queen the and more this is a really long sentence like wow i can’t believe it i’m gonna start freaking out xjzxjzzjxjzjxjxjzjxjzjxjxjxjx" - 189 letters - Bryan - 12/24/24
"the alphabet has twenty-six letters thats kinda crazy i’m gonna be using all of them this is not a joke and you know that queen never cry meme that’s the end" - 124 letters - Bryan - 12/24/24
"hi my name is quandale dingle and i am ding dong ditching a person but what if they get revenge i don’t know should i do it and when i go to shops i want a xylophone they are my favorite and the guy i was ding dong ditching was named zach or you could call him john" - 207 letters - Bryan - 12/24/24
"The quick brown fox jumps over the dark green lizard with joy" - 50 letters - Bulbasaur - 12/24/24
"Somebody once told me The world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the zhed She was looking kind of dumb With her finger and her thumb In the shape of an 'L' on her forehead Well, the years start coming And they dqon't stop coming xed to the rules and I hit the ground runningj Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb So much to do, so much to see So what's wrong with taking the back streets? You'll never know if you don't go You'll never shine if you don't glow Hey now, you're an all star Get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shooting stars break the mold It's a cool place and they say it gets colder You're bundled up now, wait 'til you get older But the meteor men beg to differ Judging by the hole in the satellite picture The ice we skate is getting pretty thin The water's getting warm so you might as well swim My world's on fire, how about yours? That's the way I like it and I never get bored Hey now, you're an all star Get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star Get the show on, get paid All that glitters is gold Only shooting stars break the mold (Go for the moon, go, go) (Go for the moon, go, go) (Go for the moon) (Go, go, go for the moon) Hey now, you're an all star Get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shooting stars Somebody once asked 'Could I spare some change for gas? I need to get myself away from this place' I said, 'Yep, what a concept I could use a little fuel myself' And we could all use a little change Well, the years start coming And they don't stop coming Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb So much to do, so much to see So what's wrong with taking the back streets? You'll never know if you don't go (go!) You'll never shine if you don't glow Hey now, you're an all star Get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star Get the show on, get paid And all that glitters is gold Only shooting stars break the mold And all that glitters is gold Only shooting stars break the mold" - 1700 letters - oi oi oi baka - 12/24/24
"a lazy quick brown fox jumps over a hot dog" - 34 letters - heheboi999 - 12/24/24
"'I deserve her' no you don't. Abcfgjklmpqwxz" - 34 letters - Hoe hoe hoe merry follicles - 12/24/24
"the quick fox jumps over the lazy dog and bmw" - 36 letters - sidthekid - 12/24/24
"Powered by Genius [Intro: Obie Trice & Eminem] Obie Trice, real name, no gimmicks Ra— Two trailer-park girls go round the outside Round the outside, round the outside Two trailer-park girls go round the outside Round the outside, round the outside Woo (Ooh, ooh) [Refrain: Eminem] Guess who's back, back again? Shady's back, tell a friend Guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back (Na-na-na, na, na, na, na, na, na) (Na-na-na, na, na, na, na) [Verse 1: Eminem] I've created a monster 'Cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more, they want Shady, I'm chopped liver Well, if you want Shady, this is what I'll give ya A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor Some vodka that'll jump-start my heart quicker Than a shock when I get shocked at the hospital By the doctor when I'm not cooperating When I'm rockin' the table while he's operating (Hey) You waited this long, now stop debating 'Cause I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovulating I know that you got a job, Ms. Cheney But your husband's heart problem's complicating So the FCC won't let me be Or let me be me, so let me see They tried to shut me down on MTV But it feels so empty without me So come on and dip, bum on your lips Fuck that, cum on your lips and some on your tits And get ready, 'cause this shit's about to get heavy I just settled all my lawsuits (Fuck you, Debbie) [Chorus: Eminem] Now, this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me I said this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me [Verse 2: Eminem] Little hellions, kids feeling rebellious Embarrassed, their parents still listen to Elvis They start feelin' like prisoners, helpless 'Til someone comes along on a mission and yells, 'Bitch' A visionary, vision is scary Could start a revolution, pollutin' the airwaves A rebel, so just let me revel and bask In the fact that I got everyone kissin' my ass And it's a disaster, such a catastrophe For you to see so damn much of my ass, you asked for me? Well, I'm back, da-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na Fix your bent antenna, tune it in, and then I'm gonna Enter in and up under your skin like a splinter The center of attention, back for the winter I'm interesting, the best thing since wrestling Infesting in your kid's ears and nesting Testing, 'Attention, please' Feel the tension soon as someone mentions me Here's my ten cents, my two cents is free A nuisance, who sent? You sent for me? [Chorus: Eminem] Now, this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me I said this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me [Verse 3: Eminem] A tisket, a tasket, I'll go tit-for-tat wit' Anybody who's talkin', 'This shit, that shit' Chris Kirkpatrick, you can get your ass kicked Worse than them little Limp Bizkit bastards And Moby? You can get stomped by Obie You thirty-six-year-old bald-headed fag, blow me You don't know me, you're too old, let go It's over, nobody listens to techno Now, let's go, just give me the signal I'll be there with a whole list full of new insults I've been dope, suspenseful with a pencil Ever since Prince turned himself into a symbol But, sometimes, the shit just seems Everybody only wants to discuss me So this must mean I'm disgusting But it's just me, I'm just obscene (Yeah) Though I'm not the first king of controversy I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley To do Black music so selfishly And use it to get myself wealthy (Hey) There's a concept that works Twenty million other white rappers emerge But no matter how many fish in the sea It'd be so empty without me [Chorus: Eminem] Now, this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me I said this looks like a job for me So everybody, just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me [Outro: Eminem] Hum, dei-dei, la-la La-la, la-la-la La-la, la-la-la La-la, la-la Hum, dei-dei, la-la La-la, la-la-la La-la, la-la-la La-la, la-la Kids" - 3296 letters - rel slim shady - 12/24/24
"The grown foxes quietly jumped back into view at the zoo" - 46 letters - Beans - 12/24/24
"Xylophones are making funny but very well-meaning music just so we can jazz and quickly tap dance!" - 80 letters - Funny hooman - 12/24/24
"the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy gals" - 37 letters - belle - 12/24/24
"Oh how this sentence doesnt make sense, I like zebras? Do you? JINX! Knock on wood, the food is good, purple queen or vowel?" - 94 letters - The epic - 12/24/24
"I love you Cindy and I want to know if you would want to be more then good friends but more like partner just let me know what you think and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me xoxo Angela Quezada " - 167 letters - Angela Quezada - 12/24/24
"all names are beautiful, like Olivia or Xavier or Zoey. All names are just as good as the next to come. People don't understand and question what they have their name, but their name is beautiful, just like everyones." - 172 letters - Lydia Jones - 12/24/24
"The smart little bobcat named spirit jumped far while quickly climbing his dad's shoulders to get a view, which examines the zoo" - 105 letters - W - 12/24/24
"an open penguin is not closed and thus will not catch z's when it sleeps, meaning koalas are just not quick and both koalas and penguins follow very strict xylophone music." - 139 letters - kk - 12/24/24
"I want to nuke the russian federation,china,moscow and seventeen other powerful countries,moscow is y 233 x 188 and z299,a b22 bomber will probably inherently,unquestioned,and justified wqy to cause a globas war" - 175 letters - P - 12/24/24
"queens shall joyfully maul xenophobic kings who are derivent of zeus" - 58 letters - :) - 12/24/24
"I think beans are the best for quiet zippy foxes because of the damage to the jewel in the vault" - 77 letters - BEans dave - 12/24/24
"Bus arrived late and so I had to wait for so long it bcs of X Y Z km per square Jim" - 62 letters - Ily - 12/24/24
"today I went home just to knock so Fergus would visit the pet quantum zebra Xavier" - 67 letters - Ily - 12/24/24
"My dad sucked my balls so hard they got cut off and my mom too “ahh” suck it daddy my pp hurts a lot I told them to quit but they won’t stop and they were jumping on my balls my dads name is Vero and my moms name is Zeren Elon Musk sons name is XÆ-43" - 191 letters - Theodore - 12/24/24
"So we meet at last i was wondering when we might The nerve of some people am i right Zooks sorry i have to go sorry Hey what are you doing here Get away from me Cyle What me no way i mean that is not possible what a queen in the united states no sure your lying confess i feel sick cyle uhhhhhhhhh where am i what the crap where am i and why is there grape juice by me My word Cyle get me out of your room and dont just act like its normall for me to be in your room and you to be exersicing go away aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - 662 letters - even - 12/24/24
"Shut up get a husband yall cjkfmioqrvwxz" - 34 letters - xx - 12/24/24
"The quick fox jumped over the lazy dogs benign wolf " - 42 letters - Thecoolboy2933 - 12/24/24
"Zoey went to the James Park. I don't know if she left yet or not. Good question, she could have gone with Xavier. I know she took the bus to get there" - 114 letters - yay - 12/24/24
"Hey, what are you doing? looking at zebras? maybe just maybe they will be pink one day quite the imagination huh? anyway come for some free vaseline and xylophone" - 130 letters - - 12/24/24
"what do i use, bcfgjklmnpqrv xy z" - 26 letters - i did good - 12/24/24
"A big big big man walk over to me and sida eat my Ass at my zoo and i was like put dont the sarcasom and be quiet fuck you jump out x" - 101 letters - Ella vickers - 12/24/24
"uhhhhh er skibidi dop dop dop yes yes and crap fight jake paul while quaking via rizzing up your mom said by xaivier" - 94 letters - colten - 12/24/24
"My Grandma was a very kind a loving woman that cared about quite a few people though some of them were very odd like Zendaya and Jake who plays the xylophone." - 127 letters - Your mom - 12/24/24
"When given a job, you must work to your fullest extent. When asked to babysit, be quick, please. When zombies attack, you fight back." - 103 letters - Mooooooooo - 12/24/24
"I like potato’s I don’t like tomato’s I’m going fishing, cuz I’m on a mission, THE QUEEN OF HEARTS BUM VUM JAXY WAN" - 86 letters - Kennyzzz - 12/24/24
"I can do the abcs? a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z !" - 39 letters - poo <3 - 12/24/24
"Hello! I my favorite pokemon is muk. mi sley queen because i like doors. jabba the hutt is amazing and i like watermelon and xylophones" - 108 letters - x - 12/24/24
"a quick red fox jumps over the brown dog lazily" - 38 letters - Nigga ass bitch - 12/24/24
"zamn foxy girl you pee out dat thang??? fuck it's all over the place sopping wet quick get the japanese bath towel " - 89 letters - g - 12/24/24
"About everything, I am sorry for saying that you’re a completely idiotic imbecile that can’t do or complete a simple task, just ignore what I said, zero questions. Exactly none." - 141 letters - Blank - 12/24/24
"The first time i was a big butt i liked you and peanuts and butter and jelly.(you) ??? Que??????????????? Vcxz" - 70 letters - Alice - 12/24/24
"all the silence just makes it worse really cause it leave you so top of mind for me all the silence is just your strategy cause it leaves you so top of mind for meeeee.. we never talk about how how you found god at your exs house always made sure the phone was face down seems like things are going on im just the bitch you hate now. q z" - 264 letters - sabrina carpenter - 12/24/24
"I am busy, go for now im working on a zoo, also im to busy on working on dozen computer for the queen Julie of England, not Von get thw xylophone." - 112 letters - Parker - 12/24/24
"addie today, she ate a bowl of cereal and she loved it very much, and then she ate some pie and was joking around with her friends and they gave her a xylophone she loves xylophones so much and queer people with zebras." - 174 letters - adelaide.m - 12/24/24
"I am amazing and a slay queen. That is because feathers jump like kites upon whales of exits vails" - 79 letters - slayqueen - 12/23/24
"A near by zebra jumps the fence down by the dinosaur x-ing give her a chance though their actually a queen or maybe a king " - 97 letters - Shomoggie - 12/23/24
"Agatha is the best and Mist beautiful MCU character to ever exist.With her own series she probably started something bigger Zahn only a series :the genZ Avengers , you know some of them already:Billy Maximoff ,Peter Parker and Co , but however were going to miss black widow,played by Scarlett Johansso,if you still have questions ,just ask. " - 275 letters - HeheheIdidithehebe - 12/23/24
"the fox zipped across bridgets jokingly quick dog very well mom." - 53 letters - claire - 12/23/24
"My Mother feels like she winks valiantly at oxen because dudes zipper quails with gardening jackets." - 84 letters - Johnny - 12/23/24
"And so you think you're able To survive this mess by being a prince or a princess You will soon see There's no escaping tragedy And even If you put in heaps of effort You're just wasting energy 'Cause your life as you know it, is ancient history I have suffered in this jail I've been trapped inside this cage for ages This living hell! But if I try, I can remember Back before my life had ended Before my happy days were over Before I first heard the peeling of the bell Like you, I was curious So innocent, I asked a thousand questions But unless you want to suffer Listen up and I will teach you A thing or two You listen here, my dear You'll be punished so severely if you step out of line And if you cry, it will be double You should stay out of trouble And remember to be extremely careful Why? Why? Why? Did you hear what we said? Just you wait for Phys-ZEd! " - 675 letters - - 12/23/24
"the quail plays the xylophone like jk rowling and a zebra during the civil war with her family." - 77 letters - Lucy - 12/23/24
"bela is the best person ever in the whole intier world just like blaze fox and the queen of the country of geroneym " - 93 letters - dfghjk - 12/23/24
"Hey Zoe, are you all right after your X-ray?it looked quite scary and painful. Well now we can get some jam buns with Victoria." - 99 letters - Siabhra Spain - 12/23/24
"i like turtels that scream in pain while being feeden in a queue by jusyin bieber and zeya volts and xavier" - 87 letters - sab - 12/23/24
"a donught factory guy once said to me: wait! be careful, zebras operate here. Jake played the xylophone to the queen of vans. Me " - 100 letters - srfgvzbhgstde - 12/23/24
"maximize the gyat by jumping rope for Kentucky so yo lame ass Volkswagen don't scare the queens" - 78 letters - - 12/23/24
"a cantaloupe borrowed a sexy queen's vacuum just for a goated zebra's kitchen" - 63 letters - - 12/23/24
"bluey is an australian blue heeler dog. bingo is her little sister, and she is a red heeler. they play many games together, including, playing with a xylophone, a stuffed zebra, seeing kangaroos, and playing queens. they love to joke around, they love to play, they love ice cream, but most importantly, they love each other." - 256 letters - god, i ngl wrote a whole paragraph - 12/23/24
"hello i am very sigma and skibidi i also like cookies and parfait and jam along with the queens exciting ztuff" - 90 letters - the skibidi girl - 12/23/24
"Although i have a big xylophone i also need a zoom call to quit with a fun and rocky juice box to go with it " - 84 letters - Oli - 12/23/24
"hey mat pat are u gay cuz i am hehehh im pan lolzies AHAHAHWHUEHWHWHWGWGGWHEHWJHW I love coquette Flip da pan book omg I met my ex" - 105 letters - hi - 12/23/24
"Love yourself, don't do any quizes go to a park and hug jallal cause he’s a baddie mom, Xenia is a weak woman!" - 83 letters - Sop - 12/23/24
"A joyful dog and his best rock Mo went to the park of Quvxioz" - 48 letters - JACKHEVT - 12/23/24
"a quick brown fox jumps by the lazy dogv" - 32 letters - hehe - 12/23/24
"Subscribe to the channel I have quick posting and here is some facts about me, my favorite drinks are sprite and water, I surprisingly dont like apple juice, I like foxes and kitties, i like zigzags." - 159 letters - Rainbow_Owner - 12/23/24
"A zebra is similar to a xylophone because they have both drove a van into the queen with frogs for jokes." - 84 letters - Lu.lu - 12/23/24
"The stripes of a zebra have lots of similarities with xylophone keys because the queen made a good joke about it." - 92 letters - Lu.lu - 12/23/24
"A baby went to the supermarket with his mum to get a bottle of coke and him and his brothers Zander, queen and venus went to get some jam with his mum and ended up getting a xilophone." - 145 letters - the rizzler - 12/23/24
"oh sweety, anything I can do for you, is anything I will be doing for myself, by serving p humbly. I am grateful for qok and juice axe z." - 104 letters - wifuu - 12/23/24
"i love bonding friends & family because its joyful and exhilarating, especially when we crochet quilts, flying kites, and painting zebras!" - 113 letters - babushka - 12/23/24
"I really love zebras and gramophones tomorrow kangaroo wangjangling Xanax for cam quez" - 74 letters - deez - 12/23/24
"a quick black anomaly kills the civilians in gaylord using fatness powers from little johnny with a xilophone or however you spell it with zuhzero" - 122 letters - zuhzero - 12/23/24
"That girl has the most bootylisious gyatt in the whole flippin universe, like beez nuts could jelque all over that thangx" - 100 letters - me :3 - 12/23/24
"The growing zephyr Lilly burns like an ox in a very judgemental car that is on fire. Q." - 68 letters - Beaux - 12/23/24
"Being an A student really makes my life catchy and not poor. I also like Jackfruit, Quilts, Xylophones, the game Vex 5, Water, and Zebras" - 107 letters - Nano - 12/23/24
"I truly enjoy being with my mother and I also enjoy having cats around with me I have two cats there names are axle frank and zap they are not quiet at all but I love them " - 135 letters - Chloe - 12/23/24
"How trivial, queues are pointless and bring misery to zillions of children and families, just like X-rays " - 86 letters - Ali - 12/23/24
"Living healthy and by the rules isn't forced on anyone, just be kool and your authentic self, you can be queer, pan and anything else, your pronouns can be anything, like mine : ze/zim/xyr so why should you live so simply when you can be more creative and more..you! " - 206 letters - nyxxie (they/xyr/ze/zim) - 12/23/24
"i dont like you and what the heck do you call that shit, also slay queen because the world needs it. i found a box yesterday while i was listenning to JUNO by SABRINA CARPENTER my mom forgot me as a kid at the zoo as i said vroom vroom playiong with cars" - 200 letters - Unknown mentally unstable human - 12/23/24
"a bat a cat and alpha dog walk in a bar and sip a drink infront of the Queen and a zebra a monk a hippy and a xzow Fijiv" - 91 letters - Isla Mcmath - 12/23/24
"[Verse 1: Tyler, The Creator] Comparing scars before dinner Jump off the roof into the mirror Felt like summer to my December Was it my August? Shit, I don't remember (Two, three, go) I know my temperature was set You finally flew south The bird gon' leave the nest, you're so chromatic At least I had it (Uh) Instead of never Or maybe I'm too dramatic (Two, three, go) [Chorus: CeeLo Green] Whether it's rain or shine, I know I'm fine for now My love's gone, my love's gone My love's gone, oh, gone (Two, three, go) Or maybe it's just a dream that I can't seem to wake up from My love's gone, my love's gone My love's gone, gone [Post-Chorus: Tyler, The Creator] Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone See Tyler, The Creator Live Get tickets as low as $73 You might also like Sticky Tyler, The Creator Darling, I Tyler, The Creator Thought I Was Dead Tyler, The Creator [Verse 2: Tyler, The Creator] I know love is, is all I got I just hope to God she got good taste Could put you on some shit you never seen Could play a couple songs that you could dance to I hope you know she can't compete with me [Chorus: CeeLo Green] Whether it's rain or shine, I know I'm fine for now My love's gone, my love's gone My love's gone, oh, gone Or maybe it's just a dream that I can't seem to wake up from My love's gone, my love's gone My love's gone, oh, gone [Bridge: Tyler, The Creator] You kept me goin', the Band-Aid is falling off now (Keep) You kept me goin', the Band-Aid is falling off now (Keep) You keep me goin', the Band-Aid is falling off now (Gone, gone, gone) Going away, and now I'm scarred for life [Interlude: CeeLo Green] My love is gone (Gone), my love is gone (Gone) My love is gone (It's gone), my love is gone [Verse 3: Tyler, The Creator] Ayo (My love is gone) It's poison in that gumbo Emotion, feel Dumbo Ask me where my love go That bitch walked outside the front door (My love is gone) Knock, knock, knock, knock (Who is it?) I'm not shocked, I brought this on me It's my fault, you gon' leave Lesson taught, see The weatherman told me it wasn't rainin' My stupid ass brought umbrellas I got a glimpse of your cloud and felt better Now it's 90 degrees, and all the tricks up my sleeve Is drenched in sweat and delusion because I jet to conclusions You got your thing, I got nothing but memories I know your secrets, nigga (Yeah) I'm not bitter or nothing, I understand that Everybody making a choice according to plan and We had two different blueprints, but understood influence You opened up early on, I thought I had a permit You started buildin' a bridge and turned it into a fence Then my buildin' got tore down all because of your new tenant I'll just buy up some new shit, never down with a lease You never lived in your truth, I'm just happy I lived in it But I finally found peace, so peace (Need me to do it over? Everything) [Outro: Jerrod Carmichael] I hate wasted potential, that shit crushes your spirit It really does, it crushes your soul [Part II: THANK YOU] [Chorus: Tyler, The Creator] Thank you for the love Thank you for the joy But I don't ever wanna fall in love again Thank you for the time Thank you for your mind, mind But I don't ever wanna fall in love again [Bridge: Tyler, The Creator] (Got my eye) I said go, go [Chorus: Tyler, The Creator] Thank you for the love Thank you for the joy But I don't ever wanna fall in love again Thank you for the time Thank you for your mind, mind But I don't ever wanna fall in love again [Outro: Tyler, The Creator] Again, again Again, again (QXZ)" - 2645 letters - tyler the creator fan - 12/23/24
"merry christmas and happy new year you little quack fucking jabali vik xok zig nigga" - 70 letters - - 12/23/24
"My sad dad was on the couch crying because my xenophobic mum left him for her ex Victor Jones at r the zoo. She also met the queen and a koala. " - 111 letters - JD - 12/23/24
"I do not want to do what your telling me. It's frankly dumb and immature you little nincompoop. There is a bazillion other things I could do than just sit around making sentences out of the alphabet. You dummy, your names probably something like quandalius von excalibur the third." - 227 letters - IHATEPANGRAMS777 - 12/23/24
"hi dear amazing world, as I am the queen and you are just a pawn, I shall summon a bee, cat, ox, flying fox, kangaroo and a violinist to calm the animals" - 116 letters - ChinLikesOreos - 12/23/24
"the fox who sleeps and the hound who hunts. the zebra who is colorful and the elephant whos gray. jakie miller lays in bed and sleeps quietly with his stuffed vulture" - 134 letters - jhon - 12/23/24
"does it shower with fabulous quacking peonys mixed with very zebra jackeds" - 63 letters - - 12/23/24
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious pink flowers poop queens hardly joking moons be so very nice so are zebras" - 95 letters - Lillie - 12/23/24
"Qwertyuioplkmnjhbvgfcxdzsa Qwerty Uiop Asdf Ghjklzxcvbnm" - 52 letters - I love my elf - 12/23/24
"i am feeling very tired today so im going to head to sleep and hopefully get some rest, im very tired after playing BER ZER KER in my favorite game, called geometry dash. my account name is v1rix and another level i like is quenejenwent" - 189 letters - jajajaja you have not win.. you died!!! - 12/23/24
"all big foxes never smell zebras you told walt how jake quilts cans of porridge " - 65 letters - Eleanor - 12/23/24
"Hello how are you doing, I'm here to talk to Mr. Bjork my OBGYN. Can you please take me to his room on floor Q? I need to check out my vagina with an Xray. Then I'm gonna go home to my pet zebra." - 144 letters - - 12/23/24
"Hi,my name is Amelia and I slay the day. Yassss ,queen . My besties are Livvy and Rhea . Wait do you have more best friends.Girlie ,of course I do. Her name is Amelia Jade Meech.Kite are nice ,right . You need a Xray,Zach my pookie" - 174 letters - Amelia Watson - 12/23/24
"I love family and other animals such as zebras. The zoo is the best because there is kangroos and red pandas. I love ghost towns because they are cool to look at! I got this plush and it comes with a quilt of some sort. I have a clasmate that i hate called jackson. xray tecs came to my school and teched us about xray stuff." - 254 letters - Cass - 12/23/24
"i love apples and bananas and skibidi toilet rizz y/n is in a smut book xanny by billie eilish create more food for the quarter pounders great jolly mate what the skibidi" - 138 letters - payton - 12/23/24
"i am feeling quite zizful today, what about you? Are you zizful? Jk, lol. Cya laterrr loser!! :V :P XD" - 74 letters - t4uji5yhreiofghtop - 12/23/24
"the white and black zebra had an x-ray with his uncle Jaquis and his wife veronica at Pogmore hospital" - 83 letters - Anonymous - 12/23/24
"how many ice cream cones did the zebra eat great amounts of it he pooped jolly king and queen vice king too he crossed the xing" - 102 letters - megan - 12/23/24
"Kallum is a dummy and doesn't like goofy monkeys who can't breath or poqavxzj" - 62 letters - Deez - 12/23/24
"dude, why are you fucking the zebra's vagina, when john longmiper can help you with your inqures about zebra xxx" - 90 letters - erm - 12/23/24
"I don't have to be a strong woman to ride a zebra. A real queen pleasantly climbs freezing MT Everest. I'm just kidding. No one rides zebras, haha. If you do, they might need an X-ray." - 139 letters - Madinakafle - 12/23/24
" an extremely jacked zebra prancing very quickly through dark misty water fighting the currant" - 80 letters - Amelia - 12/23/24
"And now comes a beautiful lady that is so zesty perfectly jacked and gorg and a very good queen and she loves Xavier. " - 94 letters - Avocado - 12/23/24
"I will love you for as long as you will ever need me too i do not care if you ugly or hot all that matters is if your kind you are not a joke in life and you are so pretty inside and outside if we were to use a x-ray it would show only how sweet you are to humans you are a unique species,like izuku said “not everyone is born the same” but you can be who you are" - 278 letters - Lillith deveau - 12/23/24
"BCE's definition is 'BEFORE CHRIST' and AD's definition is 'AFTER DEATH...' did you know that? Well then, if you already knew... did you know that zebras have black stripes? Oh... everyone knows that, don't they? Good, I guess. Well, my name is joel. Not actually, but just call me joel. If you want to know my real name, I'm not telling you that. I AM FROM THE... void? No... I'm very inquisitive... my friend named 'RICKY' played the xylophone in a school band. That fact is true, by the way." - 359 letters - JOEL/ anoynmous? - 12/23/24
"The fox jumps in the lake with Dr. Zebra cause vagina is with you and Miss QR code " - 64 letters - Edyi_1707 on TikTok - 12/23/24
"I question my sanity at time dude, because fate could and can joke and vibe on my guesses, x and z are dumb letters however put." - 100 letters - Cath - 12/23/24
"Though hateful zebras lick xylophones, while jumping over doors, no one questions them. " - 72 letters - Will - 12/23/24
"I went happily to the zoo and capybaras, jaguars, kangaroos, monkeys, squirrels, xylophones, Vicky, and even fish were dead on the ground with no way out. " - 121 letters - Alpha Rizzler - 12/23/24
"Hi their talk bro was scary Man I hate it when purple Purple Did you know that zephyr Got an Xbox Vivian and Quincy Bought it for Josiah" - 109 letters - Aubrey - 12/23/24
"Trees and wind in water and in sea are only free when life itself is free. Green seems the best color but xylophones are colorful and free so why are zebras and jaquele Hyde not? Kristin Stewart and Vivian Lewis are." - 173 letters - Lucy - 12/23/24
"I hate myself and zebras and zebras dont eat popcorn or unicorn poop question mark just get going i need to take a very needed walk and an x ray " - 115 letters - i ahte myself:( - 12/23/24
"I have ugly zebras that have cans of the pee queen that docs James walking xylophone" - 69 letters - willy - 12/23/24
"Once, there was a zebra named Fiji. He liked to graze delicious grass. His owner, Queen Petal, was a vulture. She had a beautiful, wooden xylophone. " - 115 letters - AlbinoBear - 12/23/24
"My name is bingus and I have come to send a quite message to known man kind the message is take the love and joking and take the f in your assignment with xylophones and zebras" - 141 letters - Unknown - 12/23/24
"Big and small. Right and wrong with no doubt that we can all me and you ken and Barbie friends or Peppa pig jack quite liked velosraptors that means we can play the zylphone.xxx " - 142 letters - Norah - 12/23/24
"Wanna learn all the letters of the alphabet? There's, a and b c and d efghijk and... lnmop, qrs, tu, vwx, y and z! (Completely pointless)" - 99 letters - Anonymous - 12/23/24
"I had some apple pie and queer Jet isn't my wife? You're so xylophone zebra cake, very green yeepidee doo yoo yah yee ya" - 93 letters - Totally_Aria on Pinterest - 12/23/24
"I got here by using bored button, its a really fun website for when you're bored also I'm not sure how to add the letter z so I'll just put it like that, also the qwerty keyboard is nice and I totally didn't say qwerty just so that I can use up all the letters nuh uh no what do you mean??? I didn't know how to include v and x so there they are yahoo yee yoo ya " - 274 letters - Totally_Aria on Pinterest - 12/22/24
"Just know that at least one person in this entire world gives care and love to a beautiful, amazing, qween, excellent, and youthful person like you <3" - 119 letters - - Aura T - 12/22/24
"I love to destroy things and bake cupcakes for jazz parties were we saw queer memes xd " - 70 letters - AurA - 12/22/24
"my xlylophones are running but can they do anything but that. i fear that the janky wobling violen like questioning xylophones like zebras" - 115 letters - zxdcz - 12/22/24
"This is really hard, to make a panagram that is bcfjquvwxz" - 47 letters - - 12/22/24
"hairy grandmas eating big chicken fries in an underwear bucket vowing that theyll enslave ziggaer xoperjq" - 90 letters - hairy grandma club - 12/22/24
"angel fist is very cool ajd i'm kazzzzksalalsoieieie idksnsnsn kendnsnwoieiruu dnsnsnsnsnsnsnnssnjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhxhxxpppppwwbbqbqbqbbqbqbqjsksjsksksjwjqjjqkqjejrjcjcjccckskqqqqqqkqkkakslsldlskksjdndnd dnjtjtkrrkkeksodlkrkrmfktlgogogogodlskks" - 239 letters - angie - 12/22/24
"Abs plus gremlinz don't quickly jinx white vlof" - 39 letters - raspberryjalapenojam - 12/22/24
"the fox with a sum gave patricia a blend of jacky quizzes" - 46 letters - - 12/22/24
"All the people are fake, they’re made out of metal but I like you and that is not fake (ew, that ugly zebra is coming towards me Xin!!, wait, did that question get asked to a valedictorian, Jim?? Wait sorry, Xin. Wait, what’s your name again?)" - 181 letters - Young royals fan ✨✨ - 12/22/24
"Jax said what queen val made cookies, pee is gay and fill ate zebras" - 54 letters - - 12/22/24
"Walk around the car baby daughter, queen val fishes many joes and Jaxes, petter the zebra ate." - 75 letters - Dani D - 12/22/24
"every banana created dumped most fat ghosts, they got x rays and found many people named quinn in their sandwiches made from pizza, just kidding " - 118 letters - Cool Guy - 12/22/24
"Alfred is not much of a buyer. Probably member of a jacked queen gang, who violently zoom into x-mas." - 79 letters - Love - 12/22/24
"As boys could do everything, foxes got fired just like men's panthers. So now I'm questioning zoos" - 78 letters - D.s - 12/22/24
"All good but also helpful people and X-Men enjoyers organize clothes according to blackness, quality and field of view they provide." - 109 letters - TheOFtapeVol.2 - 12/22/24
"the greedy fox went to make breakfast for the quick lion very slowly as he was too lazy to jump into its cave" - 87 letters - o - 12/22/24
"'richard nixon was being jumpy' quotes favola kaz " - 40 letters - - 12/22/24
"The crazy monk, lui jbdfgpqsvxw." - 26 letters - Moi - 12/22/24
"Eating pies on many different picnic tables with Kings, Queens and Jesters whilst zebras play vibrant xylophones." - 95 letters - E - 12/22/24
"Viktor Nation, how we feeling? Jayce, Jaybe or Jaybe not? What are we some kind of League of Legends? Hexstrap...? Zaun and Quan?" - 97 letters - Viktor Nation - 12/22/24
"Hi how are you doing today? Nice zebras? Funny thing to say eh jasyon? Ooh lets go look at some kangaroos. Or the queen of England or some pigs! Vecotrs or xylophone" - 129 letters - E - 12/22/24
"The sexy zomby questions jacking off while watching pornograffick videos " - 63 letters - Nikh - 12/22/24
"A banana, a strawberry, a kiwi, an orange, a dragonfruit, a guava, and an avocado huddle under a quilted, zippered, sleeping bag, journeying far in their sleepy, exaggerated dreams." - 142 letters - Birb - 12/22/24
"Caroline and brought two kites named Zoe and XQFJOand a puppy named Vik" - 59 letters - IMNOTSHARINGMYNAME - 12/22/24
"Here are the lyrics to the alphabet song: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z Now I know my ABCs Next time, won't you sing with me?" - 101 letters - elemenopee - 12/22/24
"Hi Mr man I looking for Mrs and Mr zebra yippy their ex's want to see them and come to jam with them and quilt and vile" - 92 letters - Angie - 12/22/24
"Hi I am cool but you probably dont think so.That makes me sad... my lips are quivering. I wish everything was free, and jewels are pretty. Have you ever thought stripes on a zebra were pretty? Xmas is pretty." - 161 letters - Shayana - 12/22/24
"Do you spell this instrument like : xylophone or zylofoam or cyblagjoqvone w" - 63 letters - Lz - 12/22/24
"hello my love, you are the best! i wish good times for you- not bad ones- You are, cute, peculiar,like a queen, and you kind of remind me of a zebra! Jokes aside, wanna play the xylophone one day?" - 147 letters - not telling u - 12/22/24
"so how are we going to kill brad from canada if we are all the way in japan? i mean its quite a predicament. might have to look on x.com for a solution, hopefully a gen z kid has a solution" - 145 letters - Goldbricker32 - 12/22/24
"The spotted dog named zane ran fast in jay's kitten's lubby's cage. Jay question his owner vix and yelled at him" - 88 letters - - 12/22/24
"Today I went jackboxing and a rat fucked my zephyr quarz lament seriously over" - 65 letters - Eddie - 12/22/24
"The lazy sloth is liked by the quick yet and fast wolf that plays the violin and Xbox and lives in Japan and writes books and eats greens and like most of everything " - 133 letters - - 12/22/24
" Yesterday,Zahra,Bethanie , Giulietta, Xerxes and Margo caught up and went to fun and questionably joke filled violin classes " - 103 letters - Ari - 12/22/24
"I love to pop open jars of fish and I also like to play in the mud. I bop my cat on the head with a xylophone and I like to eat cooked zucchini and guacamole. I also hate quizes" - 136 letters - Maddie - 12/22/24
"The lazy dog jumped over the bawling xylophone cat killed its family and the queen " - 68 letters - Nirvana - 12/22/24
"Yesterday I wrote a pangram while exploring clicktheredbutton.com but it was to jazzy and funny to verify my questions" - 99 letters - IDK. Im a duck? - 12/22/24
"Are you in love with me? Because the x-ray which shows me your heart says you are really happy and joyful when you are with me. You are going to be my quixotic man and we are going to kiss under the moon and u are so zesty " - 172 letters - DANA UND ARABELLA - 12/22/24
"I like cheese so muck I want to put it in a zoo with the bees and make it wrestle the queen bee and then I'll give the queen bee an x ray to see if it's still alive jk " - 126 letters - Forty Mc butt face - 12/22/24
"Education is very important in the terms of bullies and queens - not really.. Zimbabwe is killed by xexox companies who ate grapes with jelly" - 114 letters - Kimflower - 12/22/24
"God couldn't forgive like this but I am pixilated with your zoo job quest" - 59 letters - Sibahle - 12/22/24
"A book cut inside far pig quack hat wave xylophone jam zit" - 47 letters - Izzy - 12/22/24
"No thinking about real feelings! Pretending not to notice...? Absolute truths and one's heart And the safety zone is shrinking just like that Selling wounds by piece Shout feebly, what shameful conduct. Recommended for YOU! THE ULTIMATE ESCAPE!!! Even if you fall into a sweet trap, YOU CAN BE SAVED? Now, you can't really be sane in this world Pretending to not know and to give oneself up is the Most optimal solution? If a bouquet decorated with words steals your heart, are you sure it's real? To an event where everything gets tainted, You are invited Farewell! The holes of the Outward appearance made by this age can be deceived by true acting The palpitations of the heart are reckless, and noisy My remaining lives are dwindling ;-; and my durability is running out I'm trying to run away from the scene in front of me, but Living has me at my limit! Someone, save us, please? (xx♪ 'You are getting sleepy' I'm being shallowly mesmerized A smokescreen around my whole head and body Could it be, I've been tricked!? A coin swinging before me After I've been immobilized 'This is good enough.' Even I've been tricked and carefully shut down 'You are ge